/* pgmmorphconv.c - morphological convolutions on a graymap: dilation and ** erosion ** ** Copyright (C) 2000 by Luuk van Dijk/Mind over Matter ** ** Based on ** pnmconvol.c - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap ** ** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "pgm.h" /************************************************************ * Dilate ************************************************************/ static int dilate( bit** template, int trowso2, int tcolso2, gray** in_image, gray** out_image, int rows, int cols ){ int c, r, tc, tr; int templatecount; gray source; for( c=0; c<cols; ++c) for( r=0; r<rows; ++r ) out_image[r][c] = 0; /* only difference with erode is here and below */ /* * for each non-black pixel of the template * add in to out */ templatecount=0; for( tr=-trowso2; tr<=trowso2; ++tr ){ for( tc=-tcolso2; tc<=tcolso2; ++tc ){ if( template[trowso2+tr][tcolso2+tc] == PBM_BLACK ) continue; ++templatecount; for( r= ((tr>0)?0:-tr) ; r< ((tr>0)?(rows-tr):rows) ; ++r ){ for( c= ((tc>0)?0:-tc) ; c< ((tc>0)?(cols-tc):cols) ; ++c ){ source = in_image[r+tr][c+tc]; out_image[r][c] = MAX(source, out_image[r][c]); } /* for c */ } /* for r */ } /* for tr */ } /* for tc */ return templatecount; } /* dilate */ /************************************************************ * Erode: same as dilate except !!!! ************************************************************/ static int erode( bit** template, int trowso2, int tcolso2, gray** in_image, gray** out_image, int rows, int cols ){ int c, r, tc, tr; int templatecount; gray source; for( c=0; c<cols; ++c) for( r=0; r<rows; ++r ) out_image[r][c] = PGM_MAXMAXVAL; /* !!!! */ /* * for each non-black pixel of the template * add in to out */ templatecount=0; for( tr=-trowso2; tr<=trowso2; ++tr ){ for( tc=-tcolso2; tc<=tcolso2; ++tc ){ if( template[trowso2+tr][tcolso2+tc] == PBM_BLACK ) continue; ++templatecount; for( r= ((tr>0)?0:-tr) ; r< ((tr>0)?(rows-tr):rows) ; ++r ){ for( c= ((tc>0)?0:-tc) ; c< ((tc>0)?(cols-tc):cols) ; ++c ){ source = in_image[r+tr][c+tc]; out_image[r][c] = MIN(source, out_image[r][c]); } /* for c */ } /* for r */ } /* for tr */ } /* for tc */ return templatecount; } /* erode */ /************************************************************ * Main ************************************************************/ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){ int argn; char operation; const char* usage = "-dilate|-erode|-open|-close <templatefile> [pgmfile]"; FILE* tifp; /* template */ int tcols, trows; int tcolso2, trowso2; bit** template; FILE* ifp; /* input image */ int cols, rows; gray maxval; gray** in_image; gray** out_image; int templatecount=0; pgm_init( &argc, argv ); /* * parse arguments */ ifp = stdin; operation = 'd'; argn=1; if( argn == argc ) pm_usage( usage ); if( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-erode", 2 )) { operation='e'; argn++; } else if( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-dilate", 2 )) { operation='d'; argn++; } else if( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-open", 2 )) { operation='o'; argn++; } else if( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-close", 2 )) { operation='c'; argn++; } if( argn == argc ) pm_usage( usage ); tifp = pm_openr( argv[argn++] ); if( argn != argc ) ifp = pm_openr( argv[argn++] ); if( argn != argc ) pm_usage( usage ); /* * Read in the template matrix. */ template = pbm_readpbm( tifp, &tcols, &trows ); pm_close( tifp ); if( tcols % 2 != 1 || trows % 2 != 1 ) pm_error("the template matrix must have an odd number of " "rows and columns" ); /* the reason is that we want the middle pixel to be the origin */ tcolso2 = tcols / 2; /* template coords run from -tcols/2 .. 0 .. +tcols/2 */ trowso2 = trows / 2; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "template: %d x %d\n", trows, tcols); fprintf(stderr, "half: %d x %d\n", trowso2, tcolso2); #endif /* * Read in the image */ in_image = pgm_readpgm( ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval); if( cols < tcols || rows < trows ) pm_error("the image is smaller than the convolution matrix" ); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "image: %d x %d (%d)\n", rows, cols, maxval); #endif /* * Allocate output buffer and initialize with min or max value */ out_image = pgm_allocarray( cols, rows ); if( operation == 'd' ){ templatecount = dilate(template, trowso2, tcolso2, in_image, out_image, rows, cols); } else if( operation == 'e' ){ templatecount = erode(template, trowso2, tcolso2, in_image, out_image, rows, cols); } else if( operation == 'o' ){ gray ** eroded_image; eroded_image = pgm_allocarray( cols, rows ); templatecount = erode(template, trowso2, tcolso2, in_image, eroded_image, rows, cols); templatecount = dilate(template, trowso2, tcolso2, eroded_image, out_image, rows, cols); pgm_freearray( eroded_image, rows ); } else if( operation == 'c' ){ gray ** dilated_image; dilated_image = pgm_allocarray( cols, rows ); templatecount = dilate(template, trowso2, tcolso2, in_image, dilated_image, rows, cols); templatecount = erode(template, trowso2, tcolso2, dilated_image, out_image, rows, cols); pgm_freearray( dilated_image, rows ); } if(templatecount == 0 ) pm_error( "The template was empty!" ); pgm_writepgm( stdout, out_image, cols, rows, maxval, 1 ); pgm_freearray( out_image, rows ); pgm_freearray( in_image, rows ); pm_close( ifp ); exit( 0 ); } /* main */