/* $Xorg: XIE.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:44 coskrey Exp $ */ /****************************************************************************** Copyright 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group All Rights Reserved. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. NOTICE This software is being provided by AGE Logic, Inc. under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty and to grant others any or all rights granted herein is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, and that the same appears on all copies and derivative works of the software and documentation you make. "Copyright 1993, 1994 by AGE Logic, Inc." THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". AGE LOGIC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. By way of example, but not limitation, AGE LOGIC MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE THIRD-PARTY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. AGE LOGIC SHALL BEAR NO LIABILITY FOR ANY USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA OR USE, INCURRED BY EITHER PARTY OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR BASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IF AGE LOGIC LICENSEES HEREUNDER HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The name of AGE Logic, Inc. may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this software without specific, written prior permission from AGE Logic. Title to this software shall at all times remain with AGE Logic, Inc. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _XIE_H_ #define _XIE_H_ /* Extension Name and version number */ #define xieExtName "XIE" #define xieMajorVersion 5 #define xieMinorVersion 0 #define xieEarliestMinorVersion 0 #define xieLatestMinorVersion 0 /* ServiceClass */ #ifdef XIE_DIS #define XIE_FULL 0 #else #define XIE_FULL 1 #endif #define xieValFull 1 #define xieValDIS 2 /* Limits */ #define xieValMaxBands 3 /* Alignment */ #define xieValAlignable 1 #define xieValArbitrary 2 /* ArithmeticOp */ #define xieValAdd 1 #define xieValSub 2 #define xieValSubRev 3 #define xieValMul 4 #define xieValDiv 5 #define xieValDivRev 6 #define xieValMin 7 #define xieValMax 8 #define xieValGamma 9 /* ColorAllocTechnique */ #define xieValColorAllocDefault 0 #define xieValColorAllocAll 2 #define xieValColorAllocMatch 4 #define xieValColorAllocRequantize 6 /* Colorspace conversions */ #define xieValRGBToCIELab 2 #define xieValRGBToCIEXYZ 4 #define xieValRGBToYCbCr 6 #define xieValRGBToYCC 8 #define xieValCIELabToRGB 2 #define xieValCIEXYZToRGB 4 #define xieValYCbCrToRGB 6 #define xieValYCCToRGB 8 /* CompareOp */ #define xieValLT 1 #define xieValLE 2 #define xieValEQ 3 #define xieValNE 4 #define xieValGT 5 #define xieValGE 6 /* ConstrainTechnique */ #define xieValConstrainClipScale 2 #define xieValConstrainHardClip 4 /* ConvolveTechnique */ #define xieValConvolveDefault 0 #define xieValConvolveConstant 2 #define xieValConvolveReplicate 4 /* DataClass */ #define xieValSingleBand 1 #define xieValTripleBand 2 /* DataType */ #define xieValConstrained 1 #define xieValUnconstrained 2 /* DecodeTechnique */ #define xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle 2 /* bitonal & grayscale */ #define xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple 3 /* color */ #define xieValDecodeG31D 4 /* FAX */ #define xieValDecodeG32D 6 /* FAX */ #define xieValDecodeG42D 8 /* FAX */ #define xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline 10 /* grayscale & color */ #define xieValDecodeJPEGLossless 12 /* grayscale & color */ #define xieValDecodeTIFF2 14 /* TIFF modified G31D */ #define xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits 16 /* TIFF APPLE FORMAT */ /* DitherTechnique */ #define xieValDitherDefault 0 #define xieValDitherErrorDiffusion 2 #define xieValDitherOrdered 4 /* EncodeTechnique */ #define xieValEncodeServerChoice 1 /* (to photomaps) */ #define xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle 2 /* bitonal & grayscale */ #define xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple 3 /* color */ #define xieValEncodeG31D 4 /* FAX */ #define xieValEncodeG32D 6 /* FAX */ #define xieValEncodeG42D 8 /* FAX */ #define xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline 10 /* grayscale & color */ #define xieValEncodeJPEGLossless 12 /* grayscale & color */ #define xieValEncodeTIFF2 14 /* TIFF modified G31D */ #define xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits 16 /* TIFF APPLE FORMAT */ /* ServerChoice preference hints */ #define xieValPreferDefault 0 #define xieValPreferSpace 1 #define xieValPreferTime 2 /* JPEG-Lossless predictor */ #define xieValPredictorNone 0 #define xieValPredictorA 1 #define xieValPredictorB 2 #define xieValPredictorC 3 #define xieValPredictorABC 4 #define xieValPredictorABC2 5 #define xieValPredictorBAC2 6 #define xieValPredictorAB2 7 /* ExportNotify */ #define xieValDisable 1 #define xieValFirstData 2 #define xieValNewData 3 /* ExportState */ #define xieValExportDone 1 #define xieValExportMore 2 #define xieValExportEmpty 3 #define xieValExportError 4 /* GamutTechnique */ #define xieValGamutDefault 0 #define xieValGamutNone 1 #define xieValGamutClipRGB 2 /* GeometryTechnique */ #define xieValGeomDefault 0 #define xieValGeomAntialias 2 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByArea 4 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByLPF 6 #define xieValGeomBilinearInterp 8 #define xieValGeomGaussian 10 #define xieValGeomNearestNeighbor 12 /* NearestNeighbor modify */ #define xieValFavorDown 1 #define xieValFavorUp 2 #define xieValRoundNW 3 #define xieValRoundNE 4 #define xieValRoundSE 5 #define xieValRoundSW 6 /* HistogramShape */ #define xieValHistogramFlat 2 #define xieValHistogramGaussian 4 #define xieValHistogramHyperbolic 6 /* Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 /* MathOp */ #define xieValExp 1 #define xieValLn 2 #define xieValLog2 3 #define xieValLog10 4 #define xieValSquare 5 #define xieValSqrt 6 /* Orientation */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 /* PhotofloOutcome */ #define xieValFloSuccess 1 #define xieValFloAbort 2 #define xieValFloError 3 /* PhotofloState */ #define xieValInactive 1 #define xieValActive 2 #define xieValNonexistent 3 /* TechniqueGroup */ #define xieValDefault 0 #define xieValAll 1 #define xieValColorAlloc 2 #define xieValConstrain 4 #define xieValConvertFromRGB 6 #define xieValConvertToRGB 8 #define xieValConvolve 10 #define xieValDecode 12 #define xieValDither 14 #define xieValEncode 16 #define xieValGamut 18 #define xieValGeometry 20 #define xieValHistogram 22 #define xieValWhiteAdjust 24 #define xieValMaxTechGroup 24 /* WhiteAdjustTechnique */ #define xieValWhiteAdjustDefault 0 #define xieValWhiteAdjustNone 1 #define xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 2 /* Photoflo elements */ #define xieElemImportClientLUT 1 #define xieElemImportClientPhoto 2 #define xieElemImportClientROI 3 #define xieElemImportDrawable 4 #define xieElemImportDrawablePlane 5 #define xieElemImportLUT 6 #define xieElemImportPhotomap 7 #define xieElemImportROI 8 #define xieElemArithmetic 9 #define xieElemBandCombine 10 #define xieElemBandExtract 11 #define xieElemBandSelect 12 #define xieElemBlend 13 #define xieElemCompare 14 #define xieElemConstrain 15 #define xieElemConvertFromIndex 16 #define xieElemConvertFromRGB 17 #define xieElemConvertToIndex 18 #define xieElemConvertToRGB 19 #define xieElemConvolve 20 #define xieElemDither 21 #define xieElemGeometry 22 #define xieElemLogical 23 #define xieElemMatchHistogram 24 #define xieElemMath 25 #define xieElemPasteUp 26 #define xieElemPoint 27 #define xieElemUnconstrain 28 #define xieElemExportClientHistogram 29 #define xieElemExportClientLUT 30 #define xieElemExportClientPhoto 31 #define xieElemExportClientROI 32 #define xieElemExportDrawable 33 #define xieElemExportDrawablePlane 34 #define xieElemExportLUT 35 #define xieElemExportPhotomap 36 #define xieElemExportROI 37 #define xieMaxElem 37 /* Event Codes */ #define xieEvnNoColorAlloc 0 #define xieEvnNoDecodeNotify 1 #define xieEvnNoExportAvailable 2 #define xieEvnNoImportObscured 3 #define xieEvnNoPhotofloDone 4 #define xieNumEvents 5 /* Error Codes */ #define xieErrNoColorList 0 #define xieErrNoLUT 1 #define xieErrNoPhotoflo 2 #define xieErrNoPhotomap 3 #define xieErrNoPhotospace 4 #define xieErrNoROI 5 #define xieErrNoFlo 6 #define xieNumErrors 7 /* Flo Error Codes */ #define xieErrNoFloAccess 1 #define xieErrNoFloAlloc 2 #define xieErrNoFloColormap 3 #define xieErrNoFloColorList 4 #define xieErrNoFloDomain 5 #define xieErrNoFloDrawable 6 #define xieErrNoFloElement 7 #define xieErrNoFloGC 8 #define xieErrNoFloID 9 #define xieErrNoFloLength 10 #define xieErrNoFloLUT 11 #define xieErrNoFloMatch 12 #define xieErrNoFloOperator 13 #define xieErrNoFloPhotomap 14 #define xieErrNoFloROI 15 #define xieErrNoFloSource 16 #define xieErrNoFloTechnique 17 #define xieErrNoFloValue 18 #define xieErrNoFloImplementation 19 #define xieNumFloErrors 19 #endif /* _XIE_H_ */