/* $Xorg: XIElib.h,v 1.5 2000/08/17 19:45:25 cpqbld Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group All Rights Reserved. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #ifndef _XIELIB_H_ #define _XIELIB_H_ #include #include /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * XIE types * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef float XieFloat; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef float XieMatrix[9]; typedef unsigned XieAlignment; typedef unsigned XieArithmeticOp; typedef unsigned XieColorAllocTechnique; typedef XID XieColorList; typedef unsigned XieColorspace; typedef unsigned XieCompareOp; typedef unsigned XieConstrainTechnique; typedef unsigned XieConvolveTechnique; typedef unsigned XieDataClass; typedef unsigned XieDataType; typedef unsigned XieDecodeTechnique; typedef unsigned XieDitherTechnique; typedef unsigned XieEncodeTechnique; typedef XID XiePhotospace; typedef XID XiePhotoflo; typedef unsigned XieExportNotify; typedef unsigned XieExportState; typedef unsigned XieGamutTechnique; typedef unsigned XieGeometryTechnique; typedef struct { unsigned long value; unsigned long count; } XieHistogramData; typedef unsigned XieHistogramShape; typedef unsigned XieInterleave; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef XID XieLut; typedef unsigned XieMathOp; typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef unsigned XiePhotofloOutcome; typedef unsigned XiePhotofloState; typedef XID XiePhotomap; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { /* this is bcopyable on 32 bit machines */ long x; /* when using PutClientData */ long y; unsigned long width; unsigned long height; } XieRectangle; typedef XID XieRoi; typedef unsigned XieServiceClass; typedef unsigned XieTechniqueGroup; typedef struct { Bool needs_param; XieTechniqueGroup group; unsigned int number; unsigned int speed; char *name; } XieTechnique; typedef struct { XiePhototag src; int dst_x; int dst_y; } XieTile; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; #if NeedFunctionPrototypes typedef void *XiePointer; #else typedef char *XiePointer; #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Extension information * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { unsigned server_major_rev; unsigned server_minor_rev; XieServiceClass service_class; XieAlignment alignment; int uncnst_mantissa; int uncnst_min_exp; int uncnst_max_exp; int n_cnst_levels; /* number of constrained levels */ unsigned long *cnst_levels; /* recommended constrained levels */ int major_opcode; int first_event; int first_error; } XieExtensionInfo; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Photoflo element union * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int elemType; union { /* * Import Elements */ struct { XieDataClass data_class; XieOrientation band_order; XieLTriplet length; XieLevels levels; } ImportClientLUT; struct { XieDataClass data_class; XieLTriplet width; XieLTriplet height; XieLevels levels; Bool notify; XieDecodeTechnique decode_tech; XiePointer decode_param; } ImportClientPhoto; struct { unsigned int rectangles; } ImportClientROI; struct { Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; Bool notify; } ImportDrawable; struct { Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; unsigned long bit_plane; Bool notify; } ImportDrawablePlane; struct { XieLut lut; } ImportLUT; struct { XiePhotomap photomap; Bool notify; } ImportPhotomap; struct { XieRoi roi; } ImportROI; /* * Process Elements */ struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) XieArithmeticOp c_operator; #else XieArithmeticOp operator; #endif unsigned int band_mask; } Arithmetic; struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XiePhototag src3; } BandCombine; struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int levels; float bias; XieConstant coefficients; } BandExtract; struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int band_number; } BandSelect; struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieConstant src_constant; XiePhototag alpha; float alpha_constant; XieProcessDomain domain; unsigned int band_mask; } Blend; struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) XieCompareOp c_operator; #else XieCompareOp operator; #endif Bool combine; unsigned int band_mask; } Compare; struct { XiePhototag src; XieLevels levels; XieConstrainTechnique constrain_tech; XiePointer constrain_param; } Constrain; struct { XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieDataClass data_class; unsigned int precision; } ConvertFromIndex; struct { XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; } ConvertFromRGB; struct { XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieColorList color_list; Bool notify; XieColorAllocTechnique color_alloc_tech; XiePointer color_alloc_param; } ConvertToIndex; struct { XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; } ConvertToRGB; struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; float *kernel; int kernel_size; unsigned int band_mask; XieConvolveTechnique convolve_tech; XiePointer convolve_param; } Convolve; struct { XiePhototag src; XieLevels levels; unsigned int band_mask; XieDitherTechnique dither_tech; XiePointer dither_param; } Dither; struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; float coefficients[6]; XieConstant constant; unsigned int band_mask; XieGeometryTechnique sample_tech; XiePointer sample_param; } Geometry; struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) int c_operator; #else int operator; #endif unsigned int band_mask; } Logical; struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieHistogramShape shape; XiePointer shape_param; } MatchHistogram; struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) XieMathOp c_operator; #else XieMathOp operator; #endif unsigned int band_mask; } Math; struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; XieConstant constant; XieTile *tiles; unsigned int tile_count; } PasteUp; struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XiePhototag lut; unsigned int band_mask; } Point; struct { XiePhototag src; } Unconstrain; /* * Export Elements */ struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieExportNotify notify; } ExportClientHistogram; struct { XiePhototag src; XieOrientation band_order; XieExportNotify notify; XieLTriplet start; XieLTriplet length; } ExportClientLUT; struct { XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; } ExportClientPhoto; struct { XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; } ExportClientROI; struct { XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; } ExportDrawable; struct { XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; } ExportDrawablePlane; struct { XiePhototag src; XieLut lut; Bool merge; XieLTriplet start; } ExportLUT; struct { XiePhototag src; XiePhotomap photomap; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; } ExportPhotomap; struct { XiePhototag src; XieRoi roi; } ExportROI; } data; } XiePhotoElement; typedef XiePhotoElement *XiePhotofloGraph; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Technique Parameters * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Color Alloc */ typedef struct { unsigned long fill; } XieColorAllocAllParam; typedef struct { float match_limit; float gray_limit; } XieColorAllocMatchParam; typedef struct { unsigned long max_cells; } XieColorAllocRequantizeParam; /* Colorspace - conversion from RGB */ typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; } XieRGBToCIELabParam, XieRGBToCIEXYZParam; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; XieConstant bias; } XieRGBToYCbCrParam; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; float scale; } XieRGBToYCCParam; /* Colorspace - conversion to RGB */ typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieCIELabToRGBParam, XieCIEXYZToRGBParam; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; XieConstant bias; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieYCbCrToRGBParam; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; float scale; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieYCCToRGBParam; /* Constrain */ typedef struct { XieConstant input_low,input_high; XieLTriplet output_low,output_high; } XieClipScaleParam; /* Convolve */ typedef struct { XieConstant constant; } XieConvolveConstantParam; /* Decode */ typedef struct { XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int left_pad; unsigned int scanline_pad; } XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam; typedef struct { unsigned char left_pad[3]; XieOrientation fill_order; unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; } XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; } XieDecodeG31DParam, XieDecodeG32DParam, XieDecodeG42DParam, XieDecodeTIFF2Param; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; } XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; Bool up_sample; } XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; } XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam; /* Dither */ typedef struct { unsigned int threshold_order; } XieDitherOrderedParam; /* Encode */ typedef struct { XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int scanline_pad; } XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam; typedef struct { unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; } XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam; typedef struct { Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeG31DParam; typedef struct { Bool uncompressed; Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; unsigned long k_factor; } XieEncodeG32DParam; typedef struct { Bool uncompressed; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeG42DParam; typedef struct { unsigned int preference; } XieEncodeServerChoiceParam; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char horizontal_samples[3]; unsigned char vertical_samples[3]; char *q_table; unsigned int q_size; char *ac_table; unsigned int ac_size; char *dc_table; unsigned int dc_size; } XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char predictor[3]; char *table; unsigned int table_size; } XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool radiometric; } XieEncodeTIFF2Param; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam; /* Geometry */ typedef struct { int simple; } XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam; typedef struct { int kernel_size; } XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam; typedef struct { float sigma; float normalize; unsigned int radius; Bool simple; } XieGeomGaussianParam; typedef struct { unsigned int modify; } XieGeomNearestNeighborParam; /* Histogram */ typedef struct { float mean; float sigma; } XieHistogramGaussianParam; typedef struct { float constant; Bool shape_factor; } XieHistogramHyperbolicParam; /* White Adjust */ typedef struct { XieConstant white_point; } XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Events * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; XieColorList color_list; XieColorAllocTechnique color_alloc_technique; unsigned long color_alloc_data; } XieColorAllocEvent; typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; XieDecodeTechnique decode_technique; Bool aborted; unsigned int band_number; unsigned long width; unsigned long height; } XieDecodeNotifyEvent; typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; unsigned int band_number; unsigned long data[3]; } XieExportAvailableEvent; typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; Window window; int x; int y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; } XieImportObscuredEvent; typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhotofloOutcome outcome; } XiePhotofloDoneEvent; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Photoflo Errors * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; } XieFloAccessError, XieFloAllocError, XieFloElementError, XieFloIDError, XieFloLengthError, XieFloMatchError, XieFloSourceError; typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; XID resource_id; } XieFloResourceError; typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; XiePhototag domain_src; } XieFloDomainError; typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) unsigned int c_operator; #else unsigned int operator; #endif } XieFloOperatorError; typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; unsigned int technique_number; unsigned int num_tech_params; XieTechniqueGroup tech_group; } XieFloTechniqueError; typedef struct { int type; Display *display; unsigned long flo_id; unsigned long serial; unsigned char error_code; unsigned char request_code; unsigned char minor_code; unsigned int flo_error_code; unsigned long name_space; XiePhototag phototag; unsigned int elem_type; unsigned long bad_value; } XieFloValueError; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Function prototypes * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Startup functions -------------------------------------------------------*/ extern Status XieInitialize ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieExtensionInfo ** /* extinfo_ret */ #endif ); extern Status XieQueryTechniques ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieTechniqueGroup /* technique_group */, int * /* ntechniques_ret */, XieTechnique ** /* techniques_ret */ #endif ); extern void XieFreeTechniques ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieTechnique * /* techs */, unsigned int /* count */ #endif ); /* Color List functions ---------------------------------------------------*/ extern XieColorList XieCreateColorList ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyColorList ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieColorList /* color_list */ #endif ); extern void XiePurgeColorList ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieColorList /* color_list */ #endif ); extern Status XieQueryColorList ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieColorList /* color_list */, Colormap * /* colormap_ret */, unsigned * /* ncolors_ret */, unsigned long ** /* colors_ret */ #endif ); /* LUT functions -----------------------------------------------------------*/ extern XieLut XieCreateLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieLut /* lut */ #endif ); /* Photomap functions ------------------------------------------------------*/ extern XiePhotomap XieCreatePhotomap ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyPhotomap ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotomap /* photomap */ #endif ); extern Status XieQueryPhotomap ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotomap /* photomap */, Bool * /* populated_ret */, XieDataType * /* datatype_ret */, XieDataClass * /* class_ret */, XieDecodeTechnique * /* decode_technique_ret */, XieLTriplet /* width_ret */, XieLTriplet /* height_ret */, XieLTriplet /* levels_ret */ #endif ); /* ROI functions -----------------------------------------------------------*/ extern XieRoi XieCreateROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XieRoi /* roi */ #endif ); /* Photospace functions ----------------------------------------------------*/ extern XiePhotospace XieCreatePhotospace ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyPhotospace ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotospace /* photospace */ #endif ); extern void XieExecuteImmediate ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotospace /* photospace */, unsigned long /* flo_id */, Bool /* notify */, XiePhotoElement * /* elem_list */, int /* elem_count */ #endif ); /* Photoflo functions ------------------------------------------------------*/ extern XiePhotoElement *XieAllocatePhotofloGraph ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned int /* count */ #endif ); extern void XieFreePhotofloGraph ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* elements */, unsigned int /* count */ #endif ); extern XiePhotoflo XieCreatePhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotoElement * /* elem_list */, int /* elem_count */ #endif ); extern void XieDestroyPhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotoflo /* photoflo */ #endif ); extern void XieExecutePhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotoflo /* photoflo */, Bool /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieModifyPhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotoflo /* photoflo */, int /* start */, XiePhotoElement * /* elem_list */, int /* elem_count */ #endif ); extern void XieRedefinePhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, XiePhotoflo /* photoflo */, XiePhotoElement * /* elem_list */, int /* elem_count */ #endif ); extern Status XieQueryPhotoflo ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, unsigned long /* name_space */, unsigned long /* flo_id */, XiePhotofloState * /* state_ret */, XiePhototag ** /* data_expected_ret */, unsigned int * /* nexpected_ret */, XiePhototag ** /* data_available_ret */, unsigned int * /* navailable_ret */ #endif ); /* Client Data functions ---------------------------------------------------*/ extern void XiePutClientData ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, unsigned long /* name_space */, unsigned long /* flo_id */, XiePhototag /* element */, Bool /* final */, unsigned /* band_number */, unsigned char * /* data */, unsigned /* nbytes */ #endif ); extern Status XieGetClientData ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, unsigned long /* name_space */, unsigned long /* flo_id */, XiePhototag /* element */, unsigned /* max_bytes */, Bool /* terminate */, unsigned /* band_number */, XieExportState * /* new_state_ret */, unsigned char ** /* data_ret */, unsigned * /* nbytes_ret */ #endif ); /* Abort and Await functions -----------------------------------------------*/ extern void XieAbort ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, unsigned long /* name_space */, unsigned long /* flo_id */ #endif ); extern void XieAwait ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Display * /* display */, unsigned long /* name_space */, unsigned long /* flo_id */ #endif ); /* Photoflo element functions ----------------------------------------------*/ extern void XieFloImportClientLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XieDataClass /* data_class */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, XieLTriplet /* length */, XieLevels /* levels */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportClientPhoto ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XieDataClass /* data_class */, XieLTriplet /* width */, XieLTriplet /* height */, XieLevels /* levels */, Bool /* notify */, XieDecodeTechnique /* decode_tech */, XiePointer /* decode_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportClientROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, unsigned int /* rectangles */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportDrawable ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, Drawable /* drawable */, int /* src_x */, int /* src_y */, unsigned int /* width */, unsigned int /* height */, unsigned long /* fill */, Bool /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportDrawablePlane ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, Drawable /* drawable */, int /* src_x */, int /* src_y */, unsigned int /* width */, unsigned int /* height */, unsigned long /* fill */, unsigned long /* bit_plane */, Bool /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XieLut /* lut */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportPhotomap ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhotomap /* photomap */, Bool /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieFloImportROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XieRoi /* roi */ #endif ); extern void XieFloArithmetic ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src1 */, XiePhototag /* src2 */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieConstant /* constant */, XieArithmeticOp /* operator */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloBandCombine ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src1 */, XiePhototag /* src2 */, XiePhototag /* src3 */ #endif ); extern void XieFloBandExtract ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, unsigned int /* levels */, double /* bias */, XieConstant /* coefficients */ #endif ); extern void XieFloBandSelect ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, unsigned int /* band_number */ #endif ); extern void XieFloBlend ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src1 */, XiePhototag /* src2 */, XieConstant /* src_constant */, XiePhototag /* alpha */, double /* alpha_const */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloCompare ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src1 */, XiePhototag /* src2 */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieConstant /* constant */, XieCompareOp /* operator */, Bool /* combine */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConstrain ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieLevels /* levels */, XieConstrainTechnique /* constrain_tech */, XiePointer /* constrain_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConvertFromIndex ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, Colormap /* colormap */, XieDataClass /* data_class */, unsigned int /* precision */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConvertFromRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieColorspace /* color_space */, XiePointer /* color_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConvertToIndex ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, Colormap /* colormap */, XieColorList /* color_list */, Bool /* notify */, XieColorAllocTechnique /* color_alloc_tech */, XiePointer /* color_alloc_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConvertToRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieColorspace /* color_space */, XiePointer /* color_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloConvolve ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, float * /* kernel */, int /* kernel_size */, unsigned int /* band_mask */, XieConvolveTechnique /* convolve_tech */, XiePointer /* convolve_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloDither ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, unsigned int /* band_mask */, XieLevels /* levels */, XieDitherTechnique /* dither_tech */, XiePointer /* dither_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloGeometry ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, unsigned int /* width */, unsigned int /* height */, float[6] /* coefficients[6] */, XieConstant /* constant */, unsigned int /* band_mask */, XieGeometryTechnique /* sample_tech */, XiePointer /* sample_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloLogical ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src1 */, XiePhototag /* src2 */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieConstant /* constant */, unsigned long /* operator */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloMatchHistogram ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieHistogramShape /* shape */, XiePointer /* shape_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloMath ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieMathOp /* operator */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloPasteUp ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, unsigned int /* width */, unsigned int /* height */, XieConstant /* constant */, XieTile * /* tiles */, unsigned int /* tile_count */ #endif ); extern void XieFloPoint ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XiePhototag /* lut */, unsigned int /* band_mask */ #endif ); extern void XieFloUnconstrain ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportClientHistogram ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieProcessDomain * /* domain */, XieExportNotify /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportClientLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, XieExportNotify /* notify */, XieLTriplet /* start */, XieLTriplet /* length */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportClientPhoto ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieExportNotify /* notify */, XieEncodeTechnique /* encode_tech */, XiePointer /* encode_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportClientROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieExportNotify /* notify */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportDrawable ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, Drawable /* drawable */, GC /* gc */, int /* dst_x */, int /* dst_y */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportDrawablePlane ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, Drawable /* drawable */, GC /* gc */, int /* dst_x */, int /* dst_y */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportLUT ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieLut /* lut */, Bool /* merge */, XieLTriplet /* start */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportPhotomap ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XiePhotomap /* photomap */, XieEncodeTechnique /* encode_tech */, XiePointer /* encode_param */ #endif ); extern void XieFloExportROI ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */, XiePhototag /* src */, XieRoi /* roi */ #endif ); /* Technique functions -----------------------------------------------------*/ extern XieColorAllocAllParam *XieTecColorAllocAll ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned long /* fill */ #endif ); extern XieColorAllocMatchParam *XieTecColorAllocMatch ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes double /* match_limit */, double /* gray_limit */ #endif ); extern XieColorAllocRequantizeParam *XieTecColorAllocRequantize ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned long /* max_cells */ #endif ); extern XieRGBToCIELabParam *XieTecRGBToCIELab ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieMatrix /* matrix */, XieWhiteAdjustTechnique /* white_adjust_tech */, XiePointer /* white_adjust_param */ #endif ); extern XieRGBToCIEXYZParam *XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieMatrix /* matrix */, XieWhiteAdjustTechnique /* white_adjust_tech */, XiePointer /* white_adjust_param */ #endif ); extern XieRGBToYCbCrParam *XieTecRGBToYCbCr ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieLevels /* levels */, double /* luma_red */, double /* luma_green */, double /* luma_blue */, XieConstant /* bias */ #endif ); extern XieRGBToYCCParam *XieTecRGBToYCC ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieLevels /* levels */, double /* luma_red */, double /* luma_green */, double /* luma_blue */, double /* scale */ #endif ); extern XieCIELabToRGBParam *XieTecCIELabToRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieMatrix /* matrix */, XieWhiteAdjustTechnique /* white_adjust_tech */, XiePointer /* white_adjust_param */, XieGamutTechnique /* gamut_tech */, XiePointer /* gamut_param */ #endif ); extern XieCIEXYZToRGBParam *XieTecCIEXYZToRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieMatrix /* matrix */, XieWhiteAdjustTechnique /* white_adjust_tech */, XiePointer /* white_adjust_param */, XieGamutTechnique /* gamut_tech */, XiePointer /* gamut_param */ #endif ); extern XieYCbCrToRGBParam *XieTecYCbCrToRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieLevels /* levels */, double /* luma_red */, double /* luma_green */, double /* luma_blue */, XieConstant /* bias */, XieGamutTechnique /* gamut_tech */, XiePointer /* gamut_param */ #endif ); extern XieYCCToRGBParam *XieTecYCCToRGB ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieLevels /* levels */, double /* luma_red */, double /* luma_green */, double /* luma_blue */, double /* scale */, XieGamutTechnique /* gamut_tech */, XiePointer /* gamut_param */ #endif ); extern XieClipScaleParam *XieTecClipScale ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieConstant /* in_low */, XieConstant /* in_high */, XieLTriplet /* out_low */, XieLTriplet /* out_high */ #endif ); extern XieConvolveConstantParam *XieTecConvolveConstant ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieConstant /* constant */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam *XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* fill_order */, XieOrientation /* pixel_order */, unsigned int /* pixel_stride */, unsigned int /* left_pad */, unsigned int /* scanline_pad */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam *XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* fill_order */, XieOrientation /* pixel_order */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, XieInterleave /* interleave */, unsigned char[3] /* pixel_stride[3] */, unsigned char[3] /* left_pad[3] */, unsigned char[3] /* scanline_pad[3] */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeG31DParam *XieTecDecodeG31D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* normal */, Bool /* radiometric */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeG32DParam *XieTecDecodeG32D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* normal */, Bool /* radiometric */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeG42DParam *XieTecDecodeG42D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* normal */, Bool /* radiometric */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeTIFF2Param *XieTecDecodeTIFF2 ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* normal */, Bool /* radiometric */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam *XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* normal */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam *XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieInterleave /* interleave */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, Bool /* up_sample */ #endif ); extern XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam *XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieInterleave /* interleave */, XieOrientation /* band_order */ #endif ); extern XieDitherOrderedParam *XieTecDitherOrderedParam ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned int /* threshold_order */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam *XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* fill_order */, XieOrientation /* pixel_order */, unsigned int /* pixel_stride */, unsigned int /* scanline_pad */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam *XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* fill_order */, XieOrientation /* pixel_order */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, XieInterleave /* interleave */, unsigned char[3] /* pixel_stride[3] */, unsigned char[3] /* scanline_pad[3] */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeG31DParam *XieTecEncodeG31D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Bool /* align_eol */, Bool /* radiometric */, XieOrientation /* encoded_order */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeG32DParam *XieTecEncodeG32D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Bool /* uncompressed */, Bool /* align_eol */, Bool /* radiometric */, XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, unsigned long /* k_factor */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeG42DParam *XieTecEncodeG42D ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Bool /* uncompressed */, Bool /* radiometric */, XieOrientation /* encoded_order */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeServerChoiceParam *XieTecEncodeServerChoice ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned int /* preference */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam *XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieInterleave /* interleave */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, unsigned char[3] /* horizontal_samples[3] */, unsigned char[3] /* vertical_samples[3] */, char * /* q_table */, unsigned int /* q_size */, char * /* ac_table */, unsigned int /* ac_size */, char * /* dc_table */, unsigned int /* dc_size */ #endif ); extern void XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam * /* param */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam *XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieInterleave /* interleave */, XieOrientation /* band_order */, unsigned char[3] /* predictor[3] */, char * /* table */, unsigned int /* table_size */ #endif ); extern void XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam * /* param */ #endif ); extern void XieFreePasteUpTiles ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XiePhotoElement * /* element */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeTIFF2Param *XieTecEncodeTIFF2 ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */, Bool /* radiometric */ #endif ); extern XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam *XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieOrientation /* encoded_order */ #endif ); extern XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam *XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int /* simple */ #endif ); extern XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam *XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int /* kernel_size */ #endif ); extern XieGeomGaussianParam *XieTecGeomGaussian ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes double /* sigma */, double /* normalize */, unsigned int /* radius */, Bool /* simple */ #endif ); extern XieGeomNearestNeighborParam *XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes unsigned int /* modify */ #endif ); extern XieHistogramGaussianParam *XieTecHistogramGaussian ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes double /* mean */, double /* sigma */ #endif ); extern XieHistogramHyperbolicParam *XieTecHistogramHyperbolic ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes double /* constant */, Bool /* shape_factor */ #endif ); extern XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam *XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes XieConstant /* white_point */ #endif ); #endif /* _XIELIB_H_ */