/************************************************************************* * * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * * Copyright(c) 2007,2008,2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. * * Contact Information: * Intel Corporation * * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2007,2008,2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * version: Security.L.1.0.2-229 * ***************************************************************************/ /* * An OCF module that uses IntelĀ® QuickAssist Integrated Accelerator to do the * crypto. * * This driver requires the ICP Access Library that is available from Intel in * order to operate. */ #include "icp_ocf.h" #define ICP_OCF_COMP_NAME "ICP_OCF" #define ICP_OCF_VER_MAIN (2) #define ICP_OCF_VER_MJR (1) #define ICP_OCF_VER_MNR (0) #define MAX_DEREG_RETRIES (100) #define DEFAULT_DEREG_RETRIES (10) #define DEFAULT_DEREG_DELAY_IN_JIFFIES (10) /* This defines the maximum number of sessions possible between OCF and the OCF EP80579 Driver. If set to zero, there is no limit. */ #define DEFAULT_OCF_TO_DRV_MAX_SESSION_COUNT (0) #define NUM_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES (21) /*Slab zone names*/ #define ICP_SESSION_DATA_NAME "icp_ocf.SesDat" #define ICP_OP_DATA_NAME "icp_ocf.OpDat" #define ICP_DH_NAME "icp_ocf.DH" #define ICP_MODEXP_NAME "icp_ocf.ModExp" #define ICP_RSA_DECRYPT_NAME "icp_ocf.RSAdec" #define ICP_RSA_PKEY_NAME "icp_ocf.RSApk" #define ICP_DSA_SIGN_NAME "icp_ocf.DSAsg" #define ICP_DSA_VER_NAME "icp_ocf.DSAver" #define ICP_RAND_VAL_NAME "icp_ocf.DSArnd" #define ICP_FLAT_BUFF_NAME "icp_ocf.FB" /*Slabs zones*/ icp_kmem_cache drvSessionData_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvOpData_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvDH_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvLnModExp_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvRSADecrypt_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvRSAPrivateKey_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvDSARSSign_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvDSARSSignKValue_zone = NULL; icp_kmem_cache drvDSAVerify_zone = NULL; /*Slab zones for flatbuffers and bufferlist*/ icp_kmem_cache drvFlatBuffer_zone = NULL; static inline int icp_cache_null_check(void) { return (drvSessionData_zone && drvOpData_zone && drvDH_zone && drvLnModExp_zone && drvRSADecrypt_zone && drvRSAPrivateKey_zone && drvDSARSSign_zone && drvDSARSSign_zone && drvDSARSSignKValue_zone && drvDSAVerify_zone && drvFlatBuffer_zone); } /*Function to free all allocated slab caches before exiting the module*/ static void icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(void); int32_t icp_ocfDrvDriverId = INVALID_DRIVER_ID; /* Module parameter - gives the number of times LAC deregistration shall be re-tried */ int num_dereg_retries = DEFAULT_DEREG_RETRIES; /* Module parameter - gives the delay time in jiffies before a LAC session shall be attempted to be deregistered again */ int dereg_retry_delay_in_jiffies = DEFAULT_DEREG_DELAY_IN_JIFFIES; /* Module parameter - gives the maximum number of sessions possible between OCF and the OCF EP80579 Driver. If set to zero, there is no limit.*/ int max_sessions = DEFAULT_OCF_TO_DRV_MAX_SESSION_COUNT; /* This is set when the module is removed from the system, no further processing can take place if this is set */ icp_atomic_t icp_ocfDrvIsExiting = ICP_ATOMIC_INIT(0); /* This is used to show how many lac sessions were not deregistered*/ icp_atomic_t lac_session_failed_dereg_count = ICP_ATOMIC_INIT(0); /* This is used to track the number of registered sessions between OCF and * and the OCF EP80579 driver, when max_session is set to value other than * zero. This ensures that the max_session set for the OCF and the driver * is equal to the LAC registered sessions */ icp_atomic_t num_ocf_to_drv_registered_sessions = ICP_ATOMIC_INIT(0); /* Head of linked list used to store session data */ icp_drvSessionListHead_t icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead; icp_drvSessionListHead_t icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead_FreeMemList; icp_spinlock_t icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock; /*Below pointer is only used in linux, FreeBSD uses the name to create its own variable name*/ icp_workqueue *icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ = NULL; ICP_WORKQUEUE_DEFINE_THREAD(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ); struct icp_drvBuffListInfo defBuffListInfo; /* Name : icp_ocfDrvInit * * Description : This function will register all the symmetric and asymmetric * functionality that will be accelerated by the hardware. It will also * get a unique driver ID from the OCF and initialise all slab caches */ ICP_MODULE_INIT_FUNC(icp_ocfDrvInit) { int ocfStatus = 0; IPRINTK("=== %s ver %d.%d.%d ===\n", ICP_OCF_COMP_NAME, ICP_OCF_VER_MAIN, ICP_OCF_VER_MJR, ICP_OCF_VER_MNR); if (MAX_DEREG_RETRIES < num_dereg_retries) { EPRINTK("Session deregistration retry count set to greater " "than %d", MAX_DEREG_RETRIES); icp_module_return_code(EINVAL); } /* Initialize and Start the Cryptographic component */ if (CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS != cpaCyStartInstance(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE)) { EPRINTK("Failed to initialize and start the instance " "of the Cryptographic component.\n"); return icp_module_return_code(EINVAL); } icp_spin_lock_init(&icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock); /* Set the default size of BufferList to allocate */ memset(&defBuffListInfo, 0, sizeof(struct icp_drvBuffListInfo)); if (ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS != icp_ocfDrvBufferListMemInfo(ICP_OCF_DRV_DEFAULT_BUFFLIST_ARRAYS, &defBuffListInfo)) { EPRINTK("Failed to get bufferlist memory info.\n"); return icp_module_return_code(ENOMEM); } /*Register OCF EP80579 Driver with OCF */ icp_ocfDrvDriverId = ICP_CRYPTO_GET_DRIVERID(); if (icp_ocfDrvDriverId < 0) { EPRINTK("%s : ICP driver failed to register with OCF!\n", __FUNCTION__); return icp_module_return_code(ENODEV); } /*Create all the slab caches used by the OCF EP80579 Driver */ drvSessionData_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_SESSION_DATA_NAME, struct icp_drvSessionData); /* * Allocation of the OpData includes the allocation space for meta data. * The memory after the opData structure is reserved for this meta data. */ drvOpData_zone = icp_kmem_cache_create(ICP_OP_DATA_NAME, sizeof(struct icp_drvOpData) + defBuffListInfo.metaSize, ICP_KERNEL_CACHE_ALIGN, ICP_KERNEL_CACHE_NOINIT); drvDH_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_DH_NAME, CpaCyDhPhase1KeyGenOpData); drvLnModExp_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_MODEXP_NAME, CpaCyLnModExpOpData); drvRSADecrypt_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_RSA_DECRYPT_NAME, CpaCyRsaDecryptOpData); drvRSAPrivateKey_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_RSA_PKEY_NAME, CpaCyRsaPrivateKey); drvDSARSSign_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_DSA_SIGN_NAME, CpaCyDsaRSSignOpData); /*too awkward to use a macro here */ drvDSARSSignKValue_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_RAND_VAL_NAME, DSA_RS_SIGN_PRIMEQ_SIZE_IN_BYTES); drvDSAVerify_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_DSA_VER_NAME, CpaCyDsaVerifyOpData); drvFlatBuffer_zone = ICP_CACHE_CREATE(ICP_FLAT_BUFF_NAME, CpaFlatBuffer); if (0 == icp_cache_null_check()) { icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(); EPRINTK("%s() line %d: Not enough memory!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ENOMEM; } /* Register the ICP symmetric crypto support. */ ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_NULL_CBC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_DES_CBC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_3DES_CBC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_AES_CBC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_ARC4, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_MD5, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_MD5_HMAC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA1, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_256, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_256_HMAC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_384, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_384_HMAC, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_512, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_SYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRYPTO_SHA2_512_HMAC, ocfStatus); /* Register the ICP asymmetric algorithm support */ ICP_REG_ASYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRK_DH_COMPUTE_KEY, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_ASYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRK_MOD_EXP, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_ASYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRK_MOD_EXP_CRT, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_ASYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRK_DSA_SIGN, ocfStatus); ICP_REG_ASYM_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, CRK_DSA_VERIFY, ocfStatus); /* Register the ICP random number generator support */ ICP_REG_RAND_WITH_OCF(icp_ocfDrvDriverId, icp_ocfDrvReadRandom, NULL, ocfStatus); if (OCF_ZERO_FUNCTIONALITY_REGISTERED == ocfStatus) { DPRINTK("%s: Failed to register any device capabilities\n", __FUNCTION__); icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(); icp_ocfDrvDriverId = INVALID_DRIVER_ID; return icp_module_return_code(ECANCELED); } DPRINTK("%s: Registered %d of %d device capabilities\n", __FUNCTION__, ocfStatus, NUM_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES); /*Session data linked list used during module exit */ ICP_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead); ICP_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead_FreeMemList); ICP_WORKQUEUE_CREATE(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ, "icpwq"); if (ICP_WORKQUEUE_NULL_CHECK(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ)) { EPRINTK("%s: Failed to create single " "thread workqueue\n", __FUNCTION__); icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(); icp_ocfDrvDriverId = INVALID_DRIVER_ID; return icp_module_return_code(ENOMEM); } return icp_module_return_code(0); } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvExit * * Description : This function will deregister all the symmetric sessions * registered with the LAC component. It will also deregister all symmetric * and asymmetric functionality that can be accelerated by the hardware via OCF * and random number generation if it is enabled. */ ICP_MODULE_EXIT_FUNC(icp_ocfDrvExit) { CpaStatus lacStatus = CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct icp_drvSessionData *sessionData = NULL; struct icp_drvSessionData *tempSessionData = NULL; int i, remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = 0; /* For FreeBSD the invariant macro below makes function to return */ /* with EBUSY value in the case of any session which has been regi- */ /* stered with LAC not being deregistered. */ /* The Linux implementation is empty since it is purely to compensate */ /* for a limitation of the FreeBSD 7.1 Opencrypto framework. */ ICP_MODULE_EXIT_INV(); /* There is a possibility of a process or new session command being */ /* sent before this variable is incremented. The aim of this variable */ /* is to stop a loop of calls creating a deadlock situation which */ /* would prevent the driver from exiting. */ icp_atomic_set(&icp_ocfDrvIsExiting, 1); /*Existing sessions will be routed to another driver after these calls */ crypto_unregister_all(icp_ocfDrvDriverId); crypto_runregister_all(icp_ocfDrvDriverId); if (ICP_WORKQUEUE_NULL_CHECK(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ)) { DPRINTK("%s: workqueue already " "destroyed, therefore module exit " " function already called. Exiting.\n", __FUNCTION__); return ICP_MODULE_EXIT_FUNC_RETURN_VAL; } /*If any sessions are waiting to be deregistered, do that. This also flushes the work queue */ ICP_WORKQUEUE_DESTROY(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ); /*ENTER CRITICAL SECTION */ icp_spin_lockbh_lock(&icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock); ICP_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tempSessionData, sessionData, &icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead, listNode) { for (i = 0; i < num_dereg_retries; i++) { /*No harm if bad input - LAC will handle error cases */ if (ICP_SESSION_RUNNING == tempSessionData->inUse) { lacStatus = cpaCySymRemoveSession (CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE, tempSessionData->sessHandle); if (CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS == lacStatus) { /* Succesfully deregistered */ break; } else if (CPA_STATUS_RETRY != lacStatus) { icp_atomic_inc (&lac_session_failed_dereg_count); break; } /*schedule_timout returns the time left for completion if * this task is set to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE */ remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = dereg_retry_delay_in_jiffies; while (0 > remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies) { remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = icp_schedule_timeout (&icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock, remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies); } DPRINTK ("%s(): Retry %d to deregistrate the session\n", __FUNCTION__, i); } } /*remove from current list */ ICP_LIST_DEL(tempSessionData, listNode); /*add to free mem linked list */ ICP_LIST_ADD(tempSessionData, &icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead_FreeMemList, listNode); } /*EXIT CRITICAL SECTION */ icp_spin_lockbh_unlock(&icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock); /*set back to initial values */ sessionData = NULL; /*still have a reference in our list! */ tempSessionData = NULL; /*free memory */ ICP_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tempSessionData, sessionData, &icp_ocfDrvGlobalSymListHead_FreeMemList, listNode) { ICP_LIST_DEL(tempSessionData, listNode); /* Free allocated CpaCySymSessionCtx */ if (NULL != tempSessionData->sessHandle) { icp_kfree(tempSessionData->sessHandle); } memset(tempSessionData, 0, sizeof(struct icp_drvSessionData)); ICP_CACHE_FREE(drvSessionData_zone, tempSessionData); } if (0 != icp_atomic_read(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count)) { DPRINTK("%s(): %d LAC sessions were not deregistered " "correctly. This is not a clean exit! \n", __FUNCTION__, icp_atomic_read(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count)); } icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(); icp_ocfDrvDriverId = INVALID_DRIVER_ID; icp_spin_lock_destroy(&icp_ocfDrvSymSessInfoListSpinlock); /* Shutdown the Cryptographic component */ lacStatus = cpaCyStopInstance(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE); if (CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS != lacStatus) { DPRINTK("%s(): Failed to stop instance of the " "Cryptographic component.(status == %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, lacStatus); } return ICP_MODULE_EXIT_FUNC_RETURN_VAL; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches * * Description : This function deregisters all slab caches */ static void icp_ocfDrvFreeCaches(void) { icp_atomic_set(&icp_ocfDrvIsExiting, 1); /*Sym Zones */ ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvSessionData_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvOpData_zone); /*Asym zones */ ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvDH_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvLnModExp_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvRSADecrypt_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvRSAPrivateKey_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvDSARSSignKValue_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvDSARSSign_zone); ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvDSAVerify_zone); /*FlatBuffer and BufferList Zones */ ICP_CACHE_DESTROY(drvFlatBuffer_zone); } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvDeregRetry * * Description : This function will try to farm the session deregistration * off to a work queue. If it fails, nothing more can be done and it * returns an error */ int icp_ocfDrvDeregRetry(CpaCySymSessionCtx sessionToDeregister) { struct icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSession *workstore = NULL; DPRINTK("%s(): Retry - Deregistering session (%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, sessionToDeregister); /*make sure the session is not available to be allocated during this process */ icp_atomic_inc(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count); /*Farm off to work queue */ workstore = icp_kmalloc(sizeof(struct icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSession), ICP_M_NOWAIT); if (NULL == workstore) { DPRINTK("%s(): unable to free session - no memory available " "for work queue\n", __FUNCTION__); return ENOMEM; } workstore->sessionToDeregister = sessionToDeregister; icp_init_work(&(workstore->work), icp_ocfDrvDeferedFreeLacSessionTaskFn, workstore); ICP_WORKQUEUE_ENQUEUE(icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSessionWorkQ, &(workstore->work)); return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvDeferedFreeLacSessionProcess * * Description : This function will retry (module input parameter) * 'num_dereg_retries' times to deregister any symmetric session that recieves a * CPA_STATUS_RETRY message from the LAC component. This function is run in * Thread context because it is called from a worker thread */ void icp_ocfDrvDeferedFreeLacSessionProcess(void *arg) { struct icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSession *workstore = NULL; CpaCySymSessionCtx sessionToDeregister = NULL; int i = 0; int remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = 0; CpaStatus lacStatus = CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS; workstore = (struct icp_ocfDrvFreeLacSession *)arg; if (NULL == workstore) { DPRINTK("%s() function called with null parameter \n", __FUNCTION__); return; } sessionToDeregister = workstore->sessionToDeregister; icp_kfree(workstore); /*if exiting, give deregistration one more blast only */ if (icp_atomic_read(&icp_ocfDrvIsExiting) == CPA_TRUE) { lacStatus = cpaCySymRemoveSession(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE, sessionToDeregister); if (lacStatus != CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINTK("%s() Failed to Dereg LAC session %p " "during module exit\n", __FUNCTION__, sessionToDeregister); return; } icp_atomic_dec(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count); return; } for (i = 0; i <= num_dereg_retries; i++) { lacStatus = cpaCySymRemoveSession(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE, sessionToDeregister); if (lacStatus == CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { icp_atomic_dec(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count); return; } if (lacStatus != CPA_STATUS_RETRY) { DPRINTK("%s() Failed to deregister session - lacStatus " " = %d", __FUNCTION__, lacStatus); break; } /*schedule_timout returns the time left for completion if this task is set to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE */ remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = dereg_retry_delay_in_jiffies; while (0 < remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies) { remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies = icp_schedule_timeout(NULL, remaining_delay_time_in_jiffies); } } DPRINTK("%s(): Unable to deregister session\n", __FUNCTION__); DPRINTK("%s(): Number of unavailable LAC sessions = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, icp_atomic_read(&lac_session_failed_dereg_count)); } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvPtrAndLenToFlatBuffer * * Description : This function converts a "pointer and length" buffer * structure to Fredericksburg Flat Buffer (CpaFlatBuffer) format. * * This function assumes that the data passed in are valid. */ inline void icp_ocfDrvPtrAndLenToFlatBuffer(void *pData, uint32_t len, CpaFlatBuffer * pFlatBuffer) { pFlatBuffer->pData = pData; pFlatBuffer->dataLenInBytes = len; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvPtrAndLenToBufferList * * Description : This function converts a "pointer and length" buffer * structure to Fredericksburg Scatter/Gather Buffer (CpaBufferList) format. * * This function assumes that the data passed in are valid. */ inline void icp_ocfDrvPtrAndLenToBufferList(void *pDataIn, uint32_t length, CpaBufferList * pBufferList) { pBufferList->numBuffers = 1; pBufferList->pBuffers->pData = pDataIn; pBufferList->pBuffers->dataLenInBytes = length; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvBufferListToPtrAndLen * * Description : This function converts Fredericksburg Scatter/Gather Buffer * (CpaBufferList) format to a "pointer and length" buffer structure. * * This function assumes that the data passed in are valid. */ inline void icp_ocfDrvBufferListToPtrAndLen(CpaBufferList * pBufferList, void **ppDataOut, uint32_t * pLength) { *ppDataOut = pBufferList->pBuffers->pData; *pLength = pBufferList->pBuffers->dataLenInBytes; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvBufferListMemInfo * * Description : This function will set the number of flat buffers in * bufferlist, the size of memory to allocate for the pPrivateMetaData * member of the CpaBufferList. */ int icp_ocfDrvBufferListMemInfo(uint16_t numBuffers, struct icp_drvBuffListInfo *buffListInfo) { buffListInfo->numBuffers = numBuffers; if (CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS != cpaCyBufferListGetMetaSize(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE, buffListInfo->numBuffers, &(buffListInfo->metaSize))) { EPRINTK("%s() Failed to get buffer list meta size.\n", __FUNCTION__); return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_FAIL; } return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvFreeFlatBuffer * * Description : This function will deallocate flat buffer. */ inline void icp_ocfDrvFreeFlatBuffer(CpaFlatBuffer * pFlatBuffer) { if (pFlatBuffer != NULL) { memset(pFlatBuffer, 0, sizeof(CpaFlatBuffer)); ICP_CACHE_FREE(drvFlatBuffer_zone, pFlatBuffer); } } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvAllocMetaData * * Description : This function will allocate memory for the * pPrivateMetaData member of CpaBufferList. */ inline int icp_ocfDrvAllocMetaData(CpaBufferList * pBufferList, struct icp_drvOpData *pOpData) { Cpa32U metaSize = 0; if (pBufferList->numBuffers <= ICP_OCF_DRV_DEFAULT_BUFFLIST_ARRAYS) { uint8_t *pOpDataStartAddr = (uint8_t *) pOpData; if (0 == defBuffListInfo.metaSize) { pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData = NULL; return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * The meta data allocation has been included as part of the * op data. It has been pre-allocated in memory just after the * icp_drvOpData structure. */ pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData = (void *)(pOpDataStartAddr + sizeof(struct icp_drvOpData)); } else { if (CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS != cpaCyBufferListGetMetaSize(CPA_INSTANCE_HANDLE_SINGLE, pBufferList->numBuffers, &metaSize)) { EPRINTK("%s() Failed to get buffer list meta size.\n", __FUNCTION__); return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_FAIL; } if (0 == metaSize) { pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData = NULL; return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS; } pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData = icp_kmalloc(metaSize, ICP_M_NOWAIT); } if (NULL == pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData) { EPRINTK("%s() Failed to allocate pPrivateMetaData.\n", __FUNCTION__); return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_FAIL; } return ICP_OCF_DRV_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Name : icp_ocfDrvFreeMetaData * * Description : This function will deallocate pPrivateMetaData memory. */ inline void icp_ocfDrvFreeMetaData(CpaBufferList * pBufferList) { if (NULL == pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData) { return; } /* * Only free the meta data if the BufferList has more than * ICP_OCF_DRV_DEFAULT_BUFFLIST_ARRAYS number of buffers. * Otherwise, the meta data shall be freed when the icp_drvOpData is * freed. */ if (ICP_OCF_DRV_DEFAULT_BUFFLIST_ARRAYS < pBufferList->numBuffers) { icp_kfree(pBufferList->pPrivateMetaData); } } /* Module declaration, init and exit functions */ ICP_DECLARE_MODULE(icp_ocf, icp_ocfDrvInit, icp_ocfDrvExit); ICP_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OCF Driver for Intel Quick Assist crypto acceleration"); ICP_MODULE_VERSION(icp_ocf, ICP_OCF_VER_MJR); ICP_MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); ICP_MODULE_AUTHOR("Intel"); /* Module parameters */ ICP_MODULE_PARAM_INT(icp_ocf, num_dereg_retries, "Number of times to retry LAC Sym Session Deregistration. " "Default 10, Max 100"); ICP_MODULE_PARAM_INT(icp_ocf, dereg_retry_delay_in_jiffies, "Delay in jiffies " "(added to a schedule() function call) before a LAC Sym " "Session Dereg is retried. Default 10"); ICP_MODULE_PARAM_INT(icp_ocf, max_sessions, "This sets the maximum number of sessions " "between OCF and this driver. If this value is set to zero," "max session count checking is disabled. Default is zero(0)"); /* Module dependencies */ #define MODULE_MIN_VER 1 #define CRYPTO_MAX_VER 3 #define LAC_MAX_VER 2 ICP_MODULE_DEPEND(icp_ocf, crypto, MODULE_MIN_VER, MODULE_MIN_VER, CRYPTO_MAX_VER); ICP_MODULE_DEPEND(icp_ocf, cryptodev, MODULE_MIN_VER, MODULE_MIN_VER, CRYPTO_MAX_VER); ICP_MODULE_DEPEND(icp_ocf, icp_crypto, MODULE_MIN_VER, MODULE_MIN_VER, LAC_MAX_VER);