/* $Xorg: cache.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:25 cpqbld Exp $ */ /**** module cache.c ****/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group All Rights Reserved. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. NOTICE This software is being provided by AGE Logic, Inc. under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty and to grant others any or all rights granted herein is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, and that the same appears on all copies and derivative works of the software and documentation you make. "Copyright 1993, 1994 by AGE Logic, Inc." THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". AGE LOGIC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. By way of example, but not limitation, AGE LOGIC MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE THIRD-PARTY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. AGE LOGIC SHALL BEAR NO LIABILITY FOR ANY USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA OR USE, INCURRED BY EITHER PARTY OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR BASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IF AGE LOGIC LICENSEES HEREUNDER HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The name of AGE Logic, Inc. may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this software without specific, written prior permission from AGE Logic. Title to this software shall at all times remain with AGE Logic, Inc. ***************************************************************************** cache.c -- Code to support caching of photomaps in the server by xieperf. Syd Logan -- AGE Logic, Inc. *****************************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xieperf/cache.c,v 1.5 2001/01/17 23:45:36 dawes Exp $ */ #include "xieperf.h" #include int CacheSizeMax = 4; /* cache size, can be increased with -cache arg */ /* cache list element definition */ typedef struct _cache { XiePhotomap pId; Bool active; /* unused */ time_t timeStamp; XIEimage *image; struct _cache *next; } Cache; static Cache * PrivIsImageInCache ( XIEimage *image, Cache **prev ); static Cache * PrivIsPhotomapInCache ( XiePhotomap pId, Cache **prev ); static int SetAndScootch ( Cache *cPtr ); static int RemoveFromCacheLRU ( void ); static Cache *cHead = ( Cache * ) NULL; static int cSize; /* cache functions */ void CacheInit(void) { Cache *ptr, *next; ptr = cHead; while ( ptr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { next = ptr->next; free( ptr ); ptr = next; } cHead = ( Cache * ) NULL; cSize = 0; } void FlushCache(void) { Cache *ptr, *next; ptr = cHead; while ( ptr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { XieDestroyPhotomap( GetDisplay(), ptr->pId ); next = ptr->next; free( ptr ); ptr = next; } cHead = ( Cache * ) NULL; cSize = 0; } int SetImageActiveState(XIEimage *image, Bool active) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; int retval = 0; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsImageInCache( image, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { retval = 1; cPtr->active = active; } return( retval ); } /* unused */ int SetPhotomapActiveState(XiePhotomap pId, Bool active ) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; int retval = 0; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsPhotomapInCache( pId, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { retval = 1; cPtr->active = active; } return( retval ); } int AddToCache(XIEimage *image, XiePhotomap pId ) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; /* just in case it is already in the cache */ if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsImageInCache( image, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cPtr != cHead ) { prev->next = cPtr->next; cPtr->next = cHead; cHead = cPtr; } SetAndScootch( cPtr ); } else if (( cPtr = PrivIsPhotomapInCache( pId, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL) { if ( cPtr != cHead ) { prev->next = cPtr->next; cPtr->next = cHead; cHead = cPtr; } SetAndScootch( cPtr ); } else { if ( cSize == CacheSizeMax ) { /* annilate the least recently used entry */ RemoveFromCacheLRU(); cSize--; } cPtr = ( Cache * ) malloc( sizeof( Cache ) ); if ( cPtr == ( Cache * ) NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating image cache memory\n"); return( 0 ); } else { cPtr->next = ( Cache * ) NULL; cPtr->active = False; cPtr->image = image; cPtr->pId = pId; } if ( cHead == ( Cache * ) NULL ) { /* only one in the list */ cHead = cPtr; } else { /* add it to the head of the list */ cPtr->next = cHead; cHead = cPtr; } /* put the list in LRU order */ SetAndScootch( cPtr ); cSize++; } return( 1 ); } Bool IsImageInCache(XIEimage *image) { Cache *dummy; if ( PrivIsImageInCache( image, &dummy ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( True ); return( False ); } Bool IsPhotomapInCache(XiePhotomap pId) { Cache *dummy; if ( PrivIsPhotomapInCache( pId, &dummy ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( True ); return( False ); } XiePhotomap PhotomapOfImage(XIEimage *image) { Cache *dummy, *cPtr; cPtr = PrivIsImageInCache( image, &dummy ); if ( cPtr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( cPtr->pId ); return( ( XiePhotomap ) NULL ); } static Cache * PrivIsImageInCache(XIEimage *image, Cache **prev) { Cache *cPtr, *retval; retval = ( Cache * ) NULL; cPtr = *prev = cHead; while ( retval == ( Cache * ) NULL && cPtr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cPtr->image == image ) retval = cPtr; else { *prev = cPtr; cPtr = cPtr->next; } } return( retval ); } static Cache * PrivIsPhotomapInCache(XiePhotomap pId, Cache **prev) { Cache *cPtr, *retval; cPtr = *prev = cHead; retval = ( Cache * ) NULL; while ( retval == ( Cache * ) NULL && cPtr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cPtr->pId == pId ) retval = cPtr; else { *prev = cPtr; cPtr = cPtr->next; } } return( retval ); } static int SetAndScootch(Cache *cPtr) { time_t tLoc; int found; Cache *cur, *prev; found = 0; time( &tLoc ); cPtr->timeStamp = tLoc; /* find a node which 1) is not the node being moved and 2) has a timeStamp greater than or equal to our timeStamp. We will insert ourselves right before it in the list */ if ( cHead == ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( 1 ); else if ( cHead->next == ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( 1 ); cur = prev = cHead; while ( !found && cur != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cur != cPtr ) if ( cur->timeStamp > cPtr->timeStamp ) found = 1; if ( !found ) { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } } if ( cur == ( Cache * ) NULL ) { prev->next = cPtr; cHead = cHead->next; cPtr->next = ( Cache * ) NULL; } else if ( found ) { cHead = cHead->next; prev->next = cPtr; cPtr->next = cur; } return( 1 ); } int RemoveImageFromCache(XIEimage *image) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsImageInCache( image, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { XieDestroyPhotomap( GetDisplay(), PhotomapOfImage( image ) ); if ( prev == cPtr ) { /* must be head of list */ cHead = cPtr->next; free( cPtr ); } else { prev->next = cPtr->next; free( cPtr ); } } return( 1 ); } int RemovePhotomapFromCache(XiePhotomap pId) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsPhotomapInCache( pId, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { XieDestroyPhotomap( GetDisplay(), pId ); if ( prev == cPtr ) { /* must be head of list */ cHead = cPtr->next; free( cPtr ); } else { prev->next = cPtr->next; free( cPtr ); } } return( 1 ); } int TouchImage(XIEimage *image) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; int retval; retval = 0; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsImageInCache( image, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cPtr != cHead ) { prev->next = cPtr->next; cPtr->next = cHead; cHead = cPtr; } SetAndScootch( cPtr ); retval = 1; } return( retval ); } int TouchPhotomap(XiePhotomap pId) { Cache *cPtr, *prev; int retval; retval = 0; if ( ( cPtr = PrivIsPhotomapInCache( pId, &prev ) ) != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { if ( cPtr != cHead ) { prev->next = cPtr->next; cPtr->next = cHead; cHead = cPtr; } SetAndScootch( cPtr ); retval = 1; } return( retval ); } static int RemoveFromCacheLRU(void) { Cache *ptr; if ( cHead != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { XieDestroyPhotomap( GetDisplay(), PhotomapOfImage( cHead->image ) ); ptr = cHead; cHead = cHead->next; free( ptr ); } return( 1 ); } XIEimage * GetLRUImage(void) { if ( cHead == ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( ( XIEimage * ) NULL ); return( cHead->image ); } XiePhotomap GetLRUPhotomap(void) { if ( cHead == ( Cache * ) NULL ) return( ( XiePhotomap ) NULL ); return( cHead->pId ); } void DumpCache(void) { Cache *cPtr; cPtr = cHead; fprintf( stderr, "Head of list is %p\n", cHead ); fprintf( stderr, "Cache list is:\n" ); while ( cPtr != ( Cache * ) NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "node %p pId %x active %s timeStamp %lx image %p next %p\n", cPtr, (unsigned int)cPtr->pId, ( cPtr->active == True ? "True" : "False" ), cPtr->timeStamp, cPtr->image, cPtr->next ); cPtr = cPtr->next; } } #ifdef TESTCACHE XIEimage image1; XIEimage image2; XIEimage image3; XIEimage image4; XIEimage image5; XiePhotomap p1, p2, p3, p4, p5; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CacheInit(); p1 = 0xaa; p2 = 0xbb; p3 = 0xcc; p4 = 0xdd; p5 = 0xee; AddToCache( &image1, p1 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 10 ); AddToCache( &image2, p2 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image3, p3 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image4, p3 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image5, p3 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image5, p3 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image4, p4 ); DumpCache(); sleep( 5 ); AddToCache( &image5, p5 ); DumpCache(); RemovePhotomapFromCache( p1 ); DumpCache(); RemovePhotomapFromCache( p2 ); DumpCache(); RemovePhotomapFromCache( p3 ); DumpCache(); RemovePhotomapFromCache( p4 ); DumpCache(); RemovePhotomapFromCache( p5 ); DumpCache(); exit( 0 ); } #endif