/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/savage/savage_image.c,v 1.5 2001/08/09 19:14:13 dawes Exp $ */ #include "savage_driver.h" #include "xaarop.h" #include "savage_bci.h" void SavageSubsequentImageWriteRect ( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y, int w, int h, int skipleft); void SavageSetupForImageWrite ( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int rop, unsigned planemask, int transparency_color, int bpp, int depth); void SavageWriteBitmapCPUToScreenColorExpand ( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char * src, int srcwidth, int skipleft, int fg, int bg, int rop, unsigned int planemask); #if 0 void SavageWriteBitmapScreenToScreenColorExpand( ScrnPtr pScrn, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char * src, int srcwidth, int srcx, int srcy, int bg, int fg, int rop, unsigned int planemask ) { SavagePtr psav = SAVPTR(pScrn); BCI_GET_PTR; unsigned int cmd; unsigned char * bd_offset; unsigned int bd; cmd = BCI_CMD_RECT | BCI_CMD_RECT_XP | BCI_CMD_RECT_YP | BCI_CMD_SEND_COLOR | BCI_CMD_DEST_GBD | BCI_CMD_SRC_SBD_MONO_NEW; cmd |= (bg != -1) ? BCI_CMD_SEND_COLOR : BCI_CMD_SRC_TRANSPARENT; cmd |= s3vAlu[rop]; bd |= BCI_BD_BW_DISABLE; BCI_BD_SET_BPP(bd, 1); BCI_BD_SET_STRIDE(bd, srcwidth); bd_offset = srcwidth * srcy + (srcx >> 3) + src; psav->WaitQueue(psav,10); BCI_SEND(cmd); BCI_SEND((unsigned int)bd_offset); BCI_SEND(bd); BCI_SEND(fg); BCI_SEND((bg != -1) ? bg : 0); BCI_SEND(BCI_X_Y(srcx, srcy)); BCI_SEND(BCI_X_Y(x, y)); BCI_SEND(BCI_W_H(w, h)); } #endif void SavageWriteBitmapCPUToScreenColorExpand ( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char * src, int srcwidth, int skipleft, int fg, int bg, int rop, unsigned int planemask ) { SavagePtr psav = SAVPTR(pScrn); BCI_GET_PTR; int i, j, count, reset; unsigned int cmd; CARD32 * srcp; /* We aren't using planemask at all here... */ if( !srcwidth ) return; cmd = BCI_CMD_RECT | BCI_CMD_RECT_XP | BCI_CMD_RECT_YP | BCI_CMD_SEND_COLOR | BCI_CMD_CLIP_LR | BCI_CMD_DEST_GBD | BCI_CMD_SRC_MONO; cmd |= XAACopyROP[rop] << 16; if( bg == -1 ) cmd |= BCI_CMD_SRC_TRANSPARENT; BCI_SEND(cmd); BCI_SEND(BCI_CLIP_LR(x+skipleft, x+w-1)); BCI_SEND(fg); if( bg != -1 ) BCI_SEND(bg); /* Bitmaps come in in units of DWORDS, LSBFirst. This is exactly */ /* reversed of what we expect. */ count = (w + 31) / 32; /* src += ((srcx & ~31) / 8); */ /* The BCI region is 128k bytes. A screen-sized mono bitmap can */ /* exceed that. */ reset = 65536 / count; for (j = 0; j < h; j ++) { BCI_SEND(BCI_X_Y(x, y+j)); BCI_SEND(BCI_W_H(w, 1)); srcp = (CARD32 *) src; for (i = count; i > 0; srcp ++, i --) { /* We have to invert the bits in each byte. */ CARD32 u = *srcp; u = ((u & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4) | ((u & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4); u = ((u & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((u & 0xcccccccc) >> 2); u = ((u & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((u & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1); BCI_SEND(u); } src += srcwidth; if( !--reset ) { BCI_RESET; reset = 65536 / count; } } } void SavageSetupForImageWrite( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int rop, unsigned planemask, int transparency_color, int bpp, int depth) { SavagePtr psav = SAVPTR(pScrn); int cmd; cmd = BCI_CMD_RECT | BCI_CMD_RECT_XP | BCI_CMD_RECT_YP | BCI_CMD_CLIP_LR | BCI_CMD_DEST_GBD | BCI_CMD_SRC_COLOR; cmd |= XAACopyROP[rop] << 16; if( transparency_color != -1 ) cmd |= BCI_CMD_SRC_TRANSPARENT; psav->SavedBciCmd = cmd; psav->SavedBgColor = transparency_color; } void SavageSubsequentImageWriteRect ( ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y, int w, int h, int skipleft) { SavagePtr psav = SAVPTR(pScrn); BCI_GET_PTR; int count; count = ((w * pScrn->bitsPerPixel + 31) / 32) * h; psav->WaitQueue( psav, count ); BCI_SEND(psav->SavedBciCmd); BCI_SEND(BCI_CLIP_LR(x+skipleft, x+w-1)); if( psav->SavedBgColor != -1 ) BCI_SEND(psav->SavedBgColor); BCI_SEND(BCI_X_Y(x, y)); BCI_SEND(BCI_W_H(w, h)); }