DT bindings for Xilinx video IP cores

Xilinx video IP cores process video streams by acting as video sinks and/or
sources. They are connected by links through their input and output ports,
creating a video pipeline.

Each video IP core is represented by an AMBA bus child node in the device
tree using bindings documented in this directory. Connections between the IP
cores are represented as defined in ../video-interfaces.txt.

The whole  pipeline is represented by an AMBA bus child node in the device
tree using bindings documented in ./xlnx,video.txt.

Common properties

The following properties are common to all Xilinx video IP cores.

- xlnx,video-format: This property represents a video format transmitted on an
  AXI bus between video IP cores, using its VF code as defined in "AXI4-Stream
  Video IP and System Design Guide" [UG934]. How the format relates to the IP
  core is described in the IP core bindings documentation.

- xlnx,video-width: This property qualifies the video format with the sample
  width expressed as a number of bits per pixel component. All components must
  use the same width.

- xlnx,cfa-pattern: When the video format is set to Mono/Sensor, this property
  describes the sensor's color filter array pattern. Supported values are
  "bggr", "gbrg", "grbg", "rggb" and "mono". If not specified, the pattern
  defaults to "mono".

[UG934] http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/axi_videoip/v1_0/ug934_axi_videoIP.pdf