 * mfwddct.c (derived from jfwddct.c, which carries the following info)
 * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Thomas G. Lane. This file is part of the
 * Independent JPEG Group's software. For conditions of distribution and use,
 * see the accompanying README file.
 * This file contains the basic DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) transformation
 * subroutine.
 * This implementation is based on Appendix A.2 of the book "Discrete Cosine
 * Transform---Algorithms, Advantages, Applications" by K.R. Rao and P. Yip
 * (Academic Press, Inc, London, 1990). It uses scaled fixed-point arithmetic
 * instead of floating point.

#include "all.h"

#include "dct.h"
#include "mtypes.h"
#include "opts.h"

 * The poop on this scaling stuff is as follows:
 * We have to do addition and subtraction of the integer inputs, which is no
 * problem, and multiplication by fractional constants, which is a problem to
 * do in integer arithmetic.  We multiply all the constants by DCT_SCALE and
 * convert them to integer constants (thus retaining LG2_DCT_SCALE bits of
 * precision in the constants).  After doing a multiplication we have to
 * divide the product by DCT_SCALE, with proper rounding, to produce the
 * correct output.  The division can be implemented cheaply as a right shift
 * of LG2_DCT_SCALE bits.  The DCT equations also specify an additional
 * division by 2 on the final outputs; this can be folded into the
 * right-shift by shifting one more bit (see UNFIXH).
 * If you are planning to recode this in assembler, you might want to set
 * LG2_DCT_SCALE to 15.  This loses a bit of precision, but then all the
 * multiplications are between 16-bit quantities (given 8-bit JSAMPLEs!) so
 * you could use a signed 16x16=>32 bit multiply instruction instead of full
 * 32x32 multiply.  Unfortunately there's no way to describe such a multiply
 * portably in C, so we've gone for the extra bit of accuracy here.

#define LG2_DCT_SCALE 16
#define LG2_DCT_SCALE 15	/* lose a little precision to avoid overflow */

#define ONE	((int32) 1)


/* In some places we shift the inputs left by a couple more bits, */
/* so that they can be added to fractional results without too much */
/* loss of precision. */
#define LG2_OVERSCALE 2
#define OVERSHIFT(x)  ((x) <<= LG2_OVERSCALE)

/* Scale a fractional constant by DCT_SCALE */
#define FIX(x)	((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE + 0.5))

/* Scale a fractional constant by DCT_SCALE/OVERSCALE */
/* Such a constant can be multiplied with an overscaled input */
/* to produce something that's scaled by DCT_SCALE */
#define FIXO(x)  ((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE / OVERSCALE + 0.5))

/* Descale and correctly round a value that's scaled by DCT_SCALE */
#define UNFIX(x)   RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << (LG2_DCT_SCALE-1)), LG2_DCT_SCALE)

/* Same with an additional division by 2, ie, correctly rounded UNFIX(x/2) */

/* Take a value scaled by DCT_SCALE and round to integer scaled by OVERSCALE */

/* Here are the constants we need */
/* SIN_i_j is sine of i*pi/j, scaled by DCT_SCALE */
/* COS_i_j is cosine of i*pi/j, scaled by DCT_SCALE */

#define SIN_1_4 FIX(0.707106781)
#define COS_1_4 SIN_1_4

#define SIN_1_8 FIX(0.382683432)
#define COS_1_8 FIX(0.923879533)
#define SIN_3_8 COS_1_8
#define COS_3_8 SIN_1_8

#define SIN_1_16 FIX(0.195090322)
#define COS_1_16 FIX(0.980785280)
#define SIN_7_16 COS_1_16
#define COS_7_16 SIN_1_16

#define SIN_3_16 FIX(0.555570233)
#define COS_3_16 FIX(0.831469612)
#define SIN_5_16 COS_3_16
#define COS_5_16 SIN_3_16

/* OSIN_i_j is sine of i*pi/j, scaled by DCT_SCALE/OVERSCALE */
/* OCOS_i_j is cosine of i*pi/j, scaled by DCT_SCALE/OVERSCALE */

#define OSIN_1_4 FIXO(0.707106781)
#define OCOS_1_4 OSIN_1_4

#define OSIN_1_8 FIXO(0.382683432)
#define OCOS_1_8 FIXO(0.923879533)
#define OSIN_3_8 OCOS_1_8
#define OCOS_3_8 OSIN_1_8

#define OSIN_1_16 FIXO(0.195090322)
#define OCOS_1_16 FIXO(0.980785280)
#define OSIN_7_16 OCOS_1_16
#define OCOS_7_16 OSIN_1_16

#define OSIN_3_16 FIXO(0.555570233)
#define OCOS_3_16 FIXO(0.831469612)
#define OSIN_5_16 OCOS_3_16
#define OCOS_5_16 OSIN_3_16

/* Prototypes */
void reference_fwd_dct _ANSI_ARGS_((Block block, Block dest));
void mp_fwd_dct_fast _ANSI_ARGS_((Block data2d, Block dest2d));
void init_fdct _ANSI_ARGS_((void));

 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 * mp_fwd_dct_block2 --
 * Select the appropriate mp_fwd_dct routine
 * Results: None
 * Side effects: None
 * --------------------------------------------------------------
extern boolean pureDCT;
mp_fwd_dct_block2(data, dest)
    Block data, dest;
  if (pureDCT) reference_fwd_dct(data, dest);
  else mp_fwd_dct_fast(data, dest);

 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 * mp_fwd_dct_fast --
 * Perform the forward DCT on one block of samples.
 * A 2-D DCT can be done by 1-D DCT on each row followed by 1-D DCT on each
 * column.
 * Results: None
 * Side effects: Overwrites the input data
 * --------------------------------------------------------------

mp_fwd_dct_fast(data2d, dest2d)
    Block data2d, dest2d;
    int16 *data = (int16 *) data2d;	/* this algorithm wants
					 * a 1-d array */
    int16 *dest = (int16 *) dest2d;
    int pass, rowctr;
    register int16 *inptr, *outptr;
    int16 workspace[DCTSIZE_SQ];

#ifdef ndef
	int y;

	printf("fwd_dct (beforehand):\n");
	for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
	    printf("%4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n",
		   data2d[y][0], data2d[y][1],
		   data2d[y][2], data2d[y][3],
		   data2d[y][4], data2d[y][5],
		   data2d[y][6], data2d[y][7]);

     * Each iteration of the inner loop performs one 8-point 1-D DCT. It
     * reads from a *row* of the input matrix and stores into a *column*
     * of the output matrix.  In the first pass, we read from the data[]
     * array and store into the local workspace[].  In the second pass,
     * we read from the workspace[] array and store into data[], thus
     * performing the equivalent of a columnar DCT pass with no variable
     * array indexing.

    inptr = data;		/* initialize pointers for first pass */
    outptr = workspace;
    for (pass = 1; pass >= 0; pass--) {
	for (rowctr = DCTSIZE - 1; rowctr >= 0; rowctr--) {
	     * many tmps have nonoverlapping lifetime -- flashy
	     * register colorers should be able to do this lot
	     * very well
	    int32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
	    int32 tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
	    int32 tmp14, tmp15, tmp16, tmp17;
	    int32 tmp25, tmp26;
	    /* SHIFT_TEMPS */

	    /* temp0 through tmp7:  -512 to +512 */
	    /* if I-block, then -256 to +256 */
	    tmp0 = inptr[7] + inptr[0];
	    tmp1 = inptr[6] + inptr[1];
	    tmp2 = inptr[5] + inptr[2];
	    tmp3 = inptr[4] + inptr[3];
	    tmp4 = inptr[3] - inptr[4];
	    tmp5 = inptr[2] - inptr[5];
	    tmp6 = inptr[1] - inptr[6];
	    tmp7 = inptr[0] - inptr[7];

	    /* tmp10 through tmp13:  -1024 to +1024 */
	    /* if I-block, then -512 to +512 */
	    tmp10 = tmp3 + tmp0;
	    tmp11 = tmp2 + tmp1;
	    tmp12 = tmp1 - tmp2;
	    tmp13 = tmp0 - tmp3;

	    outptr[0] = (int16) UNFIXH((tmp10 + tmp11) * SIN_1_4);
	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 4] = (int16) UNFIXH((tmp10 - tmp11) * COS_1_4);

	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 2] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp13 * COS_1_8 + tmp12 * SIN_1_8);
	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 6] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp13 * SIN_1_8 - tmp12 * COS_1_8);

	    tmp16 = UNFIXO((tmp6 + tmp5) * SIN_1_4);
	    tmp15 = UNFIXO((tmp6 - tmp5) * COS_1_4);


	     * tmp4, tmp7, tmp15, tmp16 are overscaled by

	    tmp14 = tmp4 + tmp15;
	    tmp25 = tmp4 - tmp15;
	    tmp26 = tmp7 - tmp16;
	    tmp17 = tmp7 + tmp16;

	    outptr[DCTSIZE] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp17 * OCOS_1_16 + tmp14 * OSIN_1_16);
	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 7] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp17 * OCOS_7_16 - tmp14 * OSIN_7_16);
	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 5] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp26 * OCOS_5_16 + tmp25 * OSIN_5_16);
	    outptr[DCTSIZE * 3] = (int16) UNFIXH(tmp26 * OCOS_3_16 - tmp25 * OSIN_3_16);

	    inptr += DCTSIZE;	/* advance inptr to next row */
	    outptr++;		/* advance outptr to next column */
	/* end of pass; in case it was pass 1, set up for pass 2 */
	inptr = workspace;
	outptr = dest;
#ifdef ndef
	int y;

	printf("fwd_dct (afterward):\n");
	for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
	    printf("%4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n",
		   dest2d[y][0], dest2d[y][1],
		   dest2d[y][2], dest2d[y][3],
		   dest2d[y][4], dest2d[y][5],
		   dest2d[y][6], dest2d[y][7]);

/* Modifies from the MPEG2 verification coder */
/* fdctref.c, forward discrete cosine transform, double precision           */

/* Copyright (C) 1994, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */

 * Disclaimer of Warranty
 * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
 * royalty on an "as is" basis.  The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
 * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
 * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
 * purpose.  In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
 * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
 * arising from the use of these programs.
 * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
 * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
 * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
 * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
 * patents.
 * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
 * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders.  Many of these patents are
 * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
 * design.

#ifndef PI
#ifdef M_PI
#define PI M_PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

/* private data */
static double trans_coef[8][8]; /* transform coefficients */

void init_fdct()
  int i, j;
  double s;

  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    s = (i==0) ? sqrt(0.125) : 0.5;

    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
      trans_coef[i][j] = s * cos((PI/8.0)*i*(j+0.5));

void reference_fwd_dct(block, dest)
Block block, dest;
  int i, j, k;
  double s;
  double tmp[64];

  if (DoLaplace) {

  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
      s = 0.0;

      for (k=0; k<8; k++)
        s += trans_coef[j][k] * block[i][k];

      tmp[8*i+j] = s;

  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
      s = 0.0;

      for (k=0; k<8; k++)
        s += trans_coef[i][k] * tmp[8*k+j];

      if (collect_quant) {
	fprintf(collect_quant_fp, "%d %f\n", 8*i+j, s);
      if (DoLaplace) {
	L1[LaplaceCnum][i*8+j] += s*s;
	L2[LaplaceCnum][i*8+j] += s;

      dest[i][j] = (int)floor(s+0.499999);
       * reason for adding 0.499999 instead of 0.5:
       * s is quite often x.5 (at least for i and/or j = 0 or 4)
       * and setting the rounding threshold exactly to 0.5 leads to an
       * extremely high arithmetic implementation dependency of the result;
       * s being between x.5 and x.500001 (which is now incorrectly rounded
       * downwards instead of upwards) is assumed to occur less often
       * (if at all)