/* Copyright (c) 2015 Broadcom Corporation All Rights Reserved <:label-BRCM:2015:DUAL/GPL:standard Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the following added to such license: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any modifications of the software. Not withstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. :> */ #include "ru.h" #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD = { "COUNT48", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 48 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48_FIELD = { "COUNT48", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 48 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD = { "COUNT48", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 48 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD = { "COUNT32", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "The 32-bit MIB counter value.\n" "This MIB counter is 32 bits wide in hardware, unlike most of other MIB counters (which are more than 32 bits wide).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD = { "COUNT32", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "The 32-bit MIB counter value.\n" "This MIB counter is 32 bits wide in hardware, unlike most of other MIB counters (which are more than 32 bits wide).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD = { "COUNT32", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "The 32-bit MIB counter value.\n" "This MIB counter is 32 bits wide in hardware, unlike most of other MIB counters (which are more than 32 bits wide).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD = { "COUNT32", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "The 32-bit MIB counter value.\n" "This MIB counter is 32 bits wide in hardware, unlike most of other MIB counters (which are more than 32 bits wide).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; /****************************************************************************** * Field: LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40 ******************************************************************************/ const ru_field_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD = { "COUNT40", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "", "This MIB counter is 40 bits wide in hardware.\n" "LPORT register reads and writes are however 32 bits per transaction.\n" "When reading from this address, higher counter bits are copied to MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Read Register, and can subsequently be obtained by reading from that register.\n" "Similarly, when writing to this address, higher MIB counter bits are taken from MIBx 32-bit Direct Access Data Write Register, so it is important to ensure proper value for the higher bits is present in that register prior to writing to this register.\n" "Alternatively, Indirect Access mechanism can be used to access MIB counters (see MIBx Indirect Access registers).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_MASK, 0, LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_WIDTH, LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD_SHIFT, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw #endif }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX64 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX64_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX64_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX64_REG = { "GRX64", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX64_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 74, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX64_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX127 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX127_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX127_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX127_REG = { "GRX127", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX127_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 75, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX127_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX255 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX255_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX255_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX255_REG = { "GRX255", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX255_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 76, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX255_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX511 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX511_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX511_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX511_REG = { "GRX511", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX511_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 77, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX511_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX1023 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_REG = { "GRX1023", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 78, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX1518 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_REG = { "GRX1518", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 79, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX1522 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_REG = { "GRX1522", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 80, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX2047 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_REG = { "GRX2047", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 81, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX4095 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_REG = { "GRX4095", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 82, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX9216 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_REG = { "GRX9216", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 83, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRX16383 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_REG = { "GRX16383", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 84, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_REG = { "GRXPKT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 85, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_REG = { "GRXUCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 86, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_REG = { "GRXMCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 87, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_REG = { "GRXBCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 88, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_REG = { "GRXFCS", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 89, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXCF ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_REG = { "GRXCF", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 90, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPF ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_REG = { "GRXPF", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 91, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPP ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_REG = { "GRXPP", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 92, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXUO ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_REG = { "GRXUO", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 93, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_REG = { "GRXUDA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 94, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_REG = { "GRXWSA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 95, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXALN ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_REG = { "GRXALN", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 96, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_REG = { "GRXFLR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 97, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_REG = { "GRXFRERR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 98, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_REG = { "GRXFCR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 99, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_REG = { "GRXOVR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 100, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_REG = { "GRXJBR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 101, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_REG = { "GRXMTUE", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 102, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_REG = { "GRXMCRC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 103, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_REG = { "GRXPRM", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 104, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_REG = { "GRXVLN", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 105, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_REG = { "GRXDVLN", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 106, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_REG = { "GRXTRFU", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 107, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_REG = { "GRXPOK", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 108, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF0", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 109, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF1", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 110, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF2", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 111, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF3", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 112, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF4", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 113, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF5", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 114, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF6", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 115, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_REG = { "GRXPFCOFF7", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 116, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_REG = { "GRXPFCP0", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 117, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_REG = { "GRXPFCP1", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 118, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_REG = { "GRXPFCP2", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 119, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_REG = { "GRXPFCP3", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 120, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_REG = { "GRXPFCP4", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 121, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_REG = { "GRXPFCP5", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 122, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_REG = { "GRXPFCP6", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 123, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_REG = { "GRXPFCP7", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 124, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_REG = { "GRXSCHCRC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 125, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_REG = { "GRXBYT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Byte Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Receive Runt Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Transmit Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 126, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_REG = { "GRXRPKT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 127, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXUND ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_REG = { "GRXUND", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 128, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_REG = { "GRXFRG", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 129, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_COUNT48_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_REG = { "GRXRBYT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Byte Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Receive Runt Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Transmit Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 130, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX64 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX64_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX64_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX64_REG = { "GTX64", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX64_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 131, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX64_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX127 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX127_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX127_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX127_REG = { "GTX127", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX127_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 132, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX127_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX255 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX255_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX255_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX255_REG = { "GTX255", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX255_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 133, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX255_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX511 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX511_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX511_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX511_REG = { "GTX511", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX511_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 134, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX511_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX1023 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_REG = { "GTX1023", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 135, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX1518 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_REG = { "GTX1518", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 136, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX1522 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_REG = { "GTX1522", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 137, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX2047 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_REG = { "GTX2047", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 138, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX4095 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_REG = { "GTX4095", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 139, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX9216 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_REG = { "GTX9216", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 140, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTX16383 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_REG = { "GTX16383", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 141, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_REG = { "GTXPOK", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 142, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_REG = { "GTXPKT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 143, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_REG = { "GTXUCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 144, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_REG = { "GTXMCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 145, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_REG = { "GTXBCA", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 146, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPF ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_REG = { "GTXPF", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 147, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_REG = { "GTXPFC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 148, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_REG = { "GTXJBR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 149, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_REG = { "GTXFCS", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 150, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXCF ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_REG = { "GTXCF", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 151, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_REG = { "GTXOVR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 152, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_REG = { "GTXDFR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 153, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_REG = { "GTXEDF", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 154, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_REG = { "GTXSCL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 155, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_REG = { "GTXMCL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 156, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_REG = { "GTXLCL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 157, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_REG = { "GTXXCL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 158, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_REG = { "GTXFRG", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 159, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXERR ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_REG = { "GTXERR", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 160, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_REG = { "GTXVLN", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 161, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_REG = { "GTXDVLN", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 162, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_REG = { "GTXRPKT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 163, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_REG = { "GTXUFL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 164, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_REG = { "GTXPFCP0", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 165, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_REG = { "GTXPFCP1", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 166, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_REG = { "GTXPFCP2", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 167, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_REG = { "GTXPFCP3", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 168, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_REG = { "GTXPFCP4", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 169, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_REG = { "GTXPFCP5", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 170, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_REG = { "GTXPFCP6", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 171, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7 ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_REG = { "GTXPFCP7", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 172, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_REG = { "GTXNCL", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 173, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_COUNT48_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_REG = { "GTXBYT", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Byte Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Receive Runt Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32)." "Transmit Byte Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 48 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (47:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 174, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_REG = { "GRXLPI", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "RX EEE LPI Event Counter" "RX EEE LPI Duration Counter" "TX EEE LPI Event Counter" "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 175, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_REG = { "GRXDLPI", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "RX EEE LPI Event Counter" "RX EEE LPI Duration Counter" "TX EEE LPI Event Counter" "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 176, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_COUNT32_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_REG = { "GTXLPI", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "RX EEE LPI Event Counter" "RX EEE LPI Duration Counter" "TX EEE LPI Event Counter" "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 177, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_COUNT32_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_REG = { "GTXDLPI", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "RX EEE LPI Event Counter" "RX EEE LPI Duration Counter" "TX EEE LPI Event Counter" "TX EEE LPI Duration Counter", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 178, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_REG = { "GRXPTLLFC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 179, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_REG = { "GRXLTLLFC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 180, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_REG = { "GRXLLFCFCS", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 181, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Register: LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC ******************************************************************************/ #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB static const ru_field_rec *LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_FIELDS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_COUNT40_FIELD, }; #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ const ru_reg_rec LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_REG = { "GTXLTLLFC", #if RU_INCLUDE_DESC "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter for XLMAC0/port0 (LPORT port0)", "Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive 9217 to 16838 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive frame/packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive FCS Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PAUSE Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC (Per-Priority Pause) Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported Opcode Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Unsupported DA for PAUSE/PFC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Wrong SA Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Alignment Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Length Out of Range Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Code Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive False Carrier Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Oversized Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Jabber Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive MTU Check Error Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Matched CRC Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Promiscuous Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Truncated Frame Counter (due to RX FIFO full)\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0 XON to XOFF\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive SCH CRC Error\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Undersize Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 64 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1024 to 1518 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 1522 Byte Good VLAN Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 1519 to 2047 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 2048 to 4095 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 4096 to 9216 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit 9217 to 16383 Byte Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Good Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Packet/Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Unicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multicast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Broadcast Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC/Per-Priority Pause Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Jabber Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FCS Error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Control Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Oversize Packet Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Deferral Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Single Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Multiple Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Late Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Excessive Collision Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Fragment Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Error (set by system) Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Double VLAN Tag Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit RUNT Frame Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit FIFO Underrun Counter.\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 0\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 1\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 2\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 3\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 4\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 5\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 6\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit PFC Frame Priority 7\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Total Collision Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Physical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Logical Type LLFC message Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Receive Type LLFC message with CRC error Counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32)." "Transmit Logical Type LLFC message counter\n" "\n" "IMPORTANT: This MIB counter is 40 bits wide (which is more than 32 bits).\n" "See Description on how to access the higher counter bits (39:32).", #endif LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_REG_OFFSET, 0, 0, 182, #if RU_INCLUDE_ACCESS ru_access_rw, #endif #if RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB 1, LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_FIELDS, #endif /* RU_INCLUDE_FIELD_DB */ ru_reg_size_64 }; /****************************************************************************** * Block: LPORT_MIB ******************************************************************************/ static const ru_reg_rec *LPORT_MIB_REGS[] = { &LPORT_MIB_GRX64_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX127_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX255_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX511_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX1023_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX1518_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX1522_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX2047_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX4095_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX9216_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRX16383_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPKT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXUCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXMCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXBCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXFCS_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXCF_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPF_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPP_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXUO_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXUDA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXWSA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXALN_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXFLR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXFRERR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXFCR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXOVR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXJBR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXMTUE_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXMCRC_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPRM_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXVLN_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXDVLN_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXTRFU_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPOK_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF0_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF1_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF2_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF3_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF4_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF5_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF6_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCOFF7_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP0_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP1_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP2_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP3_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP4_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP5_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP6_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPFCP7_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXSCHCRC_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXBYT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXRPKT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXUND_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXFRG_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXRBYT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX64_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX127_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX255_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX511_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX1023_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX1518_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX1522_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX2047_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX4095_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX9216_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTX16383_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPOK_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPKT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXUCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXMCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXBCA_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPF_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFC_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXJBR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXFCS_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXCF_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXOVR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXDFR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXEDF_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXSCL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXMCL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXLCL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXXCL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXFRG_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXERR_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXVLN_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXDVLN_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXRPKT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXUFL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP0_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP1_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP2_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP3_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP4_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP5_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP6_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXPFCP7_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXNCL_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXBYT_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXLPI_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXDLPI_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXLPI_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXDLPI_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXPTLLFC_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXLTLLFC_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GRXLLFCFCS_REG, &LPORT_MIB_GTXLTLLFC_REG, }; unsigned long LPORT_MIB_ADDRS[] = { 0x80139000, 0x80139400, 0x80139800, 0x80139c00, 0x8013b000, 0x8013b400, 0x8013b800, 0x8013bc00, }; const ru_block_rec LPORT_MIB_BLOCK = { "LPORT_MIB", LPORT_MIB_ADDRS, 8, 109, LPORT_MIB_REGS }; /* End of file BCM6858_A0LPORT_MIB.c */