/* ppmtopcl.c - convert PPM into PCL language for HP PaintJet and * PaintJet XL color printers * AJCD 12/3/91 * * usage: * ppmtopcl [-nopack] [-gamma <n>] [-presentation] [-dark] * [-diffuse] [-cluster] [-dither] * [-xshift <s>] [-yshift <s>] * [-xshift <s>] [-yshift <s>] * [-xsize|-width|-xscale <s>] [-ysize|-height|-yscale <s>] * [ppmfile] * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "ppm.h" #define MAXCOLORS 1024 const char * const usage="[-nopack] [-gamma <n>] [-presentation] [-dark]\n\ [-diffuse] [-cluster] [-dither]\n\ [-xshift <s>] [-yshift <s>]\n\ [-xshift <s>] [-yshift <s>]\n\ [-xsize|-width|-xscale <s>] [-ysize|-height|-yscale <s>]\n\ [ppmfile]"; #define PCL_MAXWIDTH 2048 #define PCL_MAXHEIGHT 32767 #define PCL_MAXVAL 255 static int nopack = 0; static int dark = 0; static int diffuse = 0; static int dither = 0; static int cluster = 0; static int xsize = 0; static int ysize = 0; static int xshift = 0; static int yshift = 0; static int quality = 0; static double xscale = 0.0; static double yscale = 0.0; static double gamma_val = 0.0; /* argument types */ #define DIM 0 #define REAL 1 #define BOOL 2 static const struct options { const char *name; int type; void *value; } options[] = { {"-gamma", REAL, &gamma_val }, {"-presentation", BOOL, &quality }, {"-width", DIM, &xsize }, {"-xsize", DIM, &xsize }, {"-height", DIM, &ysize }, {"-ysize", DIM, &ysize }, {"-xscale", REAL, &xscale }, {"-yscale", REAL, &yscale }, {"-xshift", DIM, &xshift }, {"-yshift", DIM, &yshift }, {"-dark", BOOL, &dark }, {"-diffuse", BOOL, &diffuse }, {"-dither", BOOL, &dither }, {"-cluster", BOOL, &cluster }, {"-nopack", BOOL, &nopack }, }; #define putword(w) (putchar(((w)>>8) & 255), putchar((w) & 255)) static int bitsperpixel(int v) { int bpp = 0; while (v > 0) { /* calculate # bits for value */ ++bpp; v>>=1; } return (bpp); } static char *inrow = NULL; static char *outrow = NULL; /* "signed" was commented out below, but it caused warnings on an SGI compiler, which defaulted to unsigned character. 2001.03.30 BJH */ static signed char *runcnt = NULL; static void putbits(b, n) { /* put #n bits in b out, packing into bytes; n=0 flushes bits */ /* n should never be > 8 */ static int out = 0; static int cnt = 0; static int num = 0; static int pack = 0; if (n) { int xo = 0; int xc = 0; if (cnt+n > 8) { /* overflowing current byte? */ xc = cnt + n - 8; xo = (b & ~(-1 << xc)) << (8-xc); n -= xc; b >>= xc; } cnt += n; out |= (b & ~(-1 << n)) << (8-cnt); if (cnt >= 8) { inrow[num++] = out; out = xo; cnt = xc; } } else { /* flush row */ int i; if (cnt) { inrow[num++] = out; out = cnt = 0; } for (; num > 0 && inrow[num-1] == 0; num--); /* remove trailing zeros */ printf("\033*b"); if (num && !nopack) { /* TIFF 4.0 packbits encoding */ int start = 0; int next; runcnt[start] = 0; for (i = 1; i < num; i++) { if (inrow[i] == inrow[i-1]) { if (runcnt[start] <= 0 && runcnt[start] > -127) runcnt[start]--; else runcnt[start = i] = 0; } else { if (runcnt[start] >= 0 && runcnt[start] < 127) runcnt[start]++; else runcnt[start = i] = 0; } } start = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i = next) { int count = runcnt[i]; int from = i; if (count >= 0) { /* merge two-byte runs */ for (;;) { next = i+1+runcnt[i]; if(next >= num || runcnt[next] < 0 || count+runcnt[next]+1 > 127) break; count += runcnt[next]+1; i = next; } } next = i + 1 + ((runcnt[i] < 0) ? -runcnt[i] : runcnt[i]); if (next < num && count > 0 && runcnt[next] < 0 && runcnt[next] > -127) { count--; next--; runcnt[next] = runcnt[next+1]-1; } outrow[start++] = count; if (count >= 0) { while (count-- >= 0) outrow[start++] = inrow[from++]; } else outrow[start++] = inrow[from]; } if (start < num) { num = start; if (!pack) { printf("2m"); pack = 1; } } else { if (pack) { printf("0m"); pack = 0; } } } printf("%dW", num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) putchar(pack ? outrow[i] : inrow[i]); num = 0; /* new row */ } } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { FILE * ifP; pixel ** pixels; unsigned int row; unsigned int bpp; int rows, cols; pixval maxval; int bpr, bpg, bpb; int render; int colors, pclindex; colorhist_vector chv; colorhash_table cht; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options)/sizeof(struct options); i++) { if (pm_keymatch(argv[1], options[i].name, MIN(strlen(argv[1]), strlen(options[i].name)))) { const char * c; switch (options[i].type) { case DIM: if (++argv, --argc == 1) pm_usage(usage); for (c = argv[1]; ISDIGIT(*c); c++); if (c[0] == 'p' && c[1] == 't') /* points */ *(int *)(options[i].value) = atoi(argv[1])*10; else if (c[0] == 'd' && c[1] == 'p') /* decipoints */ *(int *)(options[i].value) = atoi(argv[1]); else if (c[0] == 'i' && c[1] == 'n') /* inches */ *(int *)(options[i].value) = atoi(argv[1])*720; else if (c[0] == 'c' && c[1] == 'm') /* centimetres */ *(int *)(options[i].value) = atoi(argv[1])*283.46457; else if (!c[0]) /* dots */ *(int *)(options[i].value) = atoi(argv[1])*4; else pm_error("illegal unit of measure %s", c); break; case REAL: if (++argv, --argc == 1) pm_usage(usage); *(double *)(options[i].value) = atof(argv[1]); break; case BOOL: *(int *)(options[i].value) = 1; break; } break; } } if (i >= sizeof(options)/sizeof(struct options)) pm_usage(usage); argv++; argc--; } if (argc > 2) pm_usage(usage); else if (argc == 2) ifP = pm_openr(argv[1]); else ifP = stdin ; /* validate arguments */ if (diffuse+cluster+dither > 1) pm_error("only one of -diffuse, -dither and -cluster may be used"); render = diffuse ? 4 : dither ? 3 : cluster ? 7 : 0; if (xsize != 0.0 && xscale != 0.0) pm_error("only one of -xsize and -xscale may be used"); if (ysize != 0.0 && yscale != 0.0) pm_error("only one of -ysize and -yscale may be used"); pixels = ppm_readppm(ifP, &cols, &rows, &maxval); pm_close(ifP); /* limit checks */ if (cols > PCL_MAXWIDTH || rows > PCL_MAXHEIGHT) pm_error("image too large; reduce with ppmscale"); if (maxval > PCL_MAXVAL) pm_error("color range too large; reduce with ppmcscale"); /* Figure out the colormap. */ pm_message("Computing colormap..."); chv = ppm_computecolorhist(pixels, cols, rows, MAXCOLORS, &colors); if (!chv) pm_error("too many colors; reduce with pnmquant"); pm_message("... Done. %u colors found.", colors); /* And make a hash table for fast lookup. */ cht = ppm_colorhisttocolorhash(chv, colors); /* work out color downloading mode */ pclindex = bitsperpixel(colors); if (pclindex > 8) /* can't use indexed mode */ pclindex = 0; else { switch (pclindex) { /* round up to 1,2,4,8 */ case 0: /* direct mode (no palette) */ bpp = bitsperpixel(maxval); /* bits per pixel */ bpg = bpp; bpb = bpp; bpp = (bpp*3+7)>>3; /* bytes per pixel now */ bpr = (bpp<<3)-bpg-bpb; bpp *= cols; /* bytes per row now */ break; case 5: pclindex++; case 6: pclindex++; case 3: case 7: pclindex++; default: bpp = 8/pclindex; bpp = (cols+bpp-1)/bpp; /* bytes per row */ } } inrow = (char *)malloc((unsigned)bpp); outrow = (char *)malloc((unsigned)bpp*2); runcnt = (signed char *)malloc((unsigned)bpp); if (inrow == NULL || outrow == NULL || runcnt == NULL) pm_error("can't allocate space for row"); /* set up image details */ if (xscale != 0.0) xsize = cols * xscale * 4; if (yscale != 0.0) ysize = rows * yscale * 4; /* write PCL header */ #if 0 printf("\033&l26A"); /* paper size */ #endif printf("\033*r%ds%dT", cols, rows); /* source width, height */ if (xshift != 0 || yshift != 0) printf("\033&a%+dh%+dV", xshift, yshift); /* xshift, yshift */ if (quality) printf("\033*o%dQ", quality); /* print quality */ printf("\033*t"); if (xsize == 0 && ysize == 0) printf("180r"); /* resolution */ else { /* destination width, height */ if (xsize != 0) printf("%dh", xsize); if (ysize != 0) printf("%dv", ysize); } if (gamma_val != 0) printf("%.3fi", gamma_val); /* gamma correction */ if (dark) printf("%dk", dark); /* scaling algorithms */ printf("%dJ", render); /* rendering algorithm */ printf("\033*v18W"); /* configure image data */ putchar(0); /* relative colors */ putchar(pclindex ? 1 : 3); /* index/direct pixel mode */ putchar(pclindex); /* ignored in direct pixel mode */ if (pclindex) { putchar(0); putchar(0); putchar(0); } else { putchar(bpr); /* bits per red */ putchar(bpg); /* bits per green */ putchar(bpb); /* bits per blue */ } putword(maxval); /* max red reference */ putword(maxval); /* max green reference */ putword(maxval); /* max blue reference */ putword(0); /* min red reference */ putword(0); /* min green reference */ putword(0); /* min blue reference */ if (pclindex) { /* set palette */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < colors; ++i) { int const r = PPM_GETR( chv[i].color); int const g = PPM_GETG( chv[i].color); int const b = PPM_GETB( chv[i].color); if (i == 0) printf("\033*v"); if (r) printf("%da", r); if (g) printf("%db", g); if (b) printf("%dc", b); if (i == colors-1) printf("%dI", i); /* assign color index */ else printf("%di", i); /* assign color index */ } } ppm_freecolorhist(chv); /* start raster graphics at CAP */ printf("\033*r%dA", (xsize != 0 || ysize != 0) ? 3 : 1); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { pixel * const pixrow = pixels[row]; if (pclindex) { /* indexed color mode */ unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) putbits(ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &pixrow[col]), pclindex); putbits(0, 0); /* flush row */ } else { /* direct color mode */ unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { putbits(PPM_GETR(pixrow[col]), bpr); putbits(PPM_GETG(pixrow[col]), bpg); putbits(PPM_GETB(pixrow[col]), bpb); /* don't need to flush */ } putbits(0, 0); /* flush row */ } } printf("\033*rC"); /* end raster graphics */ return 0; }