/* lock tests Copyright (C) 2002-2010, Joe Orton This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "ne_request.h" #include "ne_locks.h" #include "ne_socket.h" #include "ne_basic.h" #include "ne_auth.h" #include "tests.h" #include "child.h" #include "utils.h" #define EOL "\r\n" /* returns an activelock XML element. */ static char *activelock(enum ne_lock_scope scope, int depth, const char *owner, unsigned long timeout, const char *token_href) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; ne_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "\n" "\n" "\n" "%d\n" "%s\n" "Second-%lu\n" "%s\n" "", scope==ne_lockscope_exclusive?"exclusive":"shared", depth, owner, timeout, token_href); return buf; } /* return body of LOCK response for given lock. */ static char *lock_response(enum ne_lock_scope scope, int depth, const char *owner, unsigned long timeout, const char *token_href) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; ne_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "\n" "" "%s\n", activelock(scope, depth, owner, timeout, token_href)); return buf; } /* return body of LOCK response where response gives multiple * activelocks (i.e. shared locks). */ static char *multi_lock_response(struct ne_lock **locks) { ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); int n; ne_buffer_zappend(buf, "\n" "" ""); for (n = 0; locks[n] != NULL; n++) { char *lk = activelock(locks[n]->scope, locks[n]->depth, locks[n]->owner, locks[n]->timeout, locks[n]->token); ne_buffer_zappend(buf, lk); } ne_buffer_zappend(buf, ""); return ne_buffer_finish(buf); } static char *discover_response(const char *href, const struct ne_lock *lk) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; ne_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" "\n", href, activelock(lk->scope, lk->depth, lk->owner, 7200, lk->token)); return buf; } static struct ne_lock *make_lock(const char *path, const char *token, enum ne_lock_scope scope, int depth) { struct ne_lock *lock = ne_calloc(sizeof *lock); if (lock->token) lock->token = ne_strdup(token); lock->scope = scope; lock->depth = depth; lock->uri.host = ne_strdup("localhost"); lock->uri.scheme = ne_strdup("http"); lock->uri.path = ne_strdup(path); lock->uri.port = 7777; return lock; } /* Tests for lock store handling. */ static int store_single(void) { ne_lock_store *store = ne_lockstore_create(); struct ne_lock *lk = make_lock("/foo", "blah", ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0); struct ne_lock *lk2; ONN("create failed", store == NULL); ONN("new lock store not empty", ne_lockstore_first(store) != NULL); ne_lockstore_add(store, lk); ONN("lock not found in store", ne_lockstore_first(store) != lk); ONN(">1 locks in store?", ne_lockstore_next(store) != NULL); lk2 = ne_lockstore_findbyuri(store, &lk->uri); ONN("lock not found by URI", lk2 == NULL); ONN("other lock found by URI", lk2 != lk); ne_lockstore_remove(store, lk); ONN("store not empty after removing lock", ne_lockstore_first(store) != NULL); ONN("lock still found after removing lock", ne_lockstore_findbyuri(store, &lk->uri) != NULL); ne_lockstore_destroy(store); ne_lock_destroy(lk); return OK; } static int store_several(void) { ne_lock_store *store = ne_lockstore_create(); struct ne_lock *lk = make_lock("/foo", "blah", ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0); struct ne_lock *lk2 = make_lock("/bar", "blee", ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0); struct ne_lock *lf, *lf2; ONN("create failed", store == NULL); ne_lockstore_add(store, lk); ne_lockstore_add(store, lk2); lf = ne_lockstore_first(store); ONN("lock store empty", lf == NULL); lf2 = ne_lockstore_next(store); ONN("lock store >2 locks", ne_lockstore_next(store) != NULL); /* guarantee that _first, _next returned either of the * combinations: (lf, lf2) or (lf2, lf) */ ONN("found wrong locks", ((lf != lk && lf != lk2) || (lf2 != lk && lf2 != lk2) || (lf == lf2))); ONN("first find failed", ne_lockstore_findbyuri(store, &lk->uri) != lk); ONN("second find failed", ne_lockstore_findbyuri(store, &lk2->uri) != lk2); ne_lockstore_remove(store, lk); ne_lock_destroy(lk); ONN("remove left stray lock?", ne_lockstore_first(store) != lk2); ONN("remove left >1 lock?", ne_lockstore_next(store) != NULL); ne_lockstore_remove(store, lk2); ne_lock_destroy(lk2); ONN("store not empty after removing all locks", ne_lockstore_first(store) != NULL); ne_lockstore_destroy(store); return OK; } /* Use a fake session forced to use port 7777 to the origin, to * simplify the tests. */ static int fake_session(ne_session **sess, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { return proxied_session_server(sess, "http", "localhost", 7777, fn, userdata); } /* regression test for <= 0.18.2, where timeout field was not parsed correctly. */ static int lock_timeout(void) { ne_session *sess; char *resp, *rbody = lock_response(ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0, "me", 6500, "opaquelocktoken:foo"); struct ne_lock *lock = ne_lock_create(); resp = ne_concat("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: neon-test-server\r\n" "Content-type: application/xml" EOL "Lock-Token: " EOL "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", rbody, NULL); CALL(fake_session(&sess, single_serve_string, resp)); ne_free(resp); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &lock->uri); lock->uri.path = ne_strdup("/foo"); lock->timeout = 5; ONREQ(ne_lock(sess, lock)); ONN("lock timeout ignored in response", lock->timeout != 6500); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_lock_destroy(lock); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } #define LONG_TIMEOUT (4294967295UL) /* Lock timeouts should be allowed up to 2^32-1, but ne_lock uses a * signed long to store timeouts, so this would fail with 32-bit long. */ static int lock_long_timeout(void) { ne_session *sess; char *resp, *rbody = lock_response(ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0, "me", LONG_TIMEOUT, "opaquelocktoken:foo"); struct ne_lock *lock = ne_lock_create(); resp = ne_concat("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: neon-test-server\r\n" "Content-type: application/xml" EOL "Lock-Token: " EOL "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", rbody, NULL); CALL(fake_session(&sess, single_serve_string, resp)); ne_free(resp); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &lock->uri); lock->uri.path = ne_strdup("/foo"); lock->timeout = 5; ONREQ(ne_lock(sess, lock)); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_lock_destroy(lock); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } static int verify_if; static const char *verify_if_expect; static void got_if_header(char *value) { verify_if = !strcmp(verify_if_expect, value); NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "Verified If header, %d: got [%s] expected [%s]\n", verify_if, value, verify_if_expect); } /* Server callback which checks that an If: header is received. */ static int serve_verify_if(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { /* tell us about If headers in the request. */ want_header = "If"; got_header = got_if_header; verify_if_expect = userdata; verify_if = 0; CALL(discard_request(sock)); if (verify_if) { ON(SEND_STRING(sock, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" EOL)); } else { ON(SEND_STRING(sock, "HTTP/1.1 403 Wrong If Header" EOL)); } ON(SEND_STRING(sock, "Connection: close" EOL EOL)); return OK; } /* Make a request which will require a lock. */ static int do_request(ne_session *sess, const char *path, int depth, int modparent) { ne_request *req = ne_request_create(sess, "RANDOM", path); if (depth > 0) { ne_add_depth_header(req, depth); } if (depth != -1) ne_lock_using_resource(req, path, depth); if (modparent) ne_lock_using_parent(req, path); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ONV(ne_get_status(req)->code != 200, ("request failed: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_request_destroy(req); return OK; } /* If modparent is non-zero; the request is flagged to * modify the parent resource too. */ #define LOCK_MODPARENT (0x01) /* Enable SharePoint hacks. */ #define LOCK_SHAREPOINT (0x02) /* Tests If: header submission, for a lock of depth 'lockdepth' at * 'lockpath', with a request to 'reqpath' which Depth header of * 'reqdepth'. 'flags' is bitwise-or of LOCK_* flags above. */ static int submit_test(const char *lockpath, int lockdepth, const char *reqpath, int reqdepth, unsigned int flags) { ne_lock_store *store = ne_lockstore_create(); ne_session *sess; struct ne_lock *lk = ne_lock_create(); char *expect_if; int ret; if (flags & LOCK_SHAREPOINT) expect_if = ne_strdup("()"); else expect_if = ne_concat(" ()", NULL); CALL(fake_session(&sess, serve_verify_if, expect_if)); ne_free(expect_if); if (flags & LOCK_SHAREPOINT) ne_set_session_flag(sess, NE_SESSFLAG_SHAREPOINT, 1); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &lk->uri); lk->uri.path = ne_strdup(lockpath); lk->token = ne_strdup("somelocktoken"); lk->depth = lockdepth; /* register the lock store, and add our lock for "/foo" to it. */ ne_lockstore_register(store, sess); ne_lockstore_add(store, lk); ret = do_request(sess, reqpath, reqdepth, flags & LOCK_MODPARENT); CALL(await_server()); ne_lockstore_destroy(store); ne_session_destroy(sess); return ret; } static int if_simple(void) { return submit_test("/foo", 0, "/foo", 0, 0); } static int if_under_infinite(void) { return submit_test("/foo", NE_DEPTH_INFINITE, "/foo/bar", 0, 0); } static int if_infinite_over(void) { return submit_test("/foo/bar", 0, "/foo/", NE_DEPTH_INFINITE, 0); } static int if_child(void) { return submit_test("/foo/", 0, "/foo/bar", 0, LOCK_MODPARENT); } /* this is a special test, where the PARENT resource of "/foo/bar" is * modified, but NOT "/foo/bar" itself. An UNLOCK request on a * lock-null resource can do this; see ne_unlock() for the comment. * Regression test for neon <= 0.19.3, which didn't handle this * correctly. */ static int if_covered_child(void) { return submit_test("/", NE_DEPTH_INFINITE, "/foo/bar", -1, LOCK_MODPARENT); } static int if_sharepoint(void) { return submit_test("/foo-sharepoint", 0, "/foo-sharepoint", 0, LOCK_SHAREPOINT); } static int serve_discovery(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { char buf[BUFSIZ], *resp = userdata; ON(discard_request(sock)); ONN("no PROPFIND body", clength == 0); ON(ne_sock_read(sock, buf, clength) < 0); ON(SEND_STRING(sock, "HTTP/1.0 207 OK" EOL "Connection: close" EOL EOL)); ON(SEND_STRING(sock, resp)); return OK; } struct result_args { struct ne_lock *lock; int result; }; static int lock_compare(const char *ctx, const struct ne_lock *a, const struct ne_lock *b) { ONV(!a->uri.host || !a->uri.scheme || !a->uri.path, ("URI structure incomplete in %s", ctx)); ONV(ne_uri_cmp(&a->uri, &b->uri) != 0, ("URI comparison failed for %s: %s not %s", ctx, ne_uri_unparse(&a->uri), ne_uri_unparse(&b->uri))); ONV(a->depth != b->depth, ("%s depth was %d not %d", ctx, a->depth, b->depth)); ONV(a->scope != b->scope, ("%s scope was %d not %d", ctx, a->scope, b->scope)); ONV(a->type != b->type, ("%s type was %d not %d", ctx, a->type, b->type)); return OK; } static void discover_result(void *userdata, const struct ne_lock *lk, const ne_uri *uri, const ne_status *st) { struct result_args *args = userdata; args->result = lock_compare("discovered lock", lk, args->lock); } static int discover(void) { ne_session *sess; char *response; int ret; struct result_args args; args.lock = ne_lock_create(); args.lock->owner = ne_strdup("someowner"); args.lock->token = ne_strdup("sometoken"); args.lock->uri.host = ne_strdup("localhost"); args.lock->uri.port = 7777; args.lock->uri.scheme = ne_strdup("http"); /* default */ args.result = FAIL; t_context("results callback never invoked"); response = discover_response("/lockme", args.lock); CALL(fake_session(&sess, serve_discovery, response)); args.lock->uri.path = ne_strdup("/lockme"); ret = ne_lock_discover(sess, "/lockme", discover_result, &args); CALL(await_server()); ONREQ(ret); ne_lock_destroy(args.lock); ne_session_destroy(sess); return args.result; } /* Check that the token for the response header */ static int lock_shared(void) { ne_session *sess; char *resp, *rbody; struct ne_lock *lock, *resplocks[3]; #define FILLK(l, s) do { \ (l)->token = strdup("opaquelocktoken:" s); \ (l)->owner = strdup("owner " s); \ (l)->uri.path = strdup("/" s); (l)->uri.host = strdup("localhost"); \ (l)->uri.scheme = strdup("http"); (l)->uri.port = 7777; } while (0) resplocks[0] = ne_lock_create(); resplocks[1] = ne_lock_create(); resplocks[2] = NULL; FILLK(resplocks[0], "alpha"); FILLK(resplocks[1], "beta"); resplocks[0]->timeout = 100; resplocks[1]->timeout = 200; rbody = multi_lock_response(resplocks); resp = ne_concat("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: neon-test-server\r\n" "Content-type: application/xml" EOL "Lock-Token: " EOL "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", rbody, NULL); ne_free(rbody); CALL(fake_session(&sess, single_serve_string, resp)); ne_free(resp); lock = ne_lock_create(); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &lock->uri); lock->uri.path = ne_strdup("/beta"); ONREQ(ne_lock(sess, lock)); CALL(await_server()); CALL(lock_compare("returned lock", resplocks[1], lock)); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_lock_destroy(lock); ne_lock_destroy(resplocks[0]); ne_lock_destroy(resplocks[1]); return OK; } static void dummy_discover(void *userdata, const struct ne_lock *lock, const ne_uri *uri, const ne_status *status) { } /* This failed with neon 0.25.x and earlier when memory leak detection * is enabled. */ static int fail_discover(void) { ne_session *sess; int ret; CALL(fake_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 207 OK\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n" "\n" "\n" "/foo/bar\n" "\n")); ret = ne_lock_discover(sess, "/foo", dummy_discover, NULL); CALL(await_server()); ONN("discovery okay for response with invalid XML!?", ret != NE_ERROR); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int no_creds(void *ud, const char *realm, int attempt, char *username, char *password) { return -1; } static int fail_lockauth(void) { ne_session *sess; struct ne_lock *lock; int ret; struct many_serve_args args; args.str = "HTTP/1.1 401 Auth Denied\r\n" "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"realm@host\"\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"; args.count = 2; CALL(fake_session(&sess, many_serve_string, &args)); ne_set_server_auth(sess, no_creds, NULL); lock = make_lock("/foo", NULL, ne_lockscope_exclusive, NE_DEPTH_ZERO); ret = ne_lock(sess, lock); ONV(ret != NE_AUTH, ("attempt to lock did not fail with NE_AUTH: %d (%s)", ret, ne_get_error(sess))); ne_lock_destroy(lock); lock = make_lock("/bar", "fish", ne_lockscope_exclusive, NE_DEPTH_ZERO); lock->token = ne_strdup("opaquelocktoken:gah"); ret = ne_unlock(sess, lock); ONV(ret != NE_AUTH, ("attempt to unlock did not fail with NE_AUTH: %d (%s)", ret, ne_get_error(sess))); ne_lock_destroy(lock); CALL(await_server()); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* Regression test for neon 0.25.0 regression in ne_lock() error * handling. */ static int fail_noheader(void) { ne_session *sess; char *resp, *rbody = lock_response(ne_lockscope_exclusive, 0, "me", 6500, "opaquelocktoken:foo"); struct ne_lock *lock = ne_lock_create(); int ret; resp = ne_concat("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: neon-test-server\r\n" "Content-type: application/xml" EOL "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", rbody, NULL); CALL(fake_session(&sess, single_serve_string, resp)); ne_free(resp); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &lock->uri); lock->uri.path = ne_strdup("/foo"); lock->timeout = NE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE; ret = ne_lock(sess, lock); ONN("LOCK request did not fail", ret != NE_ERROR); ONV(strstr(ne_get_error(sess), "LOCK response missing Lock-Token header") == NULL, ("unexpected error: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_lock_destroy(lock); return await_server(); } ne_test tests[] = { T(lookup_localhost), T(store_single), T(store_several), T(if_simple), T(if_under_infinite), T(if_infinite_over), T(if_child), T(if_covered_child), T(if_sharepoint), T(lock_timeout), T(lock_long_timeout), T(lock_shared), T(discover), T(fail_discover), T(fail_lockauth), T(fail_noheader), T(NULL) };