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For example 0x12345678 -> 0x21436587 */ #define MV_NIBBLE_SWAP_32BIT(X) (((X&0xf) << 4) | \ ((X&0xf0) >> 4) | \ ((X&0xf00) << 4) | \ ((X&0xf000) >> 4) | \ ((X&0xf0000) << 4) | \ ((X&0xf00000) >> 4) | \ ((X&0xf000000) << 4) | \ ((X&0xf0000000) >> 4)) /* 16bit byte swap. For example 0x1122 -> 0x2211 */ #define MV_BYTE_SWAP_16BIT(X) ((((X)&0xff)<<8) | (((X)&0xff00)>>8)) /* 32bit byte swap. For example 0x11223344 -> 0x44332211 */ #define MV_BYTE_SWAP_32BIT(X) ((((X)&0xff)<<24) | \ (((X)&0xff00)<<8) | \ (((X)&0xff0000)>>8) | \ (((X)&0xff000000)>>24)) /* 64bit byte swap. For example 0x11223344.55667788 -> 0x88776655.44332211 */ #define MV_BYTE_SWAP_64BIT(X) ((l64) ((((X)&0xffULL)<<56) | \ (((X)&0xff00ULL)<<40) | \ (((X)&0xff0000ULL)<<24) | \ (((X)&0xff000000ULL)<<8) | \ (((X)&0xff00000000ULL)>>8) | \ (((X)&0xff0000000000ULL)>>24) | \ (((X)&0xff000000000000ULL)>>40) | \ (((X)&0xff00000000000000ULL)>>56))) /* Endianess macros. */ #if defined(MV_CPU_LE) #define MV_16BIT_LE(X) (X) #define MV_32BIT_LE(X) (X) #define MV_64BIT_LE(X) (X) #define MV_16BIT_BE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_16BIT(X) #define MV_32BIT_BE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_32BIT(X) #define MV_64BIT_BE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_64BIT(X) #elif defined(MV_CPU_BE) #define MV_16BIT_LE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_16BIT(X) #define MV_32BIT_LE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_32BIT(X) #define MV_64BIT_LE(X) MV_BYTE_SWAP_64BIT(X) #define MV_16BIT_BE(X) (X) #define MV_32BIT_BE(X) (X) #define MV_64BIT_BE(X) (X) #else #error "CPU endianess isn't defined!\n" #endif /* Bit field definitions */ #define NO_BIT 0x00000000 #define BIT0 0x00000001 #define BIT1 0x00000002 #define BIT2 0x00000004 #define BIT3 0x00000008 #define BIT4 0x00000010 #define BIT5 0x00000020 #define BIT6 0x00000040 #define BIT7 0x00000080 #define BIT8 0x00000100 #define BIT9 0x00000200 #define BIT10 0x00000400 #define BIT11 0x00000800 #define BIT12 0x00001000 #define BIT13 0x00002000 #define BIT14 0x00004000 #define BIT15 0x00008000 #define BIT16 0x00010000 #define BIT17 0x00020000 #define BIT18 0x00040000 #define BIT19 0x00080000 #define BIT20 0x00100000 #define BIT21 0x00200000 #define BIT22 0x00400000 #define BIT23 0x00800000 #define BIT24 0x01000000 #define BIT25 0x02000000 #define BIT26 0x04000000 #define BIT27 0x08000000 #define BIT28 0x10000000 #define BIT29 0x20000000 #define BIT30 0x40000000 #define BIT31 0x80000000 /* Handy sizes */ #define _1K 0x00000400 #define _2K 0x00000800 #define _4K 0x00001000 #define _8K 0x00002000 #define _16K 0x00004000 #define _32K 0x00008000 #define _64K 0x00010000 #define _128K 0x00020000 #define _256K 0x00040000 #define _512K 0x00080000 #define _1M 0x00100000 #define _2M 0x00200000 #define _4M 0x00400000 #define _8M 0x00800000 #define _16M 0x01000000 #define _32M 0x02000000 #define _64M 0x04000000 #define _128M 0x08000000 #define _256M 0x10000000 #define _512M 0x20000000 #define _1G 0x40000000 #define _2G 0x80000000 /* Tclock and Sys clock define */ #define _100MHz 100000000 #define _125MHz 125000000 #define _133MHz 133333334 #define _150MHz 150000000 #define _160MHz 160000000 #define _166MHz 166666667 #define _175MHz 175000000 #define _178MHz 178000000 #define _183MHz 183333334 #define _187MHz 187000000 #define _192MHz 192000000 #define _194MHz 194000000 #define _200MHz 200000000 #define _233MHz 233333334 #define _250MHz 250000000 #define _266MHz 266666667 #define _300MHz 300000000 /* For better address window table readability */ #define EN MV_TRUE #define DIS MV_FALSE #define N_A -1 /* Not applicable */ /* Cache configuration options for memory (DRAM, SRAM, ... ) */ /* Memory uncached, HW or SW cache coherency is not needed */ #define MV_UNCACHED 0 /* Memory cached, HW cache coherency supported in WriteThrough mode */ #define MV_CACHE_COHER_HW_WT 1 /* Memory cached, HW cache coherency supported in WriteBack mode */ #define MV_CACHE_COHER_HW_WB 2 /* Memory cached, No HW cache coherency, Cache coherency must be in SW */ #define MV_CACHE_COHER_SW 3 /* Macro for testing aligment. Positive if number is NOT aligned */ #define MV_IS_NOT_ALIGN(number, align) ((number) & ((align) - 1)) /* Macro for alignment up. For example, MV_ALIGN_UP(0x0330, 0x20) = 0x0340 */ #define MV_ALIGN_UP(number, align) \ (((number) & ((align) - 1)) ? (((number) + (align)) & ~((align)-1)) : (number)) /* Macro for alignment down. For example, MV_ALIGN_UP(0x0330, 0x20) = 0x0320 */ #define MV_ALIGN_DOWN(number, align) ((number) & ~((align)-1)) /* This macro returns absolute value */ #define MV_ABS(number) (((int)(number) < 0) ? -(int)(number) : (int)(number)) /* Bit fields manipulation macros */ /* An integer word which its 'x' bit is set */ #define MV_BIT_MASK(bitNum) (1 << (bitNum) ) /* Checks wheter bit 'x' in integer word is set */ #define MV_BIT_CHECK(word, bitNum) ( (word) & MV_BIT_MASK(bitNum) ) /* Clear (reset) bit 'x' in integer word (RMW - Read-Modify-Write) */ #define MV_BIT_CLEAR(word, bitNum) ( (word) &= ~(MV_BIT_MASK(bitNum)) ) /* Set bit 'x' in integer word (RMW) */ #define MV_BIT_SET(word, bitNum) ( (word) |= MV_BIT_MASK(bitNum) ) /* Invert bit 'x' in integer word (RMW) */ #define MV_BIT_INV(word, bitNum) ( (word) ^= MV_BIT_MASK(bitNum) ) /* Get the min between 'a' or 'b' */ #define MV_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) /* Get the max between 'a' or 'b' */ #define MV_MAX(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a)) /* Temporary */ #define mvOsDivide(num, div) \ ({ \ int i=0, rem=(num); \ \ while(rem >= (div)) \ { \ rem -= (div); \ i++; \ } \ (i); \ }) /* Temporary */ #define mvOsReminder(num, div) \ ({ \ int rem = (num); \ \ while(rem >= (div)) \ rem -= (div); \ (rem); \ }) #define MV_IP_QUAD(ipAddr) ((ipAddr >> 24) & 0xFF), ((ipAddr >> 16) & 0xFF), \ ((ipAddr >> 8) & 0xFF), ((ipAddr >> 0) & 0xFF) #define MV_IS_POWER_OF_2(num) ((num != 0) && ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)) #ifndef MV_ASMLANGUAGE /* mvCommon API list */ MV_VOID mvHexToBin(const char* pHexStr, MV_U8* pBin, int size); void mvAsciiToHex(const char* asciiStr, char* hexStr); void mvBinToHex(const MV_U8* bin, char* hexStr, int size); void mvBinToAscii(const MV_U8* bin, char* asciiStr, int size); MV_STATUS mvMacStrToHex(const char* macStr, MV_U8* macHex); MV_STATUS mvMacHexToStr(MV_U8* macHex, char* macStr); void mvSizePrint(MV_U32); MV_U32 mvLog2(MV_U32 num); #endif /* MV_ASMLANGUAGE */ #endif /* __INCmvCommonh */