Qualcomm WCNSS Binding

This binding describes the Qualcomm WCNSS hardware. It consists of control
block and a BT, WiFi and FM radio block, all using SMD as command channels.

- compatible:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <string>
	Definition: must be: "qcom,wcnss",

- qcom,smd-channel:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <string>
	Definition: standard SMD property specifying the SMD channel used for
		    communication with the WiFi firmware.
		    Should be "WCNSS_CTRL".

- qcom,mmio:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: reference to a node specifying the wcnss "ccu" and "dxe"
		    register blocks. The node must be compatible with one of
		    the following:

The subnodes of the wcnss node are optional and describe the individual blocks in
the WCNSS.

== Bluetooth
The following properties are defined to the bluetooth node:

- compatible:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <string>
	Definition: must be:

- local-bd-address:
	Usage: optional
	Value type: <u8 array>
	Definition: see Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/bluetooth.txt

== WiFi
The following properties are defined to the WiFi node:

- compatible:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <string>
	Definition: must be one of:

- interrupts:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: should specify the "rx" and "tx" interrupts

- interrupt-names:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: must contain "rx" and "tx"

- qcom,smem-state:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: should reference the tx-enable and tx-rings-empty SMEM states

- qcom,smem-state-names:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: must contain "tx-enable" and "tx-rings-empty"

The following example represents a SMD node, with one edge representing the
"pronto" subsystem, with the wcnss device and its wcn3680 BT and WiFi blocks
described; as found on the 8974 platform.

smd {
	compatible = "qcom,smd";

	pronto-edge {
		interrupts = <0 142 1>;

		qcom,ipc = <&apcs 8 17>;
		qcom,smd-edge = <6>;

		wcnss {
			compatible = "qcom,wcnss";
			qcom,smd-channels = "WCNSS_CTRL";

			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			qcom,mmio = <&pronto>;

			bt {
				compatible = "qcom,wcnss-bt";

				/* BD address 00:11:22:33:44:55 */
				local-bd-address = [ 55 44 33 22 11 00 ];

			wlan {
				compatible = "qcom,wcnss-wlan";

				interrupts = <0 145 0>, <0 146 0>;
				interrupt-names = "tx", "rx";

				qcom,smem-state = <&apps_smsm 10>, <&apps_smsm 9>;
				qcom,smem-state-names = "tx-enable", "tx-rings-empty";

soc {
	pronto: pronto {
		compatible = "qcom,pronto";

		reg = <0xfb204000 0x2000>, <0xfb202000 0x1000>, <0xfb21b000 0x3000>;
		reg-names = "ccu", "dxe", "pmu";