TI BQ27XXX fuel gauge family

Required properties:
- compatible: contains one of the following:
 * "ti,bq27200" - BQ27200
 * "ti,bq27210" - BQ27210
 * "ti,bq27500" - deprecated, use revision specific property below
 * "ti,bq27510" - deprecated, use revision specific property below
 * "ti,bq27520" - deprecated, use revision specific property below
 * "ti,bq27500-1" - BQ27500/1
 * "ti,bq27510g1" - BQ27510-g1
 * "ti,bq27510g2" - BQ27510-g2
 * "ti,bq27510g3" - BQ27510-g3
 * "ti,bq27520g1" - BQ27520-g1
 * "ti,bq27520g2" - BQ27520-g2
 * "ti,bq27520g3" - BQ27520-g3
 * "ti,bq27520g4" - BQ27520-g4
 * "ti,bq27521" - BQ27521
 * "ti,bq27530" - BQ27530
 * "ti,bq27531" - BQ27531
 * "ti,bq27541" - BQ27541
 * "ti,bq27542" - BQ27542
 * "ti,bq27546" - BQ27546
 * "ti,bq27742" - BQ27742
 * "ti,bq27545" - BQ27545
 * "ti,bq27411" - BQ27411
 * "ti,bq27421" - BQ27421
 * "ti,bq27425" - BQ27425
 * "ti,bq27426" - BQ27426
 * "ti,bq27441" - BQ27441
 * "ti,bq27621" - BQ27621
- reg: integer, I2C address of the fuel gauge.

Optional properties:
- monitored-battery: phandle of battery characteristics node
    The fuel gauge uses the following battery properties:
    + energy-full-design-microwatt-hours
    + charge-full-design-microamp-hours
    + voltage-min-design-microvolt
  Both or neither of the *-full-design-*-hours properties must be set.
  See Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/supply/battery.txt


	bat: battery {
		compatible = "simple-battery";
		voltage-min-design-microvolt = <3200000>;
		energy-full-design-microwatt-hours = <5290000>;
		charge-full-design-microamp-hours = <1430000>;

	bq27510g3: fuel-gauge@55 {
		compatible = "ti,bq27510g3";
		reg = <0x55>;
		monitored-battery = <&bat>;