/* pbmtomrf - convert pbm to mrf * public domain by RJM * * Adapted to Netpbm by Bryan Henderson 2003.08.09. Bryan got his copy from * ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/apps/convert, dated 1998.03.03. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "pbm.h" typedef struct bitOut { int bitbox; int bitsleft; FILE * fileP; } bitOut; static void bit_init(struct bitOut * const bitOutP, FILE * const ofP) { bitOutP->bitbox = 0; bitOutP->bitsleft = 8; bitOutP->fileP = ofP; } static void bit_output(struct bitOut * const bitOutP, int const bit) { --bitOutP->bitsleft; bitOutP->bitbox |= (bit << bitOutP->bitsleft); if (bitOutP->bitsleft == 0) { fputc(bitOutP->bitbox, bitOutP->fileP); bitOutP->bitbox = 0; bitOutP->bitsleft = 8; } } static void bit_flush(struct bitOut * const bitOutP) { /* there are never 0 bits left outside of bit_output, but * if 8 bits are left here there's nothing to flush, so * only do it if bitsleft!=8. */ if (bitOutP->bitsleft != 8) { bitOutP->bitsleft = 1; bit_output(bitOutP, 0); /* yes, really. This will always work. */ } } static void determineBlackWhiteOrMix(const unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const ulCol, unsigned int const ulRow, unsigned int const imageWidth, unsigned int const size, bool * const oneColorP, int * const colorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Determine whether a square within 'image' is all white, all black, or a mix. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int rowOfSquare; unsigned int t; for (rowOfSquare = 0, t = 0; rowOfSquare < size; ++rowOfSquare) { unsigned int colOfSquare; for (colOfSquare = 0; colOfSquare < size; ++colOfSquare) { unsigned int rowOfImage = ulRow + rowOfSquare; unsigned int colOfImage = ulCol + colOfSquare; t += image[rowOfImage * imageWidth + colOfImage]; } } /* if the total's 0, it's black. if it's size*size, it's white. */ if (t == 0) { *oneColorP = TRUE; *colorP = 0; } else if (t == SQR(size)) { *oneColorP = TRUE; *colorP = 1; } else *oneColorP = FALSE; } static void doSquare(bitOut * const bitOutP, const unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const ulCol, unsigned int const ulRow, unsigned int const imageWidth, unsigned int const size) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do a square of side 'size', whose upper left corner is at (ulCol, ulRow). This is a square within 'image', which is a concatenation of rows 'imageWidth' pixels wide, one byte per pixel. Write the pixel values out to the bit stream *bitOutP, in MRF format. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (size == 1) { /* The fact that it is all one color is implied because the square is just one pixel; no bit goes in MRF output to state that. */ bit_output(bitOutP, image[ulRow * imageWidth + ulCol] ? 1 : 0); } else { bool oneColor; int color; determineBlackWhiteOrMix(image, ulCol, ulRow, imageWidth, size, &oneColor, &color); if (oneColor) { bit_output(bitOutP, 1); /* all same color */ bit_output(bitOutP, color); } else { /* Square is not all the same color, so recurse. Do each of the four quadrants of this square individually. */ unsigned int const quadSize = size/2; bit_output(bitOutP, 0); /* not all same color */ doSquare(bitOutP, image, ulCol, ulRow, imageWidth, quadSize); doSquare(bitOutP, image, ulCol + quadSize, ulRow, imageWidth, quadSize); doSquare(bitOutP, image, ulCol, ulRow + quadSize, imageWidth, quadSize); doSquare(bitOutP, image, ulCol + quadSize, ulRow + quadSize, imageWidth, quadSize); } } } static void fiddleRightEdge(unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const w, unsigned int const h, unsigned int const pw, bool * const flippedP) { unsigned int row; unsigned int t; for (row = t = 0; row < h; ++row) t += image[row*pw + w - 1]; if (t*2 > h) { unsigned int row; *flippedP = TRUE; for (row = 0; row < h; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = w; col < pw; ++col) image[row*pw + col] = 1; } } else *flippedP = FALSE; } static void fiddleBottomEdge(unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const w, unsigned int const h, unsigned int const pw, unsigned int const ph, bool * const flippedP) { unsigned int col; unsigned int t; for (col = t = 0; col < w; ++col) t += image[(h-1)*pw + col]; if (t*2 > w) { unsigned int row; *flippedP = TRUE; for (row = h; row < ph; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < w; ++col) image[row*pw + col] = 1; } } else *flippedP = FALSE; } static void fiddleBottomRightCorner(unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const w, unsigned int const h, unsigned int const pw, unsigned int const ph) { unsigned int row; for (row = h; row < ph; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = w; col < pw; ++col) image[row*pw + col] = 1; } } static void fiddleEdges(unsigned char * const image, int const cols, int const rows) { /* the aim of this routine is play around with the edges which * are compressed into the mrf but thrown away when it's decompressed, * such that we get the best compression possible. * If you don't see why this is a good idea, consider the simple case * of a 1x1 white pixel. Placed on a black 64x64 this takes several bytes * to compress. On a white 64x64, it takes two bits. * (Clearly most cases will be more complicated, but you should get the * basic idea from that.) */ /* there are many possible approaches to this problem, and this one's * certainly not the best, but at least it's quick and easy, and it's * better than nothing. :-) * * So, all we do is flip the runoff area of an edge to white * if more than half of the pixels on that edge are * white. Then for the bottom-right runoff square (if there is * one), we flip it if we flipped both edges. */ /* w64 is units-of-64-bits width, h64 same for height */ unsigned int const w64 = (cols + 63) / 64; unsigned int const h64 = (rows + 63) / 64; int const pw=w64*64; int const ph=h64*64; bool flippedRight, flippedBottom; if (cols % 64 != 0) fiddleRightEdge(image, cols, rows, pw, &flippedRight); else flippedRight = FALSE; if (rows % 64 != 0) fiddleBottomEdge(image, cols, rows, pw, ph, &flippedBottom); else flippedBottom = FALSE; if (flippedRight && flippedBottom) fiddleBottomRightCorner(image, cols, rows, pw, ph); } static void readPbmImage(FILE * const ifP, unsigned char ** const imageP, int * const colsP, int * const rowsP) { /* w64 is units-of-64-bits width, h64 same for height */ unsigned int w64, h64; unsigned char * image; int cols, rows, format; unsigned int row; bit * bitrow; pbm_readpbminit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &format); w64 = (cols + 63) / 64; h64 = (rows + 63) / 64; if (UINT_MAX/w64/64/h64/64 == 0) pm_error("Ridiculously large, unprocessable image: %u cols x %u rows", cols, rows); image = calloc(w64*h64*64*64, 1); if (image == NULL) pm_error("Unable to get memory for raster"); /* get bytemap image rounded up into mod 64x64 squares */ bitrow = pbm_allocrow(cols); for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { unsigned int col; pbm_readpbmrow(ifP, bitrow, cols, format); for (col =0; col < cols; ++col) image[row*(w64*64) + col] = (bitrow[col] == PBM_WHITE ? 1 : 0); } pbm_freerow(bitrow); *imageP = image; *colsP = cols; *rowsP = rows; } static void outputMrf(FILE * const ofP, unsigned char * const image, unsigned int const cols, unsigned int const rows) { unsigned int const w64 = (cols + 63) / 64; unsigned int const h64 = (rows + 63) / 64; bitOut bitOut; unsigned int row; fprintf(ofP, "MRF1"); fprintf(ofP, "%c%c%c%c", cols >> 24, cols >> 16, cols >> 8, cols >> 0); fprintf(ofP, "%c%c%c%c", rows >> 24, rows >> 16, rows >> 8, rows >> 0); fputc(0, ofP); /* option byte, unused for now */ /* now recursively check squares. */ bit_init(&bitOut, ofP); for (row = 0; row < h64; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < w64; ++col) doSquare(&bitOut, image, col*64, row*64, w64*64, 64); } bit_flush(&bitOut); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE * ifP; FILE * ofP; unsigned char *image; int rows, cols; pbm_init(&argc, argv); if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Too many arguments: %d. Only argument is input file", argc-1); if (argc-1 == 1) ifP = pm_openr(argv[1]); else ifP = stdin; ofP = stdout; readPbmImage(ifP, &image, &cols, &rows); pm_close(ifP); /* if necessary, alter the unused outside area to aid compression of * edges of image. */ fiddleEdges(image, cols, rows); outputMrf(ofP, image, cols, rows); free(image); return 0; }