/* Spottopgm: Convert a SPOT satellite image to PGM format. * * Usage: spottopgm [-1|2|3] [Firstcol Firstline Lastcol Lastline] inputfile * * Author: Warren Toomey, 1992. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "pgm.h" /* Global variables */ static FILE *spotfile; /* The input file */ static char linebuf[12000]; /* The line buffer */ static long Firstline = 0, /* The rectangle the user wants */ Lastline = 3000, /* cut out of the image */ Firstcol = 0, Lastcol = 0; static long Diff = 0; /* Firstcol - Lastcol */ static char *Bufptr; /* Pointer into the input image */ static int Color = 1; /* Either 1, 2 or 3 */ static int Colbool = 0; /* 1 if color */ /* Get_image extracts the pixel data from one line * (i.e one record) in the SPOT input file. A SPOT image * record has a header, data and trailer. The data lengths * are fixed at 3960, 5400, 8640 or 10980 bytes. * * When we arrive here we have read in 12 bytes of the record. * We then read in the rest of the record. We find the trailer * and from that determine the number of pixels on the line. * * If the image is really color i.e interleaved 3 colors, we * convert a line if its spectral sequence is the same as the one * requested by the user (i.e 1, 2 or 3). I could create a ppm file * but I couldn't be bothered with the rearranging of the data. */ static int get_image(long length) { int cnt; struct Linehdr /* Each line begins with the 12 bytes */ { /* we have already, plus these 20 bytes */ long linenum; /* The line number of the record */ short recseq; /* The record sequence number */ short spectseq; /* The spectral number of the line */ long linetime; /* Time it was recorded (in ms). */ long leftpixmar; /* The pixel number of the 1st pixel */ long rightpixmar; /* The pixel number of the last pixel */ } linehdr; long numpixels; /* Number of pixels on the line */ /* Get the details of this line */ if (pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &linehdr.linenum) == -1 || pm_readbigshort (spotfile, &linehdr.recseq) == -1 || pm_readbigshort (spotfile, &linehdr.spectseq) == -1 || pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &linehdr.linetime) == -1 || pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &linehdr.leftpixmar) == -1 || pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &linehdr.rightpixmar) == -1) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading line header"); /* Now read in the line data */ cnt = length - 20 - 88; cnt = fread(linebuf, 1, cnt, spotfile); if (!Diff) { cnt += 28; if (fseek (spotfile, 24, 1) == EOF) pm_error ("seek error"); if (pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &numpixels) == -1) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading line ender"); /* Determine the picture size */ Bufptr = &linebuf[Firstcol]; if (Lastcol == 0 || Lastcol > numpixels) Lastcol = numpixels; Diff = Lastcol - Firstcol; /* Print out the header */ printf("P5\n%ld %ld\n255\n", Diff, Lastline - Firstline); /* Inform about the image size */ if (Colbool) fprintf(stderr, "Color image, "); fprintf(stderr, "%ld pixels wide\n", numpixels); } /* Output the line */ if (linehdr.linenum >= Firstline && linehdr.linenum <= Lastline && linehdr.spectseq == Color) fwrite(Bufptr, 1, Diff, stdout); if (linehdr.linenum > Lastline) exit(0); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Line %4d, %3d, %3d, time %4d, l/r " "pixmar %4d %4d len %d pixnum %d\n", linehdr.linenum, linehdr.recseq, linehdr.spectseq, linehdr.linetime, linehdr.leftpixmar, linehdr.rightpixmar, length, numpixels); #endif /* And return the amount to seek */ return (length - 20 - cnt); } /* The image header tells us if the image is in monochrome or color, and * if the latter, if the input colors are interleaved. If interleaved * color, lines are interleaved R, G, B, R, G, B etc. Technically, some * interleaving of infra-red, visible and ultra-violet. * * In the description field below, * element 0 == P --> monochrome * element 0 == X --> color * element 9 == S --> sequential (i.e only one color here) * element 9 == I --> interleaved (1 or more colors) */ static int get_imghdr(int length) { struct Imghdr { long linewidth; char dummy1[36]; char description[16]; /* Type of image */ } header; if (pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &header.linewidth) == -1) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading header"); #ifdef DEBUG if (fread (header.dummy1, 1, 36, spotfile) != 36) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading header"); #else if (fseek (spotfile, 36, 1) == EOF) pm_error ("seek error"); #endif if (fread (header.description, 1, 16, spotfile) != 16) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading header"); /* Determine mono or color */ if (header.description[0] == 'X' && header.description[9] == 'S') Colbool = 1; else Colbool = 0; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Dummy str is >%s<\n", header.dummy1); fprintf(stderr, "Imghdr str is >%s<, col %d\n", header.description, Colbool); #endif /* Return the amount to fseek */ return (length - 56); } static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: spottopgm [-1|2|3] [Firstcol Firstline Lastcol Lastline] " "input_file\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Record /* A SPOT image is broken up into */ { /* records with the following fields */ long record; /* The record number (1, 2, 3...) */ unsigned char sub1; /* Record sub type 1 */ unsigned char type; /* The record type */ unsigned char sub2; /* Record sub type 2 */ unsigned char sub3; /* Record sub type 3 */ long length; /* Record length in bytes */ } arecord; pgm_init( &argc, argv ); switch (argc) { case 7: Color= -(atoi(argv[1])); /* Get the color to extract */ argv++; case 6: Firstcol = atoi(argv[1]); /* Get the rectangle to extract */ Firstline = atoi(argv[2]); Lastcol = atoi(argv[3]); Lastline = atoi(argv[4]); argv += 4; goto openfile; /* Yuk, a goto! */ case 3: Color= -(atoi(argv[1])); /* Get the color to extract */ argv++; case 2: openfile: spotfile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); /* Open the input file */ if (spotfile == NULL) { perror("fopen"); exit(1); } break; default: usage(); } while (1) /* Get a record */ { if (pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &arecord.record) == -1) break; arecord.sub1 = fgetc (spotfile); arecord.type = fgetc (spotfile); arecord.sub2 = fgetc (spotfile); arecord.sub3 = fgetc (spotfile); if (pm_readbiglong (spotfile, &arecord.length) == -1) pm_error ("EOF / read error reading a record"); arecord.length -= 12; /* Subtract header size as well */ if (arecord.type == 0355 && arecord.sub1 == 0355) arecord.length = get_image(arecord.length); else if (arecord.type == 0300 && arecord.sub1 == 077) arecord.length = get_imghdr(arecord.length); #ifdef DEBUG else fprintf(stderr, "Rcrd %3d, type %03o, stype %03o %03o %03o, length %d\n", arecord.record, arecord.type, arecord.sub1, arecord.sub2, (int) arecord.sub3 & 0xff, arecord.length); #endif /* Seek to next record */ fseek(spotfile, arecord.length, 1); } exit (0); }