/* HTTP request handling tests Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Joe Orton This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include /* for time() */ #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include "ne_request.h" #include "ne_socket.h" #include "tests.h" #include "child.h" #include "utils.h" static char buffer[BUFSIZ]; static ne_session *def_sess; static ne_request *def_req; /* Last (real) port used by fail_request_with_error(). */ static unsigned int fail_request_last_port; static int prepare_request(server_fn fn, void *ud) { static char uri[100]; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(1, fn, ud, &port)); def_sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); sprintf(uri, "/test%d", test_num); def_req = ne_request_create(def_sess, "GET", uri); return OK; } static int finish_request(void) { ne_request_destroy(def_req); ne_session_destroy(def_sess); return await_server(); } #define RESP200 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: neon-test-server\r\n" #define TE_CHUNKED "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" /* takes response body chunks and appends them to a buffer. */ static int collector(void *ud, const char *data, size_t len) { ne_buffer *buf = ud; ne_buffer_append(buf, data, len); return 0; } typedef ne_request *(*construct_request)(ne_session *sess, void *userdata); /* construct a get request, callback for run_request. */ static ne_request *construct_get(ne_session *sess, void *userdata) { ne_request *r = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/"); ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_add_response_body_reader(r, ne_accept_2xx, collector, buf); return r; } /* run a request created by callback 'cb' in session 'sess'. */ static int run_request(ne_session *sess, int status, construct_request cb, void *userdata) { ne_request *req = cb(sess, userdata); ON(req == NULL); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ONV(ne_get_status(req)->code != status, ("response status-code was %d not %d", ne_get_status(req)->code, status)); ne_request_destroy(req); return OK; } /* Runs a server function 'fn', expecting to get a header 'name' with * value 'value' in the response. If 'value' is NULL, expects that * *no* header of that name is present. */ static int expect_header_value(const char *name, const char *value, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; const char *gotval; CALL(make_session(&sess, fn, userdata)); req = ne_request_create(sess, "FOO", "/bar"); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); CALL(await_server()); gotval = ne_get_response_header(req, name); ONV(value && !gotval, ("header '%s: %s' not sent", name, value)); ONV(!value && gotval, ("header '%s: %s' not expected", name, gotval)); ONV(value && gotval && strcmp(gotval, value), ("header '%s' mis-match: got '%s' not '%s'", name, gotval, value)); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* runs a server function 'fn', expecting response body to be equal to * 'expect' */ static int expect_response(const char *expect, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { ne_session *sess; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); CALL(session_server(&sess, fn, userdata)); CALL(run_request(sess, 200, construct_get, buf)); CALL(await_server()); ONN("response body match", strcmp(buf->data, expect)); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } #define EMPTY_RESP RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" /* Process a request with given method and response, expecting to get * a zero-length response body. A second request is sent down the * connection (to ensure that the response isn't silently eaten), so * 'resp' must be an HTTP/1.1 response with no 'Connection: close' * header. */ static int expect_no_body(const char *method, const char *resp) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; ssize_t ret; char *r = ne_malloc(strlen(resp) + sizeof(EMPTY_RESP)); strcpy(r, resp); strcat(r, EMPTY_RESP); CALL(session_server(&sess, single_serve_string, r)); ne_free(r); req = ne_request_create(sess, method, "/first"); ONN("failed to begin request", ne_begin_request(req)); ret = ne_read_response_block(req, buffer, BUFSIZ); ONV(ret != 0, ("got response block of size %" NE_FMT_SSIZE_T, ret)); ONN("failed to end request", ne_end_request(req)); /* process following request; makes sure that nothing extra has * been eaten by the first request. */ ONV(any_request(sess, "/second"), ("second request on connection failed: %s",ne_get_error(sess))); ON(await_server()); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int reason_phrase(void) { ne_session *sess; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Connection: close\r\n\r\n")); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); CALL(await_server()); ONV(strcmp(ne_get_error(sess), "200 OK"), ("reason phrase mismatch: got `%s' not `200 OK'", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int single_get_eof(void) { return expect_response("a", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n" "a"); } static int single_get_clength(void) { return expect_response("a", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: \t\t 1 \t\t\r\n" "\r\n" "a" "bbbbbbbbasdasd"); } static int single_get_chunked(void) { return expect_response("a", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "1\r\n" "a\r\n" "0\r\n" "\r\n" "g;lkjalskdjalksjd"); } static int no_body_304(void) { return expect_no_body("GET", "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Mfodified\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n"); } static int no_body_204(void) { return expect_no_body("GET", "HTTP/1.1 204 Not Modified\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n"); } static int no_body_HEAD(void) { return expect_no_body("HEAD", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n"); } static int no_headers(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n" "abcde"); } #define CHUNK(len, data) #len "\r\n" data "\r\n" #define ABCDE_CHUNKS CHUNK(1, "a") CHUNK(1, "b") \ CHUNK(1, "c") CHUNK(1, "d") \ CHUNK(1, "e") CHUNK(0, "") static int chunks(void) { /* lots of little chunks. */ return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS); } static int te_header(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Transfer-Encoding: CHUNKED\r\n" "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS); } static int te_identity(void) { /* http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=310636 says privoxy * uses the "identity" transfer-coding. */ return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Transfer-Encoding: identity\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde"); } static int chunk_numeric(void) { /* leading zero's */ return expect_response("0123456789abcdef", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "000000010\r\n" "0123456789abcdef\r\n" "000000000\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int chunk_extensions(void) { /* chunk-extensions. */ return expect_response("0123456789abcdef", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "000000010; foo=bar; norm=fish\r\n" "0123456789abcdef\r\n" "000000000\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int chunk_trailers(void) { /* trailers. */ return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "00000005; foo=bar; norm=fish\r\n" "abcde\r\n" "000000000\r\n" "X-Hello: world\r\n" "X-Another: header\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int chunk_oversize(void) { #define BIG (20000) char *body = ne_malloc(BIG + 1); static const char rnd[] = "abcdefghijklm"; int n; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); for (n = 0; n < BIG; n++) { body[n] = rnd[n % (sizeof(rnd) - 1)]; } body[n] = '\0'; #undef BIG ne_buffer_concat(buf, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "4E20\r\n", body, "\r\n", "0\r\n\r\n", NULL); CALL(expect_response(body, single_serve_string, buf->data)); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); ne_free(body); return OK; } static int te_over_clength(void) { /* T-E dominates over C-L. */ return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "Content-Length: 300\r\n" "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS); } /* te_over_clength with the headers the other way round; check for * ordering problems. */ static int te_over_clength2(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 300\r\n" TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS); } /* obscure case which is possibly a valid request by 2616, but should * be handled correctly in any case. neon <0.22.0 tries to * eat the response body, which is probably incorrect. */ static int no_body_chunks(void) { return expect_no_body("HEAD", "HTTP/1.1 204 Not Modified\r\n" TE_CHUNKED "\r\n"); } static int serve_twice(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { const char *resp = userdata; CALL(discard_request(sock)); SEND_STRING(sock, resp); CALL(discard_request(sock)); SEND_STRING(sock, resp); return OK; } /* Test persistent connection handling: serve 'response' twice on a * single TCP connection, expecting to get a response body equal to * 'body' both times. */ static int test_persist_p(const char *response, const char *body, int proxy) { ne_session *sess; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); if (proxy) { CALL(proxied_session_server(&sess, "http", "localhost", 1234, serve_twice, (void *)response)); ne_set_session_flag(sess, NE_SESSFLAG_CONNAUTH, 1); } else { CALL(session_server(&sess, serve_twice, (void *)response)); } CALL(run_request(sess, 200, construct_get, buf)); ONV(strcmp(buf->data, body), ("response #1 mismatch: [%s] not [%s]", buf->data, body)); /* Run it again. */ ne_buffer_clear(buf); CALL(run_request(sess, 200, construct_get, buf)); ON(await_server()); ONV(strcmp(buf->data, body), ("response #2 mismatch: [%s] not [%s]", buf->data, body)); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } static int test_persist(const char *response, const char *body) { return test_persist_p(response, body, 0); } static int persist_http11(void) { return test_persist(RESP200 "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde", "abcde"); } static int persist_chunked(void) { return test_persist(RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS, "abcde"); } static int persist_http10(void) { return test_persist("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde", "abcde"); } static int persist_proxy_http10(void) { return test_persist_p("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde", "abcde", 1); } /* Server function for fail_early_eof */ static int serve_eof(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { const char *resp = ud; /* dummy request/response. */ CALL(discard_request(sock)); CALL(SEND_STRING(sock, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); /* real request/response. */ CALL(discard_request(sock)); CALL(SEND_STRING(sock, resp)); return OK; } /* Utility function: 'resp' is a truncated response; such that an EOF * arrives early during response processing; but NOT as a valid * premature EOF due to a persistent connection timeout. It is an * error if the request is then retried, and the test fails. */ static int fail_early_eof(const char *resp) { ne_session *sess; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(3, serve_eof, (char *)resp, &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); ONN("request retried after early EOF", any_request(sess, "/foobar") == NE_OK); CALL(reap_server()); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* This failed with neon <0.22. */ static int fail_eof_continued(void) { return fail_early_eof("HTTP/1.1 100 OK\r\n\r\n"); } static int fail_eof_headers(void) { return fail_early_eof("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nJimbob\r\n"); } static int fail_eof_chunk(void) { return fail_early_eof(RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "1\r\n" "a"); } static int fail_eof_badclen(void) { return fail_early_eof(RESP200 "Content-Length: 10\r\n\r\n" "abcde"); } /* Persistent connection timeout where a FIN is sent to terminate the * connection, which is caught by a 0 return from the read() when the * second request reads the status-line. */ static int ptimeout_eof(void) { ne_session *sess; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(4, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n", &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/first")); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/second")); ONN("server died prematurely?", dead_server()); reap_server(); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* Persistent connection timeout where a FIN is sent to terminate the * connection, but the request fails in the write() call which sends * the body. */ static int ptimeout_eof2(void) { ne_session *sess; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(4, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n", &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/first")); minisleep(); CALL(any_2xx_request_body(sess, "/second")); ONN("server died prematurely?", dead_server()); reap_server(); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* TODO: add a ptimeout_reset too, if an RST can be reliably generated * mid-connection. */ static int incr_server(ne_socket *sock, void *arg) { struct many_serve_args *msa = arg; CALL(many_serve_string(sock, msa)); msa->count++; return OK; } /* Emulates a persistent connection timeout on the server. This tests * the timeout occurring after between 1 and 10 requests down the * connection. */ static int persist_timeout(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); struct many_serve_args args; unsigned int port; int n; args.str = RESP200 "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde"; args.count = 1; CALL(new_spawn_server(9, incr_server, &args, &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); for (args.count = 1; args.count < 10; args.count++) { for (n = 0; n < args.count; n++) { ONV(run_request(sess, 200, construct_get, buf), ("%d of %d, request failed: %s", n, args.count, ne_get_error(sess))); ONV(strcmp(buf->data, "abcde"), ("%d of %d, response body mismatch", n, args.count)); /* Ready for next time. */ ne_buffer_clear(buf); } } ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } /* Test that an HTTP/1.0 server is not presumed to support persistent * connections by default. */ static int no_persist_http10(void) { ne_session *sess; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(4, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde" "Hello, world - what a nice day!\r\n", &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); /* if the connection is treated as persistent, the status-line for * the second request will be "Hello, world...", which will * fail. */ ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foobar")); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foobar")); ONN("server died prematurely?", dead_server()); CALL(reap_server()); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int ignore_bad_headers(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Stupid Header\r\n" "ReallyStupidHeader\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde"); } static int fold_headers(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: \r\n 5\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde"); } static int fold_many_headers(void) { return expect_response("abcde", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 5\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde"); } #define NO_BODY "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" static int empty_header(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr:\r\n" NO_BODY); } static int ignore_header_case(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "noddy", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr: noddy\r\n" NO_BODY); } static int ignore_header_ws(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "fishy", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr: fishy\r\n" NO_BODY); } static int ignore_header_ws2(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "fishy", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr \t : fishy\r\n" NO_BODY); } static int ignore_header_ws3(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "fishy", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr: fishy \r\n" NO_BODY); } static int ignore_header_tabs(void) { return expect_header_value("ranDom-HEader", "geezer", single_serve_string, RESP200 "RANDom-HeADEr: \t \tgeezer\r\n" NO_BODY); } static int trailing_header(void) { return expect_header_value("gONe", "fishing", single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n0\r\n" "Hello: world\r\n" "GONE: fishing\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int continued_header(void) { return expect_header_value("hello", "w o r l d", single_serve_string, RESP200 "Hello: \n\tw\r\n\to r l\r\n\td \r\n" NO_BODY); } /* check headers callbacks are working correctly. */ static int multi_header(void) { return expect_header_value("X-Header", "jim, jab, jar", single_serve_string, RESP200 "X-Header: jim\r\n" "x-header: jab\r\n" "x-Header: jar\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); } /* check headers callbacks are working correctly. */ static int multi_header2(void) { return expect_header_value("X-Header", "jim, jab, jar", single_serve_string, RESP200 "X-Header: jim \r\n" "x-header: jab \r\n" "x-Header: jar \r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); } /* RFC 2616 14.10: headers listed in Connection must be stripped on * receiving an HTTP/1.0 message in case there was a pre-1.1 proxy * somewhere. */ static int strip_http10_connhdr(void) { return expect_header_value("X-Widget", NULL, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: x-widget\r\n" "x-widget: blah\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int strip_http10_connhdr2(void) { return expect_header_value("X-Widget", NULL, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: connection, x-fish, x-widget\r\n" "x-widget: blah\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"); } static int post_send_retry(ne_request *req, void *userdata, const ne_status *status) { return status->code == 400 ? NE_RETRY : NE_OK; } /* Test that the stored response headers are forgotten if the request * is retried. */ static int reset_headers(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; const char *value; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.1 400 Hit me again\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "X-Foo: bar\r\n" "\r\n" "HTTP/1.1 200 Thank you kindly\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "X-Foo: hello fair world\r\n" "\r\n")); ne_hook_post_send(sess, post_send_retry, NULL); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); value = ne_get_response_header(req, "X-Foo"); ONCMP("hello fair world", value, "response header", "X-Foo"); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } static int iterate_none(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n")); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/"); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ONN("iterator was not NULL for no headers", ne_response_header_iterate(req, NULL, NULL, NULL) != NULL); CALL(await_server()); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } #define MANY_HEADERS (90) static int iterate_many(void) { ne_request *req; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); ne_session *sess; int n; struct header { char name[10], value[10]; int seen; } hdrs[MANY_HEADERS]; void *cursor = NULL; const char *name, *value; ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); for (n = 0; n < MANY_HEADERS; n++) { sprintf(hdrs[n].name, "x-%d", n); sprintf(hdrs[n].value, "Y-%d", n); hdrs[n].seen = 0; ne_buffer_concat(buf, hdrs[n].name, ": ", hdrs[n].value, "\r\n", NULL); } ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "\r\n"); CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, buf->data)); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); while ((cursor = ne_response_header_iterate(req, cursor, &name, &value))) { ONV(strncmp(name, "x-", 2) || strncmp(value, "Y-", 2) || strcmp(name + 2, value + 2) || (n = atoi(name + 2)) >= MANY_HEADERS || n < 0, ("bad name/value pair: %s = %s", name, value)); NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "iterate: got pair (%d): %s = %s\n", n, name, value); ONV(hdrs[n].seen == 1, ("duplicate pair %d", n)); hdrs[n].seen = 1; } for (n = 0; n < MANY_HEADERS; n++) { ONV(hdrs[n].seen == 0, ("unseen pair %d", n)); } ne_buffer_destroy(buf); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } struct s1xx_args { int count; int hdrs; }; static int serve_1xx(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { struct s1xx_args *args = ud; CALL(discard_request(sock)); do { if (args->hdrs) { SEND_STRING(sock, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n" "Random: header\r\n" "Another: header\r\n\r\n"); } else { SEND_STRING(sock, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); } } while (--args->count > 0); SEND_STRING(sock, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); return OK; } #define sess def_sess static int skip_interim_1xx(void) { struct s1xx_args args = {0, 0}; ON(prepare_request(serve_1xx, &args)); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(def_req)); return finish_request(); } static int skip_many_1xx(void) { struct s1xx_args args = {5, 0}; ON(prepare_request(serve_1xx, &args)); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(def_req)); return finish_request(); } static int skip_1xx_hdrs(void) { struct s1xx_args args = {5, 5}; ON(prepare_request(serve_1xx, &args)); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(def_req)); return finish_request(); } #undef sess /* server for expect_100_once: serves a 100-continue request, and * fails if the request body is sent twice. */ static int serve_100_once(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { struct s1xx_args args = {2, 0}; char ch; CALL(serve_1xx(sock, &args)); CALL(discard_body(sock)); ONN("body was served twice", ne_sock_read(sock, &ch, 1) == 1); return OK; } /* regression test; fails with neon <0.22, where the request body was * served *every* time a 1xx response was received, rather than just * once. */ static int expect_100_once(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; char body[BUFSIZ]; CALL(make_session(&sess, serve_100_once, NULL)); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ne_set_request_flag(req, NE_REQFLAG_EXPECT100, 1); ONN("expect100 flag ignored", ne_get_request_flag(req, NE_REQFLAG_EXPECT100) != 1); memset(body, 'A', sizeof(body)); ne_set_request_body_buffer(req, body, sizeof(body)); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } /* regression test for enabling 100-continue without sending a body. */ static int expect_100_nobody(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; CALL(make_session(&sess, serve_100_once, NULL)); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ne_set_request_flag(req, NE_REQFLAG_EXPECT100, 1); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } struct body { char *body; size_t size; }; static int want_body(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { struct body *b = userdata; char *buf = ne_malloc(b->size); clength = 0; CALL(discard_request(sock)); ONN("request has c-l header", clength == 0); ONN("request length", clength != (int)b->size); NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "reading body of %" NE_FMT_SIZE_T " bytes...\n", b->size); ON(ne_sock_fullread(sock, buf, b->size)); ON(SEND_STRING(sock, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); ON(memcmp(buf, b->body, b->size)); ne_free(buf); return OK; } static ssize_t provide_body(void *userdata, char *buf, size_t buflen) { static const char *pnt; static size_t left; struct body *b = userdata; if (buflen == 0) { pnt = b->body; left = b->size; } else { if (left < buflen) buflen = left; memcpy(buf, pnt, buflen); left -= buflen; } return buflen; } static int send_bodies(void) { unsigned int n, m; struct body bodies[] = { { "abcde", 5 }, { "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6 }, { NULL, 50000 }, { NULL } }; #define BIG 2 /* make the body with some cruft. */ bodies[BIG].body = ne_malloc(bodies[BIG].size); for (n = 0; n < bodies[BIG].size; n++) { bodies[BIG].body[n] = (char)n%80; } for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) { for (n = 0; bodies[n].body != NULL; n++) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; CALL(session_server(&sess, want_body, &(bodies[n]))); req = ne_request_create(sess, "PUT", "/"); ON(req == NULL); if (m == 0) { ne_set_request_body_buffer(req, bodies[n].body, bodies[n].size); } else { ne_set_request_body_provider(req, bodies[n].size, provide_body, &bodies[n]); } ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); CALL(await_server()); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); } } ne_free(bodies[BIG].body); return OK; } /* Utility function: run a request using the given server fn, and the * request should fail. If 'error' is non-NULL, it must be a substring * of the error string. */ static int fail_request_with_error(int with_body, server_fn fn, void *ud, int forever, const char *error) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; unsigned int port; int ret; CALL(new_spawn_server(forever ? 100 : 1, fn, ud, &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/"); if (with_body) { static const char *body = "random stuff"; ne_set_request_body_buffer(req, body, strlen(body)); } /* request should fail. */ ret = ne_request_dispatch(req); ONN("request succeeded", ret == NE_OK); if (!forever) { /* reap the server, don't care what it's doing. */ reap_server(); } NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "Response gave error `%s'\n", ne_get_error(sess)); ONV(error && strstr(ne_get_error(sess), error) == NULL, ("failed with error `%s', no `%s'", ne_get_error(sess), error)); if (!forever) ONV(any_request(sess, "/fail/to/connect") != NE_CONNECT, ("subsequent request re-used connection?")); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); fail_request_last_port = port; return OK; } /* Run a random GET request which is given 'body' as the response; the * request must fail, and 'error' must be found in the error * string. */ static int invalid_response_gives_error(const char *resp, const char *error) { return fail_request_with_error(0, single_serve_string, (void *)resp, 0, error); } /* Utility function: run a request using the given server fn, and the * request must fail. */ static int fail_request(int with_body, server_fn fn, void *ud, int forever) { return fail_request_with_error(with_body, fn, ud, forever, NULL); } static int unbounded_headers(void) { struct infinite i = { RESP200, "x-foo: bar\r\n" }; return fail_request(0, serve_infinite, &i, 0); } static int blank_response(void) { return fail_request(0, single_serve_string, "\r\n", 0); } static int serve_non_http(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { SEND_STRING(sock, "Hello Mum.\n"); ne_sock_readline(sock, buffer, BUFSIZ); return OK; } /* Test behaviour when not speaking to an HTTP server. Regression test * for infinite loop. */ static int not_http(void) { return fail_request(0, serve_non_http, NULL, 0); } static int unbounded_folding(void) { struct infinite i = { "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nFoo: bar\r\n", " hello there.\r\n" }; return fail_request(0, serve_infinite, &i, 0); } static int serve_close(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { /* do nothing; the socket will be closed. */ return 0; } /* Returns non-zero if port is alive. */ static int is_alive(int port) { ne_sock_addr *addr; ne_socket *sock = ne_sock_create(); const ne_inet_addr *ia; int connected = 0; addr = ne_addr_resolve("localhost", 0); for (ia = ne_addr_first(addr); ia && !connected; ia = ne_addr_next(addr)) connected = ne_sock_connect(sock, ia, port) == 0; ne_addr_destroy(addr); if (sock == NULL) return 0; else { ne_sock_close(sock); return 1; } } /* This is a regression test for neon 0.17.0 and earlier, which goes * into an infinite loop if a request with a body is sent to a server * which simply closes the connection. */ static int closed_connection(void) { int ret; /* This spawns a server process which will run the 'serve_close' * response function 200 times, then die. This guarantees that the * request eventually fails... */ CALL(fail_request(1, serve_close, NULL, 1)); /* if server died -> infinite loop was detected. */ ret = !is_alive(fail_request_last_port); reap_server(); ONN("server aborted, infinite loop?", ret); return OK; } static int serve_close2(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { int *count = userdata; *count += 1; if (*count == 1) return 0; NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "Re-entered! Buggy client.\n"); CALL(discard_request(sock)); CALL(SEND_STRING(sock, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); return 0; } /* As closed_connection(); but check that the client doesn't retry * after receiving the EOF on the first request down a new * connection. */ static int close_not_retried(void) { int count = 0; ne_session *sess; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(3, serve_close2, &count, &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); ONN("request was retried after EOF", any_request(sess, "/foo") == NE_OK); reap_server(); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static enum { prog_error, /* error */ prog_transfer, /* doing a transfer */ prog_done /* finished. */ } prog_state = prog_transfer; static ne_off_t prog_last = -1, prog_total; #define FOFF "%" NE_FMT_NE_OFF_T /* callback for send_progress. */ static void s_progress(void *userdata, ne_off_t prog, ne_off_t total) { NE_DEBUG(NE_DBG_HTTP, "progress callback: " FOFF "/" FOFF ".\n", prog, total); switch (prog_state) { case prog_error: case prog_done: return; case prog_transfer: if (total != prog_total) { t_context("total unexpected: " FOFF " not " FOFF "", total, prog_total); prog_state = prog_error; } else if (prog > total) { t_context("first progress was invalid (" FOFF "/" FOFF ")", prog, total); prog_state = prog_error; } else if (prog_last != -1 && prog_last > prog) { t_context("progress went backwards: " FOFF " to " FOFF, prog_last, prog); prog_state = prog_error; } else if (prog_last == prog) { t_context("no progress made! " FOFF " to " FOFF, prog_last, prog); prog_state = prog_error; } else if (prog == total) { prog_state = prog_done; } break; } prog_last = prog; } #undef FOFF static ssize_t provide_progress(void *userdata, char *buf, size_t bufsiz) { int *count = userdata; if (*count >= 0 && buf != NULL) { buf[0] = 'a'; *count -= 1; return 1; } else { return 0; } } static int send_progress(void) { static int count = 200; ON(prepare_request(single_serve_string, RESP200 "Connection: close\r\n\r\n")); prog_total = 200; ne_set_progress(def_sess, s_progress, NULL); ne_set_request_body_provider(def_req, count, provide_progress, &count); #define sess def_sess ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(def_req)); #undef sess ON(finish_request()); CALL(prog_state == prog_error); return OK; } static int read_timeout(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; time_t start, finish; int ret; CALL(make_session(&sess, sleepy_server, NULL)); /* timeout after one second. */ ne_set_read_timeout(sess, 1); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/timeout"); time(&start); ret = ne_request_dispatch(req); time(&finish); reap_server(); ONN("request succeeded, should have timed out", ret == NE_OK); ONV(ret != NE_TIMEOUT, ("request failed non-timeout error: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); ONN("timeout ignored, or very slow machine", finish - start > 3); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* expect failure code 'code', for request to given hostname and port, * without running a server. */ static int fail_noserver(const char *hostname, unsigned int port, int code) { ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", hostname, port); int ret = any_request(sess, "/foo"); ne_session_destroy(sess); ONV(ret == NE_OK, ("request to server at %s:%u succeeded?!", hostname, port)); ONV(ret != code, ("request failed with %d not %d", ret, code)); return OK; } static int fail_lookup(void) { return fail_noserver("no.such.domain", 4242, NE_LOOKUP); } /* neon 0.23.0 to 0.23.3: if a nameserver lookup failed, subsequent * requests on the session would crash. */ static int fail_double_lookup(void) { ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", "nonesuch.invalid", 80); ONN("request did not give lookup failure", any_request(sess, "/foo") != NE_LOOKUP); ONN("second request did not give lookup failure", any_request(sess, "/bar") != NE_LOOKUP); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int fail_connect(void) { return fail_noserver("localhost", 32767, NE_CONNECT); } /* Test that the origin server hostname is NOT resolved for a proxied * request. */ static int proxy_no_resolve(void) { ne_session *sess; int ret; CALL(proxied_session_server(&sess, "http", "no.such.server.invalid", 80, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); ret = any_request(sess, "/foo"); ne_session_destroy(sess); ONN("origin server name resolved when proxy used", ret == NE_LOOKUP); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } /* If the chunk size is entirely invalid, the request should be * aborted. Fails with neon <0.22; invalid chunk sizes would be * silently treated as 'zero'. */ static int fail_chunksize(void) { return fail_request(0, single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "ZZZZZ\r\n\r\n", 0); } /* in neon <0.22, if an error occcurred whilst reading the response * body, the connection would not be closed (though this test will * succeed in neon <0.22 since it the previous test fails). */ static int abort_respbody(void) { ne_session *sess; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "zzz\r\n" RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); /* connection must be aborted on the first request, since it * contains an invalid chunk size. */ ONN("invalid chunk size was accepted?", any_request(sess, "/foo") != NE_ERROR); CALL(await_server()); /* second request should fail since server has gone away. */ ONN("connection was not aborted", any_request(sess, "/foo") == NE_OK); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int serve_then_abort(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { int *flag = ud; if (*flag == 1) { CALL(single_serve_string(sock, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "zzzzz\r\n")); *flag = 0; } exit(0); } /* Test that after an aborted request on a persistent connection, a * failure of the *subsequent* request is not treated as a persistent * connection timeout and retried. */ static int retry_after_abort(void) { ne_session *sess; int flag = 1; /* Serve two responses down a single persistent connection, the * second of which is invalid and will cause the request to be * aborted. */ CALL(make_session(&sess, serve_then_abort, &flag)); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/first")); ONN("second request should fail", any_request(sess, "/second") == NE_OK); CALL(await_server()); /* A third attempt to connect to the server should fail to * connect, though this is racy since someone else might come * along and steal the port... oh well. */ ONN("third request was retried", any_request(sess, "/third") != NE_CONNECT); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* Fail to parse the response status line: check the error message is * sane. Failed during 0.23-dev briefly, and possibly with 0.22.0 * too. */ static int fail_statusline(void) { ne_session *sess; int ret; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "Fish.\r\n")); ret = any_request(sess, "/fail"); ONV(ret != NE_ERROR, ("request failed with %d not NE_ERROR", ret)); ONV(strstr(ne_get_error(sess), "Could not parse response status line") == NULL, ("session error was `%s'", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } #define LEN (9000) static int fail_long_header(void) { char resp[LEN + 500] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Server: fish\r\n"; size_t len = strlen(resp); /* add a long header */ memset(resp + len, 'a', LEN); resp[len + LEN] = '\0'; strcat(resp, "\r\n\r\n"); return invalid_response_gives_error(resp, "Line too long"); } static int fail_on_invalid(void) { static const struct { const char *resp, *error; } ts[] = { /* non-chunked TE. */ { RESP200 "transfer-encoding: punked\r\n" "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS , "Unknown transfer-coding" }, /* chunk without trailing CRLF */ { RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "5\r\n" "abcdeFISH", "delimiter was invalid" }, /* chunk with CR then EOF */ { RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "5\r\n" "abcde\n", "not read chunk delimiter" }, /* chunk with CR then notLF */ { RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "5\r\n" "abcde\rZZZ", "delimiter was invalid" }, /* chunk size overflow */ { RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" "800000000\r\n" "abcde\r\n", "Could not parse chunk size" }, /* EOF at chunk size */ { RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n", "Could not read chunk size" }, /* negative C-L */ { RESP200 "Content-Length: -1\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde", "Invalid Content-Length" }, /* invalid C-Ls */ { RESP200 "Content-Length: 5, 3\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde", "Invalid Content-Length" }, { RESP200 "Content-Length: 5z\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde", "Invalid Content-Length" }, { RESP200 "Content-Length: z5\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde", "Invalid Content-Length" }, /* stupidly-large C-L */ { RESP200 "Content-Length: 99999999999999999999999999\r\n" "\r\n" "abcde", "Invalid Content-Length" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int n; for (n = 0; ts[n].resp; n++) CALL(invalid_response_gives_error(ts[n].resp, ts[n].error)); return OK; } static int versions(void) { ne_session *sess; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/http11")); ONN("did not detect HTTP/1.1 compliance", ne_version_pre_http11(sess) != 0); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/http10")); ONN("did not detect lack of HTTP/1.1 compliance", ne_version_pre_http11(sess) == 0); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } struct cr_args { const char *method, *uri; int result; }; static void hk_createreq(ne_request *req, void *userdata, const char *method, const char *requri) { struct cr_args *args = userdata; args->result = 1; /* presume failure */ if (strcmp(args->method, method)) t_context("Hook got method %s not %s", method, args->method); else if (strcmp(args->uri, requri)) t_context("Hook got Req-URI %s not %s", requri, args->uri); else args->result = 0; } static int hook_create_req(void) { ne_session *sess; struct cr_args args; ne_uri uri; char *u; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, EMPTY_RESP EMPTY_RESP)); ne_hook_create_request(sess, hk_createreq, &args); args.method = "GET"; args.uri = "/foo"; args.result = -1; ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); ONN("first hook never called", args.result == -1); if (args.result) return FAIL; memset(&uri, 0, sizeof uri); ne_fill_server_uri(sess, &uri); uri.path = "/bar"; args.uri = u = ne_uri_unparse(&uri); args.result = -1; ne_free(uri.host); ne_free(uri.scheme); /* force use of absoluteURI in request-uri */ ne_session_proxy(sess, "localhost", 7777); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/bar")); ONN("second hook never called", args.result == -1); if (args.result) return FAIL; ne_free(u); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int serve_check_method(ne_socket *sock, void *ud) { char *method = ud; char buf[20]; size_t methlen = strlen(method); if (ne_sock_read(sock, buf, methlen) != (ssize_t)methlen) return -1; ONN("method corrupted", memcmp(buf, method, methlen)); return single_serve_string(sock, "HTTP/1.1 204 OK\r\n\r\n"); } /* Test that the method string passed to ne_request_create is * strdup'ed. */ static int dup_method(void) { char method[] = "FOO"; ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; CALL(make_session(&sess, serve_check_method, method)); req = ne_request_create(sess, method, "/bar"); strcpy(method, "ZZZ"); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } static int abortive_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len) { ne_session *sess = userdata; if (len == 5 && strncmp(buf, "abcde", 5) == 0) { ne_set_error(sess, "Reader callback failed"); } else { ne_set_error(sess, "Reader callback called with length %" NE_FMT_SIZE_T, len); } return NE_ERROR; } static int abort_reader(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; int ret; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde" "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ne_add_response_body_reader(req, ne_accept_2xx, abortive_reader, sess); ret = ne_request_dispatch(req); ONV(ret != NE_ERROR, ("request did not fail with NE_ERROR: %d", ret)); ONV(strcmp(ne_get_error(sess), "Reader callback failed") != 0, ("unexpected session error string: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_request_destroy(req); /* test that the connection was closed. */ ONN("connection not closed after aborted response", any_2xx_request(sess, "/failmeplease") == OK); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); return OK; } /* attempt and fail to send request from offset 500 of /dev/null. */ static int send_bad_offset(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; int ret, fds[2]; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n")); /* create a pipe, on which seek is guaranteed to fail. */ ONN("could not create pipe", pipe(fds) != 0); req = ne_request_create(sess, "PUT", "/null"); ne_set_request_body_fd(req, fds[0], 500, 5); ret = ne_request_dispatch(req); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); ONN("request dispatched with bad offset!", ret == NE_OK); ONV(ret != NE_ERROR, ("request failed with unexpected error code %d: %s", ret, ne_get_error(sess))); ONV(strstr(ne_get_error(sess), "Could not seek") == NULL, ("bad error message from seek failure: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); reap_server(); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static void thook_create_req(ne_request *req, void *userdata, const char *method, const char *requri) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_concat(buf, "(create,", method, ",", requri, ")\n", NULL); } static void hook_pre_send(ne_request *req, void *userdata, ne_buffer *header) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "(pre-send)\n"); } /* Returns a static string giving a comma-separated representation of * the status structure passed in. */ static char *status_to_string(const ne_status *status) { static char sbuf[128]; ne_snprintf(sbuf, sizeof sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d,%d,%s", status->major_version, status->minor_version, status->code, status->reason_phrase); return sbuf; } static void hook_post_headers(ne_request *req, void *userdata, const ne_status *status) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_concat(buf, "(post-headers,", status_to_string(status), ")\n", NULL); } static int hook_post_send(ne_request *req, void *userdata, const ne_status *status) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_concat(buf, "(post-send,", status_to_string(status), ")\n", NULL); return NE_OK; } static void hook_destroy_req(ne_request *req, void *userdata) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "(destroy-req)\n"); } static void hook_destroy_sess(void *userdata) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "(destroy-sess)\n"); } static void hook_close_conn(void *userdata) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "(close-conn)\n"); } static int hooks(void) { ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); ne_session *sess; struct many_serve_args args; args.str = RESP200 "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"; args.count = 3; CALL(make_session(&sess, many_serve_string, &args)); ne_hook_create_request(sess, thook_create_req, buf); ne_hook_pre_send(sess, hook_pre_send, buf); ne_hook_post_headers(sess, hook_post_headers, buf); ne_hook_post_send(sess, hook_post_send, buf); ne_hook_destroy_request(sess, hook_destroy_req, buf); ne_hook_destroy_session(sess, hook_destroy_sess, buf); ne_hook_close_conn(sess, hook_close_conn, buf); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/first")); ONCMP("(create,GET,/first)\n" "(pre-send)\n" "(post-headers,HTTP/1.1,200,OK)\n" "(post-send,HTTP/1.1,200,OK)\n" "(destroy-req)\n", buf->data, "hook ordering", "first result"); ne_buffer_clear(buf); /* Unhook for mismatched fn/ud pointers: */ ne_unhook_create_request(sess, hk_createreq, buf); ne_unhook_create_request(sess, thook_create_req, sess); /* Unhook real functions. */ ne_unhook_pre_send(sess, hook_pre_send, buf); ne_unhook_destroy_request(sess, hook_destroy_req, buf); ne_unhook_post_headers(sess, hook_post_headers, buf); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/second")); ONCMP("(create,GET,/second)\n" "(post-send,HTTP/1.1,200,OK)\n", buf->data, "hook ordering", "second result"); ne_buffer_clear(buf); /* Double hook create, double hook then double unhook post. */ ne_hook_create_request(sess, thook_create_req, buf); ne_hook_post_send(sess, hook_post_send, buf); ne_unhook_post_send(sess, hook_post_send, buf); ne_unhook_post_send(sess, hook_post_send, buf); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/third")); ONCMP("(create,GET,/third)\n" "(create,GET,/third)\n", buf->data, "hook ordering", "third result"); ne_buffer_clear(buf); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); ONCMP("(destroy-sess)\n" "(close-conn)\n", buf->data, "hook ordering", "first destroyed session"); ne_buffer_clear(buf); sess = ne_session_create("http", "www.example.com", 80); ne_hook_destroy_session(sess, hook_destroy_sess, buf); ne_unhook_destroy_session(sess, hook_destroy_sess, buf); ne_session_destroy(sess); ONCMP("", buf->data, "hook ordering", "second destroyed session"); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } static void hook_self_destroy_req(ne_request *req, void *userdata) { ne_unhook_destroy_request(ne_get_session(req), hook_self_destroy_req, userdata); } /* Test that it's safe to call ne_unhook_destroy_request from a * destroy_request hook. */ static int hook_self_destroy(void) { ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", 1234); ne_hook_destroy_request(sess, hook_self_destroy_req, NULL); ne_request_destroy(ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/")); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } static int icy_protocol(void) { ne_session *sess; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, "ICY 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")); ne_set_session_flag(sess, NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO, 1); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } static void status_cb(void *userdata, ne_session_status status, const ne_session_status_info *info) { ne_buffer *buf = userdata; char scratch[512]; switch (status) { case ne_status_lookup: ne_buffer_concat(buf, "lookup(", info->lu.hostname, ")-", NULL); break; case ne_status_connecting: ne_iaddr_print(info->ci.address, scratch, sizeof scratch); ne_buffer_concat(buf, "connecting(", info->lu.hostname, ",", scratch, ")-", NULL); break; case ne_status_disconnected: ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "dis"); /* fallthrough */ case ne_status_connected: ne_buffer_concat(buf, "connected(", info->cd.hostname, ")-", NULL); break; case ne_status_sending: case ne_status_recving: ne_snprintf(scratch, sizeof scratch, "%" NE_FMT_NE_OFF_T ",%" NE_FMT_NE_OFF_T, info->sr.progress, info->sr.total); ne_buffer_concat(buf, status == ne_status_sending ? "send" : "recv", "(", scratch, ")-", NULL); break; default: ne_buffer_czappend(buf, "bork!"); break; } } static int status(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); char expect[1024]; ne_snprintf(expect, sizeof expect, "lookup(" "connecting(," "connected(" "send(0,5000)-" "send(5000,5000)-" "recv(0,5)-" "recv(5,5)-" "disconnected("); CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" "abcde")); ne_set_notifier(sess, status_cb, buf); CALL(any_2xx_request_body(sess, "/status")); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); ONV(strcmp(expect, buf->data), ("status event sequence mismatch: got [%s] not [%s]", buf->data, expect)); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } static int status_chunked(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); char expect[1024]; /* This sequence is not exactly guaranteed by the API, but it's * what the current implementation should do. */ ne_snprintf(expect, sizeof expect, "lookup(" "connecting(," "connected(" "send(0,5000)-" "send(5000,5000)-" "recv(0,-1)-" "recv(1,-1)-" "recv(2,-1)-" "recv(3,-1)-" "recv(4,-1)-" "recv(5,-1)-" "disconnected("); CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS)); ne_set_notifier(sess, status_cb, buf); CALL(any_2xx_request_body(sess, "/status")); ne_session_destroy(sess); CALL(await_server()); ONV(strcmp(expect, buf->data), ("status event sequence mismatch: got [%s] not [%s]", buf->data, expect)); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); return OK; } static const unsigned char raw_127[4] = "\x7f\0\0\01"; /* */ static int local_addr(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_inet_addr *ia = ne_iaddr_make(ne_iaddr_ipv4, raw_127); CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 "Connection: close\r\n\r\n")); ne_set_localaddr(sess, ia); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_iaddr_free(ia); return reap_server(); } /* Regression in 0.27.0, ne_set_progress(sess, NULL, NULL) should * register the progress callback. */ static int dereg_progress(void) { ne_session *sess; CALL(make_session(&sess, single_serve_string, RESP200 TE_CHUNKED "\r\n" ABCDE_CHUNKS)); ne_set_progress(sess, NULL, NULL); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/foo")); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } static int addrlist(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_inet_addr *ia = ne_iaddr_make(ne_iaddr_ipv4, raw_127); const ne_inet_addr *ial[1]; unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(1, single_serve_string, EMPTY_RESP, &port)); sess = ne_session_create("http", "www.example.com", port); ial[0] = ia; ne_set_addrlist(sess, ial, 1); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/blah")); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_iaddr_free(ia); return await_server(); } static int socks_session(ne_session **sess, struct socks_server *srv, const char *hostname, unsigned int port, server_fn server, void *userdata) { unsigned int realport; srv->server = server; srv->userdata = userdata; CALL(new_spawn_server(1, socks_server, srv, &realport)); *sess = ne_session_create("http", hostname, port); ne_session_socks_proxy(*sess, srv->version, "localhost", realport, srv->username, srv->password); return OK; } static int socks_proxy(void) { ne_session *sess; struct socks_server srv = {0}; srv.version = NE_SOCK_SOCKSV5; srv.failure = fail_none; srv.expect_port = 4242; srv.expect_addr = NULL; srv.expect_fqdn = "socks.example.com"; srv.username = "bloggs"; srv.password = "guessme"; CALL(socks_session(&sess, &srv, srv.expect_fqdn, srv.expect_port, single_serve_string, EMPTY_RESP)); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/blee")); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } static int socks_v4_proxy(void) { ne_session *sess; struct socks_server srv = {0}; srv.version = NE_SOCK_SOCKSV4; srv.failure = fail_none; srv.expect_port = 4242; srv.expect_addr = ne_iaddr_parse("", ne_iaddr_ipv4); srv.expect_fqdn = "localhost"; srv.username = "bloggs"; srv.password = "guessme"; CALL(socks_session(&sess, &srv, srv.expect_fqdn, srv.expect_port, single_serve_string, EMPTY_RESP)); CALL(any_2xx_request(sess, "/blee")); ne_iaddr_free(srv.expect_addr); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } /* Server function which serves the request body back as the response * body. */ static int serve_mirror(ne_socket *sock, void *userdata) { char response[1024]; CALL(discard_request(sock)); ONV(clength == 0 || (size_t)clength > sizeof buffer, ("C-L out of bounds: %d", clength)); ONV(ne_sock_fullread(sock, buffer, clength), ("read failed: %s", ne_sock_error(sock))); ne_snprintf(response, sizeof response, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "\r\n", clength); ONN("send response header failed", server_send(sock, response, strlen(response))); ONN("send response body failed", server_send(sock, buffer, clength)); ONV(ne_sock_read(sock, buffer, 1) != NE_SOCK_CLOSED, ("client sent data after request: %c", buffer[0])); return OK; } /* Test for ne_set_request_body_fd() bug in <= 0.29.3. */ static int send_length(void) { ne_session *sess; ne_request *req; int fd; ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); fd = open("foobar.txt", O_RDONLY); ONV(fd < 0, ("open random.txt failed: %s", strerror(errno))); CALL(make_session(&sess, serve_mirror, NULL)); req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/foo"); ne_set_request_body_fd(req, fd, 0, 3); ne_add_response_body_reader(req, ne_accept_2xx, collector, buf); ONREQ(ne_request_dispatch(req)); ONCMP("foo", buf->data, "response body", "match"); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); ne_buffer_destroy(buf); close(fd); return await_server(); } /* Test for error code for a SOCKS proxy failure, bug in <= 0.29.3. */ static int socks_fail(void) { ne_session *sess; struct socks_server srv = {0}; int ret; srv.version = NE_SOCK_SOCKSV5; srv.failure = fail_init_vers; srv.expect_port = 4242; srv.expect_addr = ne_iaddr_parse("", ne_iaddr_ipv4); srv.expect_fqdn = "localhost"; srv.username = "bloggs"; srv.password = "guessme"; CALL(socks_session(&sess, &srv, srv.expect_fqdn, srv.expect_port, single_serve_string, EMPTY_RESP)); ret = any_request(sess, "/blee"); ONV(ret != NE_ERROR, ("request failed with %d not NE_ERROR", ret)); ONV(strstr(ne_get_error(sess), "Could not establish connection from SOCKS proxy") == NULL || strstr(ne_get_error(sess), "Invalid version in proxy response") == NULL, ("unexpected error string: %s", ne_get_error(sess))); ne_iaddr_free(srv.expect_addr); ne_session_destroy(sess); return await_server(); } static int safe_flags(void) { ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", 80); ne_request *req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", "/"); ne_set_request_flag(req, NE_REQFLAG_LAST, 0xAAAAAAAA); ONN("flags array bound check failed", ne_get_session(req) != sess); ne_request_destroy(req); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; } /* TODO: test that ne_set_notifier(, NULL, NULL) DTRT too. */ ne_test tests[] = { T(lookup_localhost), T(single_get_clength), T(single_get_eof), T(single_get_chunked), T(no_body_204), T(no_body_304), T(no_body_HEAD), T(no_headers), T(chunks), T(te_header), T(te_identity), T(reason_phrase), T(chunk_numeric), T(chunk_extensions), T(chunk_trailers), T(chunk_oversize), T(te_over_clength), T(te_over_clength2), T(no_body_chunks), T(persist_http11), T(persist_chunked), T(persist_http10), T(persist_proxy_http10), T(persist_timeout), T(no_persist_http10), T(ptimeout_eof), T(ptimeout_eof2), T(closed_connection), T(close_not_retried), T(send_progress), T(ignore_bad_headers), T(fold_headers), T(fold_many_headers), T(multi_header), T(multi_header2), T(empty_header), T(trailing_header), T(ignore_header_case), T(ignore_header_ws), T(ignore_header_ws2), T(ignore_header_ws3), T(ignore_header_tabs), T(strip_http10_connhdr), T(strip_http10_connhdr2), T(continued_header), T(reset_headers), T(iterate_none), T(iterate_many), T(skip_interim_1xx), T(skip_many_1xx), T(skip_1xx_hdrs), T(send_bodies), T(expect_100_once), T(expect_100_nobody), T(unbounded_headers), T(unbounded_folding), T(blank_response), T(not_http), T(fail_eof_continued), T(fail_eof_headers), T(fail_eof_chunk), T(fail_eof_badclen), T(fail_long_header), T(fail_on_invalid), T(read_timeout), T(fail_connect), T(proxy_no_resolve), T(fail_chunksize), T(abort_respbody), T(retry_after_abort), T(fail_statusline), T(dup_method), T(versions), T(hook_create_req), T(abort_reader), T(send_bad_offset), T(hooks), T(hook_self_destroy), T(icy_protocol), T(status), T(status_chunked), T(local_addr), T(dereg_progress), T(addrlist), T(socks_proxy), T(socks_v4_proxy), T(send_length), T(socks_fail), T(fail_lookup), T(fail_double_lookup), T(safe_flags), T(NULL) };