/****************************************************************************** Pnmnorm ******************************************************************************* This program normalizes the contrast in a Netpbm image. by Bryan Henderson bryanh@giraffe-data.com San Jose CA March 2002. Adapted from Ppmnorm. Ppmnorm is by Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (whb@usc.edu) Extensively hacked from pgmnorm.c, which carries the following note: Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. (End of note from pgmnorm.c) Pgmnorm's man page also said: Partially based on the fbnorm filter in Michael Mauldin's "Fuzzy Pixmap" package. *****************************************************************************/ #include <assert.h> #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "pnm.h" enum brightMethod {BRIGHT_LUMINOSITY, BRIGHT_COLORVALUE, BRIGHT_SATURATION}; struct cmdlineInfo { /* All the information the user supplied in the command line, in a form easy for the program to use. */ const char * inputFileName; /* Name of input file */ unsigned int bvalueSpec; xelval bvalue; unsigned int bpercentSpec; float bpercent; unsigned int wvalueSpec; xelval wvalue; unsigned int wpercentSpec; float wpercent; float middle; unsigned int midvalueSpec; xelval midvalue; enum brightMethod brightMethod; unsigned int keephues; float maxExpansion; /* The maximum allowed expansion factor for expansion specified by per centile. This is a factor, not a per cent increase. E.g. 50% increase means a factor of 1.50. */ unsigned int verbose; }; static void parseCommandLine(int argc, const char ** argv, struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc and argv. Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP. If command line is internally inconsistent (invalid options, etc.), issue error message to stderr and abort program. Note that the strings we return are stored in the storage that was passed to us as the argv array. We also trash *argv. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry *option_def; /* Instructions to pm_optParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int luminosity, colorvalue, saturation; unsigned int middleSpec, maxexpandSpec; float maxexpand; unsigned int option_def_index; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENT3 */ OPTENT3(0, "bpercent", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdlineP->bpercent, &cmdlineP->bpercentSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "wpercent", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdlineP->wpercent, &cmdlineP->wpercentSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "bvalue", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->bvalue, &cmdlineP->bvalueSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "wvalue", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->wvalue, &cmdlineP->wvalueSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "middle", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdlineP->middle, &middleSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "midvalue", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->midvalue, &cmdlineP->midvalueSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "maxexpand", OPT_FLOAT, &maxexpand, &maxexpandSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "keephues", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->keephues, 0); OPTENT3(0, "luminosity", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &luminosity, 0); OPTENT3(0, "colorvalue", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &colorvalue, 0); OPTENT3(0, "saturation", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &saturation, 0); OPTENT3(0, "brightmax", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &colorvalue, 0); OPTENT3(0, "verbose", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->verbose, 0); /* Note: -brightmax was documented and accepted long before it was actually implemented. By the time we implemented it, we decided -colorvalue was a better name for it. */ opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */ pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdline_p and others. */ if (!cmdlineP->wpercentSpec) cmdlineP->wpercent = 1.0; if (!cmdlineP->bpercentSpec) cmdlineP->bpercent = 2.0; if (cmdlineP->wpercent < 0.0) pm_error("You specified a negative value for wpercent: %f", cmdlineP->wpercent); if (cmdlineP->bpercent < 0.0) pm_error("You specified a negative value for bpercent: %f", cmdlineP->bpercent); if (cmdlineP->wpercent > 100.0) pm_error("You specified a per centage > 100 for wpercent: %f", cmdlineP->wpercent); if (cmdlineP->bpercent > 100.0) pm_error("You specified a per centage > 100 for bpercent: %f", cmdlineP->bpercent); if (middleSpec) { if (cmdlineP->middle < 0.0 || cmdlineP->middle > 1.0) pm_error("-middle is a normalized brightness value; it " "must be in the range 0..1. You specified %f", cmdlineP->middle); } else cmdlineP->middle = 0.5; if (luminosity + colorvalue + saturation > 1) pm_error("You can specify only one of " "-luminosity, -colorvalue, and -saturation"); else { if (colorvalue) cmdlineP->brightMethod = BRIGHT_COLORVALUE; else if (saturation) cmdlineP->brightMethod = BRIGHT_SATURATION; else cmdlineP->brightMethod = BRIGHT_LUMINOSITY; } if (maxexpandSpec) { if (maxexpand < 0) pm_error("-maxexpand must be positive. You specified %f", maxexpand); else cmdlineP->maxExpansion = 1 + (float)maxexpand/100; } else cmdlineP->maxExpansion = 1e6; /* essentially infinite */ if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Program takes at most one argument: the input file " "specification. " "You specified %d arguments.", argc-1); if (argc-1 < 1) cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; else cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; } static void buildHistogram(FILE * const ifp, int const cols, int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const format, unsigned int hist[], enum brightMethod const brightMethod) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build the histogram of brightness values for the image that is in file 'ifp', which is positioned just after the header (at the raster). The histogram is the array hist[] such that hist[x] is the number of xels in the image that have brightness x. That brightness is either the color value (intensity of most intense component) of the xel or it is the luminosity of the xel, depending on 'brightMethod'. In either case, it is based on the same maxval as the image, which is 'maxval'. The image is 'cols' columns wide by 'rows' rows high. Leave the file positioned arbitrarily. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int row; xel * xelrow; xelrow = pnm_allocrow(cols); { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i <= maxval; ++i) hist[i] = 0; } for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { int col; pnm_readpnmrow(ifp, xelrow, cols, maxval, format); for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { xelval brightness; xel const p = xelrow[col]; if (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_TYPE) { switch(brightMethod) { case BRIGHT_LUMINOSITY: brightness = ppm_luminosity(p); break; case BRIGHT_COLORVALUE: brightness = ppm_colorvalue(p); break; case BRIGHT_SATURATION: brightness = ppm_saturation(p, maxval); break; } } else brightness = PNM_GET1(p); ++hist[brightness]; } } pnm_freerow(xelrow); } static void computeBottomPercentile(unsigned int hist[], unsigned int const highest, unsigned int const total, float const percent, unsigned int * const percentileP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute the lowest index of hist[] such that the sum of the hist[] values with that index and lower represent at least 'percent' per cent of 'n' (which is assumed to be the sum of all the values in hist[], given to us to save us the time of computing it). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int cutoff = total * percent / 100.0; unsigned int count; unsigned int percentile; percentile = 0; /* initial value */ count = hist[0]; /* initial value */ while (count < cutoff) { if (percentile == highest) pm_error("Internal error: computeBottomPercentile() received" "a 'total' value greater than the sum of the hist[]" "values"); ++percentile; count += hist[percentile]; } *percentileP = percentile; } static void computeTopPercentile(unsigned int hist[], unsigned int const highest, unsigned int const total, float const percent, unsigned int * const percentileP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute the highest index of hist[] such that the sum of the hist[] values with that index and higher represent 'percent' per cent of 'n' (which is assumed to be the sum of all the values in hist[], given to us to save us the time of computing it). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int cutoff = total * percent / 100.0; unsigned int count; unsigned int percentile; percentile = highest; /* initial value */ count = hist[highest]; while (count < cutoff) { --percentile; count += hist[percentile]; } *percentileP = percentile; } static void computeAdjustmentForExpansionLimit(xelval const maxval, xelval const unlBvalue, xelval const unlWvalue, float const maxExpansion, xelval * const bLowerP, xelval * const wRaiseP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming 'unlBvalue' and 'unlWvalue' are the appropriate bvalue and wvalue to normalize the image to 0 .. maxval, compute the amount by which the bvalue must be raised and the wvalue lowered from that in order to cap the expansion factor at 'maxExpansion'. E.g. if 'maxval' is 100, 'unlBvalue' is 20 and 'unlWvalue' is 70, that implies an expansion factor of 100/50 (because the range goes from 70-20, which is 50, to 100 - 0, which is 100). If 'maxEpansion' is 1.333, these values are unacceptable. To get down to the desired 1.333 factor, we need the span of bvalue to wvalue to be 75, not 50. So we need to raise the bvalue and lower the wvalue by a total of 25. We apportion that adjustment to bvalue and wvalue in proportion to how close each is already to it's end (which we call the margin). 'unlBvalue' is 20 from its end, while 'unlWvalue' is 30 from its end, so we want to lower the bvalue by 10 and raise the wvalue by 15. Ergo we return *bLowerP = 10 and *wRaise = 15. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const newRange = maxval - 0; /* The range of sample values after normalization, if we used the unlimited bvalue and wvalue */ unsigned int const oldRange = unlWvalue - unlBvalue; /* The range of sample values in the original image that normalize to 0 .. maxval, if we used the unlimited bvalue and wvalue */ float const unlExpansion = (float)newRange/oldRange; if (unlExpansion <= maxExpansion) { /* No capping is necessary. Unlimited values are already within range. */ *bLowerP = 0; *wRaiseP = 0; } else { unsigned int const totalWidening = newRange/maxExpansion - oldRange; /* Amount by which the (bvalue, wvalue) range must be widened to limit expansion to 'maxExpansion' */ unsigned int const bMargin = unlBvalue - 0; unsigned int const wMargin = maxval - unlWvalue; /* Apportion 'totalWidening' between the black and and the white end */ *bLowerP = ROUNDU((float)bMargin / (bMargin + wMargin) * totalWidening); *wRaiseP = ROUNDU((float)wMargin / (bMargin + wMargin) * totalWidening); pm_message("limiting expansion of %.1f%% to %.1f%%", (unlExpansion - 1) * 100, (maxExpansion -1) * 100); } } static void disOverlap(xelval const reqBvalue, xelval const reqWvalue, bool const bIsFixed, bool const wIsFixed, xelval const maxval, xelval * const nonOlapBvalueP, xelval * const nonOlapWvalueP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute black and white end values that don't overlap, i.e. the black value is darker than the white, from an initial attempt that might overlap. 'req{B|W}value' is that initial attempt. We return the nonoverlapping version as *nonOlap{B|W}valueP. '{b|w}IsFixed' means we cannot change that endpoint. If both ends are fixed 'reqBvalue' and 'reqWvalue' overlap, we just fail the program -- the user asked for the impossible. Where one end is fixed and the other is not, we move the unfixed end to be one unit above or below the fixed end, as appropriate. Where both ends are free, we move them to the point halfway between them, the white end being one more than the black end. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ assert(maxval > 0); if (reqBvalue < reqWvalue) { /* No overlap; initial attempt is fine. */ *nonOlapBvalueP = reqBvalue; *nonOlapWvalueP = reqWvalue; } else { if (bIsFixed && wIsFixed) pm_error("The colors which become black (value <= %u) " "would overlap the " "colors which become white (value >= %u).", reqBvalue, reqWvalue); else if (bIsFixed) { if (reqBvalue >= maxval) pm_error("The black value must be less than the maxval"); else { *nonOlapBvalueP = reqBvalue; *nonOlapWvalueP = reqBvalue + 1; } } else if (wIsFixed) { if (reqWvalue == 0) pm_error("The white value must be greater than 0"); else { *nonOlapBvalueP = reqWvalue - 1; *nonOlapWvalueP = reqWvalue; } } else { /* Both ends are free; use the point halfway between them. */ xelval const midPoint = (reqWvalue + reqBvalue + maxval/2)/2; *nonOlapBvalueP = MIN(midPoint, maxval-1); *nonOlapWvalueP = *nonOlapBvalueP + 1; } } } static void resolvePercentParams(FILE * const ifP, unsigned int const cols, unsigned int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const format, struct cmdlineInfo const cmdline, xelval * const bvalueP, xelval * const wvalueP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure out the endpoint of the stretch (the value that is to be stretched to black and the one that is to be stretched to white) as requested by the -bvalue, -bpercent, -wvalue, and -wpercent options. These values may be invalid due to overlapping, and they may exceed the maximum allowed stretch; Caller must deal with that. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int * hist; /* malloc'ed */ MALLOCARRAY(hist, PNM_OVERALLMAXVAL+1); if (hist == NULL) pm_error("Unable to allocate storage for intensity histogram."); else { buildHistogram(ifP, cols, rows, maxval, format, hist, cmdline.brightMethod); if (cmdline.bvalueSpec && !cmdline.bpercentSpec) { *bvalueP = cmdline.bvalue; } else { xelval percentBvalue; computeBottomPercentile(hist, maxval, cols*rows, cmdline.bpercent, &percentBvalue); if (cmdline.bvalueSpec) *bvalueP = MIN(percentBvalue, cmdline.bvalue); else *bvalueP = percentBvalue; } if (cmdline.wvalueSpec && !cmdline.wpercentSpec) { *wvalueP = cmdline.wvalue; } else { xelval percentWvalue; computeTopPercentile(hist, maxval, cols*rows, cmdline.wpercent, &percentWvalue); if (cmdline.wvalueSpec) *wvalueP = MAX(percentWvalue, cmdline.wvalue); else *wvalueP = percentWvalue; } free(hist); } } static void computeEndValues(FILE * const ifP, int const cols, int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const format, struct cmdlineInfo const cmdline, xelval * const bvalueP, xelval * const wvalueP, bool * const quadraticP, xelval * const midvalueP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure out what original values will be translated to full bright and full dark and, if user requested, a middle brightness -- thus defining to what all the other values get translated. This may involve looking at the image. The image is in the file 'ifP', which is positioned just past the header (at the raster). Leave it positioned arbitrarily. We return *quadraticP == true iff the normalization is to be via a quadratic transfer function fixed at 3 points - full bright, full dark, and something in between. In that case, the original brightnesses of those three points are *bvalueP, *midvalueP, and *wvalueP. We return *quadraticP == false iff the normalization is to be via a linear function fixed at 2 points - full bright and full dark. In that case, *midvalueP is meaningless. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xelval reqBvalue, reqWvalue, nonOlapBvalue, nonOlapWvalue; unsigned int bLower, wRaise; resolvePercentParams(ifP, cols, rows, maxval, format, cmdline, &reqBvalue, &reqWvalue); disOverlap(reqBvalue, reqWvalue, cmdline.bvalueSpec, cmdline.wvalueSpec, maxval, &nonOlapBvalue, &nonOlapWvalue); computeAdjustmentForExpansionLimit( maxval, nonOlapBvalue, nonOlapWvalue, cmdline.maxExpansion, &bLower, &wRaise); *bvalueP = nonOlapBvalue - bLower; *wvalueP = nonOlapWvalue + wRaise; if (cmdline.midvalueSpec) { if (cmdline.midvalue > *bvalueP && cmdline.midvalue < *wvalueP) { *quadraticP = true; *midvalueP = cmdline.midvalue; } else *quadraticP = false; } else *quadraticP = false; } static void computeLinearTransfer(xelval const bvalue, xelval const wvalue, xelval const maxval, xelval * const newBrightness) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map the middle brightnesses (the ones that don't get clipped to full dark or full bright, i.e. from 'bvalue' to 'wvalue') linearly onto 0..maxval. Set this mapping in newBrightness[]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const range = wvalue - bvalue; xelval i; unsigned int val; /* The following for structure is a hand optimization of this one: for (i = bvalue; i <= wvalue; ++i) newBrightness[i] = (i-bvalue)*maxval/range); (with proper rounding) */ for (i = bvalue, val = range/2; i <= wvalue; ++i, val += maxval) newBrightness[i] = MIN(val / range, maxval); assert(newBrightness[bvalue] == 0); assert(newBrightness[wvalue] == maxval); } typedef struct { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quadratic polynomial function -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double a; /* x^2 coefficient */ double b; /* x^1 coefficient */ double c; /* x^0 coefficient */ } Quadfn; static void computeQuadraticFunction(xelval const bvalue, xelval const midvalue, xelval const wvalue, xelval const middle, xelval const maxval, Quadfn * const functionP) { /* The matrix equation we solve (for varMatrix) is a * x = c */ double ** a; double c[3]; double x[3]; const char * error; MALLOCARRAY2_NOFAIL(a, 3, 3); a[0][0] = SQR(bvalue); a[0][1] = bvalue; a[0][2] = 1.0; a[1][0] = SQR(midvalue); a[1][1] = midvalue; a[1][2] = 1.0; a[2][0] = SQR(wvalue); a[2][1] = wvalue; a[2][2] = 1.0; c[0] = 0.0; c[1] = middle; c[2] = maxval; pm_solvelineareq(a, x, c, 3, &error); if (error) { pm_error("Cannot fit a quadratic function to the points " "(%u, %u), (%u, %u), and (%u, %u). %s", bvalue, 0, midvalue, middle, wvalue, maxval, error); pm_strfree(error); } else { functionP->a = x[0]; functionP->b = x[1]; functionP->c = x[2]; } pm_freearray2((void **)a); } static void computeQuadraticTransfer(xelval const bvalue, xelval const midvalue, xelval const wvalue, float const middleNorm, xelval const maxval, bool const verbose, xelval * const newBrightness) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map the middle brightnesses (the ones that don't get clipped to full dark or full bright, i.e. from 'bvalue' to 'wvalue') quadratically onto 0..maxval, such that 'bvalue' maps to 0, 'wvalue' maps to 'maxval, and 'midvalue' maps to the normalized value 'middleNorm' (i.e. the actual xelval middleNorm * maxval). Set this mapping in newBrightness[]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xelval const middle = ROUNDU(middleNorm * maxval); /* Computing this function is just the task of finding a parabola that passes through 3 given points: (bvalue, 0) (midvalue, middle) (wvalue, maxval) We do that by solving the system of three linear equations in in 3 variables. The 3 variables are the coefficients of the quadratic function we're looking for -- A, B, and C in this: NEWVAL = A * OLDVAL^2 + B * OLDVAL + C The three equations of the system are: 0 = A * bvalue^2 + B * bvalue + C middle = A * midvalue^2 + B * midvalue + C maxval = A * wvalue^2 + B * wvalue + C Expressed in matrix form: [ bvalue^2 bvalue 1 ] [ A ] [ 0 ] [ midvalue^2 midvalue 1 ] * [ B ] = [ middle ] [ wvalue^2 wvalue 1 ] [ C ] [ maxval ] So we solve that for A, B, and C. With those coefficients, we have the quadratic function, and we simple apply it to every old sample value I in the range to get the new: newBrightness[I] = A * I^2 + B * I + C */ Quadfn xfer; computeQuadraticFunction(bvalue, midvalue, wvalue, middle, maxval, &xfer); if (verbose) pm_message("Transfer function is %f * s^2 + %f * s + %f", xfer.a, xfer.b, xfer.c); { xelval i; for (i = bvalue; i <= wvalue; ++i) newBrightness[i] = MIN(ROUNDU(xfer.a * SQR(i) + xfer.b * i + xfer.c), maxval); } } static void computeTransferFunction(bool const quadratic, xelval const bvalue, xelval const midvalue, xelval const wvalue, float const middle, xelval const maxval, bool const verbose, xelval ** const newBrightnessP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute the transfer function, i.e. the array *newBrightnessP such that (*newBrightnessP)[x] is the brightness of the xel that should replace a xel with brightness x. Brightness in this case means either luminosity or color value (and it doesn't matter to us which). 'bvalue' is the highest brightness that should map to zero brightness; 'wvalue' is the lowest brightness that should map to full brightness. If 'quadratic' is false, brightnesses in between should be stretched linearly. Otherwise, brightness 'midvalue' should map to brightness 'middle' (which is expressed on a 0..1 normalized scale) and brightnesses should be stretched according to a quadratic polynomial that includes those 3 points. This stretching could conceivably result in more brightnesses mapping to zero and full brightness that 'bvalue' and 'wvalue' demand, due to rounding. Define function only for values 0..maxval. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xelval * newBrightness; xelval i; MALLOCARRAY(newBrightness, maxval+1); if (newBrightness == NULL) pm_error("Unable to allocate memory for transfer function."); /* Clip the lowest brightnesses to zero */ if (bvalue > 0) for (i = 0; i < bvalue; ++i) newBrightness[i] = 0; /* Map the middle brightnesses onto 0..maxval */ if (quadratic) computeQuadraticTransfer(bvalue, midvalue, wvalue, middle, maxval, verbose, newBrightness); else computeLinearTransfer(bvalue, wvalue, maxval, newBrightness); /* Clip the highest brightnesses to maxval */ for (i = wvalue+1; i <= maxval; ++i) newBrightness[i] = maxval; *newBrightnessP = newBrightness; } static float brightScaler(xel const p, pixval const maxval, xelval const newBrightness[], enum brightMethod const brightMethod) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the multiple by which the brightness pixel of color 'p' (based on maxval 'maxval') should be changed according to the transfer function newBrightness[], using the 'brightMethod' measure of brightness. For example, if 'brightMethod' is BRIGHT_LUMINOSITY, p is has luminosity 50, and newBrightness[50] is 75, we would return 1.5. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xelval oldBrightness; float scaler; switch (brightMethod) { case BRIGHT_LUMINOSITY: oldBrightness = ppm_luminosity(p); break; case BRIGHT_COLORVALUE: oldBrightness = ppm_colorvalue(p); break; case BRIGHT_SATURATION: oldBrightness = ppm_saturation(p, maxval); break; } if (oldBrightness == 0) { assert(newBrightness[oldBrightness] == 0); /* Doesn't matter what we scale by. zero times anything is zero. */ scaler = 1.0; } else scaler = (float)newBrightness[oldBrightness]/oldBrightness; return scaler; } static void writeRowNormalized(xel * const xelrow, int const cols, xelval const maxval, int const format, enum brightMethod const brightMethod, bool const keephues, xelval const newBrightness[], xel * const rowbuf) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write to Standard Output a normalized version of the xel row 'xelrow'. Normalize it via the transfer function newBrightness[]. Use 'rowbuf' as a work buffer. It is at least 'cols' columns wide. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xel * const outrow = rowbuf; unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { xel const p = xelrow[col]; if (PPM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_TYPE) { if (keephues) { float const scaler = brightScaler(p, maxval, newBrightness, brightMethod); xelval const r = MIN(ROUNDU(PPM_GETR(p)*scaler), maxval); xelval const g = MIN(ROUNDU(PPM_GETG(p)*scaler), maxval); xelval const b = MIN(ROUNDU(PPM_GETB(p)*scaler), maxval); PNM_ASSIGN(outrow[col], r, g, b); } else PNM_ASSIGN(outrow[col], newBrightness[PPM_GETR(p)], newBrightness[PPM_GETG(p)], newBrightness[PPM_GETB(p)]); } else PNM_ASSIGN1(outrow[col], newBrightness[PNM_GET1(p)]); } pnm_writepnmrow(stdout, outrow, cols, maxval, format, 0); } static void reportTransferParm(bool const quadratic, xelval const bvalue, xelval const midvalue, xelval const wvalue, xelval const maxval, float const middle) { if (quadratic) pm_message("remapping %u..%u..%u to %u..%u..%u", bvalue, midvalue, wvalue, 0, ROUNDU(maxval*middle), maxval); else pm_message("remapping %u..%u to %u..%u", bvalue, wvalue, 0, maxval); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { struct cmdlineInfo cmdline; FILE *ifP; pm_filepos imagePos; xelval maxval; int rows, cols, format; bool quadratic; xelval bvalue, midvalue, wvalue; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); ifP = pm_openr_seekable(cmdline.inputFileName); /* Rescale so that bvalue maps to 0, wvalue maps to maxval. */ pnm_readpnminit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format); pm_tell2(ifP, &imagePos, sizeof(imagePos)); computeEndValues(ifP, cols, rows, maxval, format, cmdline, &bvalue, &wvalue, &quadratic, &midvalue); { xelval * newBrightness; int row; xel * xelrow; xel * rowbuf; assert(wvalue > bvalue); xelrow = pnm_allocrow(cols); reportTransferParm(quadratic, bvalue, midvalue, wvalue, maxval, cmdline.middle); computeTransferFunction(quadratic, bvalue, midvalue, wvalue, cmdline.middle, maxval, cmdline.verbose, &newBrightness); pm_seek2(ifP, &imagePos, sizeof(imagePos)); pnm_writepnminit(stdout, cols, rows, maxval, format, 0); rowbuf = pnm_allocrow(cols); for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { pnm_readpnmrow(ifP, xelrow, cols, maxval, format); writeRowNormalized(xelrow, cols, maxval, format, cmdline.brightMethod, cmdline.keephues, newBrightness, rowbuf); } free(newBrightness); pnm_freerow(rowbuf); pnm_freerow(xelrow); } pm_close(ifP); return 0; }