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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __INCmvBoardEnvLibh #define __INCmvBoardEnvLibh /* defines */ /* The below constant macros defines the board I2C EEPROM data offsets */ #include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvLib.h" #include "mvSysHwConfig.h" #include "boardEnv/mvBoardEnvSpec.h" /* DUART stuff for Tclk detection only */ #define DUART_BAUD_RATE 115200 #define MAX_CLOCK_MARGINE 5000000 /* Maximum detected clock margine */ /* Voice devices assembly modes */ #define DAISY_CHAIN_MODE 1 #define DUAL_CHIP_SELECT_MODE 0 #define INTERRUPT_TO_MPP 1 #define INTERRUPT_TO_TDM 0 #define BOARD_ETH_PORT_NUM MV_ETH_MAX_PORTS #define BOARD_ETH_SWITCH_PORT_NUM 5 #define MV_BOARD_MAX_USB_IF 1 #define MV_BOARD_MAX_MPP 7 #define MV_BOARD_NAME_LEN 0x20 typedef struct _boardData { MV_U32 magic; MV_U16 boardId; MV_U8 boardVer; MV_U8 boardRev; MV_U32 reserved1; MV_U32 reserved2; }BOARD_DATA; typedef enum _devBoardMppGroupClass { MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_1, MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_2, MV_BOARD_MAX_MPP_GROUP }MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_CLASS; typedef enum _devBoardMppTypeClass { MV_BOARD_AUTO, MV_BOARD_TDM, MV_BOARD_AUDIO, MV_BOARD_RGMII, MV_BOARD_GMII, MV_BOARD_TS, MV_BOARD_MII, MV_BOARD_OTHER }MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_CLASS; typedef enum _devBoardModuleIdClass { MV_BOARD_MODULE_TDM_ID = 1, MV_BOARD_MODULE_AUDIO_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_RGMII_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_GMII_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_TS_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_MII_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_TDM_5CHAN_ID, MV_BOARD_MODULE_OTHER_ID }MV_BOARD_MODULE_ID_CLASS; typedef struct _boardMppTypeInfo { MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_CLASS boardMppGroup1; MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_CLASS boardMppGroup2; }MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_INFO; typedef enum _devBoardClass { BOARD_DEV_NOR_FLASH, BOARD_DEV_NAND_FLASH, BOARD_DEV_SEVEN_SEG, BOARD_DEV_FPGA, BOARD_DEV_SRAM, BOARD_DEV_SPI_FLASH, BOARD_DEV_OTHER, }MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS; typedef enum _devTwsiBoardClass { BOARD_TWSI_RTC, BOARD_DEV_TWSI_EXP, BOARD_DEV_TWSI_SATR, BOARD_TWSI_AUDIO_DEC, BOARD_TWSI_OTHER }MV_BOARD_TWSI_CLASS; typedef enum _devGppBoardClass { BOARD_GPP_RTC, BOARD_GPP_MV_SWITCH, BOARD_GPP_USB_VBUS, BOARD_GPP_USB_VBUS_EN, BOARD_GPP_USB_OC, BOARD_GPP_USB_HOST_DEVICE, BOARD_GPP_REF_CLCK, BOARD_GPP_VOIP_SLIC, BOARD_GPP_LIFELINE, BOARD_GPP_BUTTON, BOARD_GPP_TS_BUTTON_C, BOARD_GPP_TS_BUTTON_U, BOARD_GPP_TS_BUTTON_D, BOARD_GPP_TS_BUTTON_L, BOARD_GPP_TS_BUTTON_R, BOARD_GPP_POWER_BUTTON, BOARD_GPP_RESTOR_BUTTON, BOARD_GPP_WPS_BUTTON, BOARD_GPP_HDD0_POWER, BOARD_GPP_HDD1_POWER, BOARD_GPP_FAN_POWER, BOARD_GPP_RESET, BOARD_GPP_POWER_ON_LED, BOARD_GPP_HDD_POWER, BOARD_GPP_SDIO_POWER, BOARD_GPP_SDIO_DETECT, BOARD_GPP_SDIO_WP, BOARD_GPP_SWITCH_PHY_INT, BOARD_GPP_TSU_DIRCTION, BOARD_GPP_OTHER }MV_BOARD_GPP_CLASS; typedef struct _devCsInfo { MV_U8 deviceCS; MV_U32 params; MV_U32 devClass; /* MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS */ MV_U8 devWidth; }MV_DEV_CS_INFO; #define MV_BOARD_PHY_FORCE_10MB 0x0 #define MV_BOARD_PHY_FORCE_100MB 0x1 #define MV_BOARD_PHY_FORCE_1000MB 0x2 #define MV_BOARD_PHY_SPEED_AUTO 0x3 typedef struct _boardSwitchInfo { MV_32 linkStatusIrq; MV_32 qdPort[BOARD_ETH_SWITCH_PORT_NUM]; MV_32 qdCpuPort; MV_32 smiScanMode; /* 1 for SMI_MANUAL_MODE, 0 otherwise */ MV_32 switchOnPort; }MV_BOARD_SWITCH_INFO; typedef struct _boardLedInfo { MV_U8 activeLedsNumber; MV_U8 ledsPolarity; /* '0' or '1' to turn on led */ MV_U8* gppPinNum; /* Pointer to GPP values */ }MV_BOARD_LED_INFO; typedef struct _boardGppInfo { MV_BOARD_GPP_CLASS devClass; MV_U8 gppPinNum; }MV_BOARD_GPP_INFO; typedef struct _boardTwsiInfo { MV_BOARD_TWSI_CLASS devClass; MV_U8 twsiDevAddr; MV_U8 twsiDevAddrType; }MV_BOARD_TWSI_INFO; typedef enum _boardMacSpeed { BOARD_MAC_SPEED_10M, BOARD_MAC_SPEED_100M, BOARD_MAC_SPEED_1000M, BOARD_MAC_SPEED_AUTO, }MV_BOARD_MAC_SPEED; typedef struct _boardMacInfo { MV_BOARD_MAC_SPEED boardMacSpeed; MV_U8 boardEthSmiAddr; }MV_BOARD_MAC_INFO; typedef struct _boardMppInfo { MV_U32 mppGroup[MV_BOARD_MAX_MPP]; }MV_BOARD_MPP_INFO; typedef struct _boardInfo { char boardName[MV_BOARD_NAME_LEN]; MV_U8 numBoardMppTypeValue; MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_INFO* pBoardMppTypeValue; MV_U8 numBoardMppConfigValue; MV_BOARD_MPP_INFO* pBoardMppConfigValue; MV_U32 intsGppMaskLow; MV_U32 intsGppMaskHigh; MV_U8 numBoardDeviceIf; MV_DEV_CS_INFO* pDevCsInfo; MV_U8 numBoardTwsiDev; MV_BOARD_TWSI_INFO* pBoardTwsiDev; MV_U8 numBoardMacInfo; MV_BOARD_MAC_INFO* pBoardMacInfo; MV_U8 numBoardGppInfo; MV_BOARD_GPP_INFO* pBoardGppInfo; MV_U8 activeLedsNumber; MV_U8* pLedGppPin; MV_U8 ledsPolarity; /* '0' or '1' to turn on led */ /* GPP values */ MV_U32 gppOutEnValLow; MV_U32 gppOutEnValHigh; MV_U32 gppOutValLow; MV_U32 gppOutValHigh; MV_U32 gppPolarityValLow; MV_U32 gppPolarityValHigh; /* Switch Configuration */ MV_BOARD_SWITCH_INFO* pSwitchInfo; }MV_BOARD_INFO; MV_VOID mvBoardEnvInit(MV_VOID); MV_U32 mvBoardIdGet(MV_VOID); MV_U16 mvBoardModelGet(MV_VOID); MV_U16 mvBoardRevGet(MV_VOID); MV_STATUS mvBoardNameGet(char *pNameBuff); MV_32 mvBoardPhyAddrGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_BOARD_MAC_SPEED mvBoardMacSpeedGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_32 mvBoardLinkStatusIrqGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_32 mvBoardSwitchPortGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum, MV_U8 boardPortNum); MV_32 mvBoardSwitchCpuPortGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_32 mvBoardIsSwitchConnected(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_32 mvBoardSmiScanModeGet(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_BOOL mvBoardIsPortInSgmii(MV_U32 ethPortNum); MV_BOOL mvBoardIsPortInGmii(MV_VOID); MV_U32 mvBoardTclkGet(MV_VOID); MV_U32 mvBoardSysClkGet(MV_VOID); MV_U32 mvBoardDebugLedNumGet(MV_U32 boardId); MV_VOID mvBoardDebugLed(MV_U32 hexNum); MV_32 mvBoardMppGet(MV_U32 mppGroupNum); MV_U8 mvBoardRtcTwsiAddrTypeGet(MV_VOID); MV_U8 mvBoardRtcTwsiAddrGet(MV_VOID); MV_U8 mvBoardA2DTwsiAddrTypeGet(MV_VOID); MV_U8 mvBoardA2DTwsiAddrGet(MV_VOID); MV_U8 mvBoardTwsiExpAddrGet(MV_U32 index); MV_U8 mvBoardTwsiSatRAddrTypeGet(MV_U32 index); MV_U8 mvBoardTwsiSatRAddrGet(MV_U32 index); MV_U8 mvBoardTwsiExpAddrTypeGet(MV_U32 index); MV_BOARD_MODULE_ID_CLASS mvBoarModuleTypeGet(MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_CLASS devClass); MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_CLASS mvBoardMppGroupTypeGet(MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_CLASS mppGroupClass); MV_VOID mvBoardMppGroupTypeSet(MV_BOARD_MPP_GROUP_CLASS mppGroupClass, MV_BOARD_MPP_TYPE_CLASS mppGroupType); MV_VOID mvBoardMppGroupIdUpdate(MV_VOID); MV_VOID mvBoardMppMuxSet(MV_VOID); MV_VOID mvBoardTdmMppSet(MV_32 chType); MV_VOID mvBoardVoiceConnModeGet(MV_32* connMode, MV_32* irqMode); MV_VOID mvBoardMppModuleTypePrint(MV_VOID); MV_VOID mvBoardReset(MV_VOID); MV_U8 mvBoarTwsiSatRGet(MV_U8 devNum, MV_U8 regNum); MV_STATUS mvBoarTwsiSatRSet(MV_U8 devNum, MV_U8 regNum, MV_U8 regVal); MV_BOOL mvBoardSpecInitGet(MV_U32* regOff, MV_U32* data); /* Board devices API managments */ MV_32 mvBoardGetDevicesNumber(MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); MV_32 mvBoardGetDeviceBaseAddr(MV_32 devNum, MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); MV_32 mvBoardGetDeviceBusWidth(MV_32 devNum, MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); MV_32 mvBoardGetDeviceWidth(MV_32 devNum, MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); MV_32 mvBoardGetDeviceWinSize(MV_32 devNum, MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); MV_U32 boardGetDevCSNum(MV_32 devNum, MV_BOARD_DEV_CLASS devClass); /* Gpio Pin Connections API */ MV_32 mvBoardUSBVbusGpioPinGet(int devId); MV_32 mvBoardUSBVbusEnGpioPinGet(int devId); MV_U32 mvBoardPexBridgeIntPinGet(MV_U32 devNum, MV_U32 intPin); MV_32 mvBoardResetGpioPinGet(MV_VOID); MV_32 mvBoardRTCGpioPinGet(MV_VOID); MV_32 mvBoardGpioIntMaskLowGet(MV_VOID); MV_32 mvBoardGpioIntMaskHighGet(MV_VOID); MV_32 mvBoardSlicGpioPinGet(MV_U32 slicNum); MV_32 mvBoardSDIOGpioPinGet(MV_VOID); MV_STATUS mvBoardSDioWPControl(MV_BOOL mode); MV_32 mvBoarGpioPinNumGet(MV_BOARD_GPP_CLASS class, MV_U32 index); MV_32 mvBoardNandWidthGet(void); MV_STATUS mvBoardFanPowerControl(MV_BOOL mode); MV_STATUS mvBoardHDDPowerControl(MV_BOOL mode); #endif /* __INCmvBoardEnvLibh */