* If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
* following copyright and licenses apply:
* Copyright 2016 RDK Management
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Copyright [2015] [Broadcom Corporation]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Module: dpoe_hal.h
For CCSP Component: DPoE management
This header file gives the function call prototypes and
structure definitions used for the RDK-Broadband
DPoE hardware abstraction layer as per the DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807
This HAL layer is intended to support DPoE drivers
through an open API based on the
CableLabs Cable Data Services DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON Specifications
DPoE OAM Extensions Specification
HAL version:
The version of the DPoE HAL is specified in #defines below.
Broadcom Corporation
#ifndef __DPOE_HAL_H__
#define __DPOE_HAL_H__
* @defgroup DPoE_HAL DPoE HAL
* @defgroup DPoE_HAL_TYPES DPoE HAL Data Types
* @ingroup DPoE_HAL
* @defgroup DPoE_HAL_APIS DPoE HAL APIs
* @ingroup DPoE_HAL
* @addtogroup DPoE_HAL_TYPES
* @{
#ifndef CHAR
#define CHAR char
#ifndef UCHAR
#define UCHAR unsigned char
#ifndef BOOLEAN
#define BOOLEAN unsigned char
#ifndef USHORT
#define USHORT unsigned short
#ifndef INT
#define INT int
#ifndef UINT8
#define UINT8 unsigned char
#ifndef ULONG
#define ULONG unsigned long
#define ULONGLONG unsigned long long
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef RETURN_OK
#define RETURN_OK 0
#ifndef RETURN_ERR
#define RETURN_ERR -1
#define DPOE_HAL_MAJOR_VERSION 1 //!< This is the major version of this HAL.
#define DPOE_HAL_MINOR_VERSION 0 //!< This is the minor version of the HAL.
#define DPOE_HAL_MAINTENANCE_VERSION 1 //!< This is the maintenance version of the HAL.
typedef struct dpoe_mac_address
UCHAR macAddress[6];
} dpoe_mac_address_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_mac_address
USHORT numEntries;
dpoe_mac_address_t *pMacAddress;
} dpoe_link_mac_address_t;
typedef struct dpoe_firmware_info
USHORT info_bootVersion;
ULONG info_bootCrc32;
USHORT info_appVersion;
ULONG info_appCrc32;
} dpoe_firmware_info_t;
typedef struct dpoe_epon_chip_info
USHORT info_JedecId;
ULONG info_ChipModel;
ULONG info_ChipVersion;
} dpoe_epon_chip_info_t;
typedef struct dpoe_manufacturer_date
USHORT manufacturer_DateYear;
UCHAR manufacturer_DateMonth;
UCHAR manufacturer_DateDay;
} dpoe_manufacturer_date_t;
typedef struct dpoe_manufacturer
UCHAR manufacturer_Info[255];
UCHAR manufacturer_OrganizationName[255];
dpoe_manufacturer_date_t manufacturer_Date;
} dpoe_manufacturer_t;
typedef struct dpoe_onu_packet_buffer_capabilities
UCHAR capabilities_UpstreamQueues;
UCHAR capabilities_UpQueuesMaxPerLink;
UCHAR capabilities_UpQueueIncrement;
UCHAR capabilities_DownstreamQueues;
UCHAR capabilities_DnQueuesMaxPerPort;
UCHAR capabilities_DnQueueIncrement;
USHORT capabilities_TotalPacketBuffer;
USHORT capabilities_UpPacketBuffer;
USHORT capabilities_DnPacketBuffer;
} dpoe_onu_packet_buffer_capabilities_t;
typedef struct dpoe_device_sys_descr_info
UCHAR info_VendorName[32];
UCHAR info_ModelNumber[32];
UCHAR info_HardwareVersion[32];
} dpoe_device_sys_descr_info_t;
typedef struct dpoe_onu_max_logical_links
USHORT links_bidirectional;
USHORT links_downstreamonly;
} dpoe_onu_max_logical_links_t;
typedef struct dpoe_traffic_stats
ULONGLONG port_RxUnicastFrames;
ULONGLONG port_TxUnicastFrames;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrameTooShort;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame64;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame65_127;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame128_255;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame256_511;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame512_1023;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame1024_1518;
ULONGLONG port_RxFrame1519_Plus;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame64;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame65_127;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame128_255;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame256_511;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame512_1023;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame_1024_1518;
ULONGLONG port_TxFrame_1519_Plus;
ULONGLONG port_FramesDropped;
ULONGLONG port_BytesDropped;
USHORT port_OpticalMonVcc;
USHORT port_OpticalMonTxBiasCurrent;
USHORT port_OpticalMonTxPower;
USHORT port_OpticalMonRxPower;
} dpoe_traffic_stats_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_traffic_stats
UCHAR link_Id;
dpoe_traffic_stats_t link_TrafficStats;
} dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_forwarding_state
UCHAR link_Id;
BOOLEAN link_ForwardingState;
} dpoe_link_forwarding_state_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_oam_frame_rate
UCHAR link_Id;
UCHAR link_MaxRate;
UCHAR link_MinRate;
} dpoe_link_oam_frame_rate_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_encrypt_expiry_time
UCHAR link_Id;
USHORT link_EncryptExpiryTime;
} dpoe_link_encrypt_expiry_time_t;
typedef struct dpoe_link_encrypt_mode
UCHAR link_Id;
UCHAR link_EncryptMode;
} dpoe_link_encrypt_mode_t;
* @}
* @addtogroup DPoE_HAL_APIS
* @{
DPoE Subsystem level function prototypes
/* Function: dpoe_getOnuId */
* @description The ONU ID is a non-volatile number that uniquely identifies a physical DPoE ONU.
* By definition, the DPoE ONU ID is the lowest (numerically smallest) MAC address among all
* MAC addresses associated with the TU interface port of a DPoE ONU. All logical links on a
* DPoE ONU report the same DPoE ONU ID, despite having different link MAC addresses (per [802.3]).
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
@ref Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_mac_address_t *pOnuId - Info of OnuId, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getOnuId(dpoe_mac_address_t *pOnuId);
/* Function: dpoe_getFirmwareInfo */
* @description This attribute represents the DPoE ONU firmware version.
* The version number uniquely identifies a particular version of the ONU firmware.
* Format is defined by the ONU vendor. DPoE Systems can compare this value for equality
* with a provisioned value for the currently correct firmware version. "Newer than" or
* "compatible with" comparisons depend on version number format and should not be
* performed with a simple comparison. The Boot Version can be used to populate the BOOTR
* field in the sysDescr MIB variable. The Application Version can be used to populate
* the SW_REV field in the sysDescr MIB variable (see [DPoE-SP-OSSIv1.0]).
* Version values 0x0000 and 0xFFFF are reserved, and indicate loads that
* are not installed or are not available.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_firmware_info_t *pFirmwareInfo - Info of Firmware, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getFirmwareInfo(dpoe_firmware_info_t *pFirmwareInfo);
/* Function: dpoe_getEponChipInfo */
* @description This attribute represents the type of EPON chip used on the DPoE ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
** @param dpoe_epon_chip_info_t *pEponChipInfo - Info of epon chip, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getEponChipInfo(dpoe_epon_chip_info_t *pEponChipInfo);
/* Function: dpoe_getManufacturerInfo */
* @description This function will return information corresponding to multiple OAM messages.
* - Date of Manufacture (D7/00 05)
* - Manufacturer Info (D7/00 06)
* - ONU Manufacturer Organization Name (D7/00 0E)
* Date of Manufacture: The date the DPoE ONU was manufactured, encoded in Binary Coded Decimal
* (BCD) digits as YYYYMMDD. For example, June 24, 2010, would be represented as 20 10 06 24.
* Manufacturer Info: This attribute holds manufacturer-specific information that identifies this individual ONU.
* This attribute typically contains a serial number, and possibly other manufacturing information,
* such as lot numbers or component revisions. Format is defined by the ONU vendor.
* ONU Manufacturer Organization Name: This attribute represents the organization which manufactured the D-ONU.
* It is used to validate the manufacturer CVC during secure software download.
* The value must exactly match the subject organizationName value in the firmware manufacturer CVC.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_manufacturer_t *pManufacturerInfo - Info of manufacturer, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getManufacturerInfo(dpoe_manufacturer_t *pManufacturerInfo);
/* Function: dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks */
* @description The maximum number of logical links the ONU supports on the EPON.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_onu_max_logical_links_t *pMaxLogicalLinks - Info of logical links, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
USHORT dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks(dpoe_onu_max_logical_links_t *pMaxLogicalLinks);
/* Function: dpoe_getNumberOfNetworkPorts */
* @description This attribute provides the total number of TU interface ports on the ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param ULONG *pNumPorts - Number of ports, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getNumberOfNetworkPorts(ULONG *pNumPorts);
/* Function: dpoe_getNumberOfS1Interfaces */
* @description This attribute provides the number of S1 interfaces on the DPoE ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param ULONG *pNumS1Interfaces - Number of S1 interfaces, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getNumberOfS1Interfaces(ULONG *pNumS1Interfaces);
/* Function: dpoe_getOnuPacketBufferCapabilities */
* @description This message provides a means for the DPoE ONU to convey information about
* packet buffer capabilities to the DPoE System.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_onu_packet_buffer_capabilities_t *pCapabilities - info of packet buffer capabilities
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getOnuPacketBufferCapabilities(dpoe_onu_packet_buffer_capabilities_t *pCapabilities);
/* Function: dpoe_getLlidForwardingState */
* @description This attribute represents the current traffic state for an LLID. User data traffic
* may be enabled (normal operation) or disabled (discarded by the DPoE ONU).
* Only OAM and MPCP remain enabled regardless of the LLID forwarding state.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: Logical Link
* @param dpoe_link_forwarding_state_t linkForwardingState[] - Info of Link forwarding state, to be returned
* @param USHORT numEntries - Number of entries
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getLlidForwardingState(dpoe_link_forwarding_state_t linkForwardingState[], USHORT numEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_getOamFrameRate */
* @description This attribute represents the maximum rate at which OAM PDUs are transmitted on a link.
* Setting the Maximum OAM Frame Rate to 0 disables rate control.
* The Minimum OAM Frame Rate is the heartbeat rate. This is the rate at which OAM PDUs are sent
* between the ONU and DPoE System, using an Info PDU as a "heartbeat" if there is no other OAM activity,
* as per [802.3]. The heartbeat rate is specified as one heartbeat PDU per specified time interval.
* The time interval is specified as the value provisioned in the message x 100ms.
* Therefore, setting the Minimum OAM Frame Rate to 10 specifies a rate of 1 PDU per 10 x 100ms.
* This equals 1 PDU per 1 second. The DPoE ONU implementation maintains one instance of the OAM rate.
* This rate applies to all links on the ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: Logical Link
* @param dpoe_link_oam_frame_rate_t linkOamFrameRate[] - Info of which OAM PDUs are transmitted on a link
* @param USHORT numEntries - Number of entries
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getOamFrameRate(dpoe_link_oam_frame_rate_t linkOamFrameRate[], USHORT numEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_getDeviceSysDescrInfo */
* @description This function will return multiple pieces of device system information.
* Vendor Name: This attribute represents the ONU vendor name.
* It can be used to populate the VENDOR field in the sysDescr
* MIB variable (see [DPoE-SP-OSSIv1.0]), and may or may not be the same as the ONU
* Manufacturer Organization Name. Format of the vendor name is vendor specific.
* Model Number: This attribute represents the ONU model number.
* It can be used to populate the MODEL field in the sysDescr MIB variable (see [DPoE-SP-OSSIv1.0]).
* Format of the model number is vendor specific. The D-ONU SHOULD limit the model number length to less than 32 bytes.
* HardwareInfo: This attribute represents the ONU hardware version.
* It can be used to populate the HW_REV field in the sysDescr MIB variable (see [DPoE-SP-OSSIv1.0]).
* Format of the hardware version information is vendor specific.
* The D-ONU SHOULD limit the vendor name, model number, and hardware version length to less than 32 bytes.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param dpoe_device_sys_descr_info_t *pDeviceSysDescrInfo - Multiple pieces of device system information
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getDeviceSysDescrInfo(dpoe_device_sys_descr_info_t *pDeviceSysDescrInfo);
/* Function: dpoe_getEponMode */
* @description This attribute represents the EPON mode(s) supported by this ONU.
* DPoE Systems that support 2G-EPON MUST support this attribute. DPoE ONUs that support 2G-EPON MUST
* support this attribute. DPoE Systems that support 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON SHOULD support this attribute. DPoE
* ONUs that support 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON SHOULD support this attribute.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification ( see spec for intepretation of return value )
Context: ONU
* @param USHORT *pMode - Return the EPON mode(s) supported by this ONU
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getEponMode(USHORT *pMode);
/* Function: dpoe_setResetOnu */
@description This attribute resets the ONU, as if from power on.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param None.
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_setResetOnu(void);
/* Function: dpoe_getDynamicMacAddressAgeLimit */
* @description This attribute represents Dynamic MAC learning table age limit.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param USHORT *pAgeLimit - Return the age limit
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getDynamicMacAddressAgeLimit(USHORT *pAgeLimit);
/* Function: dpoe_getDynamicMacLearningTableSize */
* @description This attribute is a capability attribute that represents
* the maximum size of the DPoE ONU MAC address learning table for the
* entire DPoE ONU.
* The total number of MAC addresses learned by the DPoE ONU cannot exceed this number.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param USHORT *pNumEntries - Number of entries, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getDynamicMacLearningTableSize(USHORT *pNumEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_getDynamicMacTable */
* @description This attribute represents the dynamically learned MAC address rules.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: Logical Link
* @param dpoe_link_mac_address_t linkDynamicMacTable[] - Dynamically learned MAC address, to be returned
* @param USHORT numEntries - Number of entries
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getDynamicMacTable(dpoe_link_mac_address_t linkDynamicMacTable[], USHORT numEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_getStaticMacTable */
* @description This attribute represents the statically provisioned MAC address table.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: Logical Link
* @param dpoe_link_mac_address_t linkStaticMacTable[] - Statically provisioned MAC address tabl, to be returned
* @param USHORT numEntries - Number of entries
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getStaticMacTable(dpoe_link_mac_address_t linkStaticMacTable[], USHORT numEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_getMacLearningAggregateLimit */
* @description This message represents the aggregate dynamic MAC address limit
* for the DPoE ONU as a whole. This is the maximum number of addresses
* that can be learned by all ports combined.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param USHORT *pAggregrateLimit - Aggregate dynamic MAC address limit, to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getMacLearningAggregateLimit(USHORT *pAggregrateLimit);
/* Function: dpoe_getOnuLinkStatistics */
* @description This function will return a list of all LLID port traffic statistics
* for this ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
* Example Usage:
* dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t *pMyLinkStats = (dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t *)malloc((sizeof (dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t)*dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks()));
memset((char *)pMyLinkStats, 0x00, (sizeof(dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t)*dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks()));
dpoe_getOnuLinkStatistics(pMyLinkStats, dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks());
Context: Logical Link
* @param dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t pOnuTrafficStats - This pointer should allocate 'numEntries' times of dpoe_llid_traffic_stats_t size memory
* @param USHORT numEntries - Which is determined by dpoe_getMaxLogicalLinks().
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_getOnuLinkStatistics(dpoe_link_traffic_stats_t onuLinkTrafficStats[], USHORT numEntries);
/* Function: dpoe_setClearOnuLinkStatistics */
* @description This function will clear all statistics for the DPoE ONU.
Reference: DPoE-SP-OAMv1.0-I08-140807 specification
Context: ONU
* @param None.
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_setClearOnuLinkStatistics(void);
/* Function: dpoe_hal_Reboot_Ready */
* @description Get the Reboot Ready Status
* @param ULONG *pValue - Values of 1 for Ready, 2 for Not Ready
* @return the status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
INT dpoe_hal_Reboot_Ready(ULONG *pValue);
/* Function: dpoe_hal_ReinitMac */
* @description Reinit DPoE. Performs reinit MAC only to same DS/US.
* @param None.
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_hal_ReinitMac();
/* Function: dpoe_GetProvIpType */
* @description Retrieve the provisioned IP type.
* @param CHAR* pValue - ip type currently provisioned values are "IPv4", "IPv6", or "unknown"
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
//INT dpoe_GetProvIpType(CHAR *pValue);
//dpoe_If3CmMdCfgIpProvMode - return what the eRouter is using (honor mvd, ipv6, ipv4). Hardcode to IPv6
/* Function: dpoe_hal_Get_eponResetCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of epon resets
* @param ULONG *resetcnt - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_hal_Get_eponResetCount(ULONG *resetcnt);
/* Function: dpoe_hal_LocalResetCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of local reset
* @param ULONG *resetcnt - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_hal_LocalResetCount(ULONG *resetcnt);
/* Function: dpoe_hal_Get_ErouterResetCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of erouter reset
* @param ULONG *resetcnt - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_hal_Get_ErouterResetCount(ULONG *resetcnt);
/* Function: dpoe_LlidForwardingStateGetEntryCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of max logical links
* @param ULONG *pNumEntry - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_LlidForwardingStateGetEntryCount( USHORT *pNumEntry );
/* Function: dpoe_OamFrameRateGetEntryCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of max logical links.
* @param ULONG *pNumEntry - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_OamFrameRateGetEntryCount( USHORT *pNumEntry );
/* Function: dpoe_OnuLinkStatisticsGetEntryCount */
* @description Retrieve the count of max logical links
* @param ULONG *pNumEntry - Count to be returned
* @return The status of the operation.
* @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
* @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
* @execution Synchronous.
* @sideeffect None.
* @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
* calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
INT dpoe_OnuLinkStatisticsGetEntryCount( USHORT *pNumEntry );
/** #ifndef __DPOE_HAL_H__ **/
* @}