/* * $Xorg: grid.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:18 cpqbld Exp $ * * Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group All Rights Reserved. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. * * * Author: Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xfd/grid.c,v 1.4 2001/01/17 23:45:26 dawes Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "gridP.h" #ifdef XKB #include #else #define XkbBI_MinorError 2 #define XkbBI_Ignore 11 #endif #ifdef XKB #define Bell(w,n) XkbStdBell(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), 50, n) #else #define Bell(w,n) XBell(XtDisplay(w), 0) #endif static GC get_gc(FontGridWidget fgw, Pixel fore); static void ClassInitialize(void); static void Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static void Realize(Widget gw, Mask *valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes); static void Destroy(Widget gw); static void Resize(Widget gw); static void Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region); static void paint_grid(FontGridWidget fgw, int col, int row, int ncols, int nrows); static Boolean SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static void Notify(Widget gw, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *nparams); #define Offset(field) XtOffsetOf(FontGridRec, fontgrid.field) static XtResource resources[] = { { XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *), Offset(text_font), XtRString, (XtPointer) NULL }, { XtNcellColumns, XtCCellColumns, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(cell_cols), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 }, { XtNcellRows, XtCCellRows, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(cell_rows), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 }, { XtNcellWidth, XtCCellWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(cell_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 }, { XtNcellHeight, XtCCellHeight, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(cell_height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 }, { XtNstartChar, XtCStartChar, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), Offset(start_char), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0xffff }, { XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), Offset(foreground_pixel), XtRString, (XtPointer) XtDefaultForeground }, { XtNcenterChars, XtCCenterChars, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), Offset(center_chars), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE }, { XtNboxChars, XtCBoxChars, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), Offset(box_chars), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE }, { XtNboxColor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), Offset(box_pixel), XtRString, (XtPointer) XtDefaultForeground }, { XtNcallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), Offset(callbacks), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL }, { XtNinternalPad, XtCInternalPad, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(internal_pad), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 4 }, { XtNgridWidth, XtCGridWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(grid_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1 }, }; #undef Offset static char defaultTranslations[] = ": notify()"; static XtActionsRec actions_list[] = { { "notify", Notify }, }; FontGridClassRec fontgridClassRec = { { /* core fields */ /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &simpleClassRec, /* class_name */ "FontGrid", /* widget_size */ sizeof(FontGridRec), /* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize, /* class_part_initialize */ NULL, /* class_inited */ FALSE, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize_hook */ NULL, /* realize */ Realize, /* actions */ actions_list, /* num_actions */ XtNumber(actions_list), /* resources */ resources, /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ TRUE, /* compress_exposure */ TRUE, /* compress_enterleave */ TRUE, /* visible_interest */ FALSE, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ Resize, /* expose */ Redisplay, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersion, /* callback_private */ NULL, /* tm_table */ defaultTranslations, /* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry, /* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* simple fields */ /* change_sensitive */ XtInheritChangeSensitive } }; WidgetClass fontgridWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &fontgridClassRec; /* * public routines */ void GetFontGridCellDimensions(Widget w, Dimension *startp, int *ncolsp, int *nrowsp) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) w; *startp = (long)fgw->fontgrid.start_char; *ncolsp = fgw->fontgrid.cell_cols; *nrowsp = fgw->fontgrid.cell_rows; } void GetPrevNextStates(Widget w, Bool *prevvalidp, Bool *nextvalidp) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) w; XFontStruct *fs = fgw->fontgrid.text_font; long minn = (long) ((fs->min_byte1 << 0) | fs->min_char_or_byte2); long maxn = (long) ((fs->max_byte1 << 8) | fs->max_char_or_byte2); *prevvalidp = ((long)fgw->fontgrid.start_char > minn); *nextvalidp = (((long)fgw->fontgrid.start_char + (fgw->fontgrid.cell_cols * fgw->fontgrid.cell_rows)) < maxn); } /* * private routines and methods */ static GC get_gc(FontGridWidget fgw, Pixel fore) { XtGCMask mask; XGCValues gcv; mask = (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction | GCFont); gcv.foreground = fore; gcv.background = fgw->core.background_pixel; gcv.function = GXcopy; gcv.font = fgw->fontgrid.text_font->fid; gcv.cap_style = CapProjecting; mask |= GCCapStyle; if (fgw->fontgrid.grid_width > 0) { mask |= GCLineWidth; gcv.line_width = ((fgw->fontgrid.grid_width < 2) ? 0 : fgw->fontgrid.grid_width); } return (XtGetGC ((Widget) fgw, mask, &gcv)); } static void ClassInitialize(void) { XtAddConverter (XtRString, XtRLong, XmuCvtStringToLong, NULL, 0); } static void Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { FontGridWidget reqfg = (FontGridWidget) request; FontGridWidget newfg = (FontGridWidget) new; XFontStruct *fs = newfg->fontgrid.text_font; unsigned maxn; if (reqfg->fontgrid.cell_cols <= 0) newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols = 16; if (reqfg->fontgrid.cell_rows <= 0) { if (fs && fs->max_byte1 == 0) { newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows = (fs->max_char_or_byte2 / newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols) + 1; if (newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows > 16) newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows = 16; } else newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows = 16; } if (reqfg->fontgrid.cell_width <= 0) newfg->fontgrid.cell_width = (fs ? DefaultCellWidth (newfg) : 1); if (reqfg->fontgrid.cell_height <= 0) newfg->fontgrid.cell_height = (fs ? DefaultCellHeight (newfg) : 1); /* give a nice size that fits one screen full */ if (newfg->core.width == 0) newfg->core.width = (newfg->fontgrid.cell_width * newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols + newfg->fontgrid.grid_width * (newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols + 1)); if (newfg->core.height == 0) newfg->core.height = (newfg->fontgrid.cell_height * newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows + newfg->fontgrid.grid_width * (newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows + 1)); /* * select the first character */ if (newfg->fontgrid.start_char == 0xffff) { newfg->fontgrid.start_char = (fs ? (unsigned)(fs->min_byte1 << 8) : 0); } if (fs) { maxn = ((fs->max_byte1 << 8) | fs->max_char_or_byte2); if (newfg->fontgrid.start_char > maxn) newfg->fontgrid.start_char = (maxn + 1 - (newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols * newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows)); } } static void Realize(Widget gw, Mask *valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) gw; FontGridPart *p = &fgw->fontgrid; p->text_gc = get_gc (fgw, p->foreground_pixel); p->box_gc = get_gc (fgw, p->box_pixel); Resize (gw); (*(XtSuperclass(gw)->core_class.realize)) (gw, valueMask, attributes); return; } static void Destroy(Widget gw) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) gw; XtReleaseGC (gw, fgw->fontgrid.text_gc); XtReleaseGC (gw, fgw->fontgrid.box_gc); } static void Resize(Widget gw) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) gw; /* recompute in case we've changed size */ fgw->fontgrid.cell_width = CellWidth (fgw); if (fgw->fontgrid.cell_width <= 0) fgw->fontgrid.cell_width = 1; fgw->fontgrid.cell_height = CellHeight (fgw); if (fgw->fontgrid.cell_height <= 0) fgw->fontgrid.cell_height = 1; fgw->fontgrid.xoff = (fgw->fontgrid.cell_width - DefaultCellWidth (fgw)) / 2; fgw->fontgrid.yoff = (fgw->fontgrid.cell_height - DefaultCellHeight (fgw)) / 2; } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) gw; XRectangle rect; /* bounding rect for region */ int left, right, top, bottom; /* which cells were damaged */ int cw, ch; /* cell size */ if (!fgw->fontgrid.text_font) { Bell (gw, XkbBI_BadValue); return; } /* * compute the left, right, top, and bottom cells that were damaged */ XClipBox (region, &rect); cw = fgw->fontgrid.cell_width + fgw->fontgrid.grid_width; ch = fgw->fontgrid.cell_height + fgw->fontgrid.grid_width; if ((left = (((int) rect.x) / cw)) < 0) left = 0; right = (((int) (rect.x + rect.width - 1)) / cw); if ((top = (((int) rect.y) / ch)) < 0) top = 0; bottom = (((int) (rect.y + rect.height - 1)) / ch); paint_grid (fgw, left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1); } static void paint_grid(FontGridWidget fgw, /* widget in which to draw */ int col, int row, /* where to start */ int ncols, int nrows) /* number of cells */ { FontGridPart *p = &fgw->fontgrid; int i, j; Display *dpy = XtDisplay(fgw); Window wind = XtWindow(fgw); int cw = p->cell_width + p->grid_width; int ch = p->cell_height + p->grid_width; int tcols = p->cell_cols; int trows = p->cell_rows; int x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y; unsigned maxn = ((p->text_font->max_byte1 << 8) | p->text_font->max_char_or_byte2); unsigned n, prevn; int startx; if (col + ncols >= tcols) { ncols = tcols - col; if (ncols < 1) return; } if (row + nrows >= trows) { nrows = trows - row; if (nrows < 1) return; } /* * paint the grid lines for the indicated rows */ if (p->grid_width > 0) { int half_grid_width = p->grid_width >> 1; x1 = col * cw + half_grid_width; y1 = row * ch + half_grid_width; x2 = x1 + ncols * cw; y2 = y1 + nrows * ch; for (i = 0, x = x1; i <= ncols; i++, x += cw) { XDrawLine (dpy, wind, p->box_gc, x, y1, x, y2); } for (i = 0, y = y1; i <= nrows; i++, y += ch) { XDrawLine (dpy, wind, p->box_gc, x1, y, x2, y); } } /* * Draw a character in every box; treat all fonts as if they were 16bit * fonts. Store the high eight bits in byte1 and the low eight bits in * byte2. */ prevn = p->start_char + col + row * tcols; startx = col * cw + p->internal_pad + p->grid_width; for (j = 0, y = row * ch + p->internal_pad + p->grid_width + p->text_font->ascent; j < nrows; j++, y += ch) { n = prevn; for (i = 0, x = startx; i < ncols; i++, x += cw) { XChar2b thechar; int xoff = p->xoff, yoff = p->yoff; if (n > maxn) goto done; /* no break out of nested */ thechar.byte1 = (n >> 8); /* high eight bits */ thechar.byte2 = (n & 255); /* low eight bits */ if (p->box_chars || p->center_chars) { XCharStruct metrics; int direction, fontascent, fontdescent; XTextExtents16 (p->text_font, &thechar, 1, &direction, &fontascent, &fontdescent, &metrics); if (p->center_chars) { /* * We want to move the origin by enough to center the ink * within the cell. The left edge will then be at * (cell_width - (rbearing - lbearing)) / 2; so we subtract * the lbearing to find the origin. Ditto for vertical. */ xoff = (((p->cell_width - (metrics.rbearing - metrics.lbearing)) / 2) - p->internal_pad - metrics.lbearing); yoff = (((p->cell_height - (metrics.descent + metrics.ascent)) / 2) - p->internal_pad - p->text_font->ascent + metrics.ascent); } if (p->box_chars) { XDrawRectangle (dpy, wind, p->box_gc, x + xoff, y + yoff - p->text_font->ascent, metrics.width - 1, fontascent + fontdescent - 1); } } XDrawString16 (dpy, wind, p->text_gc, x + xoff, y + yoff, &thechar, 1); n++; } prevn += tcols; } done: return; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static Boolean SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { FontGridWidget curfg = (FontGridWidget) current; FontGridWidget newfg = (FontGridWidget) new; Boolean redisplay = FALSE; if (curfg->fontgrid.text_font != newfg->fontgrid.text_font || curfg->fontgrid.internal_pad != newfg->fontgrid.internal_pad) { newfg->fontgrid.cell_width = DefaultCellWidth (newfg); newfg->fontgrid.cell_height = DefaultCellHeight (newfg); redisplay = TRUE; } if (curfg->fontgrid.foreground_pixel != newfg->fontgrid.foreground_pixel) { XtReleaseGC (new, curfg->fontgrid.text_gc); newfg->fontgrid.text_gc = get_gc (newfg, newfg->fontgrid.foreground_pixel); redisplay = TRUE; } if (curfg->fontgrid.box_pixel != newfg->fontgrid.box_pixel) { XtReleaseGC (new, curfg->fontgrid.text_gc); newfg->fontgrid.box_gc = get_gc (newfg, newfg->fontgrid.box_pixel); redisplay = TRUE; } if (curfg->fontgrid.center_chars != newfg->fontgrid.center_chars || curfg->fontgrid.box_chars != newfg->fontgrid.box_chars) redisplay = TRUE; if (curfg->fontgrid.start_char != newfg->fontgrid.start_char) { XFontStruct *fs = newfg->fontgrid.text_font; unsigned maxn = ((fs->max_byte1 << 8) | fs->max_char_or_byte2); if (newfg->fontgrid.start_char > maxn) newfg->fontgrid.start_char = (maxn + 1 - (newfg->fontgrid.cell_cols * newfg->fontgrid.cell_rows)); redisplay = (curfg->fontgrid.start_char != newfg->fontgrid.start_char); } return redisplay; } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Notify(Widget gw, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *nparams) { FontGridWidget fgw = (FontGridWidget) gw; int x, y; /* where the event happened */ FontGridCharRec rec; /* callback data */ /* * only allow events with (x,y) */ switch (event->type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: x = event->xkey.x; y = event->xkey.y; break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: x = event->xbutton.x; y = event->xbutton.y; break; case MotionNotify: x = event->xmotion.x; y = event->xmotion.y; break; default: Bell (gw, XkbBI_Ignore); return; } /* * compute the callback data */ { int cw = fgw->fontgrid.cell_width + fgw->fontgrid.grid_width; int ch = fgw->fontgrid.cell_height + fgw->fontgrid.grid_width; unsigned n; if (x > (fgw->fontgrid.cell_cols * cw)) { Bell (gw, XkbBI_InvalidLocation); return; } n= (fgw->fontgrid.start_char + ((y / ch) * fgw->fontgrid.cell_cols) + (x / cw)); rec.thefont = fgw->fontgrid.text_font; rec.thechar.byte1 = (n >> 8); rec.thechar.byte2 = (n & 255); } XtCallCallbacks (gw, XtNcallback, (XtPointer) &rec); }