/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- libpamwrite.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the library functions, which belong in the libnetpbm library, that deal with writing the PAM (Portable Arbitrary Format) image format raster (not the header). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* See pmfileio.c for the complicated explanation of this 32/64 bit file offset stuff. */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #define _LARGE_FILES #include #include #include #include #ifdef NETPBM_NOTDEF #include #endif #include "pm_config.h" #include "pam.h" static __inline__ unsigned int countDezDigits(unsigned long val) { if (val >= 1000000000) { return 10; } if (val >= 100000000) { return 9; } if (val >= 10000000) { return 8; } if (val >= 1000000) { return 7; } if (val >= 100000) { return 6; } if (val >= 10000) { return 5; } if (val >= 1000) { return 4; } if (val >= 100) { return 3; } if (val >= 10) { return 2; } return 1; } static __inline__ unsigned int samplesPerPlainLine(sample const maxval, unsigned int const depth, unsigned int const lineLength) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the minimum number of samples that should go in a line 'lineLength' characters long in a plain format non-PBM PNM image with depth 'depth' and maxval 'maxval'. Note that this number is just for aesthetics; the Netpbm formats allow any number of samples per line. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef NETPBM_NOTDEF unsigned int const digitsForMaxval = (unsigned int) (log(maxval + 0.1 ) / log(10.0)); /* Number of digits maxval has in decimal */ /* +0.1 is an adjustment to overcome precision problems */ #else /* no FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC for this 'aesthetics'!!! */ unsigned int const digitsForMaxval = countDezDigits (maxval); #endif unsigned int const fit = lineLength / (digitsForMaxval + 1); /* Number of maxval-sized samples that fit in a line */ unsigned int const retval = (fit > depth) ? (fit - (fit % depth)) : fit; /* 'fit', rounded down to a multiple of depth, if possible */ return retval; } static void writePamPlainPbmRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow) { int col; unsigned int const samplesPerLine = 70; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) fprintf(pamP->file, ((col+1) % samplesPerLine == 0 || col == pamP->width-1) ? "%1u\n" : "%1u", tuplerow[col][0] == PAM_PBM_BLACK ? PBM_BLACK : PBM_WHITE); } static void writePamPlainRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow) { int const samplesPerLine = samplesPerPlainLine(pamP->maxval, pamP->depth, 79); int col; unsigned int samplesInCurrentLine; /* number of samples written from start of line */ samplesInCurrentLine = 0; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane){ fprintf(pamP->file, "%lu ",tuplerow[col][plane]); ++samplesInCurrentLine; if (samplesInCurrentLine >= samplesPerLine) { fprintf(pamP->file, "\n"); samplesInCurrentLine = 0; } } } fprintf(pamP->file, "\n"); } static void formatPbmRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { unsigned char accum; int col; accum = 0; /* initial value */ for (col=0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { accum |= (tuplerow[col][0] == PAM_PBM_BLACK ? PBM_BLACK : PBM_WHITE) << (7-col%8); if (col%8 == 7) { outbuf[col/8] = accum; accum = 0; } } if (pamP->width % 8 != 0) { unsigned int const lastByteIndex = pamP->width/8; outbuf[lastByteIndex] = accum; *rowSizeP = lastByteIndex + 1; } else *rowSizeP = pamP->width/8; } /* Though it is possible to simplify the sampleToBytesN() and formatNBpsRow() functions into a single routine that handles all sample widths, we value efficiency higher here. Earlier versions of Netpbm (before 10.25) did that, with a loop, and performance suffered visibly. */ static __inline__ void sampleToBytes2(unsigned char buf[2], sample const sampleval) { buf[0] = (sampleval >> 8) & 0xff; buf[1] = (sampleval >> 0) & 0xff; } static __inline__ void sampleToBytes3(unsigned char buf[3], sample const sampleval) { buf[0] = (sampleval >> 16) & 0xff; buf[1] = (sampleval >> 8) & 0xff; buf[2] = (sampleval >> 0) & 0xff; } static __inline__ void sampleToBytes4(unsigned char buf[4], sample const sampleval) { buf[0] = (sampleval >> 24 ) & 0xff; buf[1] = (sampleval >> 16 ) & 0xff; buf[2] = (sampleval >> 8 ) & 0xff; buf[3] = (sampleval >> 0 ) & 0xff; } static __inline__ void format1BpsRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the image of a row in the raster of a raw format Netpbm image that has one byte per sample (ergo not PBM). Put the image at *outbuf; put the number of bytes of it at *rowSizeP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; /* initial value */ for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane=0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) outbuf[bufferCursor++] = (unsigned char)tuplerow[col][plane]; } *rowSizeP = pamP->width * 1 * pamP->depth; } static __inline__ void format2BpsRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analogous to format1BpsRow(). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char (* const ob)[2] = (unsigned char (*)[2]) outbuf; int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; /* initial value */ for (col=0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) sampleToBytes2(ob[bufferCursor++], tuplerow[col][plane]); } *rowSizeP = pamP->width * 2 * pamP->depth; } static __inline__ void format3BpsRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analogous to format1BpsRow(). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char (* const ob)[3] = (unsigned char (*)[3]) outbuf; int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; /* initial value */ for (col=0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) sampleToBytes3(ob[bufferCursor++], tuplerow[col][plane]); } *rowSizeP = pamP->width * 3 * pamP->depth; } static __inline__ void format4BpsRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analogous to format1BpsRow(). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char (* const ob)[4] = (unsigned char (*)[4]) outbuf; int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; /* initial value */ for (col=0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) sampleToBytes4(ob[bufferCursor++], tuplerow[col][plane]); } *rowSizeP = pamP->width * 4 * pamP->depth; } void pnm_formatpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the image of a row in the raster of a raw (not plain) format Netpbm image, as described by *pamP and tuplerow[]. Put the image at *outbuf. 'outbuf' must be the address of space allocated with pnm_allocrowimage(). We return as *rowSizeP the number of bytes in the row image. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format) == PBM_TYPE) formatPbmRow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, rowSizeP); else { switch(pamP->bytes_per_sample){ case 1: format1BpsRow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, rowSizeP); break; case 2: format2BpsRow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, rowSizeP); break; case 3: format3BpsRow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, rowSizeP); break; case 4: format4BpsRow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, rowSizeP); break; default: pm_error("invalid bytes per sample passed to " "pnm_formatpamrow(): %u", pamP->bytes_per_sample); } } } static void writePamRawRow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned int const count) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write mutiple ('count') copies of the same row ('tuplerow') to the file, in raw (not plain) format. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ jmp_buf jmpbuf; jmp_buf * origJmpbufP; unsigned int rowImageSize; unsigned char * outbuf; /* malloc'ed */ outbuf = pnm_allocrowimage(pamP); pnm_formatpamrow(pamP, tuplerow, outbuf, &rowImageSize); if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0) { pnm_freerowimage(outbuf); pm_setjmpbuf(origJmpbufP); pm_longjmp(); } else { unsigned int i; pm_setjmpbufsave(&jmpbuf, &origJmpbufP); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { size_t bytesWritten; bytesWritten = fwrite(outbuf, 1, rowImageSize, pamP->file); if (bytesWritten != rowImageSize) pm_error("fwrite() failed to write an image row to the file. " "errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); } pm_setjmpbuf(origJmpbufP); } pnm_freerowimage(outbuf); } void pnm_writepamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow) { /* For speed, we don't check any of the inputs for consistency here (unless it's necessary to avoid crashing). Any consistency checking should have been done by a prior call to pnm_writepaminit(). */ if (pm_plain_output || pamP->plainformat) { switch (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format)) { case PBM_TYPE: writePamPlainPbmRow(pamP, tuplerow); break; case PGM_TYPE: case PPM_TYPE: writePamPlainRow(pamP, tuplerow); break; case PAM_TYPE: /* pm_plain_output is impossible here due to assumption stated above about pnm_writepaminit() having checked it. The pamP->plainformat is meaningless for PAM. */ writePamRawRow(pamP, tuplerow, 1); break; default: pm_error("Invalid 'format' value %u in pam structure", pamP->format); } } else writePamRawRow(pamP, tuplerow, 1); } #ifdef NETPBM_NOTDEF void pnm_writepamrowmult(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned int const count) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write mutiple ('count') copies of the same row ('tuplerow') to the file. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (pm_plain_output || pamP->plainformat) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) pnm_writepamrow(pamP, tuplerow); } else /* Simple common case - use fastpath */ writePamRawRow(pamP, tuplerow, count); } void pnm_writepam(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuplearray) { int row; pnm_writepaminit(pamP); for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) pnm_writepamrow(pamP, tuplearray[row]); } #endif