/* pnmtosgi.c - convert portable anymap to SGI image ** ** Copyright (C) 1994 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) ** ** Based on the SGI image description v0.9 by Paul Haeberli (paul@sgi.comp) ** Available via ftp from sgi.com:graphics/SGIIMAGESPEC ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. ** ** 29Jan94: first version ** Feb 2010 afu ** Added dimension check to prevent short int from overflowing */ #include "pnm.h" #include "sgi.h" #include "mallocvar.h" /*#define DEBUG*/ typedef short ScanElem; typedef struct { ScanElem * data; long length; } ScanLine; /* prototypes */ static void put_big_short ARGS((short s)); static void put_big_long ARGS((long l)); #define put_byte(b) (void)(putc((unsigned char)(b), stdout)) static void put_short_as_byte ARGS((short s)); static void write_table ARGS((long *table, int tabsize)); static void write_channels ARGS((int cols, int rows, int channels, void (*put) ARGS((short)) )); static long * build_channels ARGS((FILE *ifp, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format, int bpc, int channels)); static ScanElem *compress ARGS((ScanElem *temp, int row, int rows, int cols, int chan_no, long *table, int bpc)); static int rle_compress ARGS((ScanElem *inbuf, int cols)); #define WORSTCOMPR(x) (2*(x) + 2) #define MAXVAL_BYTE 255 #define MAXVAL_WORD 65535 #define INT16MAX 32767 static char storage = STORAGE_RLE; static ScanLine * channel[3]; static ScanElem * rletemp; static xel * pnmrow; static void write_header(int const cols, int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const bpc, int const dimensions, int const channels, const char * const imagename) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG pm_message("writing header"); #endif put_big_short(SGI_MAGIC); put_byte(storage); put_byte((char)bpc); put_big_short(dimensions); put_big_short(cols); put_big_short(rows); put_big_short(channels); put_big_long(0); /* PIXMIN */ put_big_long(maxval); /* PIXMAX */ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) put_byte(0); for( i = 0; i < 79 && imagename[i] != '\0'; i++ ) put_byte(imagename[i]); for(; i < 80; i++ ) put_byte(0); put_big_long(CMAP_NORMAL); for( i = 0; i < 404; i++ ) put_byte(0); } int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { FILE *ifp; int argn; const char * const usage = "[-verbatim|-rle] [-imagename <name>] [pnmfile]"; int cols, rows, format; xelval maxval, newmaxval; const char *imagename = "no name"; int bpc, dimensions, channels; long *table = NULL; pnm_init(&argc, argv); argn = 1; while( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0' ) { if( pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-verbatim", 2) ) storage = STORAGE_VERBATIM; else if( pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-rle", 2) ) storage = STORAGE_RLE; else if( pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-imagename", 2) ) { if( ++argn >= argc ) pm_usage(usage); imagename = argv[argn]; } else pm_usage(usage); ++argn; } if( argn < argc ) { ifp = pm_openr( argv[argn] ); argn++; } else ifp = stdin; if( argn != argc ) pm_usage(usage); pnm_readpnminit(ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format); if( rows>INT16MAX || cols>INT16MAX ) pm_error ("Input image is too large."); pnmrow = pnm_allocrow(cols); switch( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) ) { case PBM_TYPE: newmaxval = PGM_MAXMAXVAL; pm_message("promoting PBM to PGM"); case PGM_TYPE: newmaxval = maxval; dimensions = 2; channels = 1; break; case PPM_TYPE: newmaxval = maxval; dimensions = 3; channels = 3; break; default: pm_error("can\'t happen"); } if( newmaxval <= MAXVAL_BYTE ) bpc = 1; else if( newmaxval <= MAXVAL_WORD ) bpc = 2; else pm_error("maxval too large - try using \"pnmdepth %d\"", MAXVAL_WORD); table = build_channels(ifp, cols, rows, newmaxval, format, bpc, channels); pnm_freerow(pnmrow); pm_close(ifp); write_header(cols, rows, newmaxval, bpc, dimensions, channels, imagename); if( table ) write_table(table, rows * channels); if( bpc == 1 ) write_channels(cols, rows, channels, put_short_as_byte); else write_channels(cols, rows, channels, put_big_short); exit(0); } static void write_table(long * table, int const tabsize) { int i; long offset; #ifdef DEBUG pm_message("writing table"); #endif offset = HeaderSize + tabsize * 8; for( i = 0; i < tabsize; i++ ) { put_big_long(offset); offset += table[i]; } for( i = 0; i < tabsize; i++ ) put_big_long(table[i]); } static void write_channels(int const cols,int const rows, int const channels, void (*put) (short)) { int i, row, col; #ifdef DEBUG pm_message("writing image data"); #endif for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) { for( row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { for( col = 0; col < channel[i][row].length; col++ ) { (*put)(channel[i][row].data[col]); } } } } static void put_big_short(short const s) { if ( pm_writebigshort( stdout, s ) == -1 ) pm_error( "write error" ); } static void put_big_long(long const l) { if ( pm_writebiglong( stdout, l ) == -1 ) pm_error( "write error" ); } static void put_short_as_byte(short const s) { put_byte((unsigned char)s); } static long * build_channels(FILE * const ifp, int const cols, int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const format, int const bpc, int const channels) { int i, row, col, sgirow; long *table = NULL; ScanElem *temp; #ifdef DEBUG pm_message("building channels"); #endif if( storage != STORAGE_VERBATIM ) { MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(table, channels * rows); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(rletemp, WORSTCOMPR(cols)); } MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(temp, cols); for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(channel[i], rows); for( row = 0, sgirow = rows-1; row < rows; row++, sgirow-- ) { pnm_readpnmrow(ifp, pnmrow, cols, maxval, format); if( channels == 1 ) { for( col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) temp[col] = (ScanElem)PNM_GET1(pnmrow[col]); temp = compress(temp, sgirow, rows, cols, 0, table, bpc); } else { for( col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) temp[col] = (ScanElem)PPM_GETR(pnmrow[col]); temp = compress(temp, sgirow, rows, cols, 0, table, bpc); for( col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) temp[col] = (ScanElem)PPM_GETG(pnmrow[col]); temp = compress(temp, sgirow, rows, cols, 1, table, bpc); for( col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) temp[col] = (ScanElem)PPM_GETB(pnmrow[col]); temp = compress(temp, sgirow, rows, cols, 2, table, bpc); } } free(temp); if( table ) free(rletemp); return table; } static ScanElem * compress(ScanElem * temp, int const row, int const rows, int const cols, int const chan_no, long * table, int const bpc) { int len, i, tabrow; ScanElem *p; switch( storage ) { case STORAGE_VERBATIM: channel[chan_no][row].length = cols; channel[chan_no][row].data = temp; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(temp, cols); break; case STORAGE_RLE: tabrow = chan_no * rows + row; len = rle_compress(temp, cols); /* writes result into rletemp */ channel[chan_no][row].length = len; MALLOCARRAY(p, len); channel[chan_no][row].data = p; for( i = 0; i < len; i++, p++ ) *p = rletemp[i]; table[tabrow] = len * bpc; break; default: pm_error("unknown storage type - can\'t happen"); } return temp; } /* slightly modified RLE algorithm from ppmtoilbm.c written by Robert A. Knop (rknop@mop.caltech.edu) */ static int rle_compress(ScanElem * const inbuf, int const size) { int in, out, hold, count; ScanElem *outbuf = rletemp; in=out=0; while( in<size ) { if( (in<size-1) && (inbuf[in]==inbuf[in+1]) ) { /*Begin replicate run*/ for( count=0,hold=in; in<size && inbuf[in]==inbuf[hold] && count<127; in++,count++) ; outbuf[out++]=(ScanElem)(count); outbuf[out++]=inbuf[hold]; } else { /*Do a literal run*/ hold=out; out++; count=0; while( ((in>=size-2)&&(in<size)) || ((in<size-2) && ((inbuf[in]!=inbuf[in+1])||(inbuf[in]!=inbuf[in+2]))) ) { outbuf[out++]=inbuf[in++]; if( ++count>=127 ) break; } outbuf[hold]=(ScanElem)(count | 0x80); } } outbuf[out++] = (ScanElem)0; /* terminator */ return(out); }