/* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Miroslav Lichvar 2017-2018 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ********************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" static struct timespec current_time; static NTP_Receive_Buffer req_buffer, res_buffer; static int req_length, res_length; #define NIO_OpenServerSocket(addr) ((addr)->ip_addr.family != IPADDR_UNSPEC ? 100 : 0) #define NIO_CloseServerSocket(fd) assert(fd == 100) #define NIO_OpenClientSocket(addr) ((addr)->ip_addr.family != IPADDR_UNSPEC ? 101 : 0) #define NIO_CloseClientSocket(fd) assert(fd == 101) #define NIO_IsServerSocket(fd) (fd == 100) #define NIO_SendPacket(msg, to, from, len, process_tx) (memcpy(&req_buffer, msg, len), req_length = len, 1) #define SCH_AddTimeoutByDelay(delay, handler, arg) (1 ? 102 : (handler(arg), 1)) #define SCH_AddTimeoutInClass(delay, separation, randomness, class, handler, arg) \ add_timeout_in_class(delay, separation, randomness, class, handler, arg) #define SCH_RemoveTimeout(id) assert(!id || id == 102) #define LCL_ReadRawTime(ts) (*ts = current_time) #define LCL_ReadCookedTime(ts, err) do {double *p = err; *ts = current_time; if (p) *p = 0.0;} while (0) #define LCL_GetSysPrecisionAsLog() (random() % 10 - 30) #define SRC_UpdateReachability(inst, reach) #define SRC_ResetReachability(inst) static SCH_TimeoutID add_timeout_in_class(double min_delay, double separation, double randomness, SCH_TimeoutClass class, SCH_TimeoutHandler handler, SCH_ArbitraryArgument arg) { return 102; } #include static void advance_time(double x) { UTI_AddDoubleToTimespec(¤t_time, x, ¤t_time); } static void send_request(NCR_Instance inst) { NTP_Local_Address local_addr; NTP_Local_Timestamp local_ts; uint32_t prev_tx_count; prev_tx_count = inst->report.total_tx_count; transmit_timeout(inst); TEST_CHECK(!inst->valid_rx); TEST_CHECK(prev_tx_count + 1 == inst->report.total_tx_count); advance_time(1e-5); if (random() % 2) { local_addr.ip_addr.family = IPADDR_UNSPEC; local_addr.if_index = INVALID_IF_INDEX; local_addr.sock_fd = 101; local_ts.ts = current_time; local_ts.err = 0.0; local_ts.source = NTP_TS_KERNEL; NCR_ProcessTxKnown(inst, &local_addr, &local_ts, &req_buffer.ntp_pkt, req_length); } } static void process_request(NTP_Remote_Address *remote_addr) { NTP_Local_Address local_addr; NTP_Local_Timestamp local_ts; local_addr.ip_addr.family = IPADDR_UNSPEC; local_addr.if_index = INVALID_IF_INDEX; local_addr.sock_fd = 100; local_ts.ts = current_time; local_ts.err = 0.0; local_ts.source = NTP_TS_KERNEL; res_length = 0; NCR_ProcessRxUnknown(remote_addr, &local_addr, &local_ts, &req_buffer.ntp_pkt, req_length); res_length = req_length; res_buffer = req_buffer; advance_time(1e-5); if (random() % 2) { local_ts.ts = current_time; NCR_ProcessTxUnknown(remote_addr, &local_addr, &local_ts, &res_buffer.ntp_pkt, res_length); } } static void send_response(int interleaved, int authenticated, int allow_update, int valid_ts, int valid_auth) { NTP_Packet *req, *res; req = &req_buffer.ntp_pkt; res = &res_buffer.ntp_pkt; TEST_CHECK(req_length >= NTP_NORMAL_PACKET_LENGTH); res->lvm = NTP_LVM(LEAP_Normal, NTP_LVM_TO_VERSION(req->lvm), NTP_LVM_TO_MODE(req->lvm) == MODE_CLIENT ? MODE_SERVER : MODE_ACTIVE); res->stratum = 1; res->poll = req->poll; res->precision = -20; res->root_delay = UTI_DoubleToNtp32(0.1); res->root_dispersion = UTI_DoubleToNtp32(0.1); res->reference_id = 0; UTI_ZeroNtp64(&res->reference_ts); res->originate_ts = interleaved ? req->receive_ts : req->transmit_ts; advance_time(TST_GetRandomDouble(1e-4, 1e-2)); UTI_TimespecToNtp64(¤t_time, &res->receive_ts, NULL); advance_time(TST_GetRandomDouble(-1e-4, 1e-3)); UTI_TimespecToNtp64(¤t_time, &res->transmit_ts, NULL); advance_time(TST_GetRandomDouble(1e-4, 1e-2)); if (!valid_ts) { switch (random() % (allow_update ? 4 : 5)) { case 0: res->originate_ts.hi = random(); break; case 1: res->originate_ts.lo = random(); break; case 2: UTI_ZeroNtp64(&res->originate_ts); break; case 3: UTI_ZeroNtp64(&res->receive_ts); break; case 4: UTI_ZeroNtp64(&res->transmit_ts); break; default: assert(0); } } if (authenticated) { res->auth_keyid = req->auth_keyid; KEY_GenerateAuth(ntohl(res->auth_keyid), (unsigned char *)res, NTP_NORMAL_PACKET_LENGTH, res->auth_data, 16); res_length = NTP_NORMAL_PACKET_LENGTH + 4 + 16; } else { res_length = NTP_NORMAL_PACKET_LENGTH; } if (!valid_auth) { switch (random() % 3) { case 0: res->auth_keyid++; break; case 1: res->auth_data[random() % 16]++; break; case 2: res_length = NTP_NORMAL_PACKET_LENGTH; break; default: assert(0); } } } static void process_response(NCR_Instance inst, int good, int valid, int updated_sync, int updated_init) { NTP_Local_Address local_addr; NTP_Local_Timestamp local_ts; NTP_Packet *res; uint32_t prev_rx_count, prev_valid_count; struct timespec prev_rx_ts, prev_init_rx_ts; int prev_open_socket, ret; res = &res_buffer.ntp_pkt; local_addr.ip_addr.family = IPADDR_UNSPEC; local_addr.if_index = INVALID_IF_INDEX; local_addr.sock_fd = NTP_LVM_TO_MODE(res->lvm) != MODE_SERVER ? 100 : 101; local_ts.ts = current_time; local_ts.err = 0.0; local_ts.source = NTP_TS_KERNEL; prev_rx_count = inst->report.total_rx_count; prev_valid_count = inst->report.total_valid_count; prev_rx_ts = inst->local_rx.ts; prev_init_rx_ts = inst->init_local_rx.ts; prev_open_socket = inst->local_addr.sock_fd != INVALID_SOCK_FD; ret = NCR_ProcessRxKnown(inst, &local_addr, &local_ts, res, res_length); if (good > 0) TEST_CHECK(ret); else if (!good) TEST_CHECK(!ret); if (prev_open_socket) TEST_CHECK(prev_rx_count + 1 == inst->report.total_rx_count); else TEST_CHECK(prev_rx_count == inst->report.total_rx_count); if (valid) TEST_CHECK(prev_valid_count + 1 == inst->report.total_valid_count); else TEST_CHECK(prev_valid_count == inst->report.total_valid_count); if (updated_sync) TEST_CHECK(UTI_CompareTimespecs(&inst->local_rx.ts, &prev_rx_ts)); else TEST_CHECK(!UTI_CompareTimespecs(&inst->local_rx.ts, &prev_rx_ts)); if (updated_init > 0) TEST_CHECK(UTI_CompareTimespecs(&inst->init_local_rx.ts, &prev_init_rx_ts)); else if (!updated_init) TEST_CHECK(!UTI_CompareTimespecs(&inst->init_local_rx.ts, &prev_init_rx_ts)); if (valid) { TEST_CHECK(UTI_IsZeroTimespec(&inst->init_local_rx.ts)); TEST_CHECK(UTI_IsZeroNtp64(&inst->init_remote_ntp_tx)); } } static void process_replay(NCR_Instance inst, NTP_Receive_Buffer *packet_queue, int queue_length, int updated_init) { do { res_buffer = packet_queue[random() % queue_length]; } while (!UTI_CompareNtp64(&res_buffer.ntp_pkt.transmit_ts, &inst->remote_ntp_tx)); process_response(inst, 0, 0, 0, updated_init); advance_time(1e-6); } #define PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH 10 void test_unit(void) { char source_line[] = " maxdelaydevratio 1e6"; char conf[][100] = { "allow", "port 0", "local", "keyfile ntp_core.keys" }; int i, j, k, interleaved, authenticated, valid, updated, has_updated; CPS_NTP_Source source; NTP_Remote_Address remote_addr; NCR_Instance inst1, inst2; NTP_Receive_Buffer packet_queue[PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH]; CNF_Initialise(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < sizeof conf / sizeof conf[0]; i++) CNF_ParseLine(NULL, i + 1, conf[i]); LCL_Initialise(); TST_RegisterDummyDrivers(); SCH_Initialise(); SRC_Initialise(); NIO_Initialise(IPADDR_UNSPEC); NCR_Initialise(); REF_Initialise(); KEY_Initialise(); CNF_SetupAccessRestrictions(); CPS_ParseNTPSourceAdd(source_line, &source); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (random() % 2) source.params.interleaved = 1; if (random() % 2) source.params.authkey = 1; source.params.version = random() % 4 + 1; UTI_ZeroTimespec(¤t_time); advance_time(TST_GetRandomDouble(1.0, 1e9)); TST_GetRandomAddress(&remote_addr.ip_addr, IPADDR_UNSPEC, -1); remote_addr.port = 123; inst1 = NCR_GetInstance(&remote_addr, random() % 2 ? NTP_SERVER : NTP_PEER, &source.params); NCR_StartInstance(inst1); has_updated = 0; for (j = 0; j < 50; j++) { DEBUG_LOG("client/peer test iteration %d/%d", i, j); interleaved = random() % 2 && (inst1->mode != MODE_CLIENT || inst1->tx_count < MAX_CLIENT_INTERLEAVED_TX); authenticated = random() % 2; valid = (!interleaved || (source.params.interleaved && has_updated)) && (!source.params.authkey || authenticated); updated = (valid || inst1->mode == MODE_ACTIVE) && (!source.params.authkey || authenticated); has_updated = has_updated || updated; if (inst1->mode == MODE_CLIENT) updated = 0; send_request(inst1); send_response(interleaved, authenticated, 1, 0, 1); DEBUG_LOG("response 1"); process_response(inst1, 0, 0, 0, updated); if (source.params.authkey) { send_response(interleaved, authenticated, 1, 1, 0); DEBUG_LOG("response 2"); process_response(inst1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } send_response(interleaved, authenticated, 1, 1, 1); DEBUG_LOG("response 3"); process_response(inst1, -1, valid, valid, updated); DEBUG_LOG("response 4"); process_response(inst1, 0, 0, 0, 0); advance_time(-1.0); send_response(interleaved, authenticated, 1, 1, 1); DEBUG_LOG("response 5"); process_response(inst1, 0, 0, 0, updated && valid); advance_time(1.0); send_response(interleaved, authenticated, 1, 1, 1); DEBUG_LOG("response 6"); process_response(inst1, 0, 0, valid && updated, updated); } NCR_DestroyInstance(inst1); inst1 = NCR_GetInstance(&remote_addr, random() % 2 ? NTP_SERVER : NTP_PEER, &source.params); NCR_StartInstance(inst1); for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) { DEBUG_LOG("server test iteration %d/%d", i, j); send_request(inst1); process_request(&remote_addr); process_response(inst1, 1, 1, 1, 0); advance_time(1 << inst1->local_poll); } NCR_DestroyInstance(inst1); inst1 = NCR_GetInstance(&remote_addr, NTP_PEER, &source.params); NCR_StartInstance(inst1); inst2 = NCR_GetInstance(&remote_addr, NTP_PEER, &source.params); NCR_StartInstance(inst2); res_length = req_length = 0; for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) { DEBUG_LOG("peer replay test iteration %d/%d", i, j); send_request(inst1); res_buffer = req_buffer; assert(!res_length || res_length == req_length); res_length = req_length; TEST_CHECK(inst1->valid_timestamps == (j > 0)); DEBUG_LOG("response 1->2"); process_response(inst2, j > source.params.interleaved, j > 0, j > 0, 1); packet_queue[(j * 2) % PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH] = res_buffer; for (k = 0; k < j % 4 + 1; k++) { DEBUG_LOG("replay ?->1 %d", k); process_replay(inst1, packet_queue, MIN(j * 2 + 1, PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH), k ? -1 : 1); DEBUG_LOG("replay ?->2 %d", k); process_replay(inst2, packet_queue, MIN(j * 2 + 1, PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH), -1); } advance_time(1 << (source.params.minpoll - 1)); send_request(inst2); res_buffer = req_buffer; assert(res_length == req_length); TEST_CHECK(inst2->valid_timestamps == (j > 0)); DEBUG_LOG("response 2->1"); process_response(inst1, 1, 1, 1, 1); packet_queue[(j * 2 + 1) % PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH] = res_buffer; for (k = 0; k < j % 4 + 1; k++) { DEBUG_LOG("replay ?->1 %d", k); process_replay(inst1, packet_queue, MIN(j * 2 + 2, PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH), k ? -1 : 1); DEBUG_LOG("replay ?->2 %d", k); process_replay(inst2, packet_queue, MIN(j * 2 + 2, PACKET_QUEUE_LENGTH), -1); } advance_time(1 << (source.params.minpoll - 1)); } NCR_DestroyInstance(inst1); NCR_DestroyInstance(inst2); } KEY_Finalise(); REF_Finalise(); NCR_Finalise(); NIO_Finalise(); SRC_Finalise(); SCH_Finalise(); LCL_Finalise(); CNF_Finalise(); HSH_Finalise(); }