#include #include #include #include #include "host_interface.h" #include "coreconfigurator.h" #include "wilc_wlan_if.h" #include "wilc_msgqueue.h" #include #include "wilc_wfi_netdevice.h" extern u8 connecting; extern struct timer_list hDuringIpTimer; extern u8 g_wilc_initialized; #define HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN 0 #define HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT 1 #define HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_GNRL_ASYNC_INFO 2 #define HOST_IF_MSG_KEY 3 #define HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_NTWRK_INFO 4 #define HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_SCAN_COMPLETE 5 #define HOST_IF_MSG_CFG_PARAMS 6 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_CHANNEL 7 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DISCONNECT 8 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI 9 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_CHNL 10 #define HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BEACON 11 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BEACON 12 #define HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_STATION 13 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_STATION 14 #define HOST_IF_MSG_EDIT_STATION 15 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN_TIMER_FIRED 16 #define HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT_TIMER_FIRED 17 #define HOST_IF_MSG_POWER_MGMT 18 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_INACTIVETIME 19 #define HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN 20 #define HOST_IF_MSG_REGISTER_FRAME 21 #define HOST_IF_MSG_LISTEN_TIMER_FIRED 22 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_LINKSPEED 23 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_WFIDRV_HANDLER 24 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MAC_ADDRESS 25 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_MAC_ADDRESS 26 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_OPERATION_MODE 27 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_IPADDRESS 28 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_IPADDRESS 29 #define HOST_IF_MSG_FLUSH_CONNECT 30 #define HOST_IF_MSG_GET_STATISTICS 31 #define HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MULTICAST_FILTER 32 #define HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BA_SESSION 33 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BA_SESSION 34 #define HOST_IF_MSG_Q_IDLE 35 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_STA 36 #define HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_RX_BA_SESSIONS 34 #define HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT 100 #define HOST_IF_SCAN_TIMEOUT 4000 #define HOST_IF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 9500 #define BA_SESSION_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 16 #define BA_SESSION_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 1000 #define BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE 0x14 #define FALSE_FRMWR_CHANNEL 100 struct cfg_param_attr { struct cfg_param_val cfg_attr_info; }; struct host_if_wpa_attr { u8 *key; const u8 *mac_addr; u8 *seq; u8 seq_len; u8 index; u8 key_len; u8 mode; }; struct host_if_wep_attr { u8 *key; u8 key_len; u8 index; u8 mode; enum AUTHTYPE auth_type; }; union host_if_key_attr { struct host_if_wep_attr wep; struct host_if_wpa_attr wpa; struct host_if_pmkid_attr pmkid; }; struct key_attr { enum KEY_TYPE type; u8 action; union host_if_key_attr attr; }; struct scan_attr { u8 src; u8 type; u8 *ch_freq_list; u8 ch_list_len; u8 *ies; size_t ies_len; wilc_scan_result result; void *arg; struct hidden_network hidden_network; }; struct connect_attr { u8 *bssid; u8 *ssid; size_t ssid_len; u8 *ies; size_t ies_len; u8 security; wilc_connect_result result; void *arg; enum AUTHTYPE auth_type; u8 ch; void *params; }; struct rcvd_async_info { u8 *buffer; u32 len; }; struct channel_attr { u8 set_ch; }; struct beacon_attr { u32 interval; u32 dtim_period; u32 head_len; u8 *head; u32 tail_len; u8 *tail; }; struct set_multicast { bool enabled; u32 cnt; }; struct del_all_sta { u8 del_all_sta[MAX_NUM_STA][ETH_ALEN]; u8 assoc_sta; }; struct del_sta { u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; }; struct power_mgmt_param { bool enabled; u32 timeout; }; struct set_ip_addr { u8 *ip_addr; u8 idx; }; struct sta_inactive_t { u8 mac[6]; }; union message_body { struct scan_attr scan_info; struct connect_attr con_info; struct rcvd_net_info net_info; struct rcvd_async_info async_info; struct key_attr key_info; struct cfg_param_attr cfg_info; struct channel_attr channel_info; struct beacon_attr beacon_info; struct add_sta_param add_sta_info; struct del_sta del_sta_info; struct add_sta_param edit_sta_info; struct power_mgmt_param pwr_mgmt_info; struct sta_inactive_t mac_info; struct set_ip_addr ip_info; struct drv_handler drv; struct set_multicast multicast_info; struct op_mode mode; struct set_mac_addr set_mac_info; struct get_mac_addr get_mac_info; struct ba_session_info session_info; struct remain_ch remain_on_ch; struct reg_frame reg_frame; char *data; struct del_all_sta del_all_sta_info; }; struct host_if_msg { u16 id; union message_body body; struct host_if_drv *drv; }; struct join_bss_param { BSSTYPE_T bss_type; u8 dtim_period; u16 beacon_period; u16 cap_info; u8 au8bssid[6]; char ssid[MAX_SSID_LEN]; u8 ssid_len; u8 supp_rates[MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED + 1]; u8 ht_capable; u8 wmm_cap; u8 uapsd_cap; bool rsn_found; u8 rsn_grp_policy; u8 mode_802_11i; u8 rsn_pcip_policy[3]; u8 rsn_auth_policy[3]; u8 rsn_cap[2]; u32 tsf; u8 noa_enabled; u8 opp_enabled; u8 ct_window; u8 cnt; u8 idx; u8 duration[4]; u8 interval[4]; u8 start_time[4]; }; static struct host_if_drv *wfidrv_list[NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC + 1]; struct host_if_drv *terminated_handle; bool g_obtainingIP; u8 P2P_LISTEN_STATE; static struct task_struct *hif_thread_handler; static WILC_MsgQueueHandle hif_msg_q; static struct semaphore hif_sema_thread; static struct semaphore hif_sema_driver; static struct semaphore hif_sema_wait_response; static struct semaphore hif_sema_deinit; static struct timer_list periodic_rssi; u8 gau8MulticastMacAddrList[WILC_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE][ETH_ALEN]; static u8 rcv_assoc_resp[MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE]; static bool scan_while_connected; static s8 rssi; static s8 link_speed; static u8 ch_no; static u8 set_ip[2][4]; static u8 get_ip[2][4]; static u32 inactive_time; static u8 del_beacon; static u32 clients_count; static u8 *join_req; u8 *info_element; static u8 mode_11i; u8 auth_type; u32 join_req_size; static u32 info_element_size; static struct host_if_drv *join_req_drv; #define REAL_JOIN_REQ 0 #define FLUSHED_JOIN_REQ 1 #define FLUSHED_BYTE_POS 79 static void *host_int_ParseJoinBssParam(tstrNetworkInfo *ptstrNetworkInfo); extern void chip_sleep_manually(u32 u32SleepTime); extern int linux_wlan_get_num_conn_ifcs(void); static int add_handler_in_list(struct host_if_drv *handler) { int i; for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(wfidrv_list); i++) { if (!wfidrv_list[i]) { wfidrv_list[i] = handler; return 0; } } return -ENOBUFS; } static int remove_handler_in_list(struct host_if_drv *handler) { int i; for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(wfidrv_list); i++) { if (wfidrv_list[i] == handler) { wfidrv_list[i] = NULL; return 0; } } return -EINVAL; } static int get_id_from_handler(struct host_if_drv *handler) { int i; if (!handler) return 0; for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(wfidrv_list); i++) { if (wfidrv_list[i] == handler) return i; } return 0; } static struct host_if_drv *get_handler_from_id(int id) { if (id <= 0 || id >= ARRAY_SIZE(wfidrv_list)) return NULL; return wfidrv_list[id]; } static s32 Handle_SetChannel(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct channel_attr *pstrHostIFSetChan) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (char *)&pstrHostIFSetChan->set_ch; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting channel\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set channel\n"); return -EINVAL; } return result; } static s32 Handle_SetWfiDrvHandler(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct drv_handler *pstrHostIfSetDrvHandler) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_SET_DRV_HANDLER; wid.type = WID_INT; wid.val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIfSetDrvHandler->handler; wid.size = sizeof(u32); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, pstrHostIfSetDrvHandler->handler); if (!hif_drv) up(&hif_sema_driver); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set driver handler\n"); return -EINVAL; } return result; } static s32 Handle_SetOperationMode(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct op_mode *pstrHostIfSetOperationMode) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_SET_OPERATION_MODE; wid.type = WID_INT; wid.val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIfSetOperationMode->mode; wid.size = sizeof(u32); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if ((pstrHostIfSetOperationMode->mode) == IDLE_MODE) up(&hif_sema_driver); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set driver handler\n"); return -EINVAL; } return result; } s32 Handle_set_IPAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; char firmwareIPAddress[4] = {0}; if (pu8IPAddr[0] < 192) pu8IPAddr[0] = 0; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Indx = %d, Handling set IP = %pI4\n", idx, pu8IPAddr); memcpy(set_ip[idx], pu8IPAddr, IP_ALEN); wid.id = (u16)WID_IP_ADDRESS; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (u8 *)pu8IPAddr; wid.size = IP_ALEN; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); host_int_get_ipaddress(hif_drv, firmwareIPAddress, idx); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set IP address\n"); return -EINVAL; } PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "IP address set\n"); return result; } s32 Handle_get_IPAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_IP_ADDRESS; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = kmalloc(IP_ALEN, GFP_KERNEL); wid.size = IP_ALEN; result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "%pI4\n", wid.val); memcpy(get_ip[idx], wid.val, IP_ALEN); kfree(wid.val); if (memcmp(get_ip[idx], set_ip[idx], IP_ALEN) != 0) host_int_setup_ipaddress(hif_drv, set_ip[idx], idx); if (result != 0) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get IP address\n"); return -EINVAL; } PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "IP address retrieved:: u8IfIdx = %d\n", idx); PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "%pI4\n", get_ip[idx]); PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "\n"); return result; } static s32 Handle_SetMacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct set_mac_addr *pstrHostIfSetMacAddress) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *mac_buf = kmalloc(ETH_ALEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (!mac_buf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send mac address\n"); return -EFAULT; } memcpy(mac_buf, pstrHostIfSetMacAddress->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); wid.id = (u16)WID_MAC_ADDR; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = mac_buf; wid.size = ETH_ALEN; PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "mac addr = :%pM\n", wid.val); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set mac address\n"); result = -EFAULT; } kfree(mac_buf); return result; } static s32 Handle_GetMacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct get_mac_addr *pstrHostIfGetMacAddress) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_MAC_ADDR; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = pstrHostIfGetMacAddress->mac_addr; wid.size = ETH_ALEN; result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get mac address\n"); result = -EFAULT; } up(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } static s32 Handle_CfgParam(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct cfg_param_attr *strHostIFCfgParamAttr) { s32 result = 0; struct wid strWIDList[32]; u8 u8WidCnt = 0; down(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting CFG params\n"); if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & BSS_TYPE) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.bss_type < 6) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_BSS_TYPE; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.bss_type; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.bss_type = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.bss_type; } else { PRINT_ER("check value 6 over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & AUTH_TYPE) { if ((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_type) == 1 || (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_type) == 2 || (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_type) == 5) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_AUTH_TYPE; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_type; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.auth_type = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_type; } else { PRINT_ER("Impossible value \n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & AUTHEN_TIMEOUT) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_timeout > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_timeout < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_timeout; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.auth_timeout = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.auth_timeout; } else { PRINT_ER("Range(1 ~ 65535) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & POWER_MANAGEMENT) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.power_mgmt_mode < 5) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.power_mgmt_mode; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.power_mgmt_mode = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.power_mgmt_mode; } else { PRINT_ER("Invalide power mode\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & RETRY_SHORT) { if ((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_retry_limit > 0) && (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_retry_limit < 256)) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_retry_limit; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.short_retry_limit = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_retry_limit; } else { PRINT_ER("Range(1~256) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & RETRY_LONG) { if ((strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.long_retry_limit > 0) && (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.long_retry_limit < 256)) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.long_retry_limit; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.long_retry_limit = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.long_retry_limit; } else { PRINT_ER("Range(1~256) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & FRAG_THRESHOLD) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.frag_threshold > 255 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.frag_threshold < 7937) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.frag_threshold; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.frag_threshold = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.frag_threshold; } else { PRINT_ER("Threshold Range fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & RTS_THRESHOLD) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.rts_threshold > 255 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.rts_threshold < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_RTS_THRESHOLD; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.rts_threshold; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.rts_threshold = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.rts_threshold; } else { PRINT_ER("Threshold Range fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & PREAMBLE) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.preamble_type < 3) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_PREAMBLE; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.preamble_type; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.preamble_type = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.preamble_type; } else { PRINT_ER("Preamle Range(0~2) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_slot_allowed < 2) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_slot_allowed; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.short_slot_allowed = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.short_slot_allowed; } else { PRINT_ER("Short slot(2) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & TXOP_PROT_DISABLE) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.txop_prot_disabled < 2) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.txop_prot_disabled; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.txop_prot_disabled = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.txop_prot_disabled; } else { PRINT_ER("TXOP prot disable\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & BEACON_INTERVAL) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.beacon_interval > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.beacon_interval < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_BEACON_INTERVAL; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.beacon_interval; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.beacon_interval = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.beacon_interval; } else { PRINT_ER("Beacon interval(1~65535) fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & DTIM_PERIOD) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.dtim_period > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.dtim_period < 256) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_DTIM_PERIOD; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.dtim_period; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.dtim_period = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.dtim_period; } else { PRINT_ER("DTIM range(1~255) fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & SITE_SURVEY) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_enabled < 3) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_SITE_SURVEY; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_enabled; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(char); hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled = (u8)strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_enabled; } else { PRINT_ER("Site survey disable\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_scan_time > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_scan_time < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_scan_time; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.site_survey_scan_time; } else { PRINT_ER("Site survey scan time(1~65535) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & ACTIVE_SCANTIME) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.active_scan_time > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.active_scan_time < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.active_scan_time; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.active_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.active_scan_time; } else { PRINT_ER("Active scan time(1~65535) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & PASSIVE_SCANTIME) { if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.passive_scan_time > 0 && strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.passive_scan_time < 65536) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.passive_scan_time; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.passive_scan_time; } else { PRINT_ER("Passive scan time(1~65535) over\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } if (strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.flag & CURRENT_TX_RATE) { enum CURRENT_TXRATE curr_tx_rate = strHostIFCfgParamAttr->cfg_attr_info.curr_tx_rate; if (curr_tx_rate == AUTORATE || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_1 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_2 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_5_5 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_11 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_6 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_9 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_12 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_18 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_24 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_36 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_48 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_54) { strWIDList[u8WidCnt].id = WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].val = (s8 *)&curr_tx_rate; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].type = WID_SHORT; strWIDList[u8WidCnt].size = sizeof(u16); hif_drv->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate = (u8)curr_tx_rate; } else { PRINT_ER("out of TX rate\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto ERRORHANDLER; } u8WidCnt++; } result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u8WidCnt, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in setting CFG params\n"); ERRORHANDLER: up(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); return result; } static s32 Handle_wait_msg_q_empty(void) { g_wilc_initialized = 0; up(&hif_sema_wait_response); return 0; } static s32 Handle_Scan(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct scan_attr *pstrHostIFscanAttr) { s32 result = 0; struct wid strWIDList[5]; u32 u32WidsCount = 0; u32 i; u8 *pu8Buffer; u8 valuesize = 0; u8 *pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal = NULL; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting SCAN params\n"); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Scanning: In [%d] state\n", hif_drv->enuHostIFstate); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult = pstrHostIFscanAttr->result; hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid = pstrHostIFscanAttr->arg; if ((hif_drv->enuHostIFstate >= HOST_IF_SCANNING) && (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate < HOST_IF_CONNECTED)) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Don't scan we are already in [%d] state\n", hif_drv->enuHostIFstate); PRINT_ER("Already scan\n"); result = -EBUSY; goto ERRORHANDLER; } if (g_obtainingIP || connecting) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "[handle_scan]: Don't do obss scan until IP adresss is obtained\n"); PRINT_ER("Don't do obss scan\n"); result = -EBUSY; goto ERRORHANDLER; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting SCAN params\n"); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount = 0; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_SSID_PROBE_REQ; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_STR; for (i = 0; i < pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.u8ssidnum; i++) valuesize += ((pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen) + 1); pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal = kmalloc(valuesize + 1, GFP_KERNEL); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal; if (strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val) { pu8Buffer = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val; *pu8Buffer++ = pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.u8ssidnum; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "In Handle_ProbeRequest number of ssid %d\n", pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.u8ssidnum); for (i = 0; i < pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.u8ssidnum; i++) { *pu8Buffer++ = pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen; memcpy(pu8Buffer, pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].pu8ssid, pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen); pu8Buffer += pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo[i].u8ssidlen; } strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = (s32)(valuesize + 1); u32WidsCount++; } { strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_BIN_DATA; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = pstrHostIFscanAttr->ies; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = pstrHostIFscanAttr->ies_len; u32WidsCount++; } strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_SCAN_TYPE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFscanAttr->type; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_BIN_DATA; if (pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list && pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_list_len > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_list_len; i++) { if (pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list[i] > 0) pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list[i] = pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list[i] - 1; } } strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_list_len; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_START_SCAN_REQ; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFscanAttr->src; u32WidsCount++; if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) scan_while_connected = true; else if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_IDLE) scan_while_connected = false; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send scan paramters config packet\n"); else PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Successfully sent SCAN params config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: if (result) { del_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); Handle_ScanDone(hif_drv, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); } kfree(pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list); pstrHostIFscanAttr->ch_freq_list = NULL; kfree(pstrHostIFscanAttr->ies); pstrHostIFscanAttr->ies = NULL; kfree(pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo); pstrHostIFscanAttr->hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo = NULL; kfree(pu8HdnNtwrksWidVal); return result; } static s32 Handle_ScanDone(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, enum scan_event enuEvent) { s32 result = 0; u8 u8abort_running_scan; struct wid wid; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "in Handle_ScanDone()\n"); if (enuEvent == SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Abort running scan\n"); u8abort_running_scan = 1; wid.id = (u16)WID_ABORT_RUNNING_SCAN; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&u8abort_running_scan; wid.size = sizeof(char); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set abort running scan\n"); result = -EFAULT; } } if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver handler is NULL\n"); return result; } if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult(enuEvent, NULL, hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid, NULL); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult = NULL; } return result; } u8 u8ConnectedSSID[6] = {0}; static s32 Handle_Connect(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct connect_attr *pstrHostIFconnectAttr) { s32 result = 0; struct wid strWIDList[8]; u32 u32WidsCount = 0, dummyval = 0; u8 *pu8CurrByte = NULL; struct join_bss_param *ptstrJoinBssParam; PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Handling connect request\n"); if (memcmp(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, u8ConnectedSSID, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { result = 0; PRINT_ER("Trying to connect to an already connected AP, Discard connect request\n"); return result; } PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Saving connection parameters in global structure\n"); ptstrJoinBssParam = (struct join_bss_param *)pstrHostIFconnectAttr->params; if (!ptstrJoinBssParam) { PRINT_ER("Required BSSID not found\n"); result = -ENOENT; goto ERRORHANDLER; } if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid) { hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid = kmalloc(6, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, 6); } hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ssidLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len; if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid) { hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid = kmalloc(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len + 1, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len] = '\0'; } hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len; if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies) { hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs = kmalloc(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len); } hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u8security = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->security; hif_drv->usr_conn_req.tenuAuth_type = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->auth_type; hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->result; hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u32UserConnectPvoid = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->arg; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_SUCCESS_FRAME_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&(dummyval)); u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_RECEIVED_FRAGMENT_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&(dummyval)); u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_FAILED_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&(dummyval)); u32WidsCount++; { strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_BIN_DATA; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen; u32WidsCount++; if (memcmp("DIRECT-", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, 7)) { info_element_size = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen; info_element = kmalloc(info_element_size, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(info_element, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs, info_element_size); } } strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_11I_MODE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u8security; u32WidsCount++; if (memcmp("DIRECT-", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, 7)) mode_11i = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u8security; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Encrypt Mode = %x\n", hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u8security); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_AUTH_TYPE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&hif_drv->usr_conn_req.tenuAuth_type); u32WidsCount++; if (memcmp("DIRECT-", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, 7)) auth_type = (u8)hif_drv->usr_conn_req.tenuAuth_type; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Authentication Type = %x\n", hif_drv->usr_conn_req.tenuAuth_type); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Connecting to network of SSID %s on channel %d\n", hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ch); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_STR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = 112; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = kmalloc(strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size, GFP_KERNEL); if (memcmp("DIRECT-", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, 7)) { join_req_size = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size; join_req = kmalloc(join_req_size, GFP_KERNEL); } if (!strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val) { result = -EFAULT; goto ERRORHANDLER; } pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val; if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid) { memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len); pu8CurrByte[pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid_len] = '\0'; } pu8CurrByte += MAX_SSID_LEN; *(pu8CurrByte++) = INFRASTRUCTURE; if ((pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ch >= 1) && (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ch <= 14)) { *(pu8CurrByte++) = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ch; } else { PRINT_ER("Channel out of range\n"); *(pu8CurrByte++) = 0xFF; } *(pu8CurrByte++) = (ptstrJoinBssParam->cap_info) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->cap_info) >> 8) & 0xFF; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* Cap Info %0x*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 2) | ((*(pu8CurrByte - 1)) << 8))); if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, 6); pu8CurrByte += 6; if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, 6); pu8CurrByte += 6; *(pu8CurrByte++) = (ptstrJoinBssParam->beacon_period) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->beacon_period) >> 8) & 0xFF; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* Beacon Period %d*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 2) | ((*(pu8CurrByte - 1)) << 8))); *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->dtim_period; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* DTIM Period %d*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 1))); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->supp_rates, MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED + 1); pu8CurrByte += (MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED + 1); *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->wmm_cap; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* wmm cap%d*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 1))); *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->uapsd_cap; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->ht_capable; hif_drv->usr_conn_req.IsHTCapable = ptstrJoinBssParam->ht_capable; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_found; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* rsn found %d*\n", *(pu8CurrByte - 1)); *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_grp_policy; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* rsn group policy %0x*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 1))); *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "* mode_802_11i %d*\n", (*(pu8CurrByte - 1))); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->rsn_cap); *(pu8CurrByte++) = REAL_JOIN_REQ; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->noa_enabled; if (ptstrJoinBssParam->noa_enabled) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "NOA present\n"); *(pu8CurrByte++) = (ptstrJoinBssParam->tsf) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->tsf) >> 8) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->tsf) >> 16) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ((ptstrJoinBssParam->tsf) >> 24) & 0xFF; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->opp_enabled; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->idx; if (ptstrJoinBssParam->opp_enabled) *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->ct_window; *(pu8CurrByte++) = ptstrJoinBssParam->cnt; memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->duration, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->duration)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->duration); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->interval, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->interval)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->interval); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, ptstrJoinBssParam->start_time, sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->start_time)); pu8CurrByte += sizeof(ptstrJoinBssParam->start_time); } else PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "NOA not present\n"); pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val; u32WidsCount++; if (memcmp("DIRECT-", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid, 7)) { memcpy(join_req, pu8CurrByte, join_req_size); join_req_drv = hif_drv; } PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "send HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP\n"); if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid) { memcpy(u8ConnectedSSID, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, ETH_ALEN); PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "save Bssid = %pM\n", pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid); PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "save bssid = %pM\n", u8ConnectedSSID); } result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("failed to send config packet\n"); result = -EFAULT; goto ERRORHANDLER; } else { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "set HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP\n"); hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP; } ERRORHANDLER: if (result) { tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo; del_timer(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "could not start connecting to the required network\n"); memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo)); if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->result) { if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid) memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid, 6); if (pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies) { strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len; strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = kmalloc(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies_len); } pstrHostIFconnectAttr->result(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP, &strConnectInfo, MAC_DISCONNECTED, NULL, pstrHostIFconnectAttr->arg); hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; kfree(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs); strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL; } else { PRINT_ER("Connect callback function pointer is NULL\n"); } } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Deallocating connection parameters\n"); kfree(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid); pstrHostIFconnectAttr->bssid = NULL; kfree(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid); pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ssid = NULL; kfree(pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies); pstrHostIFconnectAttr->ies = NULL; kfree(pu8CurrByte); return result; } static s32 Handle_FlushConnect(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct wid strWIDList[5]; u32 u32WidsCount = 0; u8 *pu8CurrByte = NULL; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_BIN_DATA; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = info_element; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = info_element_size; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_11I_MODE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&(mode_11i)); u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_AUTH_TYPE; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)(&auth_type); u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = (u16)WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_STR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = join_req_size; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)join_req; pu8CurrByte = strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val; pu8CurrByte += FLUSHED_BYTE_POS; *(pu8CurrByte) = FLUSHED_JOIN_REQ; u32WidsCount++; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, get_id_from_handler(join_req_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("failed to send config packet\n"); result = -EINVAL; } return result; } static s32 Handle_ConnectTimeout(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo; struct wid wid; u16 u16DummyReasonCode = 0; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver handler is NULL\n"); return result; } hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; scan_while_connected = false; memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo)); if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult) { if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid) { memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid, 6); } if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs) { strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen; strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = kmalloc(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen); } hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP, &strConnectInfo, MAC_DISCONNECTED, NULL, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u32UserConnectPvoid); kfree(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs); strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL; } else { PRINT_ER("Connect callback function pointer is NULL\n"); } wid.id = (u16)WID_DISCONNECT; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&u16DummyReasonCode; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Sending disconnect request\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send dissconect config packet\n"); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ssidLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid); kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs); eth_zero_addr(u8ConnectedSSID); if (join_req && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(join_req); join_req = NULL; } if (info_element && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(info_element); info_element = NULL; } return result; } static s32 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct rcvd_net_info *pstrRcvdNetworkInfo) { u32 i; bool bNewNtwrkFound; s32 result = 0; tstrNetworkInfo *pstrNetworkInfo = NULL; void *pJoinParams = NULL; bNewNtwrkFound = true; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling received network info\n"); if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "State: Scanning, parsing network information received\n"); parse_network_info(pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->buffer, &pstrNetworkInfo); if ((!pstrNetworkInfo) || (!hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult)) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); result = -EINVAL; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount; i++) { if ((hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].au8bssid) && (pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid)) { if (memcmp(hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].au8bssid, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6) == 0) { if (pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi <= hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].s8rssi) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Network previously discovered\n"); goto done; } else { hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[i].s8rssi = pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi; bNewNtwrkFound = false; break; } } } } if (bNewNtwrkFound) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "New network found\n"); if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount < MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS) { hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount].s8rssi = pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi; if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount].au8bssid && pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid) { memcpy(hif_drv->usr_scan_req.astrFoundNetworkInfo[hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount].au8bssid, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32RcvdChCount++; pstrNetworkInfo->bNewNetwork = true; pJoinParams = host_int_ParseJoinBssParam(pstrNetworkInfo); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND, pstrNetworkInfo, hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid, pJoinParams); } } else { PRINT_WRN(HOSTINF_DBG, "Discovered networks exceeded max. limit\n"); } } else { pstrNetworkInfo->bNewNetwork = false; hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND, pstrNetworkInfo, hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid, NULL); } } done: kfree(pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->buffer); pstrRcvdNetworkInfo->buffer = NULL; if (pstrNetworkInfo) { DeallocateNetworkInfo(pstrNetworkInfo); pstrNetworkInfo = NULL; } return result; } static s32 Handle_RcvdGnrlAsyncInfo(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct rcvd_async_info *pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo) { s32 result = 0; u8 u8MsgType = 0; u8 u8MsgID = 0; u16 u16MsgLen = 0; u16 u16WidID = (u16)WID_NIL; u8 u8WidLen = 0; u8 u8MacStatus; u8 u8MacStatusReasonCode; u8 u8MacStatusAdditionalInfo; tstrConnectInfo strConnectInfo; tstrDisconnectNotifInfo strDisconnectNotifInfo; s32 s32Err = 0; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver handler is NULL\n"); return -ENODEV; } PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Current State = %d,Received state = %d\n", hif_drv->enuHostIFstate, pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[7]); if ((hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) || (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) || hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { if (!pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer || !hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EINVAL; } u8MsgType = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[0]; if ('I' != u8MsgType) { PRINT_ER("Received Message format incorrect.\n"); return -EFAULT; } u8MsgID = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[1]; u16MsgLen = MAKE_WORD16(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[2], pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[3]); u16WidID = MAKE_WORD16(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[4], pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[5]); u8WidLen = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[6]; u8MacStatus = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[7]; u8MacStatusReasonCode = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[8]; u8MacStatusAdditionalInfo = pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer[9]; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Recieved MAC status = %d with Reason = %d , Info = %d\n", u8MacStatus, u8MacStatusReasonCode, u8MacStatusAdditionalInfo); if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) { u32 u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen; tstrConnectRespInfo *pstrConnectRespInfo = NULL; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Recieved MAC status = %d with Reason = %d , Code = %d\n", u8MacStatus, u8MacStatusReasonCode, u8MacStatusAdditionalInfo); memset(&strConnectInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrConnectInfo)); if (u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) { memset(rcv_assoc_resp, 0, MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE); host_int_get_assoc_res_info(hif_drv, rcv_assoc_resp, MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE, &u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen); PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Received association response with length = %d\n", u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen); if (u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen != 0) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Parsing association response\n"); s32Err = ParseAssocRespInfo(rcv_assoc_resp, u32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen, &pstrConnectRespInfo); if (s32Err) { PRINT_ER("ParseAssocRespInfo() returned error %d\n", s32Err); } else { strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus = pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus; if (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE) { PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Association response received : Successful connection status\n"); if (pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs) { strConnectInfo.u16RespIEsLen = pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen; strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs = kmalloc(pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs, pstrConnectRespInfo->pu8RespIEs, pstrConnectRespInfo->u16RespIEsLen); } } if (pstrConnectRespInfo) { DeallocateAssocRespInfo(pstrConnectRespInfo); pstrConnectRespInfo = NULL; } } } } if ((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) && (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus != SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE)) { PRINT_ER("Received MAC status is MAC_CONNECTED while the received status code in Asoc Resp is not SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE\n"); eth_zero_addr(u8ConnectedSSID); } else if (u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED) { PRINT_ER("Received MAC status is MAC_DISCONNECTED\n"); eth_zero_addr(u8ConnectedSSID); } if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Retrieving actual BSSID from AP\n"); memcpy(strConnectInfo.au8bssid, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid, 6); if ((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) && (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE)) { memcpy(hif_drv->au8AssociatedBSSID, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid, ETH_ALEN); } } if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs) { strConnectInfo.ReqIEsLen = hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen; strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = kmalloc(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen); } del_timer(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP, &strConnectInfo, u8MacStatus, NULL, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u32UserConnectPvoid); if ((u8MacStatus == MAC_CONNECTED) && (strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE)) { host_int_set_power_mgmt(hif_drv, 0, 0); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "MAC status : CONNECTED and Connect Status : Successful\n"); hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_CONNECTED; PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Obtaining an IP, Disable Scan\n"); g_obtainingIP = true; mod_timer(&hDuringIpTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(10000)); } else { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "MAC status : %d and Connect Status : %d\n", u8MacStatus, strConnectInfo.u16ConnectStatus); hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; scan_while_connected = false; } kfree(strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs); strConnectInfo.pu8RespIEs = NULL; kfree(strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs); strConnectInfo.pu8ReqIEs = NULL; hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ssidLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid); kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs); } else if ((u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED) && (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED)) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Received MAC_DISCONNECTED from the FW\n"); memset(&strDisconnectNotifInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrDisconnectNotifInfo)); if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "\n\n<< Abort the running OBSS Scan >>\n\n"); del_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); Handle_ScanDone((void *)hif_drv, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); } strDisconnectNotifInfo.u16reason = 0; strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie = NULL; strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie_len = 0; if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult) { g_obtainingIP = false; host_int_set_power_mgmt(hif_drv, 0, 0); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF, NULL, 0, &strDisconnectNotifInfo, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u32UserConnectPvoid); } else { PRINT_ER("Connect result callback function is NULL\n"); } eth_zero_addr(hif_drv->au8AssociatedBSSID); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ssidLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid); kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs); if (join_req && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(join_req); join_req = NULL; } if (info_element && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(info_element); info_element = NULL; } hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; scan_while_connected = false; } else if ((u8MacStatus == MAC_DISCONNECTED) && (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult)) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Received MAC_DISCONNECTED from the FW while scanning\n"); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "\n\n<< Abort the running Scan >>\n\n"); del_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) Handle_ScanDone(hif_drv, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); } } kfree(pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer); pstrRcvdGnrlAsyncInfo->buffer = NULL; return result; } static int Handle_Key(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct key_attr *pstrHostIFkeyAttr) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; struct wid strWIDList[5]; u8 i; u8 *pu8keybuf; s8 s8idxarray[1]; s8 ret = 0; switch (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->type) { case WEP: if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY_AP) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling WEP key\n"); PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "ID Hostint is %d\n", pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.index); strWIDList[0].id = (u16)WID_11I_MODE; strWIDList[0].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[0].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[0].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.mode; strWIDList[1].id = WID_AUTH_TYPE; strWIDList[1].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[1].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[1].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.auth_type; strWIDList[2].id = (u16)WID_KEY_ID; strWIDList[2].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[2].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.index; strWIDList[2].size = sizeof(char); pu8keybuf = kmemdup(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (pu8keybuf == NULL) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send Key\n"); return -ENOMEM; } kfree(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key); strWIDList[3].id = (u16)WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE; strWIDList[3].type = WID_STR; strWIDList[3].size = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len; strWIDList[3].val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 4, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); } if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling WEP key\n"); pu8keybuf = kmalloc(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len + 2, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pu8keybuf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send Key\n"); return -ENOMEM; } pu8keybuf[0] = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.index; memcpy(pu8keybuf + 1, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 2, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len); kfree(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key); wid.id = (u16)WID_ADD_WEP_KEY; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; wid.size = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.key_len + 2; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); } else if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & REMOVEKEY) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Removing key\n"); wid.id = (u16)WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY; wid.type = WID_STR; s8idxarray[0] = (s8)pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.index; wid.val = s8idxarray; wid.size = 1; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); } else { wid.id = (u16)WID_KEY_ID; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wep.index; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting default key index\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); } up(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); break; case WPARxGtk: if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY_AP) { pu8keybuf = kzalloc(RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pu8keybuf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send RxGTK Key\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto _WPARxGtk_end_case_; } if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.seq) memcpy(pu8keybuf + 6, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.seq, 8); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 14, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.index, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 15, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 16, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len); strWIDList[0].id = (u16)WID_11I_MODE; strWIDList[0].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[0].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[0].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.mode; strWIDList[1].id = (u16)WID_ADD_RX_GTK; strWIDList[1].type = WID_STR; strWIDList[1].val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; strWIDList[1].size = RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 2, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); up(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); } if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling group key(Rx) function\n"); pu8keybuf = kzalloc(RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (pu8keybuf == NULL) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send RxGTK Key\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto _WPARxGtk_end_case_; } if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) memcpy(pu8keybuf, hif_drv->au8AssociatedBSSID, ETH_ALEN); else PRINT_ER("Couldn't handle WPARxGtk while enuHostIFstate is not HOST_IF_CONNECTED\n"); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 6, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.seq, 8); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 14, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.index, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 15, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 16, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len); wid.id = (u16)WID_ADD_RX_GTK; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; wid.size = RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); up(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); } _WPARxGtk_end_case_: kfree(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key); kfree(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.seq); if (ret) return ret; break; case WPAPtk: if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY_AP) { pu8keybuf = kmalloc(PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN + 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pu8keybuf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PTK Key\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto _WPAPtk_end_case_; } memcpy(pu8keybuf, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 6, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.index, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 7, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 8, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len); strWIDList[0].id = (u16)WID_11I_MODE; strWIDList[0].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[0].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[0].val = (s8 *)&pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.mode; strWIDList[1].id = (u16)WID_ADD_PTK; strWIDList[1].type = WID_STR; strWIDList[1].val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; strWIDList[1].size = PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN + 1; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, strWIDList, 2, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); up(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); } if (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->action & ADDKEY) { pu8keybuf = kmalloc(PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pu8keybuf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PTK Key\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto _WPAPtk_end_case_; } memcpy(pu8keybuf, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 6, &pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len, 1); memcpy(pu8keybuf + 7, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key, pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key_len); wid.id = (u16)WID_ADD_PTK; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; wid.size = PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); up(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); } _WPAPtk_end_case_: kfree(pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.wpa.key); if (ret) return ret; break; case PMKSA: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling PMKSA key\n"); pu8keybuf = kmalloc((pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.numpmkid * PMKSA_KEY_LEN) + 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pu8keybuf) { PRINT_ER("No buffer to send PMKSA Key\n"); return -ENOMEM; } pu8keybuf[0] = pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.numpmkid; for (i = 0; i < pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.numpmkid; i++) { memcpy(pu8keybuf + ((PMKSA_KEY_LEN * i) + 1), pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.pmkidlist[i].bssid, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(pu8keybuf + ((PMKSA_KEY_LEN * i) + ETH_ALEN + 1), pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.pmkidlist[i].pmkid, PMKID_LEN); } wid.id = (u16)WID_PMKID_INFO; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8keybuf; wid.size = (pstrHostIFkeyAttr->attr.pmkid.numpmkid * PMKSA_KEY_LEN) + 1; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(pu8keybuf); break; } if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send key config packet\n"); return result; } static void Handle_Disconnect(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { struct wid wid; s32 result = 0; u16 u16DummyReasonCode = 0; wid.id = (u16)WID_DISCONNECT; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&u16DummyReasonCode; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Sending disconnect request\n"); g_obtainingIP = false; host_int_set_power_mgmt(hif_drv, 0, 0); eth_zero_addr(u8ConnectedSSID); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send dissconect config packet\n"); } else { tstrDisconnectNotifInfo strDisconnectNotifInfo; memset(&strDisconnectNotifInfo, 0, sizeof(tstrDisconnectNotifInfo)); strDisconnectNotifInfo.u16reason = 0; strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie = NULL; strDisconnectNotifInfo.ie_len = 0; if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { del_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED, NULL, hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid, NULL); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult = NULL; } if (hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult) { if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Upper layer requested termination of connection\n"); del_timer(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer); } hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF, NULL, 0, &strDisconnectNotifInfo, hif_drv->usr_conn_req.u32UserConnectPvoid); } else { PRINT_ER("usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult = NULL\n"); } scan_while_connected = false; hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; eth_zero_addr(hif_drv->au8AssociatedBSSID); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ssidLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ssid); kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8bssid); hif_drv->usr_conn_req.ConnReqIEsLen = 0; kfree(hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pu8ConnReqIEs); if (join_req && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(join_req); join_req = NULL; } if (info_element && join_req_drv == hif_drv) { kfree(info_element); info_element = NULL; } } up(&hif_drv->hSemTestDisconnectBlock); } void resolve_disconnect_aberration(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { if (!hif_drv) return; if ((hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) || (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTING)) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "\n\n<< correcting Supplicant state machine >>\n\n"); host_int_disconnect(hif_drv, 1); } } static s32 Handle_GetChnl(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&ch_no; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Getting channel value\n"); result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get channel number\n"); result = -EFAULT; } up(&hif_drv->hSemGetCHNL); return result; } static void Handle_GetRssi(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_RSSI; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = &rssi; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Getting RSSI value\n"); result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get RSSI value\n"); result = -EFAULT; } up(&hif_drv->hSemGetRSSI); } static void Handle_GetLinkspeed(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; link_speed = 0; wid.id = (u16)WID_LINKSPEED; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = &link_speed; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Getting LINKSPEED value\n"); result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get LINKSPEED value\n"); result = -EFAULT; } up(&hif_drv->hSemGetLINKSPEED); } s32 Handle_GetStatistics(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct rf_info *pstrStatistics) { struct wid strWIDList[5]; u32 u32WidsCount = 0, result = 0; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_LINKSPEED; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrStatistics->u8LinkSpeed; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_RSSI; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_CHAR; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(char); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrStatistics->s8RSSI; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_SUCCESS_FRAME_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrStatistics->u32TxCount; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_RECEIVED_FRAGMENT_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrStatistics->u32RxCount; u32WidsCount++; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].id = WID_FAILED_COUNT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].type = WID_INT; strWIDList[u32WidsCount].size = sizeof(u32); strWIDList[u32WidsCount].val = (s8 *)&pstrStatistics->u32TxFailureCount; u32WidsCount++; result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, strWIDList, u32WidsCount, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send scan paramters config packet\n"); up(&hif_sema_wait_response); return 0; } static s32 Handle_Get_InActiveTime(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct sta_inactive_t *strHostIfStaInactiveT) { s32 result = 0; u8 *stamac; struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_SET_STA_MAC_INACTIVE_TIME; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = ETH_ALEN; wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) return -ENOMEM; stamac = wid.val; memcpy(stamac, strHostIfStaInactiveT->mac, ETH_ALEN); PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "SETING STA inactive time\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to SET incative time\n"); return -EFAULT; } wid.id = (u16)WID_GET_INACTIVE_TIME; wid.type = WID_INT; wid.val = (s8 *)&inactive_time; wid.size = sizeof(u32); result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get incative time\n"); return -EFAULT; } PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "Getting inactive time : %d\n", inactive_time); up(&hif_drv->hSemInactiveTime); return result; } static void Handle_AddBeacon(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct beacon_attr *pstrSetBeaconParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Adding BEACON\n"); wid.id = (u16)WID_ADD_BEACON; wid.type = WID_BIN; wid.size = pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len + pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len + 16; wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->interval & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->interval >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->interval >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->interval >> 24) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->dtim_period & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->dtim_period >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->dtim_period >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->dtim_period >> 24) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len >> 24) & 0xFF); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrSetBeaconParam->head, pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len); pu8CurrByte += pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len >> 24) & 0xFF); if (pstrSetBeaconParam->tail > 0) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrSetBeaconParam->tail, pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len); pu8CurrByte += pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send add beacon config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(wid.val); kfree(pstrSetBeaconParam->head); kfree(pstrSetBeaconParam->tail); } static void Handle_DelBeacon(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; wid.id = (u16)WID_DEL_BEACON; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.size = sizeof(char); wid.val = &del_beacon; if (!wid.val) return; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Deleting BEACON\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send delete beacon config packet\n"); } static u32 WILC_HostIf_PackStaParam(u8 *pu8Buffer, struct add_sta_param *pstrStationParam) { u8 *pu8CurrByte; pu8CurrByte = pu8Buffer; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Packing STA params\n"); memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->au8BSSID, ETH_ALEN); pu8CurrByte += ETH_ALEN; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16AssocID & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16AssocID >> 8) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8NumRates; if (pstrStationParam->u8NumRates > 0) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->pu8Rates, pstrStationParam->u8NumRates); pu8CurrByte += pstrStationParam->u8NumRates; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->bIsHTSupported; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16HTCapInfo & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16HTCapInfo >> 8) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8AmpduParams; memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam->au8SuppMCsSet, WILC_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE); pu8CurrByte += WILC_SUPP_MCS_SET_SIZE; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16HTExtParams & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16HTExtParams >> 8) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 8) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 16) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u32TxBeamformingCap >> 24) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u8ASELCap; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16FlagsMask & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16FlagsMask >> 8) & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrStationParam->u16FlagsSet & 0xFF; *pu8CurrByte++ = (pstrStationParam->u16FlagsSet >> 8) & 0xFF; return pu8CurrByte - pu8Buffer; } static void Handle_AddStation(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct add_sta_param *pstrStationParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling add station\n"); wid.id = (u16)WID_ADD_STA; wid.type = WID_BIN; wid.size = WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH + pstrStationParam->u8NumRates; wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; pu8CurrByte += WILC_HostIf_PackStaParam(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result != 0) PRINT_ER("Failed to send add station config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(pstrStationParam->pu8Rates); kfree(wid.val); } static void Handle_DelAllSta(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct del_all_sta *pstrDelAllStaParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; u8 i; u8 au8Zero_Buff[6] = {0}; wid.id = (u16)WID_DEL_ALL_STA; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = (pstrDelAllStaParam->assoc_sta * ETH_ALEN) + 1; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling delete station\n"); wid.val = kmalloc((pstrDelAllStaParam->assoc_sta * ETH_ALEN) + 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; *(pu8CurrByte++) = pstrDelAllStaParam->assoc_sta; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_STA; i++) { if (memcmp(pstrDelAllStaParam->del_all_sta[i], au8Zero_Buff, ETH_ALEN)) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrDelAllStaParam->del_all_sta[i], ETH_ALEN); else continue; pu8CurrByte += ETH_ALEN; } result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send add station config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(wid.val); up(&hif_sema_wait_response); } static void Handle_DelStation(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct del_sta *pstrDelStaParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; wid.id = (u16)WID_REMOVE_STA; wid.type = WID_BIN; wid.size = ETH_ALEN; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling delete station\n"); wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; memcpy(pu8CurrByte, pstrDelStaParam->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send add station config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(wid.val); } static void Handle_EditStation(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct add_sta_param *pstrStationParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; wid.id = (u16)WID_EDIT_STA; wid.type = WID_BIN; wid.size = WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH + pstrStationParam->u8NumRates; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling edit station\n"); wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; pu8CurrByte += WILC_HostIf_PackStaParam(pu8CurrByte, pstrStationParam); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send edit station config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(pstrStationParam->pu8Rates); kfree(wid.val); } static int Handle_RemainOnChan(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct remain_ch *pstrHostIfRemainOnChan) { s32 result = 0; u8 u8remain_on_chan_flag; struct wid wid; if (!hif_drv->remain_on_ch_pending) { hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pVoid = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->pVoid; hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanExpired = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->pRemainOnChanExpired; hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanReady = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->pRemainOnChanReady; hif_drv->remain_on_ch.u16Channel = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u16Channel; hif_drv->remain_on_ch.u32ListenSessionID = pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u32ListenSessionID; } else { pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u16Channel = hif_drv->remain_on_ch.u16Channel; } if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "Required to remain on chan while scanning return\n"); hif_drv->remain_on_ch_pending = 1; result = -EBUSY; goto ERRORHANDLER; } if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) { PRINT_INFO(GENERIC_DBG, "Required to remain on chan while connecting return\n"); result = -EBUSY; goto ERRORHANDLER; } if (g_obtainingIP || connecting) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "[handle_scan]: Don't do obss scan until IP adresss is obtained\n"); result = -EBUSY; goto ERRORHANDLER; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting channel :%d\n", pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u16Channel); u8remain_on_chan_flag = true; wid.id = (u16)WID_REMAIN_ON_CHAN; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = 2; wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) { result = -ENOMEM; goto ERRORHANDLER; } wid.val[0] = u8remain_on_chan_flag; wid.val[1] = (s8)pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u16Channel; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result != 0) PRINT_ER("Failed to set remain on channel\n"); ERRORHANDLER: { P2P_LISTEN_STATE = 1; hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel.data = (unsigned long)hif_drv; mod_timer(&hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u32duration)); if (hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanReady) hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanReady(hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pVoid); if (hif_drv->remain_on_ch_pending) hif_drv->remain_on_ch_pending = 0; } return result; } static int Handle_RegisterFrame(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct reg_frame *pstrHostIfRegisterFrame) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling frame register Flag : %d FrameType: %d\n", pstrHostIfRegisterFrame->bReg, pstrHostIfRegisterFrame->u16FrameType); wid.id = (u16)WID_REGISTER_FRAME; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = kmalloc(sizeof(u16) + 2, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) return -ENOMEM; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrHostIfRegisterFrame->bReg; *pu8CurrByte++ = pstrHostIfRegisterFrame->u8Regid; memcpy(pu8CurrByte, &pstrHostIfRegisterFrame->u16FrameType, sizeof(u16)); wid.size = sizeof(u16) + 2; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to frame register config packet\n"); result = -EINVAL; } return result; } static u32 Handle_ListenStateExpired(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct remain_ch *pstrHostIfRemainOnChan) { u8 u8remain_on_chan_flag; struct wid wid; s32 result = 0; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "CANCEL REMAIN ON CHAN\n"); if (P2P_LISTEN_STATE) { u8remain_on_chan_flag = false; wid.id = (u16)WID_REMAIN_ON_CHAN; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = 2; wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) PRINT_ER("Failed to allocate memory\n"); wid.val[0] = u8remain_on_chan_flag; wid.val[1] = FALSE_FRMWR_CHANNEL; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result != 0) { PRINT_ER("Failed to set remain on channel\n"); goto _done_; } if (hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanExpired) { hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanExpired(hif_drv->remain_on_ch.pVoid, pstrHostIfRemainOnChan->u32ListenSessionID); } P2P_LISTEN_STATE = 0; } else { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Not in listen state\n"); result = -EFAULT; } _done_: return result; } static void ListenTimerCB(unsigned long arg) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = (struct host_if_drv *)arg; del_timer(&hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_LISTEN_TIMER_FIRED; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.remain_on_ch.u32ListenSessionID = hif_drv->remain_on_ch.u32ListenSessionID; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); } static void Handle_PowerManagement(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct power_mgmt_param *strPowerMgmtParam) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; s8 s8PowerMode; wid.id = (u16)WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT; if (strPowerMgmtParam->enabled) s8PowerMode = MIN_FAST_PS; else s8PowerMode = NO_POWERSAVE; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling power mgmt to %d\n", s8PowerMode); wid.val = &s8PowerMode; wid.size = sizeof(char); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Handling Power Management\n"); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send power management config packet\n"); } static void Handle_SetMulticastFilter(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct set_multicast *strHostIfSetMulti) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; u8 *pu8CurrByte; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setup Multicast Filter\n"); wid.id = (u16)WID_SETUP_MULTICAST_FILTER; wid.type = WID_BIN; wid.size = sizeof(struct set_multicast) + ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt) * ETH_ALEN); wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!wid.val) goto ERRORHANDLER; pu8CurrByte = wid.val; *pu8CurrByte++ = (strHostIfSetMulti->enabled & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->enabled >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->enabled >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->enabled >> 24) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = (strHostIfSetMulti->cnt & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt >> 8) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt >> 16) & 0xFF); *pu8CurrByte++ = ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt >> 24) & 0xFF); if ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt) > 0) memcpy(pu8CurrByte, gau8MulticastMacAddrList, ((strHostIfSetMulti->cnt) * ETH_ALEN)); result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send setup multicast config packet\n"); ERRORHANDLER: kfree(wid.val); } static s32 Handle_AddBASession(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct ba_session_info *strHostIfBASessionInfo) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; int AddbaTimeout = 100; char *ptr = NULL; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Opening Block Ack session with\nBSSID = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x\nTID=%d\nBufferSize == %d\nSessionTimeOut = %d\n", strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[0], strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[1], strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[2], strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16BufferSize, strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16SessionTimeout, strHostIfBASessionInfo->u8Ted); wid.id = (u16)WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = kmalloc(BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); wid.size = BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE; ptr = wid.val; *ptr++ = 0x14; *ptr++ = 0x3; *ptr++ = 0x0; memcpy(ptr, strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid, ETH_ALEN); ptr += ETH_ALEN; *ptr++ = strHostIfBASessionInfo->u8Ted; *ptr++ = 1; *ptr++ = (strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16BufferSize & 0xFF); *ptr++ = ((strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16BufferSize >> 16) & 0xFF); *ptr++ = (strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16SessionTimeout & 0xFF); *ptr++ = ((strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16SessionTimeout >> 16) & 0xFF); *ptr++ = (AddbaTimeout & 0xFF); *ptr++ = ((AddbaTimeout >> 16) & 0xFF); *ptr++ = 8; *ptr++ = 0; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Couldn't open BA Session\n"); wid.id = (u16)WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = 15; ptr = wid.val; *ptr++ = 15; *ptr++ = 7; *ptr++ = 0x2; memcpy(ptr, strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid, ETH_ALEN); ptr += ETH_ALEN; *ptr++ = strHostIfBASessionInfo->u8Ted; *ptr++ = 8; *ptr++ = (strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16BufferSize & 0xFF); *ptr++ = ((strHostIfBASessionInfo->u16SessionTimeout >> 16) & 0xFF); *ptr++ = 3; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); kfree(wid.val); return result; } static s32 Handle_DelAllRxBASessions(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct ba_session_info *strHostIfBASessionInfo) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; char *ptr = NULL; PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Delete Block Ack session with\nBSSID = %.2x:%.2x:%.2x\nTID=%d\n", strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[0], strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[1], strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid[2], strHostIfBASessionInfo->u8Ted); wid.id = (u16)WID_DEL_ALL_RX_BA; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = kmalloc(BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); wid.size = BLOCK_ACK_REQ_SIZE; ptr = wid.val; *ptr++ = 0x14; *ptr++ = 0x3; *ptr++ = 0x2; memcpy(ptr, strHostIfBASessionInfo->au8Bssid, ETH_ALEN); ptr += ETH_ALEN; *ptr++ = strHostIfBASessionInfo->u8Ted; *ptr++ = 0; *ptr++ = 32; result = send_config_pkt(SET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Couldn't delete BA Session\n"); kfree(wid.val); up(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } static int hostIFthread(void *pvArg) { u32 u32Ret; struct host_if_msg msg; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); while (1) { wilc_mq_recv(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg), &u32Ret); hif_drv = (struct host_if_drv *)msg.drv; if (msg.id == HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "THREAD: Exiting HostIfThread\n"); break; } if ((!g_wilc_initialized)) { PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "--WAIT--"); usleep_range(200 * 1000, 200 * 1000); wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); continue; } if (msg.id == HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT && hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Requeue connect request till scan done received\n"); wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); usleep_range(2 * 1000, 2 * 1000); continue; } switch (msg.id) { case HOST_IF_MSG_Q_IDLE: Handle_wait_msg_q_empty(); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN: Handle_Scan(msg.drv, &msg.body.scan_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT: Handle_Connect(msg.drv, &msg.body.con_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_FLUSH_CONNECT: Handle_FlushConnect(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_NTWRK_INFO: Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo(msg.drv, &msg.body.net_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_GNRL_ASYNC_INFO: Handle_RcvdGnrlAsyncInfo(msg.drv, &msg.body.async_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_KEY: Handle_Key(msg.drv, &msg.body.key_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_CFG_PARAMS: Handle_CfgParam(msg.drv, &msg.body.cfg_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_CHANNEL: Handle_SetChannel(msg.drv, &msg.body.channel_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_DISCONNECT: Handle_Disconnect(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_SCAN_COMPLETE: del_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "scan completed successfully\n"); if (!linux_wlan_get_num_conn_ifcs()) chip_sleep_manually(INFINITE_SLEEP_TIME); Handle_ScanDone(msg.drv, SCAN_EVENT_DONE); if (hif_drv->remain_on_ch_pending) Handle_RemainOnChan(msg.drv, &msg.body.remain_on_ch); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI: Handle_GetRssi(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_LINKSPEED: Handle_GetLinkspeed(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_STATISTICS: Handle_GetStatistics(msg.drv, (struct rf_info *)msg.body.data); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_CHNL: Handle_GetChnl(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BEACON: Handle_AddBeacon(msg.drv, &msg.body.beacon_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BEACON: Handle_DelBeacon(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_STATION: Handle_AddStation(msg.drv, &msg.body.add_sta_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_STATION: Handle_DelStation(msg.drv, &msg.body.del_sta_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_EDIT_STATION: Handle_EditStation(msg.drv, &msg.body.edit_sta_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_INACTIVETIME: Handle_Get_InActiveTime(msg.drv, &msg.body.mac_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN_TIMER_FIRED: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Scan Timeout\n"); Handle_ScanDone(msg.drv, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT_TIMER_FIRED: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Connect Timeout\n"); Handle_ConnectTimeout(msg.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_POWER_MGMT: Handle_PowerManagement(msg.drv, &msg.body.pwr_mgmt_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_WFIDRV_HANDLER: Handle_SetWfiDrvHandler(msg.drv, &msg.body.drv); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_OPERATION_MODE: Handle_SetOperationMode(msg.drv, &msg.body.mode); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_IPADDRESS: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "HOST_IF_MSG_SET_IPADDRESS\n"); Handle_set_IPAddress(msg.drv, msg.body.ip_info.ip_addr, msg.body.ip_info.idx); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_IPADDRESS: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "HOST_IF_MSG_SET_IPADDRESS\n"); Handle_get_IPAddress(msg.drv, msg.body.ip_info.ip_addr, msg.body.ip_info.idx); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MAC_ADDRESS: Handle_SetMacAddress(msg.drv, &msg.body.set_mac_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_GET_MAC_ADDRESS: Handle_GetMacAddress(msg.drv, &msg.body.get_mac_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN\n"); Handle_RemainOnChan(msg.drv, &msg.body.remain_on_ch); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_REGISTER_FRAME: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "HOST_IF_MSG_REGISTER_FRAME\n"); Handle_RegisterFrame(msg.drv, &msg.body.reg_frame); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_LISTEN_TIMER_FIRED: Handle_ListenStateExpired(msg.drv, &msg.body.remain_on_ch); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MULTICAST_FILTER: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MULTICAST_FILTER\n"); Handle_SetMulticastFilter(msg.drv, &msg.body.multicast_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BA_SESSION: Handle_AddBASession(msg.drv, &msg.body.session_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_RX_BA_SESSIONS: Handle_DelAllRxBASessions(msg.drv, &msg.body.session_info); break; case HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_STA: Handle_DelAllSta(msg.drv, &msg.body.del_all_sta_info); break; default: PRINT_ER("[Host Interface] undefined Received Msg ID\n"); break; } } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Releasing thread exit semaphore\n"); up(&hif_sema_thread); return 0; } static void TimerCB_Scan(unsigned long arg) { void *pvArg = (void *)arg; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.drv = pvArg; msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN_TIMER_FIRED; wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); } static void TimerCB_Connect(unsigned long arg) { void *pvArg = (void *)arg; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.drv = pvArg; msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT_TIMER_FIRED; wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); } s32 host_int_remove_key(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *pu8StaAddress) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_REMOVE_KEY; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8StaAddress; wid.size = 6; return 0; } int host_int_remove_wep_key(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 index) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { result = -EFAULT; PRINT_ER("Failed to send setup multicast config packet\n"); return result; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WEP; msg.body.key_info.action = REMOVEKEY; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.index = index; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue : Request to remove WEP key\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } int host_int_set_wep_default_key(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 index) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { result = -EFAULT; PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return result; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WEP; msg.body.key_info.action = DEFAULTKEY; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.index = index; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue : Default key index\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } int host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WEP; msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key = kmemdup(key, len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key) return -ENOMEM; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key_len = len; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.index = index; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue :WEP Key\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } int host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index, u8 mode, enum AUTHTYPE auth_type) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; int i; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (INFO) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) PRINT_INFO(HOSTAPD_DBG, "KEY is %x\n", key[i]); } msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WEP; msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY_AP; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key = kmemdup(key, len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key) return -ENOMEM; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.key_len = len; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.index = index; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.mode = mode; msg.body.key_info.attr.wep.auth_type = auth_type; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue :WEP Key\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } s32 host_int_add_ptk(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *pu8Ptk, u8 u8PtkKeylen, const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode, u8 u8Idx) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; u8 u8KeyLen = u8PtkKeylen; u32 i; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } if (pu8RxMic) u8KeyLen += RX_MIC_KEY_LEN; if (pu8TxMic) u8KeyLen += TX_MIC_KEY_LEN; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WPAPtk; if (mode == AP_MODE) { msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY_AP; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.index = u8Idx; } if (mode == STATION_MODE) msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key = kmalloc(u8PtkKeylen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key, pu8Ptk, u8PtkKeylen); if (pu8RxMic) { memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key + 16, pu8RxMic, RX_MIC_KEY_LEN); if (INFO) { for (i = 0; i < RX_MIC_KEY_LEN; i++) PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "PairwiseRx[%d] = %x\n", i, pu8RxMic[i]); } } if (pu8TxMic) { memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key + 24, pu8TxMic, TX_MIC_KEY_LEN); if (INFO) { for (i = 0; i < TX_MIC_KEY_LEN; i++) PRINT_INFO(CFG80211_DBG, "PairwiseTx[%d] = %x\n", i, pu8TxMic[i]); } } msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key_len = u8KeyLen; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.mac_addr = mac_addr; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.mode = u8Ciphermode; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue: PTK Key\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } s32 host_int_add_rx_gtk(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *pu8RxGtk, u8 u8GtkKeylen, u8 u8KeyIdx, u32 u32KeyRSClen, const u8 *KeyRSC, const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; u8 u8KeyLen = u8GtkKeylen; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (pu8RxMic) u8KeyLen += RX_MIC_KEY_LEN; if (pu8TxMic) u8KeyLen += TX_MIC_KEY_LEN; if (KeyRSC) { msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.seq = kmalloc(u32KeyRSClen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.seq, KeyRSC, u32KeyRSClen); } msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = WPARxGtk; msg.drv = hif_drv; if (mode == AP_MODE) { msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY_AP; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.mode = u8Ciphermode; } if (mode == STATION_MODE) msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key = kmalloc(u8KeyLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key, pu8RxGtk, u8GtkKeylen); if (pu8RxMic) memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key + 16, pu8RxMic, RX_MIC_KEY_LEN); if (pu8TxMic) memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key + 24, pu8TxMic, TX_MIC_KEY_LEN); msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.index = u8KeyIdx; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.key_len = u8KeyLen; msg.body.key_info.attr.wpa.seq_len = u32KeyRSClen; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue: RX GTK\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock); return result; } s32 host_int_set_pmkid_info(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct host_if_pmkid_attr *pu8PmkidInfoArray) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; u32 i; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_KEY; msg.body.key_info.type = PMKSA; msg.body.key_info.action = ADDKEY; msg.drv = hif_drv; for (i = 0; i < pu8PmkidInfoArray->numpmkid; i++) { memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.pmkid.pmkidlist[i].bssid, &pu8PmkidInfoArray->pmkidlist[i].bssid, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(msg.body.key_info.attr.pmkid.pmkidlist[i].pmkid, &pu8PmkidInfoArray->pmkidlist[i].pmkid, PMKID_LEN); } result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER(" Error in sending messagequeue: PMKID Info\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_get_pmkid_info(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8PmkidInfoArray, u32 u32PmkidInfoLen) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_PMKID_INFO; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = u32PmkidInfoLen; wid.val = pu8PmkidInfoArray; return 0; } s32 host_int_set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8PassPhrase, u8 u8Psklength) { struct wid wid; if ((u8Psklength > 7) && (u8Psklength < 65)) { wid.id = (u16)WID_11I_PSK; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = pu8PassPhrase; wid.size = u8Psklength; } return 0; } s32 host_int_get_MacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8MacAddress) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_MAC_ADDRESS; msg.body.get_mac_info.mac_addr = pu8MacAddress; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send get mac address\n"); return -EFAULT; } down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } s32 host_int_set_MacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8MacAddress) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "mac addr = %x:%x:%x\n", pu8MacAddress[0], pu8MacAddress[1], pu8MacAddress[2]); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MAC_ADDRESS; memcpy(msg.body.set_mac_info.mac_addr, pu8MacAddress, ETH_ALEN); msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: Set mac address\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8PassPhrase, u8 u8Psklength) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_11I_PSK; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.size = u8Psklength; wid.val = pu8PassPhrase; return 0; } s32 host_int_set_start_scan_req(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 scanSource) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_START_SCAN_REQ; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&scanSource; wid.size = sizeof(char); return 0; } s32 host_int_get_start_scan_req(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8ScanSource) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_START_SCAN_REQ; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)pu8ScanSource; wid.size = sizeof(char); return 0; } s32 host_int_set_join_req(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8bssid, const u8 *pu8ssid, size_t ssidLen, const u8 *pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen, wilc_connect_result pfConnectResult, void *pvUserArg, u8 u8security, enum AUTHTYPE tenuAuth_type, u8 u8channel, void *pJoinParams) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv || !pfConnectResult) { PRINT_ER("Driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } if (!pJoinParams) { PRINT_ER("Unable to Join - JoinParams is NULL\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_CONNECT; msg.body.con_info.security = u8security; msg.body.con_info.auth_type = tenuAuth_type; msg.body.con_info.ch = u8channel; msg.body.con_info.result = pfConnectResult; msg.body.con_info.arg = pvUserArg; msg.body.con_info.params = pJoinParams; msg.drv = hif_drv ; if (pu8bssid) { msg.body.con_info.bssid = kmalloc(6, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.con_info.bssid, pu8bssid, 6); } if (pu8ssid) { msg.body.con_info.ssid_len = ssidLen; msg.body.con_info.ssid = kmalloc(ssidLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.con_info.ssid, pu8ssid, ssidLen); } if (pu8IEs) { msg.body.con_info.ies_len = IEsLen; msg.body.con_info.ies = kmalloc(IEsLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.con_info.ies, pu8IEs, IEsLen); } if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate < HOST_IF_CONNECTING) hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_CONNECTING; else PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Don't set state to 'connecting' as state is %d\n", hif_drv->enuHostIFstate); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: Set join request\n"); return -EFAULT; } hif_drv->hConnectTimer.data = (unsigned long)hif_drv; mod_timer(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(HOST_IF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)); return result; } s32 host_int_flush_join_req(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!join_req) return -EFAULT; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_FLUSH_CONNECT; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: Flush join request\n"); return -EFAULT; } return result; } s32 host_int_disconnect(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u16 u16ReasonCode) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DISCONNECT; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send message queue: disconnect\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemTestDisconnectBlock); return result; } s32 host_int_disconnect_station(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 assoc_id) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_DISCONNECT; wid.type = WID_CHAR; wid.val = (s8 *)&assoc_id; wid.size = sizeof(char); return 0; } s32 host_int_get_assoc_req_info(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8AssocReqInfo, u32 u32AssocReqInfoLen) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_ASSOC_REQ_INFO; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = pu8AssocReqInfo; wid.size = u32AssocReqInfoLen; return 0; } s32 host_int_get_assoc_res_info(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8AssocRespInfo, u32 u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen, u32 *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } wid.id = (u16)WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = pu8AssocRespInfo; wid.size = u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen; result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen = 0; PRINT_ER("Failed to send association response config packet\n"); return -EINVAL; } else { *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen = wid.size; } return result; } s32 host_int_get_rx_power_level(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8RxPowerLevel, u32 u32RxPowerLevelLen) { struct wid wid; wid.id = (u16)WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL; wid.type = WID_STR; wid.val = pu8RxPowerLevel; wid.size = u32RxPowerLevelLen; return 0; } int host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 channel) { int result; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_CHANNEL; msg.body.channel_info.set_ch = channel; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } int host_int_wait_msg_queue_idle(void) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_Q_IDLE; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; } down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } int host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_WFIDRV_HANDLER; msg.body.drv.handler = get_id_from_handler(hif_drv); msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; } return result; } int host_int_set_operation_mode(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u32 mode) { int result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_OPERATION_MODE; msg.body.mode.mode = mode; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); result = -EINVAL; } return result; } s32 host_int_get_host_chnl_num(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *pu8ChNo) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_CHNL; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); down(&hif_drv->hSemGetCHNL); *pu8ChNo = ch_no; return result; } s32 host_int_get_inactive_time(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *mac, u32 *pu32InactiveTime) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); memcpy(msg.body.mac_info.mac, mac, ETH_ALEN); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_INACTIVETIME; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue "); down(&hif_drv->hSemInactiveTime); *pu32InactiveTime = inactive_time; return result; } s32 host_int_test_get_int_wid(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u32 *pu32TestMemAddr) { s32 result = 0; struct wid wid; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } wid.id = (u16)WID_MEMORY_ADDRESS; wid.type = WID_INT; wid.val = (s8 *)pu32TestMemAddr; wid.size = sizeof(u32); result = send_config_pkt(GET_CFG, &wid, 1, get_id_from_handler(hif_drv)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to get wid value\n"); return -EINVAL; } else { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Successfully got wid value\n"); } return result; } s32 host_int_get_rssi(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, s8 *ps8Rssi) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue "); return -EFAULT; } down(&hif_drv->hSemGetRSSI); if (!ps8Rssi) { PRINT_ER("RSS pointer value is null"); return -EFAULT; } *ps8Rssi = rssi; return result; } s32 host_int_get_link_speed(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, s8 *ps8lnkspd) { struct host_if_msg msg; s32 result = 0; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_LINKSPEED; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send GET_LINKSPEED to message queue "); return -EFAULT; } down(&hif_drv->hSemGetLINKSPEED); if (!ps8lnkspd) { PRINT_ER("LINKSPEED pointer value is null"); return -EFAULT; } *ps8lnkspd = link_speed; return result; } s32 host_int_get_statistics(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct rf_info *pstrStatistics) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_STATISTICS; msg.body.data = (char *)pstrStatistics; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue "); return -EFAULT; } down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } s32 host_int_scan(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 u8ScanSource, u8 u8ScanType, u8 *pu8ChnlFreqList, u8 u8ChnlListLen, const u8 *pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen, wilc_scan_result ScanResult, void *pvUserArg, struct hidden_network *pstrHiddenNetwork) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv || !ScanResult) { PRINT_ER("hif_drv or ScanResult = NULL\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SCAN; if (pstrHiddenNetwork) { msg.body.scan_info.hidden_network.pstrHiddenNetworkInfo = pstrHiddenNetwork->pstrHiddenNetworkInfo; msg.body.scan_info.hidden_network.u8ssidnum = pstrHiddenNetwork->u8ssidnum; } else PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "pstrHiddenNetwork IS EQUAL TO NULL\n"); msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.scan_info.src = u8ScanSource; msg.body.scan_info.type = u8ScanType; msg.body.scan_info.result = ScanResult; msg.body.scan_info.arg = pvUserArg; msg.body.scan_info.ch_list_len = u8ChnlListLen; msg.body.scan_info.ch_freq_list = kmalloc(u8ChnlListLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.scan_info.ch_freq_list, pu8ChnlFreqList, u8ChnlListLen); msg.body.scan_info.ies_len = IEsLen; msg.body.scan_info.ies = kmalloc(IEsLen, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.scan_info.ies, pu8IEs, IEsLen); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue\n"); return -EINVAL; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, ">> Starting the SCAN timer\n"); hif_drv->hScanTimer.data = (unsigned long)hif_drv; mod_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(HOST_IF_SCAN_TIMEOUT)); return result; } s32 hif_set_cfg(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct cfg_param_val *pstrCfgParamVal) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("hif_drv NULL\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_CFG_PARAMS; msg.body.cfg_info.cfg_attr_info = *pstrCfgParamVal; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); return result; } s32 hif_get_cfg(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u16 u16WID, u16 *pu16WID_Value) { s32 result = 0; down(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("hif_drv NULL\n"); return -EFAULT; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Getting configuration parameters\n"); switch (u16WID) { case WID_BSS_TYPE: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.bss_type; break; case WID_AUTH_TYPE: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.auth_type; break; case WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.auth_timeout; break; case WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.power_mgmt_mode; break; case WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.short_retry_limit; break; case WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.long_retry_limit; break; case WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.frag_threshold; break; case WID_RTS_THRESHOLD: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.rts_threshold; break; case WID_PREAMBLE: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.preamble_type; break; case WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED: *pu16WID_Value = (u16) hif_drv->strCfgValues.short_slot_allowed; break; case WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.txop_prot_disabled; break; case WID_BEACON_INTERVAL: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.beacon_interval; break; case WID_DTIM_PERIOD: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.dtim_period; break; case WID_SITE_SURVEY: *pu16WID_Value = (u16)hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled; break; case WID_SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_scan_time; break; case WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.active_scan_time; break; case WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time; break; case WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE: *pu16WID_Value = hif_drv->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate; break; default: break; } up(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); return result; } static void GetPeriodicRSSI(unsigned long arg) { struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = (struct host_if_drv *)arg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("Driver handler is NULL\n"); return; } if (hif_drv->enuHostIFstate == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_RSSI; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) { PRINT_ER("Failed to send get host channel param's message queue "); return; } } periodic_rssi.data = (unsigned long)hif_drv; mod_timer(&periodic_rssi, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(5000)); } s32 host_int_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **hif_drv_handler) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; int err; perInterface_wlan_t *nic; struct wilc *wilc; nic = netdev_priv(dev); wilc = nic->wilc; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Initializing host interface for client %d\n", clients_count + 1); scan_while_connected = false; sema_init(&hif_sema_wait_response, 0); hif_drv = kzalloc(sizeof(struct host_if_drv), GFP_KERNEL); if (!hif_drv) { result = -ENOMEM; goto _fail_; } *hif_drv_handler = hif_drv; err = add_handler_in_list(hif_drv); if (err) { result = -EFAULT; goto _fail_timer_2; } g_obtainingIP = false; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Global handle pointer value=%p\n", hif_drv); if (clients_count == 0) { sema_init(&hif_sema_thread, 0); sema_init(&hif_sema_driver, 0); sema_init(&hif_sema_deinit, 1); } sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemTestKeyBlock, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemTestDisconnectBlock, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemGetRSSI, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemGetLINKSPEED, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemGetCHNL, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->hSemInactiveTime, 0); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "INIT: CLIENT COUNT %d\n", clients_count); if (clients_count == 0) { result = wilc_mq_create(&hif_msg_q); if (result < 0) { PRINT_ER("Failed to creat MQ\n"); goto _fail_; } hif_thread_handler = kthread_run(hostIFthread, wilc, "WILC_kthread"); if (IS_ERR(hif_thread_handler)) { PRINT_ER("Failed to creat Thread\n"); result = -EFAULT; goto _fail_mq_; } setup_timer(&periodic_rssi, GetPeriodicRSSI, (unsigned long)hif_drv); mod_timer(&periodic_rssi, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(5000)); } setup_timer(&hif_drv->hScanTimer, TimerCB_Scan, 0); setup_timer(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer, TimerCB_Connect, 0); setup_timer(&hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel, ListenTimerCB, 0); sema_init(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem, 1); down(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled = SITE_SURVEY_OFF; hif_drv->strCfgValues.scan_source = DEFAULT_SCAN; hif_drv->strCfgValues.active_scan_time = ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME; hif_drv->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time = PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME; hif_drv->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate = AUTORATE; hif_drv->u64P2p_MgmtTimeout = 0; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "Initialization values, Site survey value: %d\n Scan source: %d\n Active scan time: %d\n Passive scan time: %d\nCurrent tx Rate = %d\n", hif_drv->strCfgValues.site_survey_enabled, hif_drv->strCfgValues.scan_source, hif_drv->strCfgValues.active_scan_time, hif_drv->strCfgValues.passive_scan_time, hif_drv->strCfgValues.curr_tx_rate); up(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); clients_count++; return result; _fail_timer_2: up(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer); del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->hScanTimer); kthread_stop(hif_thread_handler); _fail_mq_: wilc_mq_destroy(&hif_msg_q); _fail_: return result; } s32 host_int_deinit(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; int ret; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("hif_drv = NULL\n"); return 0; } down(&hif_sema_deinit); terminated_handle = hif_drv; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "De-initializing host interface for client %d\n", clients_count); if (del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->hScanTimer)) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, ">> Scan timer is active\n"); if (del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->hConnectTimer)) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, ">> Connect timer is active\n"); if (del_timer_sync(&periodic_rssi)) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, ">> Connect timer is active\n"); del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel); host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler(NULL); down(&hif_sema_driver); if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED, NULL, hif_drv->usr_scan_req.u32UserScanPvoid, NULL); hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult = NULL; } hif_drv->enuHostIFstate = HOST_IF_IDLE; scan_while_connected = false; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (clients_count == 1) { if (del_timer_sync(&periodic_rssi)) PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, ">> Connect timer is active\n"); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_EXIT; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result != 0) PRINT_ER("Error in sending deinit's message queue message function: Error(%d)\n", result); down(&hif_sema_thread); wilc_mq_destroy(&hif_msg_q); } down(&hif_drv->gtOsCfgValuesSem); ret = remove_handler_in_list(hif_drv); if (ret) result = -ENOENT; kfree(hif_drv); clients_count--; terminated_handle = NULL; up(&hif_sema_deinit); return result; } void NetworkInfoReceived(u8 *pu8Buffer, u32 u32Length) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; int id; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = NULL; id = ((pu8Buffer[u32Length - 4]) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 3] << 8) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 2] << 16) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 1] << 24)); hif_drv = get_handler_from_id(id); if (!hif_drv || hif_drv == terminated_handle) { PRINT_ER("NetworkInfo received but driver not init[%p]\n", hif_drv); return; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_NTWRK_INFO; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.net_info.len = u32Length; msg.body.net_info.buffer = kmalloc(u32Length, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.net_info.buffer, pu8Buffer, u32Length); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending network info message queue message parameters: Error(%d)\n", result); } void GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(u8 *pu8Buffer, u32 u32Length) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; int id; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = NULL; down(&hif_sema_deinit); id = ((pu8Buffer[u32Length - 4]) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 3] << 8) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 2] << 16) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 1] << 24)); hif_drv = get_handler_from_id(id); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "General asynchronous info packet received\n"); if (!hif_drv || hif_drv == terminated_handle) { PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Wifi driver handler is equal to NULL\n"); up(&hif_sema_deinit); return; } if (!hif_drv->usr_conn_req.pfUserConnectResult) { PRINT_ER("Received mac status is not needed when there is no current Connect Reques\n"); up(&hif_sema_deinit); return; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_GNRL_ASYNC_INFO; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.async_info.len = u32Length; msg.body.async_info.buffer = kmalloc(u32Length, GFP_KERNEL); memcpy(msg.body.async_info.buffer, pu8Buffer, u32Length); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue asynchronous message info: Error(%d)\n", result); up(&hif_sema_deinit); } void host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(u8 *pu8Buffer, u32 u32Length) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; int id; struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = NULL; id = ((pu8Buffer[u32Length - 4]) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 3] << 8) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 2] << 16) | (pu8Buffer[u32Length - 1] << 24)); hif_drv = get_handler_from_id(id); PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "Scan notification received %p\n", hif_drv); if (!hif_drv || hif_drv == terminated_handle) return; if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.pfUserScanResult) { memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_RCVD_SCAN_COMPLETE; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("Error in sending message queue scan complete parameters: Error(%d)\n", result); } return; } s32 host_int_remain_on_channel(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u32 u32SessionID, u32 u32duration, u16 chan, wilc_remain_on_chan_expired RemainOnChanExpired, wilc_remain_on_chan_ready RemainOnChanReady, void *pvUserArg) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_REMAIN_ON_CHAN; msg.body.remain_on_ch.u16Channel = chan; msg.body.remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanExpired = RemainOnChanExpired; msg.body.remain_on_ch.pRemainOnChanReady = RemainOnChanReady; msg.body.remain_on_ch.pVoid = pvUserArg; msg.body.remain_on_ch.u32duration = u32duration; msg.body.remain_on_ch.u32ListenSessionID = u32SessionID; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_ListenStateExpired(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u32 u32SessionID) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } del_timer(&hif_drv->hRemainOnChannel); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_LISTEN_TIMER_FIRED; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.remain_on_ch.u32ListenSessionID = u32SessionID; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_frame_register(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u16 u16FrameType, bool bReg) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_REGISTER_FRAME; switch (u16FrameType) { case ACTION: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "ACTION\n"); msg.body.reg_frame.u8Regid = ACTION_FRM_IDX; break; case PROBE_REQ: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "PROBE REQ\n"); msg.body.reg_frame.u8Regid = PROBE_REQ_IDX; break; default: PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Not valid frame type\n"); break; } msg.body.reg_frame.u16FrameType = u16FrameType; msg.body.reg_frame.bReg = bReg; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_add_beacon(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u32 u32Interval, u32 u32DTIMPeriod, u32 u32HeadLen, u8 *pu8Head, u32 u32TailLen, u8 *pu8Tail) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct beacon_attr *pstrSetBeaconParam = &msg.body.beacon_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting adding beacon message queue params\n"); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_BEACON; msg.drv = hif_drv; pstrSetBeaconParam->interval = u32Interval; pstrSetBeaconParam->dtim_period = u32DTIMPeriod; pstrSetBeaconParam->head_len = u32HeadLen; pstrSetBeaconParam->head = kmemdup(pu8Head, u32HeadLen, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pstrSetBeaconParam->head) { result = -ENOMEM; goto ERRORHANDLER; } pstrSetBeaconParam->tail_len = u32TailLen; if (u32TailLen > 0) { pstrSetBeaconParam->tail = kmemdup(pu8Tail, u32TailLen, GFP_KERNEL); if (!pstrSetBeaconParam->tail) { result = -ENOMEM; goto ERRORHANDLER; } } else { pstrSetBeaconParam->tail = NULL; } result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc mq send fail\n"); ERRORHANDLER: if (result) { kfree(pstrSetBeaconParam->head); kfree(pstrSetBeaconParam->tail); } return result; } s32 host_int_del_beacon(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BEACON; msg.drv = hif_drv; PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting deleting beacon message queue params\n"); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_add_station(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct add_sta_param *pstrAddStationMsg = &msg.body.add_sta_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting adding station message queue params\n"); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_ADD_STATION; msg.drv = hif_drv; memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg, pstrStaParams, sizeof(struct add_sta_param)); if (pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates > 0) { u8 *rates = kmalloc(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates, GFP_KERNEL); if (!rates) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(rates, pstrStaParams->pu8Rates, pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates); pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates = rates; } result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_del_station(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, const u8 *pu8MacAddr) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct del_sta *pstrDelStationMsg = &msg.body.del_sta_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting deleting station message queue params\n"); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_STATION; msg.drv = hif_drv; if (!pu8MacAddr) eth_broadcast_addr(pstrDelStationMsg->mac_addr); else memcpy(pstrDelStationMsg->mac_addr, pu8MacAddr, ETH_ALEN); result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_del_allstation(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 pu8MacAddr[][ETH_ALEN]) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct del_all_sta *pstrDelAllStationMsg = &msg.body.del_all_sta_info; u8 au8Zero_Buff[ETH_ALEN] = {0}; u32 i; u8 u8AssocNumb = 0; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting deauthenticating station message queue params\n"); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_STA; msg.drv = hif_drv; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_STA; i++) { if (memcmp(pu8MacAddr[i], au8Zero_Buff, ETH_ALEN)) { memcpy(pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i], pu8MacAddr[i], ETH_ALEN); PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "BSSID = %x%x%x%x%x%x\n", pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][0], pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][1], pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][2], pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][3], pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][4], pstrDelAllStationMsg->del_all_sta[i][5]); u8AssocNumb++; } } if (!u8AssocNumb) { PRINT_D(CFG80211_DBG, "NO ASSOCIATED STAS\n"); return result; } pstrDelAllStationMsg->assoc_sta = u8AssocNumb; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } s32 host_int_edit_station(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct add_sta_param *pstrAddStationMsg = &msg.body.add_sta_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting editing station message queue params\n"); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_EDIT_STATION; msg.drv = hif_drv; memcpy(pstrAddStationMsg, pstrStaParams, sizeof(struct add_sta_param)); if (pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates > 0) { u8 *rates = kmalloc(pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates, GFP_KERNEL); if (!rates) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(rates, pstrStaParams->pu8Rates, pstrAddStationMsg->u8NumRates); pstrAddStationMsg->pu8Rates = rates; } result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32Timeout) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct power_mgmt_param *pstrPowerMgmtParam = &msg.body.pwr_mgmt_info; PRINT_INFO(HOSTINF_DBG, "\n\n>> Setting PS to %d <<\n\n", bIsEnabled); if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting Power management message queue params\n"); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_POWER_MGMT; msg.drv = hif_drv; pstrPowerMgmtParam->enabled = bIsEnabled; pstrPowerMgmtParam->timeout = u32Timeout; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_setup_multicast_filter(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32count) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct set_multicast *pstrMulticastFilterParam = &msg.body.multicast_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } PRINT_D(HOSTINF_DBG, "Setting Multicast Filter params\n"); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_MULTICAST_FILTER; msg.drv = hif_drv; pstrMulticastFilterParam->enabled = bIsEnabled; pstrMulticastFilterParam->cnt = u32count; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } static void *host_int_ParseJoinBssParam(tstrNetworkInfo *ptstrNetworkInfo) { struct join_bss_param *pNewJoinBssParam = NULL; u8 *pu8IEs; u16 u16IEsLen; u16 index = 0; u8 suppRatesNo = 0; u8 extSuppRatesNo; u16 jumpOffset; u8 pcipherCount; u8 authCount; u8 pcipherTotalCount = 0; u8 authTotalCount = 0; u8 i, j; pu8IEs = ptstrNetworkInfo->pu8IEs; u16IEsLen = ptstrNetworkInfo->u16IEsLen; pNewJoinBssParam = kzalloc(sizeof(struct join_bss_param), GFP_KERNEL); if (pNewJoinBssParam) { pNewJoinBssParam->dtim_period = ptstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod; pNewJoinBssParam->beacon_period = ptstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod; pNewJoinBssParam->cap_info = ptstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo; memcpy(pNewJoinBssParam->au8bssid, ptstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid, 6); memcpy((u8 *)pNewJoinBssParam->ssid, ptstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid, ptstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen + 1); pNewJoinBssParam->ssid_len = ptstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen; memset(pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy, 0xFF, 3); memset(pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy, 0xFF, 3); while (index < u16IEsLen) { if (pu8IEs[index] == SUPP_RATES_IE) { suppRatesNo = pu8IEs[index + 1]; pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] = suppRatesNo; index += 2; for (i = 0; i < suppRatesNo; i++) pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[i + 1] = pu8IEs[index + i]; index += suppRatesNo; continue; } else if (pu8IEs[index] == EXT_SUPP_RATES_IE) { extSuppRatesNo = pu8IEs[index + 1]; if (extSuppRatesNo > (MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED - suppRatesNo)) pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] = MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED; else pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] += extSuppRatesNo; index += 2; for (i = 0; i < (pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[0] - suppRatesNo); i++) pNewJoinBssParam->supp_rates[suppRatesNo + i + 1] = pu8IEs[index + i]; index += extSuppRatesNo; continue; } else if (pu8IEs[index] == HT_CAPABILITY_IE) { pNewJoinBssParam->ht_capable = true; index += pu8IEs[index + 1] + 2; continue; } else if ((pu8IEs[index] == WMM_IE) && (pu8IEs[index + 2] == 0x00) && (pu8IEs[index + 3] == 0x50) && (pu8IEs[index + 4] == 0xF2) && (pu8IEs[index + 5] == 0x02) && ((pu8IEs[index + 6] == 0x00) || (pu8IEs[index + 6] == 0x01)) && (pu8IEs[index + 7] == 0x01)) { pNewJoinBssParam->wmm_cap = true; if (pu8IEs[index + 8] & BIT(7)) pNewJoinBssParam->uapsd_cap = true; index += pu8IEs[index + 1] + 2; continue; } else if ((pu8IEs[index] == P2P_IE) && (pu8IEs[index + 2] == 0x50) && (pu8IEs[index + 3] == 0x6f) && (pu8IEs[index + 4] == 0x9a) && (pu8IEs[index + 5] == 0x09) && (pu8IEs[index + 6] == 0x0c)) { u16 u16P2P_count; pNewJoinBssParam->tsf = ptstrNetworkInfo->u32Tsf; pNewJoinBssParam->noa_enabled = 1; pNewJoinBssParam->idx = pu8IEs[index + 9]; if (pu8IEs[index + 10] & BIT(7)) { pNewJoinBssParam->opp_enabled = 1; pNewJoinBssParam->ct_window = pu8IEs[index + 10]; } else { pNewJoinBssParam->opp_enabled = 0; } PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, "P2P Dump\n"); for (i = 0; i < pu8IEs[index + 7]; i++) PRINT_D(GENERIC_DBG, " %x\n", pu8IEs[index + 9 + i]); pNewJoinBssParam->cnt = pu8IEs[index + 11]; u16P2P_count = index + 12; memcpy(pNewJoinBssParam->duration, pu8IEs + u16P2P_count, 4); u16P2P_count += 4; memcpy(pNewJoinBssParam->interval, pu8IEs + u16P2P_count, 4); u16P2P_count += 4; memcpy(pNewJoinBssParam->start_time, pu8IEs + u16P2P_count, 4); index += pu8IEs[index + 1] + 2; continue; } else if ((pu8IEs[index] == RSN_IE) || ((pu8IEs[index] == WPA_IE) && (pu8IEs[index + 2] == 0x00) && (pu8IEs[index + 3] == 0x50) && (pu8IEs[index + 4] == 0xF2) && (pu8IEs[index + 5] == 0x01))) { u16 rsnIndex = index; if (pu8IEs[rsnIndex] == RSN_IE) { pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i = 2; } else { if (pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i == 0) pNewJoinBssParam->mode_802_11i = 1; rsnIndex += 4; } rsnIndex += 7; pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_grp_policy = pu8IEs[rsnIndex]; rsnIndex++; jumpOffset = pu8IEs[rsnIndex] * 4; pcipherCount = (pu8IEs[rsnIndex] > 3) ? 3 : pu8IEs[rsnIndex]; rsnIndex += 2; for (i = pcipherTotalCount, j = 0; i < pcipherCount + pcipherTotalCount && i < 3; i++, j++) pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_pcip_policy[i] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex + ((j + 1) * 4) - 1]; pcipherTotalCount += pcipherCount; rsnIndex += jumpOffset; jumpOffset = pu8IEs[rsnIndex] * 4; authCount = (pu8IEs[rsnIndex] > 3) ? 3 : pu8IEs[rsnIndex]; rsnIndex += 2; for (i = authTotalCount, j = 0; i < authTotalCount + authCount; i++, j++) pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_auth_policy[i] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex + ((j + 1) * 4) - 1]; authTotalCount += authCount; rsnIndex += jumpOffset; if (pu8IEs[index] == RSN_IE) { pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[0] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex]; pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_cap[1] = pu8IEs[rsnIndex + 1]; rsnIndex += 2; } pNewJoinBssParam->rsn_found = true; index += pu8IEs[index + 1] + 2; continue; } else index += pu8IEs[index + 1] + 2; } } return (void *)pNewJoinBssParam; } void host_int_freeJoinParams(void *pJoinParams) { if ((struct bss_param *)pJoinParams) kfree((struct bss_param *)pJoinParams); else PRINT_ER("Unable to FREE null pointer\n"); } s32 host_int_delBASession(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, char *pBSSID, char TID) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct ba_session_info *pBASessionInfo = &msg.body.session_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_BA_SESSION; memcpy(pBASessionInfo->au8Bssid, pBSSID, ETH_ALEN); pBASessionInfo->u8Ted = TID; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } s32 host_int_del_All_Rx_BASession(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, char *pBSSID, char TID) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; struct ba_session_info *pBASessionInfo = &msg.body.session_info; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_DEL_ALL_RX_BA_SESSIONS; memcpy(pBASessionInfo->au8Bssid, pBSSID, ETH_ALEN); pBASessionInfo->u8Ted = TID; msg.drv = hif_drv; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); down(&hif_sema_wait_response); return result; } s32 host_int_setup_ipaddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *u16ipadd, u8 idx) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; return 0; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_SET_IPADDRESS; msg.body.ip_info.ip_addr = u16ipadd; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.ip_info.idx = idx; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; } s32 host_int_get_ipaddress(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 *u16ipadd, u8 idx) { s32 result = 0; struct host_if_msg msg; if (!hif_drv) { PRINT_ER("driver is null\n"); return -EFAULT; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); msg.id = HOST_IF_MSG_GET_IPADDRESS; msg.body.ip_info.ip_addr = u16ipadd; msg.drv = hif_drv; msg.body.ip_info.idx = idx; result = wilc_mq_send(&hif_msg_q, &msg, sizeof(struct host_if_msg)); if (result) PRINT_ER("wilc_mq_send fail\n"); return result; }