//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LSD Generator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perl Package : LSD::generator::targetC (v1.1) // LSD Source : C:/Users/huchunfe/Perforce/huchunfe_huchunfe-MOBL1_dev.FalcONT/ipg_lsd/lsd_sys/source/xml/reg_files/cbm_pon_ip_if.xml // Register File Name : CQEM_PON_IP_IF // Register File Title : PON IP IF Register Description // Register Width : 32 // Note : Doxygen compliant comments //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _CQEM_PON_IP_IF_H #define _CQEM_PON_IP_IF_H //! \defgroup CQEM_PON_IP_IF Register File CQEM_PON_IP_IF - PON IP IF Register Description //! @{ //! Base Address of CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_MODULE_BASE 0x19100000u //! \defgroup PIB_PON_IP_CMD Register PIB_PON_IP_CMD - PON IP Command Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD 0x100 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_PON_IP_CMD 0x19100100u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD_RST 0x00000000u //! Field NUM_BYTES - Number of Bytes to be dequeued from the PORT_ID #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD_NUM_BYTES_POS 0 //! Field NUM_BYTES - Number of Bytes to be dequeued from the PORT_ID #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD_NUM_BYTES_MASK 0xFFFFFFu //! Field PORT_ID - PORT ID of the port from which the descriptor are to be dequeued #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD_PORT_ID_POS 24 //! Field PORT_ID - PORT ID of the port from which the descriptor are to be dequeued #define PIB_PON_IP_CMD_PORT_ID_MASK 0xFF000000u //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES Register PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES - PIB overshoot bytes register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES 0x108 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES 0x19100108u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES_RST 0x00000000u //! Field OVERSHOOT - Overshoot Bytes #define PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES_OVERSHOOT_POS 0 //! Field OVERSHOOT - Overshoot Bytes #define PIB_OVERSHOOT_BYTES_OVERSHOOT_MASK 0xFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_CTRL Register PIB_CTRL - PON IP IF Block Control Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_CTRL 0x110 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_CTRL 0x19100110u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_CTRL_RST 0x06000000u //! Field PIB_EN - Enable the PIB #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_EN_POS 0 //! Field PIB_EN - Enable the PIB #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_EN_MASK 0x1u //! Constant DIS - Disable #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_EN_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_EN_EN 0x1 //! Field PIB_PAUSE - PON IP IF Block Pause enable #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_PAUSE_POS 1 //! Field PIB_PAUSE - PON IP IF Block Pause enable #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_PAUSE_MASK 0x2u //! Constant RUN - Run #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_PAUSE_RUN 0x0 //! Constant PAUSE - Pause #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_PAUSE_PAUSE 0x1 //! Field OVRFLW_INT_EN - Enable PIB command FIFO overflow Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_OVRFLW_INT_EN_POS 8 //! Field OVRFLW_INT_EN - Enable PIB command FIFO overflow Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_OVRFLW_INT_EN_MASK 0x100u //! Constant DIS - Disable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_OVRFLW_INT_EN_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_OVRFLW_INT_EN_EN 0x1 //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN - Enable Illegal Port Command Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN_POS 9 //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN - Enable Illegal Port Command Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN_MASK 0x200u //! Constant DIS - Disable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_ILLEGAL_PORT_INT_EN_EN 0x1 //! Field WAKEUP_INT_EN - Enable Wakeup Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_WAKEUP_INT_EN_POS 10 //! Field WAKEUP_INT_EN - Enable Wakeup Interrupt #define PIB_CTRL_WAKEUP_INT_EN_MASK 0x400u //! Constant DIS - Disable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_WAKEUP_INT_EN_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable Interrupt #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_WAKEUP_INT_EN_EN 0x1 //! Field PIB_BYPASS - Enable PIB Bypass Mode #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_BYPASS_POS 16 //! Field PIB_BYPASS - Enable PIB Bypass Mode #define PIB_CTRL_PIB_BYPASS_MASK 0x10000u //! Constant DIS - Disable Bypass #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_BYPASS_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable Bypass #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_BYPASS_EN 0x1 //! Field PKT_LEN_ADJ_EN - Enable Packet Length Adjustment #define PIB_CTRL_PKT_LEN_ADJ_EN_POS 20 //! Field PKT_LEN_ADJ_EN - Enable Packet Length Adjustment #define PIB_CTRL_PKT_LEN_ADJ_EN_MASK 0x100000 //! Constant DIS - Disable adj #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PKT_LEN_ADJ_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - Enable Adj #define CONST_PIB_CTRL_PIB_PKT_LEN_ADJ_EN 0x1 //! Field DQ_DLY - Dequeue Delay #define PIB_CTRL_DQ_DLY_POS 24 //! Field DQ_DLY - Dequeue Delay #define PIB_CTRL_DQ_DLY_MASK 0xF000000u //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_STATUS Register PIB_STATUS - PON IP Status Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_STATUS 0x114 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_STATUS 0x19100114u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_STATUS_RST 0x00020000u //! Field PIB_EN_STS - PIB Block is enabled #define PIB_STATUS_PIB_EN_STS_POS 0 //! Field PIB_EN_STS - PIB Block is enabled #define PIB_STATUS_PIB_EN_STS_MASK 0x1u //! Field PIB_PAUSE_STS - PIB Block is paused #define PIB_STATUS_PIB_PAUSE_STS_POS 1 //! Field PIB_PAUSE_STS - PIB Block is paused #define PIB_STATUS_PIB_PAUSE_STS_MASK 0x2u //! Field FIFO_SIZE - Current PON IP FIFO Size #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_SIZE_POS 7 //! Field FIFO_SIZE - Current PON IP FIFO Size #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_SIZE_MASK 0xFF80u //! Field FIFO_FULL - FIFO Full #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_FULL_POS 16 //! Field FIFO_FULL - FIFO Full #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_FULL_MASK 0x10000u //! Field FIFO_EMPTY - FIFO Empty #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_EMPTY_POS 17 //! Field FIFO_EMPTY - FIFO Empty #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK 0x20000u //! Field FIFO_OVFL - FIFO Overflow #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_OVFL_POS 24 //! Field FIFO_OVFL - FIFO Overflow #define PIB_STATUS_FIFO_OVFL_MASK 0x1000000u //! Constant NOR - Normal #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_FIFO_OVFL_NOR 0x0 //! Constant OVFL - Overflow #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_FIFO_OVFL_OVFL 0x1 //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT - Illegal port command #define PIB_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PORT_POS 25 //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT - Illegal port command #define PIB_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PORT_MASK 0x2000000u //! Constant NOR - Normal #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PORT_NOR 0x0 //! Constant ILL - Illegal #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PORT_ILL 0x1 //! Field WAKEUP_INT - Wake Up Interrupt #define PIB_STATUS_WAKEUP_INT_POS 26 //! Field WAKEUP_INT - Wake Up Interrupt #define PIB_STATUS_WAKEUP_INT_MASK 0x4000000u //! Constant NOR - Normal #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_WAKEUP_INT_NOR 0x0 //! Constant ILL - Illegal #define CONST_PIB_STATUS_WAKEUP_INT_ILL 0x1 //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG Register PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG - FIFO Overflow command register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG 0x118 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG 0x19100118u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG_RST 0x00000000u //! Field OVFL_CMD - Overflow Command #define PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG_OVFL_CMD_POS 0 //! Field OVFL_CMD - Overflow Command #define PIB_FIFO_OVFL_CMD_REG_OVFL_CMD_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG Register PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG - PIB Illeagal Command Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG 0x11C //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG 0x1910011Cu //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG_RST 0x00000000u //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT_CMD - Illegal port command #define PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG_ILLEGAL_PORT_CMD_POS 0 //! Field ILLEGAL_PORT_CMD - Illegal port command #define PIB_ILLEGAL_CMD_REG_ILLEGAL_PORT_CMD_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_PORT_EN_31_0 Register PIB_PORT_EN_31_0 - PON IP IF Port Enable Register Port 31-0 //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0 0x120 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0 0x19100120u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_RST 0x00000000u //! Field EN_PORT0 - PORT0 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT0_POS 0 //! Field EN_PORT0 - PORT0 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT0_MASK 0x1u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT0_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT0_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT1 - PORT1 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT1_POS 1 //! Field EN_PORT1 - PORT1 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT1_MASK 0x2u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT1_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT1_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT2 - PORT2 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT2_POS 2 //! Field EN_PORT2 - PORT2 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT2_MASK 0x4u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT2_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT2_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT3 - PORT3 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT3_POS 3 //! Field EN_PORT3 - PORT3 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT3_MASK 0x8u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT3_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT3_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT4 - PORT4 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT4_POS 4 //! Field EN_PORT4 - PORT4 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT4_MASK 0x10u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT4_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT4_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT5 - PORT5 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT5_POS 5 //! Field EN_PORT5 - PORT5 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT5_MASK 0x20u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT5_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT5_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT6 - PORT6 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT6_POS 6 //! Field EN_PORT6 - PORT6 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT6_MASK 0x40u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT6_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT6_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT7 - PORT7 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT7_POS 7 //! Field EN_PORT7 - PORT7 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT7_MASK 0x80u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT7_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT7_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT8 - PORT8 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT8_POS 8 //! Field EN_PORT8 - PORT8 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT8_MASK 0x100u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT8_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT8_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT9 - PORT9 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT9_POS 9 //! Field EN_PORT9 - PORT9 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT9_MASK 0x200u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT9_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT9_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT10 - PORT10 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT10_POS 10 //! Field EN_PORT10 - PORT10 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT10_MASK 0x400u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT10_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT10_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT11 - PORT11 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT11_POS 11 //! Field EN_PORT11 - PORT11 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT11_MASK 0x800u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT11_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT11_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT12 - PORT12 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT12_POS 12 //! Field EN_PORT12 - PORT12 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT12_MASK 0x1000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT12_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT12_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT13 - PORT13 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT13_POS 13 //! Field EN_PORT13 - PORT13 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT13_MASK 0x2000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT13_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT13_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT14 - PORT14 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT14_POS 14 //! Field EN_PORT14 - PORT14 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT14_MASK 0x4000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT14_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT14_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT15 - PORT15 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT15_POS 15 //! Field EN_PORT15 - PORT15 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT15_MASK 0x8000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT15_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT15_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT16 - PORT16 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT16_POS 16 //! Field EN_PORT16 - PORT16 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT16_MASK 0x10000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT16_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT16_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT17 - PORT17 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT17_POS 17 //! Field EN_PORT17 - PORT17 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT17_MASK 0x20000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT17_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT17_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT18 - PORT18 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT18_POS 18 //! Field EN_PORT18 - PORT18 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT18_MASK 0x40000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT18_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT18_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT19 - PORT19 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT19_POS 19 //! Field EN_PORT19 - PORT19 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT19_MASK 0x80000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT19_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT19_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT20 - PORT20 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT20_POS 20 //! Field EN_PORT20 - PORT20 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT20_MASK 0x100000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT20_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT20_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT21 - PORT21 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT21_POS 21 //! Field EN_PORT21 - PORT21 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT21_MASK 0x200000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT21_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT21_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT22 - PORT22 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT22_POS 22 //! Field EN_PORT22 - PORT22 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT22_MASK 0x400000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT22_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT22_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT23 - PORT23 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT23_POS 23 //! Field EN_PORT23 - PORT23 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT23_MASK 0x800000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT23_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT23_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT24 - PORT24 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT24_POS 24 //! Field EN_PORT24 - PORT24 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT24_MASK 0x1000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT24_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT24_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT25 - PORT25 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT25_POS 25 //! Field EN_PORT25 - PORT25 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT25_MASK 0x2000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT25_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT25_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT26 - PORT26 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT26_POS 26 //! Field EN_PORT26 - PORT26 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT26_MASK 0x4000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT26_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT26_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT27 - PORT27 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT27_POS 27 //! Field EN_PORT27 - PORT27 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT27_MASK 0x8000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT27_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT27_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT28 - PORT28 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT28_POS 28 //! Field EN_PORT28 - PORT28 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT28_MASK 0x10000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT28_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT28_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT29 - PORT29 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT29_POS 29 //! Field EN_PORT29 - PORT29 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT29_MASK 0x20000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT29_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT29_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT30 - PORT30 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT30_POS 30 //! Field EN_PORT30 - PORT30 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT30_MASK 0x40000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT30_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT30_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT31 - PORT31 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT31_POS 31 //! Field EN_PORT31 - PORT31 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT31_MASK 0x80000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT31_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_31_0_EN_PORT31_EN 0x1 //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_PORT_EN_64_32 Register PIB_PORT_EN_64_32 - PON IP IF Port Enable Register Port 63-32 //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32 0x124 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32 0x19100124u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_RST 0x00000000u //! Field EN_PORT0 - PORT0 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT0_POS 0 //! Field EN_PORT0 - PORT0 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT0_MASK 0x1u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT0_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT0_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT1 - PORT1 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT1_POS 1 //! Field EN_PORT1 - PORT1 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT1_MASK 0x2u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT1_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT1_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT2 - PORT2 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT2_POS 2 //! Field EN_PORT2 - PORT2 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT2_MASK 0x4u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT2_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT2_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT3 - PORT3 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT3_POS 3 //! Field EN_PORT3 - PORT3 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT3_MASK 0x8u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT3_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT3_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT4 - PORT4 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT4_POS 4 //! Field EN_PORT4 - PORT4 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT4_MASK 0x10u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT4_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT4_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT5 - PORT5 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT5_POS 5 //! Field EN_PORT5 - PORT5 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT5_MASK 0x20u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT5_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT5_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT6 - PORT6 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT6_POS 6 //! Field EN_PORT6 - PORT6 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT6_MASK 0x40u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT6_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT6_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT7 - PORT7 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT7_POS 7 //! Field EN_PORT7 - PORT7 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT7_MASK 0x80u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT7_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT7_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT8 - PORT8 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT8_POS 8 //! Field EN_PORT8 - PORT8 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT8_MASK 0x100u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT8_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT8_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT9 - PORT9 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT9_POS 9 //! Field EN_PORT9 - PORT9 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT9_MASK 0x200u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT9_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT9_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT10 - PORT10 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT10_POS 10 //! Field EN_PORT10 - PORT10 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT10_MASK 0x400u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT10_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT10_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT11 - PORT11 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT11_POS 11 //! Field EN_PORT11 - PORT11 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT11_MASK 0x800u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT11_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT11_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT12 - PORT12 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT12_POS 12 //! Field EN_PORT12 - PORT12 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT12_MASK 0x1000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT12_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT12_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT13 - PORT13 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT13_POS 13 //! Field EN_PORT13 - PORT13 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT13_MASK 0x2000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT13_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT13_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT14 - PORT14 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT14_POS 14 //! Field EN_PORT14 - PORT14 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT14_MASK 0x4000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT14_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT14_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT15 - PORT15 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT15_POS 15 //! Field EN_PORT15 - PORT15 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT15_MASK 0x8000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT15_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT15_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT16 - PORT16 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT16_POS 16 //! Field EN_PORT16 - PORT16 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT16_MASK 0x10000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT16_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT16_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT17 - PORT17 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT17_POS 17 //! Field EN_PORT17 - PORT17 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT17_MASK 0x20000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT17_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT17_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT18 - PORT18 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT18_POS 18 //! Field EN_PORT18 - PORT18 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT18_MASK 0x40000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT18_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT18_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT19 - PORT19 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT19_POS 19 //! Field EN_PORT19 - PORT19 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT19_MASK 0x80000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT19_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT19_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT20 - PORT20 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT20_POS 20 //! Field EN_PORT20 - PORT20 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT20_MASK 0x100000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT20_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT20_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT21 - PORT21 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT21_POS 21 //! Field EN_PORT21 - PORT21 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT21_MASK 0x200000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT21_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT21_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT22 - PORT22 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT22_POS 22 //! Field EN_PORT22 - PORT22 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT22_MASK 0x400000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT22_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT22_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT23 - PORT23 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT23_POS 23 //! Field EN_PORT23 - PORT23 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT23_MASK 0x800000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT23_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT23_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT24 - PORT24 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT24_POS 24 //! Field EN_PORT24 - PORT24 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT24_MASK 0x1000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT24_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT24_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT25 - PORT25 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT25_POS 25 //! Field EN_PORT25 - PORT25 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT25_MASK 0x2000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT25_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT25_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT26 - PORT26 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT26_POS 26 //! Field EN_PORT26 - PORT26 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT26_MASK 0x4000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT26_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT26_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT27 - PORT27 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT27_POS 27 //! Field EN_PORT27 - PORT27 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT27_MASK 0x8000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT27_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT27_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT28 - PORT28 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT28_POS 28 //! Field EN_PORT28 - PORT28 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT28_MASK 0x10000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT28_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT28_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT29 - PORT29 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT29_POS 29 //! Field EN_PORT29 - PORT29 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT29_MASK 0x20000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT29_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT29_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT30 - PORT30 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT30_POS 30 //! Field EN_PORT30 - PORT30 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT30_MASK 0x40000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT30_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT30_EN 0x1 //! Field EN_PORT31 - PORT31 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT31_POS 31 //! Field EN_PORT31 - PORT31 Enable #define PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT31_MASK 0x80000000u //! Constant DIS - DIS #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT31_DIS 0x0 //! Constant EN - EN #define CONST_PIB_PORT_EN_64_32_EN_PORT31_EN 0x1 //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNCR_0 Register PORT_IRNCR_0 - PON Port IRN Capture Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNCR_0 0x130 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNCR_0 0x19100130u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNCR_0_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNCR_0_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNCR_0_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNICR_0 Register PORT_IRNICR_0 - PON Port IRN Interrupt Control Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNICR_0 0x134 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNICR_0 0x19100134u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNICR_0_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNICR_0_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNICR_0_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNEN_0 Register PORT_IRNEN_0 - PON Port IRN Interrupt Enable Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNEN_0 0x138 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNEN_0 0x19100138u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNEN_0_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNEN_0_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNEN_0_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNCR_1 Register PORT_IRNCR_1 - PON Port IRN Capture Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNCR_1 0x140 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNCR_1 0x19100140u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNCR_1_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNCR_1_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNCR_1_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNICR_1 Register PORT_IRNICR_1 - PON Port IRN Interrupt Control Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNICR_1 0x144 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNICR_1 0x19100144u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNICR_1_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNICR_1_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNICR_1_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PORT_IRNEN_1 Register PORT_IRNEN_1 - PON Port IRN Interrupt Enable Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PORT_IRNEN_1 0x148 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PORT_IRNEN_1 0x19100148u //! Register Reset Value #define PORT_IRNEN_1_RST 0x00000000u //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNEN_1_PONPI_POS 0 //! Field PONPI - PON Port Interrupt #define PORT_IRNEN_1_PONPI_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_DBG Register PIB_DBG - Hardware Debug Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_DBG 0x920 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_DBG 0x19100920u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_DBG_RST 0x00000000u //! Field DBG - Debug #define PIB_DBG_DBG_POS 0 //! Field DBG - Debug #define PIB_DBG_DBG_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! \defgroup PIB_TEST Register PIB_TEST - Hardware Test Register //! @{ //! Register Offset (relative) #define PIB_TEST 0x930 //! Register Offset (absolute) for 1st Instance CQEM_PIB #define CQEM_PIB_PIB_TEST 0x19100930u //! Register Reset Value #define PIB_TEST_RST 0x00000000u //! Field TEST - Test #define PIB_TEST_TEST_POS 0 //! Field TEST - Test #define PIB_TEST_TEST_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFu //! @} //! CBM_PON_CNTR PON DQPC Register #define PON_CNTR_26 0x41000u //! @} #endif