/* chronyd/chronyc - Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate. ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Miroslav Lichvar 2016-2017 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Tracking of hardware clocks (e.g. RTC, PHC) */ #include "config.h" #include "sysincl.h" #include "array.h" #include "hwclock.h" #include "local.h" #include "logging.h" #include "memory.h" #include "regress.h" #include "util.h" /* Maximum number of samples per clock */ #define MAX_SAMPLES 16 /* Maximum acceptable frequency offset of the clock */ #define MAX_FREQ_OFFSET (2.0 / 3.0) struct HCL_Instance_Record { /* HW and local reference timestamp */ struct timespec hw_ref; struct timespec local_ref; /* Samples stored as intervals (uncorrected for frequency error) relative to local_ref and hw_ref */ double x_data[MAX_SAMPLES]; double y_data[MAX_SAMPLES]; /* Number of samples */ int n_samples; /* Maximum error of the last sample */ double last_err; /* Minimum interval between samples */ double min_separation; /* Flag indicating the offset and frequency values are valid */ int valid_coefs; /* Estimated offset and frequency of HW clock relative to local clock */ double offset; double frequency; }; /* ================================================== */ static void handle_slew(struct timespec *raw, struct timespec *cooked, double dfreq, double doffset, LCL_ChangeType change_type, void *anything) { HCL_Instance clock; double delta; clock = anything; if (clock->n_samples) UTI_AdjustTimespec(&clock->local_ref, cooked, &clock->local_ref, &delta, dfreq, doffset); if (clock->valid_coefs) clock->frequency /= 1.0 - dfreq; } /* ================================================== */ HCL_Instance HCL_CreateInstance(double min_separation) { HCL_Instance clock; clock = MallocNew(struct HCL_Instance_Record); clock->x_data[MAX_SAMPLES - 1] = 0.0; clock->y_data[MAX_SAMPLES - 1] = 0.0; clock->n_samples = 0; clock->valid_coefs = 0; clock->min_separation = min_separation; LCL_AddParameterChangeHandler(handle_slew, clock); return clock; } /* ================================================== */ void HCL_DestroyInstance(HCL_Instance clock) { LCL_RemoveParameterChangeHandler(handle_slew, clock); Free(clock); } /* ================================================== */ int HCL_NeedsNewSample(HCL_Instance clock, struct timespec *now) { if (!clock->n_samples || fabs(UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(now, &clock->local_ref)) >= clock->min_separation) return 1; return 0; } /* ================================================== */ void HCL_AccumulateSample(HCL_Instance clock, struct timespec *hw_ts, struct timespec *local_ts, double err) { double hw_delta, local_delta, local_freq, raw_freq; int i, n_runs, best_start; local_freq = 1.0 - LCL_ReadAbsoluteFrequency() / 1.0e6; /* Shift old samples */ if (clock->n_samples) { if (clock->n_samples >= MAX_SAMPLES) clock->n_samples--; hw_delta = UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(hw_ts, &clock->hw_ref); local_delta = UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(local_ts, &clock->local_ref) / local_freq; if (hw_delta <= 0.0 || local_delta < clock->min_separation / 2.0) { clock->n_samples = 0; DEBUG_LOG("HW clock reset interval=%f", local_delta); } for (i = MAX_SAMPLES - clock->n_samples; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { clock->y_data[i - 1] = clock->y_data[i] - hw_delta; clock->x_data[i - 1] = clock->x_data[i] - local_delta; } } clock->n_samples++; clock->hw_ref = *hw_ts; clock->local_ref = *local_ts; clock->last_err = err; /* Get new coefficients */ clock->valid_coefs = RGR_FindBestRobustRegression(clock->x_data + MAX_SAMPLES - clock->n_samples, clock->y_data + MAX_SAMPLES - clock->n_samples, clock->n_samples, 1.0e-10, &clock->offset, &raw_freq, &n_runs, &best_start); if (!clock->valid_coefs) { DEBUG_LOG("HW clock needs more samples"); return; } clock->frequency = raw_freq / local_freq; /* Drop unneeded samples */ clock->n_samples -= best_start; /* If the fit doesn't cross the error interval of the last sample, or the frequency is not sane, drop all samples and start again */ if (fabs(clock->offset) > err || fabs(clock->frequency - 1.0) > MAX_FREQ_OFFSET) { DEBUG_LOG("HW clock reset"); clock->n_samples = 0; clock->valid_coefs = 0; } DEBUG_LOG("HW clock samples=%d offset=%e freq=%e raw_freq=%e err=%e ref_diff=%e", clock->n_samples, clock->offset, clock->frequency - 1.0, raw_freq - 1.0, err, UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(&clock->hw_ref, &clock->local_ref)); } /* ================================================== */ int HCL_CookTime(HCL_Instance clock, struct timespec *raw, struct timespec *cooked, double *err) { double offset, elapsed; if (!clock->valid_coefs) return 0; elapsed = UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(raw, &clock->hw_ref); offset = elapsed / clock->frequency - clock->offset; UTI_AddDoubleToTimespec(&clock->local_ref, offset, cooked); /* Fow now, just return the error of the last sample */ if (err) *err = clock->last_err; return 1; }