
   Copyright (c) 2013 Broadcom 
   All Rights Reserved

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(the "GPL"), available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php,
with the following added to such license:

   As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
   you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
   to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
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   module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module.
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#ifndef __BCM6846_CPU_H
#define __BCM6846_CPU_H
// FIXME!! this file is dummy file to get the BSP compilation passes.
// Need a lot of modifications

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define MAX_NUM_OF_CPU      2

#* Coprocessor 0 Register Names
#define C0_BCM_CONFIG          $22

# Select 1
#  Bit  31:   unused
#  Bits 30:25 MMU Size (Num TLB entries-1)
#  Bits 24:22 ICache sets/way (2^n * 64)
#  Bits 21:19 ICache Line size (2^(n+1) bytes) 0=No Icache
#  Bits 18:16 ICache Associativity (n+1) way                    
#  Bits 15:13 DCache sets/way (2^n * 64)
#  Bits 12:10 DCache Line size (2^(n+1) bytes) 0=No Dcache
#  Bits 9:7   DCache Associativity (n+1) way                    
#  Bits 6:4   unused
#  Bit  3:    1=At least 1 watch register
#  Bit  2:    1=MIPS16 code compression implemented
#  Bit  1:    1=EJTAG implemented                   
#  Bit  0:    1=FPU implemented                   
#define CP0_CFG_ISMSK      (0x7 << 22)
#define CP0_CFG_ISSHF      22
#define CP0_CFG_ILMSK      (0x7 << 19)
#define CP0_CFG_ILSHF      19
#define CP0_CFG_IAMSK      (0x7 << 16)
#define CP0_CFG_IASHF      16
#define CP0_CFG_DSMSK      (0x7 << 13)
#define CP0_CFG_DSSHF      13
#define CP0_CFG_DLMSK      (0x7 << 10)
#define CP0_CFG_DLSHF      10
#define CP0_CFG_DAMSK      (0x7 << 7)
#define CP0_CFG_DASHF      7

#* Coprocessor 0 Broadcom Config Register Bits
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_ICSHEN          (0x1 << 31)
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_DCSHEN          (0x1 << 30)
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_TLBPD           (0x1 << 28)
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_BTHD            (0x1 << 21)
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_CLF             (0x1 << 20)
#define CP0_BCM_CFG_NBK             (0x1 << 17)

#* Coprocessor 0 CMT Interrupt Register
#define CP0_CMT_XIR_4               (0x1 << 31)
#define CP0_CMT_XIR_3               (0x1 << 30)
#define CP0_CMT_XIR_2               (0x1 << 29)
#define CP0_CMT_XIR_1               (0x1 << 28)
#define CP0_CMT_XIR_0               (0x1 << 27)
#define CP0_CMT_SIR_1               (0x1 << 16)
#define CP0_CMT_SIR_0               (0x1 << 15)
#define CP0_CMT_NMIR_TP1            (0x1 << 1)
#define CP0_CMT_NMIR_TP0            (0x1 << 0)

#* Coprocessor 0 CMT Control Register
#define CP0_CMT_DSU_TP1             (0x1 << 30)
#define CP0_CMT_TPS_SHFT            16
#define CP0_CMT_TPS_MASK            (0xF << CP0_CMT_TPS_SHFT)
#define CP0_CMT_PRIO_TP1            (0x1 << 5)
#define CP0_CMT_PRIO_TP0            (0x1 << 4)
#define CP0_CMT_RSTSE               (0x1 << 0)

#* Coprocessor 0 CMT Local Register
#define CP0_CMT_TPID                (0x1 << 31)

#* MIPS Registers

#define MIPS_BASE_BOOT  0xbfa00000
#define MIPS_BASE       0xff400000

#define MIPS_RAC_CR0    0x00        // RAC Configuration Register
#define MIPS_RAC_CR1    0x08        // RAC Configuration Register 1
#define RAC_FLH         (1 << 8)
#define RAC_DPF         (1 << 6)
#define RAC_NCH         (1 << 5)
#define RAC_C_INV       (1 << 4)
#define RAC_PF_D        (1 << 3)
#define RAC_PF_I        (1 << 2)
#define RAC_D           (1 << 1)
#define RAC_I           (1 << 0)

#define MIPS_RAC_ARR    0x04        // RAC Address Range Register
#define RAC_UPB_SHFT    16
#define RAC_LWB_SHFT    0

#define MIPS_LMB_CR     0x1C        // LMB Control Register
#define LMB_EN          (1 << 0)

#define MIPS_SBR        0x20        // System Base Register

#define MIPS_TP0_ALT_BV 0x30000
#define MIPS_TP1_ALT_BV 0x38000
#define ENABLE_ALT_BV   (1 << 19)

#ifdef __cplusplus
