/*===========================================================================* * combine.c * * Procedures to combine frames or GOPS into an MPEG sequence * *===========================================================================*/ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ /*==============* * HEADER FILES * *==============*/ #include "all.h" #include <time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "nstring.h" #include "nsleep.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "frames.h" #include "frametype.h" #include "motion_search.h" #include "mpeg.h" #include "prototypes.h" #include "parallel.h" #include "param.h" #include "readframe.h" #include "mheaders.h" #include "fsize.h" #include "input.h" #include "combine.h" #define READ_ATTEMPTS 5 /* number of times (seconds) to retry an input file */ /*==================* * GLOBAL VARIABLES * *==================*/ extern int yuvWidth, yuvHeight; /*===========================================================================* * * AppendFile * * appends the output file with the contents of the given input file * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * *===========================================================================*/ static void AppendFile(FILE * const ofP, FILE * const ifP) { uint8 data[9999]; unsigned int readItems; readItems = 9999; while (readItems == 9999) { readItems = fread(data, sizeof(uint8), 9999, ifP); if (readItems > 0) fwrite(data, sizeof(uint8), readItems, ofP); } fclose(ifP); } static void appendSpecifiedGopFiles(struct inputSource * const inputSourceP, const char * const currentGopPath, FILE * const ofP) { unsigned int fileSeq; for (fileSeq = 0; fileSeq < inputSourceP->numInputFiles; ++fileSeq) { const char * inputFileName; const char * fileName; unsigned int nAttempts; FILE * ifP; GetNthInputFileName(inputSourceP, fileSeq, &inputFileName); pm_asprintf(&fileName, "%s/%s", currentGOPPath, inputFileName); for (nAttempts = 0, ifP = NULL; nAttempts < READ_ATTEMPTS && !ifP; ++nAttempts) { ifP = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (ifP == NULL) pm_message("ERROR: Couldn't read file '%s'. retry %u", fileName, nAttempts); } if (ifP) { if (!realQuiet) pm_message("Appending file %u '%s'", fileSeq, fileName); AppendFile(ofP, ifP); } else pm_error("Unable to read file '%s' after %u attempts.", fileName, READ_ATTEMPTS); pm_strfree(fileName); pm_strfree(inputFileName); } } static void appendDefaultGopFiles(const char * const outputFileName, FILE * const ofP) { unsigned int fileSeq; bool endOfFiles; for (fileSeq = 0, endOfFiles = FALSE; !endOfFiles; ++fileSeq) { const char * fileName; FILE * ifP; pm_asprintf(&fileName, "%s.gop.%u", outputFileName, fileSeq); ifP = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (ifP == NULL) endOfFiles = TRUE; else { if (!realQuiet) pm_message("appending file: %s", fileName); AppendFile(ofP, ifP); } pm_strfree(fileName); } } void GOPsToMPEG(struct inputSource * const inputSourceP, const char * const outputFileName, FILE * const ofP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combine individual GOPs (one per file) into a single MPEG sequence file. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BitBucket * bb; { /* Why is this reset called? */ int x=Fsize_x, y=Fsize_y; Fsize_Reset(); Fsize_Note(0, yuvWidth, yuvHeight); if (Fsize_x == 0 || Fsize_y == 0) Fsize_Note(0, x, y); } bb = Bitio_New(ofP); Mhead_GenSequenceHeader(bb, Fsize_x, Fsize_y, /* pratio */ aspectRatio, /* pict_rate */ frameRate, /* bit_rate */ -1, /* buf_size */ -1, /*c_param_flag */ 1, /* iq_matrix */ customQtable, /* niq_matrix */ customNIQtable, /* ext_data */ NULL, /* ext_data_size */ 0, /* user_data */ NULL, /* user_data_size */ 0); /* it's byte-padded, so we can dump it now */ Bitio_Flush(bb); if (inputSourceP->stdinUsed) AppendFile(ofP, stdin); else { if (inputSourceP->numInputFiles > 0) appendSpecifiedGopFiles(inputSourceP, currentGOPPath, ofP); else appendDefaultGopFiles(outputFileName, ofP); } bb = Bitio_New(ofP); /* SEQUENCE END CODE */ Mhead_GenSequenceEnder(bb); Bitio_Flush(bb); fclose(ofP); } static void makeGOPHeader(FILE * const outputFileP, unsigned int const totalFramesSent, unsigned int const frameNumber, unsigned int const seqWithinGop) { boolean closed = (totalFramesSent == frameNumber); BitBucket * bbP; if (!realQuiet) fprintf(stdout, "Creating new GOP (closed = %d) after %d frames\n", closed, seqWithinGop); /* new GOP */ bbP = Bitio_New(outputFileP); Mhead_GenGOPHeader(bbP, /* drop_frame_flag */ 0, tc_hrs, tc_min, tc_sec, tc_pict, closed, /* broken_link */ 0, /* ext_data */ NULL, /* ext_data_size */ 0, /* user_data */ NULL, /* user_data_size */ 0); Bitio_Flush(bbP); SetGOPStartTime(frameNumber); } void FramesToMPEG(FILE * const outputFile, void * const inputHandle, fileAcquisitionFn acquireInputFile, fileDispositionFn disposeInputFile) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combine a bunch of frames, one per file, into a single MPEG sequence file. acquireInputFile() opens a file that contains an encoded frame, identified by frame number. It returns NULL when the frame number is beyond the frames available. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int frameNumber; BitBucket *bb; FILE *inputFile; int pastRefNum = -1; int futureRefNum = -1; boolean inputLeft; unsigned int seqWithinGop; /* The sequence of the current frame within its GOP. 0 is the first frame of a GOP, etc. */ tc_hrs = 0; tc_min = 0; tc_sec = 0; tc_pict = 0; tc_extra = 0; { /* Why is this reset called? */ int x=Fsize_x, y=Fsize_y; Fsize_Reset(); Fsize_Note(0, yuvWidth, yuvHeight); if (Fsize_x == 0 || Fsize_y == 0) Fsize_Note(0, x, y); } SetBlocksPerSlice(); bb = Bitio_New(outputFile); Mhead_GenSequenceHeader(bb, Fsize_x, Fsize_y, /* pratio */ aspectRatio, /* pict_rate */ frameRate, /* bit_rate */ -1, /* buf_size */ -1, /*c_param_flag */ 1, /* iq_matrix */ qtable, /* niq_matrix */ niqtable, /* ext_data */ NULL, /* ext_data_size */ 0, /* user_data */ NULL, /* user_data_size */ 0); /* it's byte-padded, so we can dump it now */ Bitio_Flush(bb); /* need to do these in the right order!!! */ /* also need to add GOP headers */ seqWithinGop = 0; totalFramesSent = 0; inputLeft = TRUE; frameNumber = 0; makeGOPHeader(outputFile, totalFramesSent, frameNumber, seqWithinGop); while (inputLeft) { if (FType_Type(frameNumber) != 'b') { pastRefNum = futureRefNum; futureRefNum = frameNumber; if ((FType_Type(frameNumber) == 'i') && seqWithinGop >= gopSize) { makeGOPHeader(outputFile, totalFramesSent, frameNumber, seqWithinGop); seqWithinGop -= gopSize; } acquireInputFile(inputHandle, frameNumber, &inputFile); if (inputFile == NULL) inputLeft = FALSE; else { AppendFile(outputFile, inputFile); disposeInputFile(inputHandle, frameNumber); ++seqWithinGop; IncrementTCTime(); /* now, output the B-frames */ if (pastRefNum != -1) { unsigned int bNum; for (bNum = pastRefNum+1; bNum < futureRefNum; ++bNum) { acquireInputFile(inputHandle, bNum, &inputFile); if (inputFile) { AppendFile(outputFile, inputFile); disposeInputFile(inputHandle, bNum); ++seqWithinGop; IncrementTCTime(); } } } } } ++frameNumber; } if (!realQuiet) fprintf(stdout, "Wrote %d frames\n", totalFramesSent); bb = Bitio_New(outputFile); /* SEQUENCE END CODE */ Mhead_GenSequenceEnder(bb); Bitio_Flush(bb); fclose(outputFile); }