/* The oSIP library implements the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP -rfc3261-) Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004 Aymeric MOIZARD jack@atosc.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _OSIP_CONST_H_ #define _OSIP_CONST_H_ #ifdef ENABLE_MPATROL #include #endif #define CRLF "\r\n\0" #define CR "\r\0" #define LF "\n\0" #define SP " \0" #define ACCEPT "accept" #define ACCEPT_ENCODING "accept-encoding" #define ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "accept-language" #define ALERT_INFO "alert-info" #define ALLOW "allow" #define AUTHENTICATION_INFO "authentication-info" #define AUTHORIZATION "authorization" #define CALL_ID "call-id" #define CALL_ID_SHORT "i" #define CALL_INFO "call-info" #define CONTACT "contact" #define CONTACT_SHORT "m" #define CONTENT_DISPOSITION "content-disposition" #define CONTENT_ENCODING_SHORT "e" #define CONTENT_ENCODING "content-encoding" #define CONTENT_LANGUAGE "content-language" #define CONTENT_LENGTH_SHORT "l" #define CONTENT_LENGTH "content-length" #define CONTENT_TYPE_SHORT "c" #define CONTENT_TYPE "content-type" #define CSEQ "cseq" #define SIPDATE "date" #define ERROR_INFO "error-info" #define EXPIRES "expires" #define FROM "from" #define FROM_SHORT "f" #define IN_REPLY_TO "in-reply-to" #define MAX_FORWARDS "max-forwards" #define MIME_VERSION "mime-version" #define MIN_EXPIRES "min-expires" #define ORGANIZATION "organization" #define PRIORITY "priority" #define PROXY_AUTHENTICATE "proxy-authenticate" #define PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO "proxy-authentication-info" #define PROXY_AUTHORIZATION "proxy-authorization" #define PROXY_REQUIRE "proxy-require" #define RECORD_ROUTE "record-route" #define REPLY_TO "reply-to" #define REQUIRE "require" #define RETRY_AFTER "retry-after" #define ROUTE "route" #define SERVER "server" #define SUBJECT "subject" #define SUBJECT_SHORT "s" #define SUPPORTED "supported" #define TIMESTAMP "timestamp" #define TO "to" #define TO_SHORT "t" #define UNSUPPORTED "unsupported" #define USER_AGENT "user-agent" #define VIA "via" #define VIA_SHORT "v" #define WARNING "warning" #define WWW_AUTHENTICATE "www-authenticate" #define RESPONSE_CODES 52 #define SIP_TRYING 100 #define SIP_RINGING 180 #define SIP_CALL_IS_BEING_FORWARDED 181 #define SIP_QUEUED 182 #define SIP_SESSION_PROGRESS 183 #define SIP_EARLY_DIALOG_TERMINATED 199 #define SIP_OK 200 #define SIP_ACCEPTED 202 #define SIP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 300 #define SIP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301 #define SIP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY 302 #define SIP_USE_PROXY 305 #define SIP_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE 380 #define SIP_BAD_REQUEST 400 #define SIP_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define SIP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 402 #define SIP_FORBIDDEN 403 #define SIP_NOT_FOUND 404 #define SIP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 405 #define SIP_406_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 406 #define SIP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 407 #define SIP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT 408 #define SIP_GONE 410 #define SIP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 413 #define SIP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE 414 #define SIP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 415 #define SIP_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME 416 #define SIP_BAD_EXTENSION 420 #define SIP_EXTENSION_REQUIRED 421 #define SIP_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF 423 #define SIP_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED 433 #define SIP_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE 480 #define SIP_CALL_TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST 481 #define SIP_LOOP_DETECTED 482 #define SIP_TOO_MANY_HOPS 483 #define SIP_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE 484 #define SIP_AMBIGUOUS 485 #define SIP_BUSY_HERE 486 #define SIP_REQUEST_TERMINATED 487 #define SIP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE 488 #define SIP_BAD_EVENT 489 #define SIP_REQUEST_PENDING 491 #define SIP_UNDECIPHERABLE 493 #define SIP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 #define SIP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 #define SIP_BAD_GATEWAY 502 #define SIP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 #define SIP_SERVER_TIME_OUT 504 #define SIP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 505 #define SIP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE 513 #define SIP_BUSY_EVRYWHERE 600 #define SIP_DECLINE 603 #define SIP_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE 604 #define SIP_606_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 606 /** is the status code informational */ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_INFO(x) (((x) >= 100)&&((x) < 200)) /** is the status code OK ?*/ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_SUCCESS(x) (((x) >= 200)&&((x) < 300)) /** is the status code a redirect */ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_REDIRECT(x) (((x) >= 300)&&((x) < 400)) /** is the status code a error (client or server) */ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_ERROR(x) (((x) >= 400)&&((x) < 600)) /** is the status code a client error */ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_CLIENT_ERROR(x) (((x) >= 400)&&((x) < 500)) /** is the status code a server error */ #define OSIP_IS_SIP_SERVER_ERROR(x) (((x) >= 500)&&((x) < 600)) #endif /* _CONST_H_ */