* Clock bindings for Freescale i.MX23

Required properties:
- compatible: Should be "fsl,imx23-clkctrl"
- reg: Address and length of the register set
- #clock-cells: Should be <1>

The clock consumer should specify the desired clock by having the clock
ID in its "clocks" phandle cell.  The following is a full list of i.MX23
clocks and IDs.

	Clock		ID
	ref_xtal	0
	pll		1
	ref_cpu		2
	ref_emi		3
	ref_pix		4
	ref_io		5
	saif_sel	6
	lcdif_sel	7
	gpmi_sel	8
	ssp_sel		9
	emi_sel		10
	cpu		11
	etm_sel		12
	cpu_pll		13
	cpu_xtal	14
	hbus		15
	xbus		16
	lcdif_div	17
	ssp_div		18
	gpmi_div	19
	emi_pll		20
	emi_xtal	21
	etm_div		22
	saif_div	23
	clk32k_div	24
	rtc		25
	adc		26
	spdif_div	27
	clk32k		28
	dri		29
	pwm		30
	filt		31
	uart		32
	ssp		33
	gpmi		34
	spdif		35
	emi		36
	saif		37
	lcdif		38
	etm		39
	usb		40
	usb_phy		41


clks: clkctrl@80040000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx23-clkctrl";
	reg = <0x80040000 0x2000>;
	#clock-cells = <1>;

auart0: serial@8006c000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx23-auart";
	reg = <0x8006c000 0x2000>;
	interrupts = <24 25 23>;
	clocks = <&clks 32>;