/* $Xorg: misc.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:33 cpqbld Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/misc.c,v 3.4 2001/01/17 23:45:44 dawes Exp $ */ #include "xkbcomp.h" #include "xkbpath.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "keycodes.h" #include "misc.h" #include #include "parseutils.h" #include /***====================================================================***/ Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ProcessIncludeFile( IncludeStmt * stmt, unsigned file_type, XkbFile ** file_rtrn, unsigned * merge_rtrn) #else ProcessIncludeFile(stmt,file_type,file_rtrn,merge_rtrn) IncludeStmt * stmt; unsigned file_type; XkbFile ** file_rtrn; unsigned * merge_rtrn; #endif { FILE *file; XkbFile *rtrn,*mapToUse; char oldFile[1024]; int oldLine = lineNum; rtrn= XkbFindFileInCache(stmt->file,file_type,&stmt->path); if (rtrn==NULL) { file= XkbFindFileInPath(stmt->file,file_type,&stmt->path); if (file==NULL) { ERROR2("Can't find file \"%s\" for %s include\n",stmt->file, XkbDirectoryForInclude(file_type)); ACTION("Exiting\n"); return False; } strcpy(oldFile,scanFile); oldLine= lineNum; setScanState(stmt->file,1); if (debugFlags&2) INFO1("About to parse include file %s\n",stmt->file); if ((XKBParseFile(file,&rtrn)==0)||(rtrn==NULL)) { setScanState(oldFile,oldLine); ERROR1("Error interpreting include file \"%s\"\n",stmt->file); ACTION("Exiting\n"); fclose(file); return False; } fclose(file); XkbAddFileToCache(stmt->file,file_type,stmt->path,rtrn); } mapToUse= rtrn; if (stmt->map!=NULL) { while ((mapToUse)&&((!uStringEqual(mapToUse->name,stmt->map))|| (mapToUse->type!=file_type))) { mapToUse= (XkbFile *)mapToUse->common.next; } if (!mapToUse) { ERROR3("No %s named \"%s\" in the include file \"%s\"\n", XkbConfigText(file_type,XkbMessage), stmt->map,stmt->file); ACTION("Exiting\n"); return False; } } else if ((rtrn->common.next!=NULL)&&(warningLevel>5)) { WARN1("No map in include statement, but \"%s\" contains several\n", stmt->file); ACTION1("Using first defined map, \"%s\"\n",rtrn->name); } setScanState(oldFile,oldLine); if (mapToUse->type!=file_type) { ERROR2("Include file wrong type (expected %s, got %s)\n", XkbConfigText(file_type,XkbMessage), XkbConfigText(mapToUse->type,XkbMessage)); ACTION1("Include file \"%s\" ignored\n",stmt->file); return False; } if (mapToUse->compiled) { ERROR2("Map \"%s(%s)\" included more than once\n",stmt->file, rtrn->name); ACTION("Later inclusion ignored\n"); return False; } mapToUse->compiled= True; *file_rtrn= mapToUse; *merge_rtrn= stmt->merge; return True; } /***====================================================================***/ int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportNotArray(char *type,char *field,char *name) #else ReportNotArray(type,field,name) char * type; char * field; char * name; #endif { ERROR2("The %s %s field is not an array\n",type,field); ACTION1("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s\n",name); return False; } int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportShouldBeArray(char *type,char *field,char *name) #else ReportShouldBeArray(type,field,name) char * type; char * field; char * name; #endif { ERROR2("Missing subscript for %s %s\n",type,field); ACTION1("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s\n",name); return False; } int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportBadType(char *type,char *field,char *name,char *wanted) #else ReportBadType(type,field,name,wanted) char *type; char *field; char *name; char *wanted; #endif { ERROR3("The %s %s field must be a %s\n",type,field,wanted); ACTION1("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s\n",name); return False; } int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportBadIndexType(char *type,char *field,char *name,char *wanted) #else ReportBadIndexType(type,field,name,wanted) char *type; char *field; char *name; char *wanted; #endif { ERROR3("Index for the %s %s field must be a %s\n",type,field,wanted); ACTION1("Ignoring assignment to illegal field in %s\n",name); return False; } int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportBadField(char *type,char *field,char *name) #else ReportBadField(type,field,name) char *type; char *field; char *name; #endif { ERROR3("Unknown %s field %s in %s\n",type,field,name); ACTION1("Ignoring assignment to unknown field in %s\n",name); return False; } int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ReportMultipleDefs(char *type,char *field,char *name) #else ReportMultipleDefs(type,field,name) char *type; char *field; char *name; #endif { WARN3("Multiple definitions of %s in %s \"%s\"\n",field,type,name); ACTION("Using last definition\n"); return False; } /***====================================================================***/ Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes UseNewField( unsigned field, CommonInfo * oldDefs, CommonInfo * newDefs, unsigned * pCollide) #else UseNewField(field,oldDefs,newDefs,pCollide) unsigned field; CommonInfo * oldDefs; CommonInfo * newDefs; unsigned * pCollide; #endif { Bool useNew; useNew= False; if (oldDefs->defined&field) { if (newDefs->defined&field) { if (((oldDefs->fileID==newDefs->fileID)&&(warningLevel>0))|| (warningLevel>9)) { *pCollide|= field; } if (newDefs->merge!=MergeAugment) useNew= True; } } else if (newDefs->defined&field) useNew= True; return useNew; } Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes MergeNewField( unsigned field, CommonInfo * oldDefs, CommonInfo * newDefs, unsigned * pCollide) #else MergeNewField(field,oldDefs,newDefs,pCollide) unsigned field; CommonInfo * oldDefs; CommonInfo * newDefs; unsigned * pCollide; #endif { if ((oldDefs->defined&field)&&(newDefs->defined&field)) { if (((oldDefs->fileID==newDefs->fileID)&&(warningLevel>0))|| (warningLevel>9)) { *pCollide|= field; } if (newDefs->merge==MergeAugment) return True; } return False; } XPointer #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ClearCommonInfo(CommonInfo *cmn) #else ClearCommonInfo(cmn) CommonInfo * cmn; #endif { if (cmn!=NULL) { CommonInfo *this,*next; for (this=cmn;this!=NULL;this=next) { next= this->next; uFree(this); } } return NULL; } XPointer #if NeedFunctionPrototypes AddCommonInfo(CommonInfo *old,CommonInfo *new) #else AddCommonInfo(old,new) CommonInfo * old; CommonInfo * new; #endif { CommonInfo * first; first= old; while ( old && old->next ) { old= old->next; } new->next= NULL; if (old) { old->next= new; return (XPointer)first; } return (XPointer)new; } /***====================================================================***/ typedef struct _KeyNameDesc { KeySym level1; KeySym level2; char name[5]; Bool used; } KeyNameDesc; KeyNameDesc dfltKeys[] = { { XK_Escape, NoSymbol, "ESC\0" }, { XK_quoteleft, XK_asciitilde, "TLDE" }, { XK_1, XK_exclam, "AE01" }, { XK_2, XK_at, "AE02" }, { XK_3, XK_numbersign, "AE03" }, { XK_4, XK_dollar, "AE04" }, { XK_5, XK_percent, "AE05" }, { XK_6, XK_asciicircum, "AE06" }, { XK_7, XK_ampersand, "AE07" }, { XK_8, XK_asterisk, "AE08" }, { XK_9, XK_parenleft, "AE09" }, { XK_0, XK_parenright, "AE10" }, { XK_minus, XK_underscore, "AE11" }, { XK_equal, XK_plus, "AE12" }, { XK_BackSpace, NoSymbol, "BKSP" }, { XK_Tab, NoSymbol, "TAB\0" }, { XK_q, XK_Q, "AD01" }, { XK_w, XK_W, "AD02" }, { XK_e, XK_E, "AD03" }, { XK_r, XK_R, "AD04" }, { XK_t, XK_T, "AD05" }, { XK_y, XK_Y, "AD06" }, { XK_u, XK_U, "AD07" }, { XK_i, XK_I, "AD08" }, { XK_o, XK_O, "AD09" }, { XK_p, XK_P, "AD10" }, { XK_bracketleft, XK_braceleft, "AD11" }, { XK_bracketright,XK_braceright, "AD12" }, { XK_Return, NoSymbol, "RTRN" }, { XK_Caps_Lock, NoSymbol, "CAPS" }, { XK_a, XK_A, "AC01" }, { XK_s, XK_S, "AC02" }, { XK_d, XK_D, "AC03" }, { XK_f, XK_F, "AC04" }, { XK_g, XK_G, "AC05" }, { XK_h, XK_H, "AC06" }, { XK_j, XK_J, "AC07" }, { XK_k, XK_K, "AC08" }, { XK_l, XK_L, "AC09" }, { XK_semicolon, XK_colon, "AC10" }, { XK_quoteright, XK_quotedbl, "AC11" }, { XK_Shift_L, NoSymbol, "LFSH" }, { XK_z, XK_Z, "AB01" }, { XK_x, XK_X, "AB02" }, { XK_c, XK_C, "AB03" }, { XK_v, XK_V, "AB04" }, { XK_b, XK_B, "AB05" }, { XK_n, XK_N, "AB06" }, { XK_m, XK_M, "AB07" }, { XK_comma, XK_less, "AB08" }, { XK_period, XK_greater, "AB09" }, { XK_slash, XK_question, "AB10" }, { XK_backslash, XK_bar, "BKSL" }, { XK_Control_L, NoSymbol, "LCTL" }, { XK_space, NoSymbol, "SPCE" }, { XK_Shift_R, NoSymbol, "RTSH" }, { XK_Alt_L, NoSymbol, "LALT" }, { XK_space, NoSymbol, "SPCE" }, { XK_Control_R, NoSymbol, "RCTL" }, { XK_Alt_R, NoSymbol, "RALT" }, { XK_F1, NoSymbol, "FK01" }, { XK_F2, NoSymbol, "FK02" }, { XK_F3, NoSymbol, "FK03" }, { XK_F4, NoSymbol, "FK04" }, { XK_F5, NoSymbol, "FK05" }, { XK_F6, NoSymbol, "FK06" }, { XK_F7, NoSymbol, "FK07" }, { XK_F8, NoSymbol, "FK08" }, { XK_F9, NoSymbol, "FK09" }, { XK_F10, NoSymbol, "FK10" }, { XK_F11, NoSymbol, "FK11" }, { XK_F12, NoSymbol, "FK12" }, { XK_Print, NoSymbol, "PRSC" }, { XK_Scroll_Lock, NoSymbol, "SCLK" }, { XK_Pause, NoSymbol, "PAUS" }, { XK_Insert, NoSymbol, "INS\0" }, { XK_Home, NoSymbol, "HOME" }, { XK_Prior, NoSymbol, "PGUP" }, { XK_Delete, NoSymbol, "DELE" }, { XK_End, NoSymbol, "END" }, { XK_Next, NoSymbol, "PGDN" }, { XK_Up, NoSymbol, "UP\0\0" }, { XK_Left, NoSymbol, "LEFT" }, { XK_Down, NoSymbol, "DOWN" }, { XK_Right, NoSymbol, "RGHT" }, { XK_Num_Lock, NoSymbol, "NMLK" }, { XK_KP_Divide, NoSymbol, "KPDV" }, { XK_KP_Multiply, NoSymbol, "KPMU" }, { XK_KP_Subtract, NoSymbol, "KPSU" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_7, "KP7\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_8, "KP8\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_9, "KP9\0" }, { XK_KP_Add, NoSymbol, "KPAD" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_4, "KP4\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_5, "KP5\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_6, "KP6\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_1, "KP1\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_2, "KP2\0" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_3, "KP3\0" }, { XK_KP_Enter, NoSymbol, "KPEN" }, { NoSymbol, XK_KP_0, "KP0\0" }, { XK_KP_Delete, NoSymbol, "KPDL" }, { XK_less, XK_greater, "LSGT" }, { XK_KP_Separator,NoSymbol, "KPCO" }, { XK_Find, NoSymbol, "FIND" }, { NoSymbol, NoSymbol, "\0\0\0\0" } }; Status #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ComputeKbdDefaults(XkbDescPtr xkb) #else ComputeKbdDefaults(xkb) XkbDescPtr xkb; #endif { Status rtrn; register int i,tmp,nUnknown; KeyNameDesc * name; KeySym * syms; if ((xkb->names==NULL)||(xkb->names->keys==NULL)) { if ((rtrn=XkbAllocNames(xkb,XkbKeyNamesMask,0,0))!=Success) return rtrn; } for (name=dfltKeys;(name->name[0]!='\0');name++) { name->used= False; } nUnknown= 0; for (i=xkb->min_key_code;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++) { tmp= XkbKeyNumSyms(xkb,i); if ((xkb->names->keys[i].name[0]=='\0')&&(tmp>0)) { tmp= XkbKeyGroupsWidth(xkb,i); syms= XkbKeySymsPtr(xkb,i); for (name=dfltKeys;(name->name[0]!='\0');name++) { Bool match= True; if (((name->level1!=syms[0])&&(name->level1!=NoSymbol))|| ((name->level2!=NoSymbol)&&(tmp<2))|| ((name->level2!=syms[1])&&(name->level2!=NoSymbol))) { match= False; } if (match) { if (!name->used) { memcpy(xkb->names->keys[i].name,name->name, XkbKeyNameLength); name->used= True; } else { if (warningLevel>2) { WARN1("Several keys match pattern for %s\n", XkbKeyNameText(name->name,XkbMessage)); ACTION2("Using for key %d\n",nUnknown,i); } sprintf(xkb->names->keys[i].name,"U%03d",nUnknown++); } break; } } if (xkb->names->keys[i].name[0]=='\0') { if (warningLevel>2) { WARN1("Key %d does not match any defaults\n",i); ACTION1("Using name \n",nUnknown); sprintf(xkb->names->keys[i].name,"U%03d",nUnknown++); } } } } return Success; } Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes FindNamedKey( XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned long name, unsigned int * kc_rtrn, Bool use_aliases, Bool create, int start_from) #else FindNamedKey(xkb,name,kc_rtrn,use_aliases,create,start_from) XkbDescPtr xkb; unsigned long name; unsigned int * kc_rtrn; Bool use_aliases; Bool create; int start_from; #endif { register unsigned n; if (start_frommin_key_code) { start_from= xkb->min_key_code; } else if (start_from>xkb->max_key_code) { return False; } *kc_rtrn= 0; /* some callers rely on this */ if (xkb&&xkb->names&&xkb->names->keys) { for (n=start_from;n<=xkb->max_key_code;n++) { unsigned long tmp; tmp= KeyNameToLong(xkb->names->keys[n].name); if (tmp==name) { *kc_rtrn= n; return True; } } if (use_aliases) { unsigned long new_name; if (FindKeyNameForAlias(xkb,name,&new_name)) return FindNamedKey(xkb,new_name,kc_rtrn,False,create,0); } } if (create) { if ((!xkb->names)||(!xkb->names->keys)) { if (xkb->min_key_codemin_key_code= XkbMinLegalKeyCode; xkb->max_key_code= XkbMaxLegalKeyCode; } if (XkbAllocNames(xkb,XkbKeyNamesMask,0,0)!=Success) { if (warningLevel>0) { WARN("Couldn't allocate key names in FindNamedKey\n"); ACTION1("Key \"%s\" not automatically created\n", longText(name,XkbMessage)); } return False; } } for (n=xkb->min_key_code;n<=xkb->max_key_code;n++) { if (xkb->names->keys[n].name[0]=='\0') { char buf[XkbKeyNameLength+1]; LongToKeyName(name,buf); memcpy(xkb->names->keys[n].name,buf,XkbKeyNameLength); *kc_rtrn= n; return True; } } } return False; } Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes FindKeyNameForAlias(XkbDescPtr xkb,unsigned long lname,unsigned long *real_name) #else FindKeyNameForAlias(xkb,lname,real_name) XkbDescPtr xkb; unsigned long lname; unsigned long * real_name; #endif { register int i; char name[XkbKeyNameLength+1]; if (xkb&&xkb->geom&&xkb->geom->key_aliases) { XkbKeyAliasPtr a; a= xkb->geom->key_aliases; LongToKeyName(lname,name); name[XkbKeyNameLength]= '\0'; for (i=0;igeom->num_key_aliases;i++,a++) { if (strncmp(name,a->alias,XkbKeyNameLength)==0) { *real_name= KeyNameToLong(a->real); return True; } } } if (xkb&&xkb->names&&xkb->names->key_aliases) { XkbKeyAliasPtr a; a= xkb->names->key_aliases; LongToKeyName(lname,name); name[XkbKeyNameLength]= '\0'; for (i=0;inames->num_key_aliases;i++,a++) { if (strncmp(name,a->alias,XkbKeyNameLength)==0) { *real_name= KeyNameToLong(a->real); return True; } } } return False; }