Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. GENI Serial Engine QUP Wrapper Controller

Generic Interface (GENI) based Qualcomm Universal Peripheral (QUP) wrapper
is a programmable module for supporting a wide range of serial interfaces
like UART, SPI, I2C, I3C, etc. A single QUP module can provide upto 8 Serial
Interfaces, using its internal Serial Engines. The GENI Serial Engine QUP
Wrapper controller is modeled as a node with zero or more child nodes each
representing a serial engine.

Required properties:
- compatible:		Must be "qcom,geni-se-qup".
- reg:			Must contain QUP register address and length.
- clock-names:		Must contain "m-ahb" and "s-ahb".
- clocks:		AHB clocks needed by the device.

Required properties if child node exists:
- #address-cells: 	Must be <1> for Serial Engine Address
- #size-cells: 		Must be <1> for Serial Engine Address Size
- ranges: 		Must be present

Properties for children:

A GENI based QUP wrapper controller node can contain 0 or more child nodes
representing serial devices.  These serial devices can be a QCOM UART, I2C
controller, SPI controller, or some combination of aforementioned devices.
Please refer below the child node definitions for the supported serial
interface protocols.

Qualcomm Technologies Inc. GENI Serial Engine based I2C Controller

Required properties:
- compatible:		Must be "qcom,geni-i2c".
- reg: 			Must contain QUP register address and length.
- interrupts: 		Must contain I2C interrupt.
- clock-names: 		Must contain "se".
- clocks: 		Serial engine core clock needed by the device.
- #address-cells:	Must be <1> for I2C device address.
- #size-cells:		Must be <0> as I2C addresses have no size component.

Optional property:
- clock-frequency:	Desired I2C bus clock frequency in Hz.
			When missing default to 100000Hz.

Child nodes should conform to I2C bus binding as described in i2c.txt.

Qualcomm Technologies Inc. GENI Serial Engine based UART Controller

Required properties:
- compatible:		Must be "qcom,geni-debug-uart" or "qcom,geni-uart".
- reg: 			Must contain UART register location and length.
- interrupts: 		Must contain UART core interrupts.
- clock-names:		Must contain "se".
- clocks:		Serial engine core clock needed by the device.

Qualcomm Technologies Inc. GENI Serial Engine based SPI Controller
node binding is described in

	geniqup@8c0000 {
		compatible = "qcom,geni-se-qup";
		reg = <0x8c0000 0x6000>;
		clock-names = "m-ahb", "s-ahb";
		clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_0_M_AHB_CLK>,
			<&clock_gcc GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_0_S_AHB_CLK>;
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		i2c0: i2c@a94000 {
			compatible = "qcom,geni-i2c";
			reg = <0xa94000 0x4000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 358 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clock-names = "se";
			clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S5_CLK>;
			pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
			pinctrl-0 = <&qup_1_i2c_5_active>;
			pinctrl-1 = <&qup_1_i2c_5_sleep>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;

		uart0: serial@a88000 {
			compatible = "qcom,geni-debug-uart";
			reg = <0xa88000 0x7000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 355 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clock-names = "se";
			clocks = <&clock_gcc GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S0_CLK>;
			pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
			pinctrl-0 = <&qup_1_uart_3_active>;
			pinctrl-1 = <&qup_1_uart_3_sleep>;
