/* $Xorg: info.c,v 1.4 2000/08/17 19:55:04 cpqbld Exp $ */ /****************************************************************************** Copyright 1993, 1998 The Open Group All Rights Reserved. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. ******************************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xsm/info.c,v 1.5 2001/01/17 23:46:28 dawes Exp $ */ #include "xsm.h" #include "restart.h" #include "popup.h" #include "info.h" #include "prop.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Pixmap checkBitmap; Widget clientInfoPopup; Widget clientInfoForm; Widget viewPropButton; Widget cloneButton; Widget killClientButton; Widget clientInfoDoneButton; Widget restartHintButton; Widget restartHintMenu; Widget restartIfRunning; Widget restartAnyway; Widget restartImmediately; Widget restartNever; Widget clientListWidget; Widget noClientsLabel; Widget manualRestartLabel; Widget manualRestartCommands; Widget clientPropPopup; Widget clientPropForm; Widget clientPropDoneButton; Widget clientPropTextWidget; void ShowHint(ClientRec *client) { static Widget active = NULL; int hint = client->restartHint; if (active) XtVaSetValues (active, XtNleftBitmap, None, NULL); if (hint == SmRestartIfRunning) active = restartIfRunning; else if (hint == SmRestartAnyway) active = restartAnyway; else if (hint == SmRestartImmediately) active = restartImmediately; else if (hint == SmRestartNever) active = restartNever; XtVaSetValues (active, XtNleftBitmap, checkBitmap, NULL); } typedef struct { char *bufStart; char *bufPtr; int bufSize; int bytesLeft; } Buffer; #define BUF_START_SIZE 1024 #define BUF_GROW_SIZE 256 static void AppendStr(Buffer *buffer, char *str) { int len = strlen (str); if ((buffer->bytesLeft - 1) < len) { int newBufSize = buffer->bufSize + len + BUF_GROW_SIZE; char *newbuf = (char *) malloc (newBufSize); int bytesUsed = buffer->bufPtr - buffer->bufStart; memcpy (newbuf, buffer->bufStart, bytesUsed); newbuf[bytesUsed] = '\0'; free (buffer->bufStart); buffer->bufStart = newbuf; buffer->bufPtr = newbuf + bytesUsed; buffer->bufSize = newBufSize; buffer->bytesLeft = newBufSize - bytesUsed; } strcat (buffer->bufPtr, str); buffer->bufPtr += len; buffer->bytesLeft -= len; } void DisplayProps(ClientRec *client) { int index; List *pl, *pj, *vl; PropValue *pval; Buffer buffer; static int first_time = 1; for (index = 0; index < numClientListNames; index++) if (clientListRecs[index] == client) break; if (index >= numClientListNames) return; buffer.bufStart = buffer.bufPtr = (char *) malloc (BUF_START_SIZE); buffer.bufSize = buffer.bytesLeft = BUF_START_SIZE; buffer.bufStart[0] = '\0'; if (ListCount (client->props) > 0) { char number[10]; char *ptr; AppendStr (&buffer, "*** ID = "); AppendStr (&buffer, client->clientId); AppendStr (&buffer, " ***\n\n"); for (pl = ListFirst (client->props); pl; pl = ListNext (pl)) { Prop *pprop = (Prop *) pl->thing; AppendStr (&buffer, "Name: "); AppendStr (&buffer, pprop->name); AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); AppendStr (&buffer, "Type: "); AppendStr (&buffer, pprop->type); AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); AppendStr (&buffer, "Num values: "); sprintf (number, "%d", ListCount (pprop->values)); AppendStr (&buffer, number); AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); if (strcmp (pprop->type, SmCARD8) == 0) { char *card8; int value; vl = ListFirst (pprop->values); pval = (PropValue *) vl->thing; card8 = pval->value; value = *card8; AppendStr (&buffer, "Value 1: "); sprintf (number, "%d", value); AppendStr (&buffer, number); if (strcmp (pprop->name, SmRestartStyleHint) == 0) { if (value == SmRestartAnyway) AppendStr (&buffer, " (Restart Anyway)"); else if (value == SmRestartImmediately) AppendStr (&buffer, " (Restart Immediately)"); else if (value == SmRestartNever) AppendStr (&buffer, " (Restart Never)"); else AppendStr (&buffer, " (Restart If Running)"); } AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); } else { int propnum = 0; for (pj = ListFirst (pprop->values); pj; pj = ListNext (pj)) { propnum++; pval = (PropValue *) pj->thing; AppendStr (&buffer, "Value "); sprintf (number, "%d", propnum); AppendStr (&buffer, number); AppendStr (&buffer, ": "); AppendStr (&buffer, (char *) pval->value); AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); } } AppendStr (&buffer, "\n"); } XtVaSetValues (clientPropTextWidget, XtNstring, buffer.bufStart, NULL); sprintf (buffer.bufStart, "SM Properties : %s", clientListNames[index]); ptr = Strstr (buffer.bufStart, ") Restart"); if (ptr) *(ptr + 1) = '\0'; XtVaSetValues (clientPropPopup, XtNtitle, buffer.bufStart, XtNiconName, buffer.bufStart, NULL); if (client_prop_visible) { /* Make sure it is visible */ XMapRaised (XtDisplay (topLevel), XtWindow (clientPropPopup)); } else { PopupPopup (mainWindow, clientPropPopup, False, first_time, 50, 150, "DelPropWinAction()"); client_prop_visible = 1; if (first_time) first_time = 0; } } free (buffer.bufStart); } static void ClientListXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { XawListReturnStruct *current = (XawListReturnStruct *) callData; ClientRec *client; if (!current || current->list_index < 0) return; client = clientListRecs[current->list_index]; ShowHint (client); current_client_selected = current->list_index; if (client_prop_visible) DisplayProps (client); } static void ViewPropXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { ClientRec *client; XawListReturnStruct *current; current = XawListShowCurrent (clientListWidget); if (!current || current->list_index < 0) { if (current) XtFree ((char *) current); return; } client = clientListRecs[current->list_index]; DisplayProps (client); XtFree ((char *) current); } static void CloneXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { ClientRec *client; XawListReturnStruct *current; current = XawListShowCurrent (clientListWidget); if (!current || current->list_index < 0) { if (current) XtFree ((char *) current); return; } client = clientListRecs[current->list_index]; if (client) Clone (client, False /* don't use saved state */); XtFree ((char *) current); } static void KillClientXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { ClientRec *client; XawListReturnStruct *current; current = XawListShowCurrent (clientListWidget); if (!current || current->list_index < 0) { if (current) XtFree ((char *) current); return; } client = clientListRecs[current->list_index]; SmsDie (client->smsConn); XtFree ((char *) current); } static void listDoneXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { XtPopdown (clientInfoPopup); client_info_visible = 0; } char * GetProgramName(char *fullname) { char *lastSlash = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen (fullname); i++) if (fullname[i] == '/') lastSlash = &fullname[i]; if (lastSlash) return (lastSlash + 1); else return (fullname); } void UpdateClientList(void) { ClientRec *client; char *progName, *hostname, *tmp1, *tmp2; String clientInfo; int maxlen1, maxlen2; char extraBuf1[80], extraBuf2[80]; char *restart_service_prop; List *cl, *pl; int i, k; static int reenable_asap = 0; if (clientListNames) { /* * Free the previous list of names. Xaw doesn't make a copy of * our list, so we need to keep it around. */ for (i = 0; i < numClientListNames; i++) XtFree (clientListNames[i]); XtFree ((char *) clientListNames); clientListNames = NULL; } if (clientListRecs) { /* * Free the mapping of client names to client records */ XtFree ((char *) clientListRecs); clientListRecs = NULL; } maxlen1 = maxlen2 = 0; numClientListNames = 0; for (cl = ListFirst (RunningList); cl; cl = ListNext (cl)) { client = (ClientRec *) cl->thing; progName = NULL; restart_service_prop = NULL; for (pl = ListFirst (client->props); pl; pl = ListNext (pl)) { Prop *pprop = (Prop *) pl->thing; List *vl = ListFirst (pprop->values); if (vl != NULL) { PropValue *pval = (PropValue *) vl->thing; if (strcmp (pprop->name, SmProgram) == 0) { progName = GetProgramName ((char *) pval->value); if ((int) strlen (progName) > maxlen1) maxlen1 = strlen (progName); } else if (strcmp (pprop->name, "_XC_RestartService") == 0) { restart_service_prop = (char *) pval->value; } } } if (!progName) continue; if (restart_service_prop) tmp1 = restart_service_prop; else if (client->clientHostname) tmp1 = client->clientHostname; else continue; if ((tmp2 = (char *) strchr (tmp1, '/')) == NULL) hostname = tmp1; else hostname = tmp2 + 1; if ((int) strlen (hostname) > maxlen2) maxlen2 = strlen (hostname); numClientListNames++; } if (numClientListNames == 0) { XtSetSensitive (viewPropButton, 0); XtSetSensitive (cloneButton, 0); XtSetSensitive (killClientButton, 0); XtSetSensitive (restartHintButton, 0); XtUnmanageChild (clientListWidget); XtManageChild (noClientsLabel); reenable_asap = 1; return; } if (reenable_asap) { XtSetSensitive (viewPropButton, 1); XtSetSensitive (cloneButton, 1); XtSetSensitive (killClientButton, 1); XtSetSensitive (restartHintButton, 1); XtUnmanageChild (noClientsLabel); XtManageChild (clientListWidget); reenable_asap = 0; } clientListNames = (String *) XtMalloc ( numClientListNames * sizeof (String)); clientListRecs = (ClientRec **) XtMalloc ( numClientListNames * sizeof (ClientRec *)); i = 0; for (cl = ListFirst (RunningList); cl; cl = ListNext (cl)) { ClientRec *client = (ClientRec *) cl->thing; int extra1, extra2; char *hint; progName = NULL; restart_service_prop = NULL; for (pl = ListFirst (client->props); pl; pl = ListNext (pl)) { Prop *pprop = (Prop *) pl->thing; List *vl = ListFirst (pprop->values); if (vl != NULL) { PropValue *pval = (PropValue *) vl->thing; if (strcmp (pprop->name, SmProgram) == 0) { progName = GetProgramName ((char *) pval->value); } else if (strcmp (pprop->name, "_XC_RestartService") == 0) { restart_service_prop = (char *) pval->value; } } } if (!progName) continue; if (restart_service_prop) tmp1 = restart_service_prop; else if (client->clientHostname) tmp1 = client->clientHostname; else continue; if ((tmp2 = (char *) strchr (tmp1, '/')) == NULL) hostname = tmp1; else hostname = tmp2 + 1; extra1 = maxlen1 - strlen (progName) + 5; extra2 = maxlen2 - strlen (hostname); if (client->restartHint == SmRestartIfRunning) hint = "Restart If Running"; else if (client->restartHint == SmRestartAnyway) hint = "Restart Anyway"; else if (client->restartHint == SmRestartImmediately) hint = "Restart Immediately"; else if (client->restartHint == SmRestartNever) hint = "Restart Never"; else hint = ""; clientInfo = (String) XtMalloc (strlen (progName) + extra1 + extra2 + 3 + strlen (hostname) + 3 + strlen (hint) + 1); for (k = 0; k < extra1; k++) extraBuf1[k] = ' '; extraBuf1[extra1] = '\0'; for (k = 0; k < extra2; k++) extraBuf2[k] = ' '; extraBuf2[extra2] = '\0'; sprintf (clientInfo, "%s%s (%s%s) %s", progName, extraBuf1, hostname, extraBuf2, hint); clientListRecs[i] = client; clientListNames[i++] = clientInfo; } XawListChange (clientListWidget, clientListNames, numClientListNames, 0, True); } static void RestartHintXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { XawListReturnStruct *current; ClientRec *client; Widget active; int found = 0; List *pl; char hint; current = XawListShowCurrent (clientListWidget); if (!current || current->list_index < 0) { if (current) XtFree ((char *) current); return; } client = clientListRecs[current->list_index]; active = XawSimpleMenuGetActiveEntry (restartHintMenu); if (active == restartIfRunning) hint = SmRestartIfRunning; else if (active == restartAnyway) hint = SmRestartAnyway; else if (active == restartImmediately) hint = SmRestartImmediately; else if (active == restartNever) hint = SmRestartNever; else { XtFree ((char *) current); return; } client->restartHint = hint; for (pl = ListFirst (client->props); pl; pl = ListNext (pl)) { Prop *pprop = (Prop *) pl->thing; if (strcmp (SmRestartStyleHint, pprop->name) == 0) { List *vl = ListFirst (pprop->values); PropValue *pval = (PropValue *) vl->thing; *((char *) (pval->value)) = hint; found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { SmProp prop; SmPropValue propval; prop.name = SmRestartStyleHint; prop.type = SmCARD8; prop.num_vals = 1; prop.vals = &propval; propval.value = (SmPointer) &hint; propval.length = 1; SetProperty (client, &prop, False /* don't free it */); } UpdateClientList (); XawListHighlight (clientListWidget, current_client_selected); ShowHint (client); if (client_prop_visible && clientListRecs && clientListRecs[current_client_selected] == client) { DisplayProps (client); } XtFree ((char *) current); } static void clientPropDoneXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { XtPopdown (clientPropPopup); client_prop_visible = 0; } void ClientInfoStructureNotifyXtHandler(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event, Boolean *continue_to_dispatch) { if (event->type == MapNotify) { UpdateClientList (); if (current_client_selected >= 0) XawListHighlight (clientListWidget, current_client_selected); XtRemoveEventHandler (clientInfoPopup, StructureNotifyMask, False, ClientInfoStructureNotifyXtHandler, NULL); } } void ClientInfoXtProc(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData) { static int first_time = 1; if (client_info_visible) { /* Make sure it is visible */ XMapRaised (XtDisplay (topLevel), XtWindow (clientInfoPopup)); } else { UpdateClientList (); if (clientListRecs && clientListRecs[0]) { current_client_selected = 0; XawListHighlight (clientListWidget, 0); ShowHint (clientListRecs[0]); if (client_prop_visible) DisplayProps (clientListRecs[0]); } else current_client_selected = -1; if (first_time && num_clients_in_last_session > 0 && num_clients_in_last_session != numClientListNames) { XtAddEventHandler (clientInfoPopup, StructureNotifyMask, False, ClientInfoStructureNotifyXtHandler, NULL); } PopupPopup (mainWindow, clientInfoPopup, False, first_time, 100, 50, "DelClientInfoWinAction()"); client_info_visible = 1; if (first_time) first_time = 0; } } #define CHECK_WIDTH 9 #define CHECK_HEIGHT 8 static unsigned char check_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00 }; static void DelClientInfoWinAction(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params) { XtCallCallbacks (clientInfoDoneButton, XtNcallback, NULL); } static void DelPropWinAction(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params) { XtCallCallbacks (clientPropDoneButton, XtNcallback, NULL); } void create_client_info_popup(void) { /* * Install actions for WM_DELETE_WINDOW */ static XtActionsRec actions[] = { {"DelClientInfoWinAction", DelClientInfoWinAction}, {"DelPropWinAction", DelPropWinAction} }; XtAppAddActions (appContext, actions, XtNumber (actions)); /* * Make checkmark bitmap */ checkBitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData ( XtDisplay (topLevel), RootWindowOfScreen (XtScreen (topLevel)), (char *) check_bits, CHECK_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT); /* * Pop up for List Clients button. */ clientInfoPopup = XtVaCreatePopupShell ( "clientInfoPopup", topLevelShellWidgetClass, topLevel, XtNallowShellResize, True, NULL); clientInfoForm = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientInfoForm", formWidgetClass, clientInfoPopup, NULL); viewPropButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "viewPropButton", commandWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); XtAddCallback (viewPropButton, XtNcallback, ViewPropXtProc, 0); cloneButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "cloneButton", commandWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, viewPropButton, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); XtAddCallback (cloneButton, XtNcallback, CloneXtProc, 0); killClientButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "killClientButton", commandWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, cloneButton, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); XtAddCallback (killClientButton, XtNcallback, KillClientXtProc, 0); restartHintButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "restartHintButton", menuButtonWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNmenuName, "restartHintMenu", XtNfromHoriz, killClientButton, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); restartHintMenu = XtVaCreatePopupShell ( "restartHintMenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, NULL); restartIfRunning = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "restartIfRunning", smeBSBObjectClass, restartHintMenu, XtNleftMargin, 18, NULL); restartAnyway = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "restartAnyway", smeBSBObjectClass, restartHintMenu, XtNleftMargin, 18, NULL); restartImmediately = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "restartImmediately", smeBSBObjectClass, restartHintMenu, XtNleftMargin, 18, NULL); restartNever = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "restartNever", smeBSBObjectClass, restartHintMenu, XtNleftMargin, 18, NULL); XtAddCallback (restartIfRunning, XtNcallback, RestartHintXtProc, 0); XtAddCallback (restartAnyway, XtNcallback, RestartHintXtProc, 0); XtAddCallback (restartImmediately, XtNcallback, RestartHintXtProc, 0); XtAddCallback (restartNever, XtNcallback, RestartHintXtProc, 0); clientInfoDoneButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientInfoDoneButton", commandWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, restartHintButton, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); XtAddCallback (clientInfoDoneButton, XtNcallback, listDoneXtProc, 0); clientListWidget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientListWidget", listWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNdefaultColumns, 1, XtNforceColumns, True, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, viewPropButton, XtNresizable, True, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, NULL); XtAddCallback (clientListWidget, XtNcallback, ClientListXtProc, 0); noClientsLabel = XtVaCreateWidget ( "noClientsLabel", labelWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, viewPropButton, XtNborderWidth, 0, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, NULL); manualRestartLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "manualRestartLabel", labelWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, clientListWidget, XtNborderWidth, 0, XtNvertDistance, 20, XtNtop, XawChainBottom, XtNbottom, XawChainBottom, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); manualRestartCommands = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "manualRestartCommands", asciiTextWidgetClass, clientInfoForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, manualRestartLabel, XtNeditType, XawtextEdit, XtNresizable, True, XtNresize, XawtextResizeWidth, XtNscrollVertical, XawtextScrollAlways, XtNwidth, 350, XtNheight, 100, XtNtop, XawChainBottom, XtNbottom, XawChainBottom, NULL); /* * Pop up for viewing client properties */ clientPropPopup = XtVaCreatePopupShell ( "clientPropPopup", topLevelShellWidgetClass, topLevel, XtNallowShellResize, True, NULL); clientPropForm = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientPropForm", formWidgetClass, clientPropPopup, NULL); clientPropDoneButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientPropDoneButton", commandWidgetClass, clientPropForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, NULL, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainLeft, NULL); XtAddCallback (clientPropDoneButton, XtNcallback, clientPropDoneXtProc, 0); clientPropTextWidget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( "clientPropTextWidget", asciiTextWidgetClass, clientPropForm, XtNfromHoriz, NULL, XtNfromVert, clientPropDoneButton, XtNeditType, XawtextRead, XtNdisplayCaret, False, XtNscrollVertical, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded, XtNscrollHorizontal, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded, XtNresizable, True, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNbottom, XawChainBottom, NULL); }