#! @PERL@ END { print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded; unlink "demo.rrd"; } sub ok { my($what, $result) = @_ ; $ok_count++; print "not " unless $result; print "ok $ok_count $what\n"; } #makes program work AFTER install use lib qw( @prefix@/lib/perl ); use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $loaded); use RRDs; $loaded = 1; my $ok_count = 1; ok("loading",1); ######################### End of black magic. my $STEP = 100; my $RUNS = 500; my $GRUNS = 4; my $RRD1 = "shared-demo.rrd"; my $RRD2 = "shared-demob.rrd"; my $PNG1 = "shared-demo1.png"; my $PNG2 = "shared-demo2.png"; my $time = 30*int(time/30); my $START = $time-$RUNS*$STEP; my @options = ("-b", $START, "-s", $STEP, "DS:a:GAUGE:2000:U:U", "DS:b:GAUGE:200:U:U", "DS:c:GAUGE:200:U:U", "DS:d:GAUGE:200:U:U", "DS:e:DERIVE:200:U:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:5000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:500"); print "* Creating RRD $RRD1 starting at $time.\n\n"; RRDs::create $RRD1, @options; my $ERROR = RRDs::error; ok("create A", !$ERROR); # 2 if ($ERROR) { die "$0: unable to create `$RRD1': $ERROR\n"; } print "* Creating RRD $RRD2 starting at $time.\n\n"; RRDs::create $RRD2, @options; $ERROR= RRDs::error; ok("create B",!$ERROR); # 3 if ($ERROR) { die "$0: unable to create `$RRD2': $ERROR\n"; } my $last = RRDs::last $RRD1; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { die "$0: unable to get last `$RRD1': $ERROR\n"; } ok("last A", $last == $START); # 4 $last = RRDs::last $RRD2; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { die "$0: unable to get last `$RRD2': $ERROR\n"; } ok("last B", $last == $START); # 5 print "* Filling $RRD1 and $RRD2 with $RUNS*5 values. One moment please ...\n"; print "* If you are running over NFS this will take *MUCH* longer\n\n"; srand(int($time / 100)); @options = (); my $counter = 1e7; for (my $t=$START+1; $t<$START+$STEP*$RUNS; $t+=$STEP+int((rand()-0.5)*7)){ $counter += int(2500*sin($t/2000)*$STEP); my $data = (1000+500*sin($t/1000)).":". (1000+900*sin($t/2330)).":". (2000*cos($t/1550)).":". (3220*sin($t/3420)).":$counter"; push(@options, "$t:$data"); RRDs::update $RRD1, "$t:$data"; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { die "$0: unable to update `$RRD1': $ERROR\n"; } } RRDs::update $RRD2, @options; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { die "$0: unable to update `$RRD2': $ERROR\n"; } print "* Creating $GRUNS graphs: $PNG1 & $PNG2\n\n"; my $now = $time; for (my $i=0;$i<$GRUNS;$i++) { my @rrd_pngs = ($RRD1, $PNG1, $RRD2, $PNG2); while (@rrd_pngs) { my $RRD = shift(@rrd_pngs); my $PNG = shift(@rrd_pngs); my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph $PNG, "--title", 'Test GRAPH', '--base', '1024', "--vertical-label", 'Dummy Units', "--start", (-$RUNS*$STEP), "--end", $time, "--interlaced", "--imgformat","PNG", "DEF:alpha=$RRD:a:AVERAGE", "DEF:beta=$RRD:b:AVERAGE", "DEF:gamma=$RRD:c:AVERAGE", "DEF:delta=$RRD:d:AVERAGE", "DEF:epsilon=$RRD:e:AVERAGE", "CDEF:calc=alpha,beta,+,2,/,100,*,102,/", "AREA:alpha#0022e9:Short", "GPRINT:calc:MAX:Max calc %1.2lf", "STACK:beta#00b871:Demo Text", "GPRINT:calc:AVERAGE:Average calc %1.2lf", "STACK:beta#0ad871:Demo Text 2", "LINE1:gamma#ff0000:Line 1", "LINE2:delta#888800:Line 2", "LINE3:calc#00ff44:Line 3", "LINE3:epsilon#000000:Line 4", "HRULE:1500#ff8800:Horizontal Line at 1500", "PRINT:alpha:AVERAGE:Average Alpha %1.2lf", "PRINT:alpha:MIN:Min Alpha %1.2lf", "PRINT:alpha:MAX:Max Alpha %1.2lf", "GPRINT:calc:MIN:Min calc %1.2lf", "VRULE:".($now-3600)."#008877:60 Minutes ago", "VRULE:".($now-7200)."#008877:120 Minutes ago"; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { die "ERROR: $ERROR\n"; } else { print "Image Size: ${xs}x${ys}\n"; print "Graph Return:\n",(join "\n", @$graphret),"\n\n"; } } } my ($start,$step,$names,$array) = RRDs::fetch $RRD1, "AVERAGE"; $ERROR = RRDs::error; die "ERROR: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR ; print "start=$start, step=$step\n"; print " "; map {printf("%12s",$_)} @$names ; print "\n"; foreach my $line (@$array){ print "".localtime($start)," "; $start += $step; foreach my $val (@$line) { printf "%12.1f", $val; } print "\n"; } my ($start,$end,$step,$col_cnt,$legend,$data) = RRDs::xport ("-m", 400, "--start", "now-1day", "--end", "now", "DEF:alpha=$RRD1:a:AVERAGE", "DEF:beta=$RRD1:d:AVERAGE", "CDEF:calc=alpha,beta,+,2,/,100,*,102,/", "XPORT:alpha:original ds", "XPORT:calc:calculated values", ); my $ERROR = RRDs::error; die "$0: unable to xport: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; print "\nrrdxport test:\n\n"; print "\n\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " $start\n"; print " $step\n"; print " $end\n"; print " ", $#$data + 1, "\n"; print " $col_cnt\n"; print " \n"; foreach my $entry (@$legend) { print " $entry\n"; } print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; my $row_counter = 0; foreach my $row (@$data) { $row_counter++; print " $start"; $start += $step; foreach my $val (@$row) { printf ("%1.10e",$val) if $val ne ''; print "NaN" if $val eq ''; } print "\n"; } print " \n"; print "\n";