/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty disclaimer. ******************************************************************************** Marvell BSD License Option If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or modify this File under the following licensing terms. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ #include "mvCntmr.h" #include "cpu/mvCpu.h" /* defines */ #ifdef MV_DEBUG #define DB(x) x #else #define DB(x) #endif extern unsigned int whoAmI(void); /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrLoad - * * DESCRIPTION: * Load an init Value to a given counter/timer * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * value - value to be loaded * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_BAD_PARAM on bad parameters , MV_ERROR on error ,MV_OK on sucess *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrLoad(MV_U32 countNum, MV_U32 value) { if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrLoad: Err. Illigal counter number \n")); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_RELOAD_REG(countNum),value); MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_VAL_REG(countNum),value); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrRead - * * DESCRIPTION: * Returns the value of the given Counter/Timer * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_U32 counter value *******************************************************************************/ MV_U32 mvCntmrRead(MV_U32 countNum) { return MV_REG_READ(CNTMR_VAL_REG(countNum)); } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrWrite - * * DESCRIPTION: * Returns the value of the given Counter/Timer * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * countVal - value to write * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * None *******************************************************************************/ void mvCntmrWrite(MV_U32 countNum,MV_U32 countVal) { MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_VAL_REG(countNum),countVal); } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrCtrlSet - * * DESCRIPTION: * Set the Control to a given counter/timer * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * pCtrl - pointer to MV_CNTMR_CTRL structure * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_BAD_PARAM on bad parameters , MV_ERROR on error ,MV_OK on sucess *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrCtrlSet(MV_U32 countNum, MV_CNTMR_CTRL *pCtrl) { MV_U32 cntmrCtrl; if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { DB(mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrCtrlSet: Err. Illigal counter number \n"))); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } /* read control register */ cntmrCtrl = MV_REG_READ(CNTMR_CTRL_REG); if (pCtrl->enable) /* enable counter\timer */ { cntmrCtrl |= CTCR_ARM_TIMER_EN(countNum); } else /* disable counter\timer */ { cntmrCtrl &= ~CTCR_ARM_TIMER_EN(countNum); } if ( pCtrl->autoEnable ) /* Auto mode */ { cntmrCtrl |= CTCR_ARM_TIMER_AUTO_EN(countNum); } else /* no auto mode */ { cntmrCtrl &= ~CTCR_ARM_TIMER_AUTO_EN(countNum); } MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_CTRL_REG,cntmrCtrl); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrCtrlGet - * * DESCRIPTION: * Get the Control value of a given counter/timer * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * pCtrl - pointer to MV_CNTMR_CTRL structure * * OUTPUT: * Counter\Timer control value * * RETURN: * MV_BAD_PARAM on bad parameters , MV_ERROR on error ,MV_OK on sucess *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrCtrlGet(MV_U32 countNum, MV_CNTMR_CTRL *pCtrl) { MV_U32 cntmrCtrl; if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { DB(mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrCtrlGet: Err. Illigal counter number \n"))); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } /* read control register */ cntmrCtrl = MV_REG_READ(CNTMR_CTRL_REG); /* enable counter\timer */ if (cntmrCtrl & CTCR_ARM_TIMER_EN(countNum)) { pCtrl->enable = MV_TRUE; } else { pCtrl->enable = MV_FALSE; } /* counter mode */ if (cntmrCtrl & CTCR_ARM_TIMER_AUTO_EN(countNum)) { pCtrl->autoEnable = MV_TRUE; } else { pCtrl->autoEnable = MV_FALSE; } return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrEnable - * * DESCRIPTION: * Set the Enable-Bit to logic '1' ==> starting the counter * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_BAD_PARAM on bad parameters , MV_ERROR on error ,MV_OK on sucess *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrEnable(MV_U32 countNum) { MV_U32 cntmrCtrl; if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { DB(mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrEnable: Err. Illigal counter number \n"))); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } /* read control register */ cntmrCtrl = MV_REG_READ(CNTMR_CTRL_REG); /* enable counter\timer */ cntmrCtrl |= CTCR_ARM_TIMER_EN(countNum); MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_CTRL_REG,cntmrCtrl); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrDisable - * * DESCRIPTION: * Stop the counter/timer running, and returns its Value * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_U32 counter\timer value *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrDisable(MV_U32 countNum) { MV_U32 cntmrCtrl; if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { DB(mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrDisable: Err. Illigal counter number \n"))); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } /* read control register */ cntmrCtrl = MV_REG_READ(CNTMR_CTRL_REG); /* disable counter\timer */ cntmrCtrl &= ~CTCR_ARM_TIMER_EN(countNum); MV_REG_WRITE(CNTMR_CTRL_REG,cntmrCtrl); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvCntmrStart - * * DESCRIPTION: * Combined all the sub-operations above to one function: Load,setMode,Enable * * INPUT: * countNum - counter number * value - value of the counter\timer to be set * pCtrl - pointer to MV_CNTMR_CTRL structure * * OUTPUT: * None. * * RETURN: * MV_BAD_PARAM on bad parameters , MV_ERROR on error ,MV_OK on sucess *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvCntmrStart(MV_U32 countNum, MV_U32 value, MV_CNTMR_CTRL *pCtrl) { if (countNum >= MV_CNTMR_MAX_COUNTER ) { mvOsPrintf(("mvCntmrDisable: Err. Illigal counter number \n")); return MV_BAD_PARAM;; } /* load value onto counter\timer */ mvCntmrLoad(countNum,value); /* set the counter to load in the first time */ mvCntmrWrite(countNum,value); /* set control for timer \ cunter and enable */ mvCntmrCtrlSet(countNum,pCtrl); return MV_OK; }