/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. Once you have made an election to distribute the File under one of the following license alternatives, please (i) delete this introductory statement regarding license alternatives, (ii) delete the two license alternatives that you have not elected to use and (iii) preserve the Marvell copyright notice above. ******************************************************************************** Marvell Commercial License Option If you received this File from Marvell and you have entered into a commercial license agreement (a "Commercial License") with Marvell, the File is licensed to you under the terms of the applicable Commercial License. ******************************************************************************** Marvell GPL License Option If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or modify this File in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the "GPL License"), a copy of which is available along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or on the worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt. THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty disclaimer. ******************************************************************************** Marvell BSD License Option If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or modify this File under the following licensing terms. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Marvell nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEth.c - Marvell's Gigabit Ethernet controller low level driver * * DESCRIPTION: * This file introduce OS independent APIs to Marvell's Gigabit Ethernet * controller. This Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver API controls * 1) Operations (i.e. port Init, Finish, Up, Down, PhyReset etc'). * 2) Data flow (i.e. port Send, Receive etc'). * 3) MAC Filtering functions (ethSetMcastAddr, ethSetRxFilterMode, etc.) * 4) MIB counters support (ethReadMibCounter) * 5) Debug functions (ethPortRegs, ethPortCounters, ethPortQueues, etc.) * Each Gigabit Ethernet port is controlled via ETH_PORT_CTRL struct. * This struct includes configuration information as well as driver * internal data needed for its operations. * * Supported Features: * - OS independent. All required OS services are implemented via external * OS dependent components (like osLayer or ethOsg) * - The user is free from Rx/Tx queue managing. * - Simple Gigabit Ethernet port operation API. * - Simple Gigabit Ethernet port data flow API. * - Data flow and operation API support per queue functionality. * - Support cached descriptors for better performance. * - PHY access and control API. * - Port Configuration API. * - Full control over Special and Other Multicast MAC tables. * *******************************************************************************/ /* includes */ #include "mvTypes.h" #include "mv802_3.h" #include "mvDebug.h" #include "mvCommon.h" #include "mvOs.h" #include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvLib.h" #include "eth-phy/mvEthPhy.h" #include "eth/mvEth.h" #include "eth/gbe/mvEthGbe.h" #include "cpu/mvCpu.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_SYNC_BARR #include "sys/mvCpuIf.h" #endif #ifdef MV_RT_DEBUG # define ETH_DEBUG #endif /* locals */ MV_BOOL ethDescInSram; MV_BOOL ethDescSwCoher; /* This array holds the control structure of each port */ ETH_PORT_CTRL* ethPortCtrl[MV_ETH_MAX_PORTS]; /* Ethernet Port Local routines */ static void ethInitRxDescRing(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, int queue); static void ethInitTxDescRing(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, int queue); static void ethSetUcastTable(int portNo, int queue); static MV_BOOL ethSetUcastAddr (int ethPortNum, MV_U8 lastNibble, int queue); static MV_BOOL ethSetSpecialMcastAddr(int ethPortNum, MV_U8 lastByte, int queue); static MV_BOOL ethSetOtherMcastAddr(int ethPortNum, MV_U8 crc8, int queue); static void ethFreeDescrMemory(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pEthPortCtrl, MV_BUF_INFO* pDescBuf); static MV_U8* ethAllocDescrMemory(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pEthPortCtrl, int size, MV_ULONG* pPhysAddr, MV_U32 *memHandle); static MV_U32 mvEthMruGet(MV_U32 maxRxPktSize); static void mvEthPortSgmiiConfig(int port); /******************************************************************************/ /* EthDrv Initialization functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthHalInit - Initialize the Giga Ethernet unit * * DESCRIPTION: * This function initialize the Giga Ethernet unit. * 1) Configure Address decode windows of the unit * 2) Set registers to HW default values. * 3) Clear and Disable interrupts * * INPUT: NONE * * RETURN: NONE * * NOTE: this function is called once in the boot process. *******************************************************************************/ void mvEthHalInit(void) { int port; /* Init static data structures */ for (port=0; port 0) { isSram = MV_TRUE; #if (INTEG_SRAM_COHER == MV_CACHE_COHER_SW) isSwCoher = MV_TRUE; #else isSwCoher = MV_FALSE; #endif } #endif /* ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM */ if(pIsSram != NULL) *pIsSram = isSram; if(pIsSwCoher != NULL) *pIsSwCoher = isSwCoher; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Port Initialization functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPortInit - Initialize the Ethernet port driver * * DESCRIPTION: * This function initialize the ethernet port. * 1) Allocate and initialize internal port Control structure. * 2) Create RX and TX descriptor rings for default RX and TX queues * 3) Disable RX and TX operations, clear cause registers and * mask all interrupts. * 4) Set all registers to default values and clean all MAC tables. * * INPUT: * int portNo - Ethernet port number * ETH_PORT_INIT *pEthPortInit - Ethernet port init structure * * RETURN: * void* - ethernet port handler, that should be passed to the most other * functions dealing with this port. * * NOTE: This function is called once per port when loading the eth module. *******************************************************************************/ void* mvEthPortInit(int portNo, MV_ETH_PORT_INIT *pEthPortInit) { int queue, descSize; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl; /* Check validity of parameters */ if( (portNo >= (int)mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet()) || (pEthPortInit->rxDefQ >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) || (pEthPortInit->maxRxPktSize < 1518) ) { mvOsPrintf("EthPort #%d: Bad initialization parameters\n", portNo); return NULL; } if( (pEthPortInit->rxDescrNum[pEthPortInit->rxDefQ]) == 0) { mvOsPrintf("EthPort #%d: rxDefQ (%d) must be created\n", portNo, pEthPortInit->rxDefQ); return NULL; } pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)mvOsMalloc( sizeof(ETH_PORT_CTRL) ); if(pPortCtrl == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("EthDrv: Can't allocate %dB for port #%d control structure!\n", (int)sizeof(ETH_PORT_CTRL), portNo); return NULL; } memset(pPortCtrl, 0, sizeof(ETH_PORT_CTRL) ); ethPortCtrl[portNo] = pPortCtrl; pPortCtrl->portState = MV_UNDEFINED_STATE; pPortCtrl->portNo = portNo; pPortCtrl->osHandle = pEthPortInit->osHandle; /* Copy Configuration parameters */ pPortCtrl->portConfig.maxRxPktSize = pEthPortInit->maxRxPktSize; pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ = pEthPortInit->rxDefQ; pPortCtrl->portConfig.ejpMode = 0; for( queue=0; queuerxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum = pEthPortInit->rxDescrNum[queue]; } for( queue=0; queuetxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum = pEthPortInit->txDescrNum[queue]; } mvEthPortDisable(pPortCtrl); /* Set the board information regarding PHY address */ mvEthPhyAddrSet(pPortCtrl, mvBoardPhyAddrGet(portNo) ); /* Create all requested RX queues */ for(queue=0; queuerxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum == 0) continue; /* Allocate memory for RX descriptors */ descSize = ((pPortCtrl->rxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum * ETH_RX_DESC_ALIGNED_SIZE) + CPU_D_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue].descBuf.bufVirtPtr = ethAllocDescrMemory(pPortCtrl, descSize, &pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue].descBuf.bufPhysAddr, &pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue].descBuf.memHandle); pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue].descBuf.bufSize = descSize; if(pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue].descBuf.bufVirtPtr == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("EthPort #%d, rxQ=%d: Can't allocate %d bytes in %s for %d RX descr\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, queue, descSize, ethDescInSram ? "SRAM" : "DRAM", pPortCtrl->rxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum); return NULL; } ethInitRxDescRing(pPortCtrl, queue); } /* Create TX queues */ for(queue=0; queuetxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum == 0) continue; /* Allocate memory for TX descriptors */ descSize = ((pPortCtrl->txQueueConfig[queue].descrNum * ETH_TX_DESC_ALIGNED_SIZE) + CPU_D_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue].descBuf.bufVirtPtr = ethAllocDescrMemory(pPortCtrl, descSize, &pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue].descBuf.bufPhysAddr, &pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue].descBuf.memHandle); pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue].descBuf.bufSize = descSize; if(pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue].descBuf.bufVirtPtr == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("EthPort #%d, txQ=%d: Can't allocate %d bytes in %s for %d TX descr\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, queue, descSize, ethDescInSram ? "SRAM" : "DRAM", pPortCtrl->txQueueConfig[queue].descrNum); return NULL; } ethInitTxDescRing(pPortCtrl, queue); } mvEthDefaultsSet(pPortCtrl); pPortCtrl->portState = MV_IDLE; return pPortCtrl; } /******************************************************************************* * ethPortFinish - Finish the Ethernet port driver * * DESCRIPTION: * This function finish the ethernet port. * 1) Down ethernet port if needed. * 2) Delete RX and TX descriptor rings for all created RX and TX queues * 3) Free internal port Control structure. * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler * * RETURN: NONE. * *******************************************************************************/ void mvEthPortFinish(void* pPortHndl) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; int queue, portNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; if(pPortCtrl->portState == MV_ACTIVE) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort #%d: Warning !!! Finish port in Active state\n", portNo); mvEthPortDisable(pPortHndl); } /* Free all allocated RX queues */ for(queue=0; queuerxQueue[queue].descBuf); } /* Free all allocated TX queues */ for(queue=0; queuetxQueue[queue].descBuf); } /* Free port control structure */ mvOsFree(pPortCtrl); ethPortCtrl[portNo] = NULL; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthDefaultsSet - Set defaults to the ethernet port * * DESCRIPTION: * This function set default values to the ethernet port. * 1) Clear Cause registers and Mask all interrupts * 2) Clear all MAC tables * 3) Set defaults to all registers * 4) Reset all created RX and TX descriptors ring * 5) Reset PHY * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Others - Failure * NOTE: * This function update all the port configuration except those set * Initialy by the OsGlue by MV_ETH_PORT_INIT. * This function can be called after portDown to return the port setting * to defaults. *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthDefaultsSet(void* pPortHndl) { int ethPortNo, queue; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL* pQueueCtrl; MV_U32 txPrio; MV_U32 portCfgReg, portCfgExtReg, portSerialCtrlReg, portSerialCtrl1Reg, portSdmaCfgReg; MV_BOARD_MAC_SPEED boardMacCfg; ethPortNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; /* Clear Cause registers */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_INTR_CAUSE_REG(ethPortNo),0); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_INTR_CAUSE_EXT_REG(ethPortNo),0); /* Mask all interrupts */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_INTR_MASK_REG(ethPortNo),0); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_INTR_MASK_EXT_REG(ethPortNo),0); portCfgReg = PORT_CONFIG_VALUE; portCfgExtReg = PORT_CONFIG_EXTEND_VALUE; boardMacCfg = mvBoardMacSpeedGet(ethPortNo); if(boardMacCfg == BOARD_MAC_SPEED_100M) { portSerialCtrlReg = PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_100MB_FORCE_VALUE; } else if(boardMacCfg == BOARD_MAC_SPEED_1000M) { portSerialCtrlReg = PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_1000MB_FORCE_VALUE; } else { portSerialCtrlReg = PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_VALUE; } /* build PORT_SDMA_CONFIG_REG */ portSdmaCfgReg = ETH_TX_INTR_COAL_MASK(0); portSdmaCfgReg |= ETH_TX_BURST_SIZE_MASK(ETH_BURST_SIZE_16_64BIT_VALUE); #if ( (ETHER_DRAM_COHER == MV_CACHE_COHER_HW_WB) || \ (ETHER_DRAM_COHER == MV_CACHE_COHER_HW_WT) ) /* some devices have restricted RX burst size when using HW coherency */ portSdmaCfgReg |= ETH_RX_BURST_SIZE_MASK(ETH_BURST_SIZE_4_64BIT_VALUE); #else portSdmaCfgReg |= ETH_RX_BURST_SIZE_MASK(ETH_BURST_SIZE_16_64BIT_VALUE); #endif #if defined(MV_CPU_BE) /* big endian */ # if defined(MV_ARM) portSdmaCfgReg |= (ETH_RX_NO_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_TX_NO_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_DESC_SWAP_MASK); # elif defined(MV_PPC) portSdmaCfgReg |= (ETH_RX_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_TX_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_NO_DESC_SWAP_MASK); # else # error "Giga Ethernet Swap policy is not defined for the CPU_ARCH" # endif /* MV_ARM / MV_PPC */ #else /* MV_CPU_LE */ /* little endian */ portSdmaCfgReg |= (ETH_RX_NO_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_TX_NO_DATA_SWAP_MASK | ETH_NO_DESC_SWAP_MASK); #endif /* MV_CPU_BE / MV_CPU_LE */ pPortCtrl->portRxQueueCmdReg = 0; pPortCtrl->portTxQueueCmdReg = 0; #if (MV_ETH_VERSION >= 4) if(pPortCtrl->portConfig.ejpMode == MV_TRUE) { MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(ethPortNo), ETH_TX_EJP_ENABLE_MASK); } else { MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(ethPortNo), 0) } #endif /* (MV_ETH_VERSION >= 4) */ ethSetUcastTable(ethPortNo, -1); mvEthSetSpecialMcastTable(ethPortNo, -1); mvEthSetOtherMcastTable(ethPortNo, -1); portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_SIZE_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= mvEthMruGet(pPortCtrl->portConfig.maxRxPktSize); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNo), portSerialCtrlReg); /* Update value of PortConfig register accordingly with all RxQueue types */ pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxArpQ = pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ; pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxBpduQ = pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ; pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxTcpQ = pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ; pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxUdpQ = pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ); portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_ARP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_ARP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxArpQ); portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_BPDU_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_BPDU_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxBpduQ); portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_TCP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_TCP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxTcpQ); portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_UDP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_UDP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxUdpQ); /* Assignment of Tx CTRP of given queue */ txPrio = 0; for(queue=0; queuetxQueue[queue]; if(pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr != NULL) { ethResetTxDescRing(pPortCtrl, queue); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_TOKEN_COUNT_REG(ethPortNo, queue), 0x3fffffff); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_TOKEN_CFG_REG(ethPortNo, queue), 0x03ffffff); } else { MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_TOKEN_COUNT_REG(ethPortNo, queue), 0x0); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_TOKEN_CFG_REG(ethPortNo, queue), 0x0); } } /* Assignment of Rx CRDP of given queue */ for(queue=0; queueportNo; if( (pPortCtrl->portState != MV_ACTIVE) && (pPortCtrl->portState != MV_PAUSED) ) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv port%d: Unexpected port state %d\n", ethPortNo, pPortCtrl->portState); return MV_BAD_STATE; } ethPortNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; /* Enable port RX. */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_RX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNo), pPortCtrl->portRxQueueCmdReg); /* Enable port TX. */ MV_REG_VALUE(ETH_TX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNo)) = pPortCtrl->portTxQueueCmdReg; pPortCtrl->portState = MV_ACTIVE; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * ethPortDown - Stop the Ethernet port activity. * * DESCRIPTION: * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Others - Failure. * * NOTE : used for port link down. *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthPortDown(void* pEthPortHndl) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; int ethPortNum = pPortCtrl->portNo; unsigned int regData; volatile int uDelay, mDelay; /* Stop Rx port activity. Check port Rx activity. */ regData = (MV_REG_READ(ETH_RX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum))) & ETH_RXQ_ENABLE_MASK; if(regData != 0) { /* Issue stop command for active channels only */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_RX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum), (regData << ETH_RXQ_DISABLE_OFFSET)); } /* Stop Tx port activity. Check port Tx activity. */ regData = (MV_REG_READ(ETH_TX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum))) & ETH_TXQ_ENABLE_MASK; if(regData != 0) { /* Issue stop command for active channels only */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum), (regData << ETH_TXQ_DISABLE_OFFSET) ); } /* Force link down */ /* regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum)); regData &= ~(ETH_DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_FAIL_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum), regData); */ /* Wait for all Rx activity to terminate. */ mDelay = 0; do { if(mDelay >= RX_DISABLE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort_%d: TIMEOUT for RX stopped !!! rxQueueCmd - 0x08%x\n", ethPortNum, regData); break; } mvOsDelay(1); mDelay++; /* Check port RX Command register that all Rx queues are stopped */ regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_RX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum)); } while(regData & 0xFF); /* Wait for all Tx activity to terminate. */ mDelay = 0; do { if(mDelay >= TX_DISABLE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort_%d: TIMEOUT for TX stoped !!! txQueueCmd - 0x08%x\n", ethPortNum, regData); break; } mvOsDelay(1); mDelay++; /* Check port TX Command register that all Tx queues are stopped */ regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_TX_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(ethPortNum)); } while(regData & 0xFF); /* Double check to Verify that TX FIFO is Empty */ mDelay = 0; while(MV_TRUE) { do { if(mDelay >= TX_FIFO_EMPTY_TIMEOUT_MSEC) { mvOsPrintf("\n ethPort_%d: TIMEOUT for TX FIFO empty !!! portStatus - 0x08%x\n", ethPortNum, regData); break; } mvOsDelay(1); mDelay++; regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_STATUS_REG(ethPortNum)); } while( ((regData & ETH_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) || ((regData & ETH_TX_IN_PROGRESS_MASK) != 0) ); if(mDelay >= TX_FIFO_EMPTY_TIMEOUT_MSEC) break; /* Double check */ regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_STATUS_REG(ethPortNum)); if( ((regData & ETH_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) && ((regData & ETH_TX_IN_PROGRESS_MASK) == 0) ) { break; } else mvOsPrintf("ethPort_%d: TX FIFO Empty double check failed. %d msec, portStatus=0x%x\n", ethPortNum, mDelay, regData); } /* Do NOT force link down */ /* regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum)); regData |= (ETH_DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_FAIL_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum), regData); */ /* Wait about 2500 tclk cycles */ uDelay = (PORT_DISABLE_WAIT_TCLOCKS/(mvBoardTclkGet()/1000000)); mvOsUDelay(uDelay); pPortCtrl->portState = MV_PAUSED; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * ethPortEnable - Enable the Ethernet port and Start RX and TX. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine enable the Ethernet port and Rx and Tx activity: * * Note: Each Rx and Tx queue descriptor's list must be initialized prior * to calling this function (use etherInitTxDescRing for Tx queues and * etherInitRxDescRing for Rx queues). * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Others - Failure. * * NOTE: main usage is to enable the port after ifconfig up. *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthPortEnable(void* pEthPortHndl) { int ethPortNo; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; MV_U32 portSerialCtrlReg; ethPortNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; /* Enable port */ portSerialCtrlReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNo)); portSerialCtrlReg |= (ETH_DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_FAIL_MASK | ETH_PORT_ENABLE_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNo), portSerialCtrlReg); mvEthMibCountersClear(pEthPortHndl); pPortCtrl->portState = MV_PAUSED; /* If Link is UP, Start RX and TX traffic */ if( MV_REG_READ( ETH_PORT_STATUS_REG(ethPortNo) ) & ETH_LINK_UP_MASK) return( mvEthPortUp(pEthPortHndl) ); return MV_NOT_READY; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPortDisable - Stop RX and TX activities and Disable the Ethernet port. * * DESCRIPTION: * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Others - Failure. * * NOTE: main usage is to disable the port after ifconfig down. *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthPortDisable(void* pEthPortHndl) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; int ethPortNum = pPortCtrl->portNo; unsigned int regData; volatile int mvDelay; if(pPortCtrl->portState == MV_ACTIVE) { /* Stop RX and TX activities */ mvEthPortDown(pEthPortHndl); } /* Reset the Enable bit in the Serial Control Register */ regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum)); regData &= ~(ETH_PORT_ENABLE_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(ethPortNum), regData); /* Wait about 2500 tclk cycles */ mvDelay = (PORT_DISABLE_WAIT_TCLOCKS*(mvCpuPclkGet()/mvBoardTclkGet())); for(mvDelay; mvDelay>0; mvDelay--); pPortCtrl->portState = MV_IDLE; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPortForceTxDone - Get next buffer from TX queue in spite of buffer ownership. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine used to free buffers attached to the Tx ring and should * be called only when Giga Ethernet port is Down * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * int txQueue - Number of TX queue. * * OUTPUT: * MV_PKT_INFO *pPktInfo - Pointer to packet was sent. * * RETURN: * MV_EMPTY - There is no more buffers in this queue. * MV_OK - Buffer detached from the queue and pPktInfo structure * filled with relevant information. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_PKT_INFO* mvEthPortForceTxDone(void* pEthPortHndl, int txQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL* pQueueCtrl; MV_PKT_INFO* pPktInfo; ETH_TX_DESC* pTxDesc; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->txQueue[txQueue]; while( (pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr != pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr) || (pQueueCtrl->resource == 0) ) { /* Free next descriptor */ pQueueCtrl->resource++; pTxDesc = (ETH_TX_DESC*)pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr; /* pPktInfo is available only in descriptors which are last descriptors */ pPktInfo = (MV_PKT_INFO*)pTxDesc->returnInfo; if (pPktInfo) pPktInfo->status = pTxDesc->cmdSts; pTxDesc->cmdSts = 0x0; pTxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pTxDesc); pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr = TX_NEXT_DESC_PTR(pTxDesc, pQueueCtrl); if (pPktInfo) if (pPktInfo->status & ETH_TX_LAST_DESC_MASK) return pPktInfo; } MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_TX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(port, txQueue), (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr) ); return NULL; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPortForceRx - Get next buffer from RX queue in spite of buffer ownership. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine used to free buffers attached to the Rx ring and should * be called only when Giga Ethernet port is Down * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * int rxQueue - Number of Rx queue. * * OUTPUT: * MV_PKT_INFO *pPktInfo - Pointer to received packet. * * RETURN: * MV_EMPTY - There is no more buffers in this queue. * MV_OK - Buffer detached from the queue and pBufInfo structure * filled with relevant information. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_PKT_INFO* mvEthPortForceRx(void* pEthPortHndl, int rxQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL* pQueueCtrl; ETH_RX_DESC* pRxDesc; MV_PKT_INFO* pPktInfo; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->rxQueue[rxQueue]; if(pQueueCtrl->resource == 0) { MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_RX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(port, rxQueue), (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr) ); return NULL; } /* Free next descriptor */ pQueueCtrl->resource--; pRxDesc = (ETH_RX_DESC*)pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr; pPktInfo = (MV_PKT_INFO*)pRxDesc->returnInfo; pPktInfo->status = pRxDesc->cmdSts; pRxDesc->cmdSts = 0x0; pRxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pRxDesc); pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr = RX_NEXT_DESC_PTR(pRxDesc, pQueueCtrl); return pPktInfo; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Port Configuration functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMruGet - Get MRU configuration for Max Rx packet size. * * INPUT: * MV_U32 maxRxPktSize - max packet size. * * RETURN: MV_U32 - MRU configuration. * *******************************************************************************/ static MV_U32 mvEthMruGet(MV_U32 maxRxPktSize) { MV_U32 portSerialCtrlReg = 0; if(maxRxPktSize > 9192) portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_9700BYTE; else if(maxRxPktSize > 9022) portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_9192BYTE; else if(maxRxPktSize > 1552) portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_9022BYTE; else if(maxRxPktSize > 1522) portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_1552BYTE; else if(maxRxPktSize > 1518) portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_1522BYTE; else portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_1518BYTE; return portSerialCtrlReg; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxCoalSet - Sets coalescing interrupt mechanism on RX path * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine sets the RX coalescing interrupt mechanism parameter. * This parameter is a timeout counter, that counts in 64 tClk * chunks, that when timeout event occurs a maskable interrupt occurs. * The parameter is calculated using the tCLK frequency of the * MV-64xxx chip, and the required number is in micro seconds. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * MV_U32 uSec - Number of micro seconds between * RX interrupts * * RETURN: * None. * * COMMENT: * 1 sec - TCLK_RATE clocks * 1 uSec - TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000 clocks * * Register Value for N micro seconds - ((N * ( (TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000)) / 64) * * RETURN: * None. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_U32 mvEthRxCoalSet (void* pPortHndl, MV_U32 uSec) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; MV_U32 coal = ((uSec * (mvBoardTclkGet() / 1000000)) / 64); MV_U32 portSdmaCfgReg; portSdmaCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_SDMA_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); portSdmaCfgReg &= ~ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK; portSdmaCfgReg |= ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_MASK(coal); #if (MV_ETH_VERSION >= 2) /* Set additional bit if needed ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_MSB_BIT (25) */ if(ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_MASK(coal) > ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK) portSdmaCfgReg |= ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_MSB_MASK; #endif /* MV_ETH_VERSION >= 2 */ MV_REG_WRITE (ETH_SDMA_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portSdmaCfgReg); return coal; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTxCoalSet - Sets coalescing interrupt mechanism on TX path * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine sets the TX coalescing interrupt mechanism parameter. * This parameter is a timeout counter, that counts in 64 tClk * chunks, that when timeout event occurs a maskable interrupt * occurs. * The parameter is calculated using the tCLK frequency of the * MV-64xxx chip, and the required number is in micro seconds. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * MV_U32 uSec - Number of micro seconds between * RX interrupts * * RETURN: * None. * * COMMENT: * 1 sec - TCLK_RATE clocks * 1 uSec - TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000 clocks * * Register Value for N micro seconds - ((N * ( (TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000)) / 64) * *******************************************************************************/ MV_U32 mvEthTxCoalSet(void* pPortHndl, MV_U32 uSec) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; MV_U32 coal = ((uSec * (mvBoardTclkGet() / 1000000)) / 64); MV_U32 regVal; regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESH_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); regVal &= ~ETH_TX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK; regVal |= ETH_TX_INTR_COAL_MASK(coal); /* Set TX Coalescing mechanism */ MV_REG_WRITE (ETH_TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESH_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), regVal); return coal; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthCoalGet - Gets RX and TX coalescing values in micro seconds * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine gets the RX and TX coalescing interrupt values. * The parameter is calculated using the tCLK frequency of the * MV-64xxx chip, and the returned numbers are in micro seconds. * * INPUTs: * void* pPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * * OUTPUTs: * MV_U32* pRxCoal - Number of micro seconds between RX interrupts * MV_U32* pTxCoal - Number of micro seconds between TX interrupts * * RETURN: * MV_STATUS MV_OK - success * Others - failure. * * COMMENT: * 1 sec - TCLK_RATE clocks * 1 uSec - TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000 clocks * * Register Value for N micro seconds - ((N * ( (TCLK_RATE / 1,000,000)) / 64) * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthCoalGet(void* pPortHndl, MV_U32* pRxCoal, MV_U32* pTxCoal) { MV_U32 regVal, coal, usec; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; /* get TX Coalescing */ regVal = MV_REG_READ (ETH_TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESH_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); coal = ((regVal & ETH_TX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK) >> ETH_TX_INTR_COAL_OFFSET); usec = (coal * 64) / (mvBoardTclkGet() / 1000000); if(pTxCoal != NULL) *pTxCoal = usec; /* Get RX Coalescing */ regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_SDMA_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); coal = ((regVal & ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK) >> ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_OFFSET); #if (MV_ETH_VERSION >= 2) if(regVal & ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_MSB_MASK) { /* Add MSB */ coal |= (ETH_RX_INTR_COAL_ALL_MASK + 1); } #endif /* MV_ETH_VERSION >= 2 */ usec = (coal * 64) / (mvBoardTclkGet() / 1000000); if(pRxCoal != NULL) *pRxCoal = usec; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMaxRxSizeSet - * * DESCRIPTION: * Change maximum receive size of the port. This configuration will take place * after next call of ethPortSetDefaults() function. * * INPUT: * * RETURN: *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthMaxRxSizeSet(void* pPortHndl, int maxRxSize) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; MV_U32 portSerialCtrlReg; if((maxRxSize < 1518) || (maxRxSize & ~ETH_RX_BUFFER_MASK)) return MV_BAD_PARAM; pPortCtrl->portConfig.maxRxPktSize = maxRxSize; portSerialCtrlReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_MAX_RX_PACKET_SIZE_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= mvEthMruGet(pPortCtrl->portConfig.maxRxPktSize); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portSerialCtrlReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* MAC Filtering functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthRxFilterModeSet - Configure Fitering mode of Ethernet port * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine used to free buffers attached to the Rx ring and should * be called only when Giga Ethernet port is Down * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet Port handler. * MV_BOOL isPromisc - Promiscous mode * MV_TRUE - accept all Broadcast, Multicast * and Unicast packets * MV_FALSE - accept all Broadcast, * specially added Multicast and * single Unicast packets * * RETURN: MV_STATUS MV_OK - Success, Other - Failure * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthRxFilterModeSet(void* pEthPortHndl, MV_BOOL isPromisc) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pEthPortHndl; int queue; MV_U32 portCfgReg; portCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); /* Set / Clear UPM bit in port configuration register */ if(isPromisc) { /* Accept all multicast packets to RX default queue */ queue = pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxDefQ; portCfgReg |= ETH_UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_MASK; memset(pPortCtrl->mcastCount, 1, sizeof(pPortCtrl->mcastCount)); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_MAC_ADDR_LOW_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo),0xFFFF); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_MAC_ADDR_HIGH_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo),0xFFFFFFFF); } else { /* Reject all Multicast addresses */ queue = -1; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_MASK; /* Clear all mcastCount */ memset(pPortCtrl->mcastCount, 0, sizeof(pPortCtrl->mcastCount)); } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgReg); /* Set Special Multicast and Other Multicast tables */ mvEthSetSpecialMcastTable(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue); mvEthSetOtherMcastTable(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue); ethSetUcastTable(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMacAddrSet - This function Set the port Unicast address. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function Set the port Ethernet MAC address. This address * will be used to send Pause frames if enabled. Packets with this * address will be accepted and dispatched to default RX queue * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler. * char* pAddr - Address to be set * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Other - Faulure * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthMacAddrSet(void* pPortHndl, unsigned char *pAddr, int queue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; unsigned int macH; unsigned int macL; if(queue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", queue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } if(queue != -1) { macL = (pAddr[4] << 8) | (pAddr[5]); macH = (pAddr[0] << 24)| (pAddr[1] << 16) | (pAddr[2] << 8) | (pAddr[3] << 0); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_MAC_ADDR_LOW_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), macL); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_MAC_ADDR_HIGH_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), macH); } /* Accept frames of this address */ ethSetUcastAddr(pPortCtrl->portNo, pAddr[5], queue); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMacAddrGet - This function returns the port Unicast address. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function returns the port Ethernet MAC address. * * INPUT: * int portNo - Ethernet port number. * char* pAddr - Pointer where address will be written to * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success, Other - Faulure * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthMacAddrGet(int portNo, unsigned char *pAddr) { unsigned int macH; unsigned int macL; if(pAddr == NULL) { mvOsPrintf("mvEthMacAddrGet: NULL pointer.\n"); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } macH = MV_REG_READ(ETH_MAC_ADDR_HIGH_REG(portNo)); macL = MV_REG_READ(ETH_MAC_ADDR_LOW_REG(portNo)); pAddr[0] = (macH >> 24) & 0xff; pAddr[1] = (macH >> 16) & 0xff; pAddr[2] = (macH >> 8) & 0xff; pAddr[3] = macH & 0xff; pAddr[4] = (macL >> 8) & 0xff; pAddr[5] = macL & 0xff; return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMcastCrc8Get - Calculate CRC8 of MAC address. * * DESCRIPTION: * * INPUT: * MV_U8* pAddr - Address to calculate CRC-8 * * RETURN: MV_U8 - CRC-8 of this MAC address * *******************************************************************************/ MV_U8 mvEthMcastCrc8Get(MV_U8* pAddr) { unsigned int macH; unsigned int macL; int macArray[48]; int crc[8]; int i; unsigned char crcResult = 0; /* Calculate CRC-8 out of the given address */ macH = (pAddr[0] << 8) | (pAddr[1]); macL = (pAddr[2] << 24)| (pAddr[3] << 16) | (pAddr[4] << 8) | (pAddr[5] << 0); for(i=0; i<32; i++) macArray[i] = (macL >> i) & 0x1; for(i=32; i<48; i++) macArray[i] = (macH >> (i - 32)) & 0x1; crc[0] = macArray[45] ^ macArray[43] ^ macArray[40] ^ macArray[39] ^ macArray[35] ^ macArray[34] ^ macArray[31] ^ macArray[30] ^ macArray[28] ^ macArray[23] ^ macArray[21] ^ macArray[19] ^ macArray[18] ^ macArray[16] ^ macArray[14] ^ macArray[12] ^ macArray[8] ^ macArray[7] ^ macArray[6] ^ macArray[0]; crc[1] = macArray[46] ^ macArray[45] ^ macArray[44] ^ macArray[43] ^ macArray[41] ^ macArray[39] ^ macArray[36] ^ macArray[34] ^ macArray[32] ^ macArray[30] ^ macArray[29] ^ macArray[28] ^ macArray[24] ^ macArray[23] ^ macArray[22] ^ macArray[21] ^ macArray[20] ^ macArray[18] ^ macArray[17] ^ macArray[16] ^ macArray[15] ^ macArray[14] ^ macArray[13] ^ macArray[12] ^ macArray[9] ^ macArray[6] ^ macArray[1] ^ macArray[0]; crc[2] = macArray[47] ^ macArray[46] ^ macArray[44] ^ macArray[43] ^ macArray[42] ^ macArray[39] ^ macArray[37] ^ macArray[34] ^ macArray[33] ^ macArray[29] ^ macArray[28] ^ macArray[25] ^ macArray[24] ^ macArray[22] ^ macArray[17] ^ macArray[15] ^ macArray[13] ^ macArray[12] ^ macArray[10] ^ macArray[8] ^ macArray[6] ^ macArray[2] ^ macArray[1] ^ macArray[0]; crc[3] = macArray[47] ^ macArray[45] ^ macArray[44] ^ macArray[43] ^ macArray[40] ^ macArray[38] ^ macArray[35] ^ macArray[34] ^ macArray[30] ^ macArray[29] ^ macArray[26] ^ macArray[25] ^ macArray[23] ^ macArray[18] ^ macArray[16] ^ macArray[14] ^ macArray[13] ^ macArray[11] ^ macArray[9] ^ macArray[7] ^ macArray[3] ^ macArray[2] ^ macArray[1]; crc[4] = macArray[46] ^ macArray[45] ^ macArray[44] ^ macArray[41] ^ macArray[39] ^ macArray[36] ^ macArray[35] ^ macArray[31] ^ macArray[30] ^ macArray[27] ^ macArray[26] ^ macArray[24] ^ macArray[19] ^ macArray[17] ^ macArray[15] ^ macArray[14] ^ macArray[12] ^ macArray[10] ^ macArray[8] ^ macArray[4] ^ macArray[3] ^ macArray[2]; crc[5] = macArray[47] ^ macArray[46] ^ macArray[45] ^ macArray[42] ^ macArray[40] ^ macArray[37] ^ macArray[36] ^ macArray[32] ^ macArray[31] ^ macArray[28] ^ macArray[27] ^ macArray[25] ^ macArray[20] ^ macArray[18] ^ macArray[16] ^ macArray[15] ^ macArray[13] ^ macArray[11] ^ macArray[9] ^ macArray[5] ^ macArray[4] ^ macArray[3]; crc[6] = macArray[47] ^ macArray[46] ^ macArray[43] ^ macArray[41] ^ macArray[38] ^ macArray[37] ^ macArray[33] ^ macArray[32] ^ macArray[29] ^ macArray[28] ^ macArray[26] ^ macArray[21] ^ macArray[19] ^ macArray[17] ^ macArray[16] ^ macArray[14] ^ macArray[12] ^ macArray[10] ^ macArray[6] ^ macArray[5] ^ macArray[4]; crc[7] = macArray[47] ^ macArray[44] ^ macArray[42] ^ macArray[39] ^ macArray[38] ^ macArray[34] ^ macArray[33] ^ macArray[30] ^ macArray[29] ^ macArray[27] ^ macArray[22] ^ macArray[20] ^ macArray[18] ^ macArray[17] ^ macArray[15] ^ macArray[13] ^ macArray[11] ^ macArray[7] ^ macArray[6] ^ macArray[5]; for(i=0; i<8; i++) crcResult = crcResult | (crc[i] << i); return crcResult; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMcastAddrSet - Multicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * This API controls the MV device MAC multicast support. * The MV device supports multicast using two tables: * 1) Special Multicast Table for MAC addresses of the form * 0x01-00-5E-00-00-XX (where XX is between 0x00 and 0xFF). * The MAC DA[7:0] bits are used as a pointer to the Special Multicast * Table entries in the DA-Filter table. * In this case, the function calls ethPortSmcAddr() routine to set the * Special Multicast Table. * 2) Other Multicast Table for multicast of another type. A CRC-8bit * is used as an index to the Other Multicast Table entries in the * DA-Filter table. * In this case, the function calculates the CRC-8bit value and calls * ethPortOmcAddr() routine to set the Other Multicast Table. * * INPUT: * void* pEthPortHndl - Ethernet port handler. * MV_U8* pAddr - Address to be set * int queue - RX queue to capture all packets with this * Multicast MAC address. * -1 means delete this Multicast address. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_TRUE - Success, Other - Failure * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthMcastAddrSet(void* pPortHndl, MV_U8 *pAddr, int queue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; unsigned char crcResult = 0; if(queue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort %d: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, queue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } if((pAddr[0] == 0x01) && (pAddr[1] == 0x00) && (pAddr[2] == 0x5E) && (pAddr[3] == 0x00) && (pAddr[4] == 0x00)) { ethSetSpecialMcastAddr(pPortCtrl->portNo, pAddr[5], queue); } else { crcResult = mvEthMcastCrc8Get(pAddr); /* Check Add counter for this CRC value */ if(queue == -1) { if(pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult] == 0) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort #%d: No valid Mcast for crc8=0x%02x\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, (unsigned)crcResult); return MV_NO_SUCH; } pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult]--; if(pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult] != 0) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort #%d: After delete there are %d valid Mcast for crc8=0x%02x\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult], (unsigned)crcResult); return MV_NO_CHANGE; } } else { pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult]++; if(pPortCtrl->mcastCount[crcResult] > 1) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort #%d: Valid Mcast for crc8=0x%02x already exists\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, (unsigned)crcResult); return MV_NO_CHANGE; } } ethSetOtherMcastAddr(pPortCtrl->portNo, crcResult, queue); } return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * ethSetUcastTable - Unicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * Set all entries in the Unicast MAC Table queue==-1 means reject all * INPUT: * * RETURN: * *******************************************************************************/ static void ethSetUcastTable(int portNo, int queue) { int offset; MV_U32 regValue; if(queue == -1) { regValue = 0; } else { regValue = (((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 0) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 8) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 16) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 24)); } for (offset=0; offset<=0xC; offset+=4) MV_REG_WRITE((ETH_DA_FILTER_UCAST_BASE(portNo) + offset), regValue); } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthSetSpecialMcastTable - Special Multicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * Set all entries to the Special Multicast MAC Table. queue==-1 means reject all * INPUT: * * RETURN: * *******************************************************************************/ MV_VOID mvEthSetSpecialMcastTable(int portNo, int queue) { int offset; MV_U32 regValue; if(queue == -1) { regValue = 0; } else { regValue = (((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 0) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 8) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 16) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 24)); } for (offset=0; offset<=0xFC; offset+=4) { MV_REG_WRITE((ETH_DA_FILTER_SPEC_MCAST_BASE(portNo) + offset), regValue); } } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthSetOtherMcastTable - Other Multicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * Set all entries to the Other Multicast MAC Table. queue==-1 means reject all * INPUT: * * RETURN: * *******************************************************************************/ MV_VOID mvEthSetOtherMcastTable(int portNo, int queue) { int offset; MV_U32 regValue; if(queue == -1) { regValue = 0; } else { regValue = (((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 0) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 8) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 16) | ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << 24)); } for (offset=0; offset<=0xFC; offset+=4) { MV_REG_WRITE((ETH_DA_FILTER_OTH_MCAST_BASE(portNo) + offset), regValue); } } /******************************************************************************* * ethSetUcastAddr - This function Set the port unicast address table * * DESCRIPTION: * This function locates the proper entry in the Unicast table for the * specified MAC nibble and sets its properties according to function * parameters. * * INPUT: * int ethPortNum - Port number. * MV_U8 lastNibble - Unicast MAC Address last nibble. * int queue - Rx queue number for this MAC address. * value "-1" means remove address * * OUTPUT: * This function add/removes MAC addresses from the port unicast address * table. * * RETURN: * MV_TRUE is output succeeded. * MV_FALSE if option parameter is invalid. * *******************************************************************************/ static MV_BOOL ethSetUcastAddr(int portNo, MV_U8 lastNibble, int queue) { unsigned int unicastReg; unsigned int tblOffset; unsigned int regOffset; /* Locate the Unicast table entry */ lastNibble = (0xf & lastNibble); tblOffset = (lastNibble / 4) * 4; /* Register offset from unicast table base*/ regOffset = lastNibble % 4; /* Entry offset within the above register */ unicastReg = MV_REG_READ( (ETH_DA_FILTER_UCAST_BASE(portNo) + tblOffset)); if(queue == -1) { /* Clear accepts frame bit at specified unicast DA table entry */ unicastReg &= ~(0xFF << (8*regOffset)); } else { unicastReg &= ~(0xFF << (8*regOffset)); unicastReg |= ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << (8*regOffset)); } MV_REG_WRITE( (ETH_DA_FILTER_UCAST_BASE(portNo) + tblOffset), unicastReg); return MV_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* * ethSetSpecialMcastAddr - Special Multicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine controls the MV device special MAC multicast support. * The Special Multicast Table for MAC addresses supports MAC of the form * 0x01-00-5E-00-00-XX (where XX is between 0x00 and 0xFF). * The MAC DA[7:0] bits are used as a pointer to the Special Multicast * Table entries in the DA-Filter table. * This function set the Special Multicast Table appropriate entry * according to the argument given. * * INPUT: * int ethPortNum Port number. * unsigned char mcByte Multicast addr last byte (MAC DA[7:0] bits). * int queue Rx queue number for this MAC address. * int option 0 = Add, 1 = remove address. * * OUTPUT: * See description. * * RETURN: * MV_TRUE is output succeeded. * MV_FALSE if option parameter is invalid. * *******************************************************************************/ static MV_BOOL ethSetSpecialMcastAddr(int ethPortNum, MV_U8 lastByte, int queue) { unsigned int smcTableReg; unsigned int tblOffset; unsigned int regOffset; /* Locate the SMC table entry */ tblOffset = (lastByte / 4); /* Register offset from SMC table base */ regOffset = lastByte % 4; /* Entry offset within the above register */ smcTableReg = MV_REG_READ((ETH_DA_FILTER_SPEC_MCAST_BASE(ethPortNum) + tblOffset*4)); if(queue == -1) { /* Clear accepts frame bit at specified Special DA table entry */ smcTableReg &= ~(0xFF << (8 * regOffset)); } else { smcTableReg &= ~(0xFF << (8 * regOffset)); smcTableReg |= ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << (8 * regOffset)); } MV_REG_WRITE((ETH_DA_FILTER_SPEC_MCAST_BASE(ethPortNum) + tblOffset*4), smcTableReg); return MV_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* * ethSetOtherMcastAddr - Multicast address settings. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine controls the MV device Other MAC multicast support. * The Other Multicast Table is used for multicast of another type. * A CRC-8bit is used as an index to the Other Multicast Table entries * in the DA-Filter table. * The function gets the CRC-8bit value from the calling routine and * set the Other Multicast Table appropriate entry according to the * CRC-8 argument given. * * INPUT: * int ethPortNum Port number. * MV_U8 crc8 A CRC-8bit (Polynomial: x^8+x^2+x^1+1). * int queue Rx queue number for this MAC address. * * OUTPUT: * See description. * * RETURN: * MV_TRUE is output succeeded. * MV_FALSE if option parameter is invalid. * *******************************************************************************/ static MV_BOOL ethSetOtherMcastAddr(int ethPortNum, MV_U8 crc8, int queue) { unsigned int omcTableReg; unsigned int tblOffset; unsigned int regOffset; /* Locate the OMC table entry */ tblOffset = (crc8 / 4) * 4; /* Register offset from OMC table base */ regOffset = crc8 % 4; /* Entry offset within the above register */ omcTableReg = MV_REG_READ( (ETH_DA_FILTER_OTH_MCAST_BASE(ethPortNum) + tblOffset)); if(queue == -1) { /* Clear accepts frame bit at specified Other DA table entry */ omcTableReg &= ~(0xFF << (8 * regOffset)); } else { omcTableReg &= ~(0xFF << (8 * regOffset)); omcTableReg |= ((0x01 | (queue<<1)) << (8 * regOffset)); } MV_REG_WRITE((ETH_DA_FILTER_OTH_MCAST_BASE(ethPortNum) + tblOffset), omcTableReg); return MV_TRUE; } /******************************************************************************/ /* MIB Counters functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMibCounterRead - Read a MIB counter * * DESCRIPTION: * This function reads a MIB counter of a specific ethernet port. * NOTE - Read from ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_RECEIVED_LOW or * ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_SENT_LOW counters will return 64 bits value, * so pHigh32 pointer should not be NULL in this case. * * INPUT: * int ethPortNum - Ethernet Port number. * unsigned int mibOffset - MIB counter offset. * * OUTPUT: * MV_U32* pHigh32 - pointer to place where 32 most significant bits * of the counter will be stored. * * RETURN: * 32 low sgnificant bits of MIB counter value. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_U32 mvEthMibCounterRead(void* pPortHandle, unsigned int mibOffset, MV_U32* pHigh32) { int portNo; MV_U32 valLow32, valHigh32; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; portNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; valLow32 = MV_REG_READ(ETH_MIB_COUNTERS_BASE(portNo) + mibOffset); /* Implement FEr ETH. Erroneous Value when Reading the Upper 32-bits */ /* of a 64-bit MIB Counter. */ if( (mibOffset == ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_RECEIVED_LOW) || (mibOffset == ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_SENT_LOW) ) { valHigh32 = MV_REG_READ(ETH_MIB_COUNTERS_BASE(portNo) + mibOffset + 4); if(pHigh32 != NULL) *pHigh32 = valHigh32; } return valLow32; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthMibCountersClear - Clear all MIB counters * * DESCRIPTION: * This function clears all MIB counters * * INPUT: * int ethPortNum - Ethernet Port number. * * * RETURN: void * *******************************************************************************/ void mvEthMibCountersClear(void* pPortHandle) { int i, portNo; unsigned int dummy; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; portNo = pPortCtrl->portNo; /* Perform dummy reads from MIB counters */ for(i=ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_RECEIVED_LOW; i 0xFF) { mvOsPrintf("eth_%d: tos=0x%x is out of range\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, tos); return -1; } regIdx = mvOsDivide(tos>>2, 10); regOffs = mvOsReminder(tos>>2, 10); regValue = MV_REG_READ(ETH_DIFF_SERV_PRIO_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, regIdx) ); rxq = (regValue >> (regOffs*3)); rxq &= 0x7; return rxq; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTosToRxqSet - Map packets with special TOS value to special RX queue * * DESCRIPTION: * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int tos - TOS value in the IP header of the packet * int rxq - RX Queue for packets with the configured TOS value * Negative value (-1) means no special processing for these packets, * so they will be processed as regular packets. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthTosToRxqSet(void* pPortHandle, int tos, int rxq) { MV_U32 regValue; int regIdx, regOffs; ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; if( (rxq < 0) || (rxq >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) ) { mvOsPrintf("eth_%d: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, rxq); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } if(tos > 0xFF) { mvOsPrintf("eth_%d: tos=0x%x is out of range\n", pPortCtrl->portNo, tos); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } regIdx = mvOsDivide(tos>>2, 10); regOffs = mvOsReminder(tos>>2, 10); regValue = MV_REG_READ(ETH_DIFF_SERV_PRIO_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, regIdx) ); regValue &= ~(0x7 << (regOffs*3)); regValue |= (rxq << (regOffs*3)); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_DIFF_SERV_PRIO_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, regIdx), regValue); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthVlanPrioRxQueue - Configure RX queue to capture VLAN tagged packets with * special priority bits [0-2] * * DESCRIPTION: * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int bpduQueue - Special queue to capture VLAN tagged packets with special * priority. * Negative value (-1) means no special processing for these packets, * so they will be processed as regular packets. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthVlanPrioRxQueue(void* pPortHandle, int vlanPrio, int vlanPrioQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; MV_U32 vlanPrioReg; if(vlanPrioQueue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", vlanPrioQueue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } if(vlanPrio >= 8) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: vlanPrio=%d is out of range\n", vlanPrio); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } vlanPrioReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_VLAN_TAG_TO_PRIO_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); vlanPrioReg &= ~(0x7 << (vlanPrio*3)); vlanPrioReg |= (vlanPrioQueue << (vlanPrio*3)); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_VLAN_TAG_TO_PRIO_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), vlanPrioReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthBpduRxQueue - Configure RX queue to capture BPDU packets. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function defines processing of BPDU packets. * BPDU packets can be accepted and captured to one of RX queues * or can be processing as regular Multicast packets. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int bpduQueue - Special queue to capture BPDU packets (DA is equal to * 01-80-C2-00-00-00 through 01-80-C2-00-00-FF, * except for the Flow-Control Pause packets). * Negative value (-1) means no special processing for BPDU, * packets so they will be processed as regular Multicast packets. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthBpduRxQueue(void* pPortHandle, int bpduQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; MV_U32 portCfgReg; MV_U32 portCfgExtReg; if(bpduQueue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", bpduQueue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } portCfgExtReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_EXTEND_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); portCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); if(bpduQueue >= 0) { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxBpduQ = bpduQueue; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_BPDU_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_BPDU_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxBpduQ); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgReg); portCfgExtReg |= ETH_CAPTURE_SPAN_BPDU_ENABLE_MASK; } else { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxBpduQ = -1; /* no special processing for BPDU packets */ portCfgExtReg &= (~ETH_CAPTURE_SPAN_BPDU_ENABLE_MASK); } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_EXTEND_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgExtReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthArpRxQueue - Configure RX queue to capture ARP packets. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function defines processing of ARP (type=0x0806) packets. * ARP packets can be accepted and captured to one of RX queues * or can be processed as other Broadcast packets. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int arpQueue - Special queue to capture ARP packets (type=0x806). * Negative value (-1) means discard ARP packets * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthArpRxQueue(void* pPortHandle, int arpQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; MV_U32 portCfgReg; if(arpQueue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", arpQueue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } portCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); if(arpQueue >= 0) { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxArpQ = arpQueue; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_ARP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_ARP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxArpQ); portCfgReg &= (~ETH_REJECT_ARP_BCAST_MASK); } else { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxArpQ = -1; portCfgReg |= ETH_REJECT_ARP_BCAST_MASK; } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthTcpRxQueue - Configure RX queue to capture TCP packets. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function defines processing of TCP packets. * TCP packets can be accepted and captured to one of RX queues * or can be processed as regular Unicast packets. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int tcpQueue - Special queue to capture TCP packets. Value "-1" * means no special processing for TCP packets, * so they will be processed as regular * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthTcpRxQueue(void* pPortHandle, int tcpQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; MV_U32 portCfgReg; if(tcpQueue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", tcpQueue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } portCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); if(tcpQueue >= 0) { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxTcpQ = tcpQueue; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_TCP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_TCP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxTcpQ); portCfgReg |= ETH_CAPTURE_TCP_FRAMES_ENABLE_MASK; } else { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxTcpQ = -1; portCfgReg &= (~ETH_CAPTURE_TCP_FRAMES_ENABLE_MASK); } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthUdpRxQueue - Configure RX queue to capture UDP packets. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function defines processing of UDP packets. * TCP packets can be accepted and captured to one of RX queues * or can be processed as regular Unicast packets. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int udpQueue - Special queue to capture UDP packets. Value "-1" * means no special processing for UDP packets, * so they will be processed as regular * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_FAIL - Failed. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthUdpRxQueue(void* pPortHandle, int udpQueue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; MV_U32 portCfgReg; if(udpQueue >= MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM) { mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: RX queue #%d is out of range\n", udpQueue); return MV_BAD_PARAM; } portCfgReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo)); if(udpQueue >= 0) { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxUdpQ = udpQueue; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_DEF_RX_UDP_QUEUE_ALL_MASK; portCfgReg |= ETH_DEF_RX_UDP_QUEUE_MASK(pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxUdpQ); portCfgReg |= ETH_CAPTURE_UDP_FRAMES_ENABLE_MASK; } else { pPortCtrl->portConfig.rxUdpQ = -1; portCfgReg &= ~ETH_CAPTURE_UDP_FRAMES_ENABLE_MASK; } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_CONFIG_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo), portCfgReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Speed, Duplex, FlowControl routines */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthSpeedDuplexSet - Set Speed and Duplex of the port. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configure the port to work with desirable Duplex and Speed. * Changing of these parameters are allowed only when port is disabled. * This function disable the port if was enabled, change duplex and speed * and, enable the port back if needed. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * ETH_PORT_SPEED speed - Speed of the port. * ETH_PORT_SPEED duplex - Duplex of the port. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_OUT_OF_RANGE - Failed. Port is out of valid range * MV_NOT_FOUND - Failed. Port is not initialized. * MV_BAD_PARAM - Input parameters (speed/duplex) in conflict. * MV_BAD_VALUE - Value of one of input parameters (speed, duplex) * is not valid * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthSpeedDuplexSet(void* pPortHandle, MV_ETH_PORT_SPEED speed, MV_ETH_PORT_DUPLEX duplex) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; MV_U32 portSerialCtrlReg; if( (port < 0) || (port >= (int)mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet()) ) return MV_OUT_OF_RANGE; pPortCtrl = ethPortCtrl[port]; if(pPortCtrl == NULL) return MV_NOT_FOUND; /* Check validity */ if( (speed == MV_ETH_SPEED_1000) && (duplex == MV_ETH_DUPLEX_HALF) ) return MV_BAD_PARAM; portSerialCtrlReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(port)); /* Set Speed */ switch(speed) { case MV_ETH_SPEED_AN: portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_DISABLE_SPEED_AUTO_NEG_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_SPEED_10: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_SPEED_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_SET_GMII_SPEED_1000_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_SET_MII_SPEED_100_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_SPEED_100: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_SPEED_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_SET_GMII_SPEED_1000_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_SET_MII_SPEED_100_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_SPEED_1000: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_SPEED_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_SET_GMII_SPEED_1000_MASK; break; default: mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: Unexpected Speed value %d\n", speed); return MV_BAD_VALUE; } /* Set duplex */ switch(duplex) { case MV_ETH_DUPLEX_AN: portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_DISABLE_DUPLEX_AUTO_NEG_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_DUPLEX_HALF: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_DUPLEX_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_DUPLEX_FULL: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_DUPLEX_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MASK; break; default: mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: Unexpected Duplex value %d\n", duplex); return MV_BAD_VALUE; } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(port), portSerialCtrlReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthFlowCtrlSet - Set Flow Control of the port. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configure the port to work with desirable Duplex and * Speed. Changing of these parameters are allowed only when port is * disabled. This function disable the port if was enabled, change * duplex and speed and, enable the port back if needed. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * MV_ETH_PORT_FC flowControl - Flow control of the port. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_OUT_OF_RANGE - Failed. Port is out of valid range * MV_NOT_FOUND - Failed. Port is not initialized. * MV_BAD_VALUE - Value flowControl parameters is not valid * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthFlowCtrlSet(void* pPortHandle, MV_ETH_PORT_FC flowControl) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; MV_U32 portSerialCtrlReg; if( (port < 0) || (port >= (int)mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet() ) ) return MV_OUT_OF_RANGE; pPortCtrl = ethPortCtrl[port]; if(pPortCtrl == NULL) return MV_NOT_FOUND; portSerialCtrlReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(port)); switch(flowControl) { case MV_ETH_FC_AN_ADV_DIS: portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_DISABLE_FC_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_ADVERTISE_SYM_FC_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_FC_AN_ADV_SYM: portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_DISABLE_FC_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_ADVERTISE_SYM_FC_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_FC_DISABLE: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_FC_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg &= ~ETH_SET_FLOW_CTRL_MASK; break; case MV_ETH_FC_ENABLE: portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_DISABLE_FC_AUTO_NEG_MASK; portSerialCtrlReg |= ETH_SET_FLOW_CTRL_MASK; break; default: mvOsPrintf("ethDrv: Unexpected FlowControl value %d\n", flowControl); return MV_BAD_VALUE; } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(port), portSerialCtrlReg); return MV_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthHeaderModeSet - Set port header mode. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function configures the port to work in Marvell-Header mode. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * MV_ETH_HEADER_MODE headerMode - The header mode to set the port in. * * RETURN: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * MV_NOT_SUPPORTED- Feature not supported. * MV_OUT_OF_RANGE - Failed. Port is out of valid range * MV_NOT_FOUND - Failed. Port is not initialized. * MV_BAD_VALUE - Value of headerMode or numRxQueue parameter is not valid. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthHeaderModeSet(void* pPortHandle, MV_ETH_HEADER_MODE headerMode) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; MV_U32 mvHeaderReg; MV_U32 numRxQ = MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM; if((port < 0) || (port >= mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet())) return MV_OUT_OF_RANGE; pPortCtrl = ethPortCtrl[port]; if(pPortCtrl == NULL) return MV_NOT_FOUND; mvHeaderReg = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_MARVELL_HEADER_REG(port)); /* Disable header mode. */ mvHeaderReg &= ~ETH_MVHDR_EN_MASK; if(headerMode != MV_ETH_DISABLE_HEADER_MODE) { /* Enable Header mode. */ mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_EN_MASK; /* Clear DA-Prefix & MHMask fields.*/ mvHeaderReg &= ~(ETH_MVHDR_DAPREFIX_MASK | ETH_MVHDR_MHMASK_MASK); if(numRxQ > 1) { switch (headerMode) { case(MV_ETH_ENABLE_HEADER_MODE_PRI_2_1): mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_DAPREFIX_PRI_1_2; break; case(MV_ETH_ENABLE_HEADER_MODE_PRI_DBNUM): mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_DAPREFIX_DBNUM_PRI; break; case(MV_ETH_ENABLE_HEADER_MODE_PRI_SPID): mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_DAPREFIX_SPID_PRI; break; default: break; } switch (numRxQ) { case (4): mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_MHMASK_4_QUEUE; break; case (8): mvHeaderReg |= ETH_MVHDR_MHMASK_8_QUEUE; break; default: break; } } } MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_MARVELL_HEADER_REG(port), mvHeaderReg); return MV_OK; } #if (MV_ETH_VERSION >= 4) /******************************************************************************* * mvEthEjpModeSet - Enable / Disable EJP policy for TX. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * MV_BOOL TRUE - enable EJP mode * FALSE - disable EJP mode * * OUTPUT: MV_STATUS * MV_OK - Success * Other - Failure * * RETURN: None. * *******************************************************************************/ MV_STATUS mvEthEjpModeSet(void* pPortHandle, int mode) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; if((port < 0) || (port >= mvCtrlEthMaxPortGet())) return MV_OUT_OF_RANGE; pPortCtrl = ethPortCtrl[port]; if(pPortCtrl == NULL) return MV_NOT_FOUND; pPortCtrl->portConfig.ejpMode = mode; if(mode) { /* EJP enabled */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(port), ETH_TX_EJP_ENABLE_MASK); } else { /* EJP disabled */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(port), 0); } mvOsPrintf("eth_%d: EJP %s - ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG: 0x%x = 0x%08x\n", port, mode ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(port), MV_REG_READ(ETH_TXQ_CMD_1_REG(port))); return MV_OK; } #endif /* MV_ETH_VERSION >= 4 */ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthStatusGet - Get major properties of the port . * * DESCRIPTION: * This function get major properties of the port (link, speed, duplex, * flowControl, etc) and return them using the single structure. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * * OUTPUT: * MV_ETH_PORT_STATUS* pStatus - Pointer to structure, were port status * will be placed. * * RETURN: None. * *******************************************************************************/ void mvEthStatusGet(void* pPortHandle, MV_ETH_PORT_STATUS* pStatus) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; MV_U32 regValue; regValue = MV_REG_READ( ETH_PORT_STATUS_REG(port) ); if(regValue & ETH_GMII_SPEED_1000_MASK) pStatus->speed = MV_ETH_SPEED_1000; else if(regValue & ETH_MII_SPEED_100_MASK) pStatus->speed = MV_ETH_SPEED_100; else pStatus->speed = MV_ETH_SPEED_10; if(regValue & ETH_LINK_UP_MASK) pStatus->isLinkUp = MV_TRUE; else pStatus->isLinkUp = MV_FALSE; if(regValue & ETH_FULL_DUPLEX_MASK) pStatus->duplex = MV_ETH_DUPLEX_FULL; else pStatus->duplex = MV_ETH_DUPLEX_HALF; if(regValue & ETH_ENABLE_RCV_FLOW_CTRL_MASK) pStatus->flowControl = MV_ETH_FC_ENABLE; else pStatus->flowControl = MV_ETH_FC_DISABLE; } /******************************************************************************/ /* PHY Control Functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPhyAddrSet - Set the ethernet port PHY address. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine set the ethernet port PHY address according to given * parameter. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * int phyAddr - PHY address * * RETURN: * None. * *******************************************************************************/ void mvEthPhyAddrSet(void* pPortHandle, int phyAddr) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; unsigned int regData; regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PHY_ADDR_REG(port)); regData &= ~ETH_PHY_ADDR_MASK; regData |= phyAddr; MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PHY_ADDR_REG(port), regData); return; } /******************************************************************************* * mvEthPhyAddrGet - Get the ethernet port PHY address. * * DESCRIPTION: * This routine returns the given ethernet port PHY address. * * INPUT: * void* pPortHandle - Pointer to port specific handler; * * * RETURN: int - PHY address. * *******************************************************************************/ int mvEthPhyAddrGet(void* pPortHandle) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHandle; int port = pPortCtrl->portNo; unsigned int regData; regData = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PHY_ADDR_REG(port)); return ((regData >> (5 * port)) & 0x1f); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Descriptor handling Functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * etherInitRxDescRing - Curve a Rx chain desc list and buffer in memory. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function prepares a Rx chained list of descriptors and packet * buffers in a form of a ring. The routine must be called after port * initialization routine and before port start routine. * The Ethernet SDMA engine uses CPU bus addresses to access the various * devices in the system (i.e. DRAM). This function uses the ethernet * struct 'virtual to physical' routine (set by the user) to set the ring * with physical addresses. * * INPUT: * ETH_QUEUE_CTRL *pEthPortCtrl Ethernet Port Control srtuct. * int rxQueue Number of Rx queue. * int rxDescNum Number of Rx descriptors * MV_U8* rxDescBaseAddr Rx descriptors memory area base addr. * * OUTPUT: * The routine updates the Ethernet port control struct with information * regarding the Rx descriptors and buffers. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ static void ethInitRxDescRing(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, int queue) { ETH_RX_DESC *pRxDescBase, *pRxDesc, *pRxPrevDesc; int ix, rxDescNum = pPortCtrl->rxQueueConfig[queue].descrNum; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL *pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue]; /* Make sure descriptor address is cache line size aligned */ pRxDescBase = (ETH_RX_DESC*)MV_ALIGN_UP((MV_ULONG)pQueueCtrl->descBuf.bufVirtPtr, CPU_D_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); pRxDesc = (ETH_RX_DESC*)pRxDescBase; pRxPrevDesc = pRxDesc; /* initialize the Rx descriptors ring */ for (ix=0; ixbufSize = 0x0; pRxDesc->byteCnt = 0x0; pRxDesc->cmdSts = ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_HOST; pRxDesc->bufPtr = 0x0; pRxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; pRxPrevDesc = pRxDesc; if(ix == (rxDescNum-1)) { /* Closing Rx descriptors ring */ pRxPrevDesc->nextDescPtr = (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, (void*)pRxDescBase); } else { pRxDesc = (ETH_RX_DESC*)((MV_ULONG)pRxDesc + ETH_RX_DESC_ALIGNED_SIZE); pRxPrevDesc->nextDescPtr = (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, (void*)pRxDesc); } ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pRxPrevDesc); } pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr = pRxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr = pRxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr = pRxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pLastDescr = pRxDesc; pQueueCtrl->resource = 0; } void ethResetRxDescRing(void* pPortHndl, int queue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL* pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->rxQueue[queue]; ETH_RX_DESC* pRxDesc = (ETH_RX_DESC*)pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; pQueueCtrl->resource = 0; if(pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr != NULL) { while(MV_TRUE) { pRxDesc->bufSize = 0x0; pRxDesc->byteCnt = 0x0; pRxDesc->cmdSts = ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_HOST; pRxDesc->bufPtr = 0x0; pRxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pRxDesc); if( (void*)pRxDesc == pQueueCtrl->pLastDescr) break; pRxDesc = RX_NEXT_DESC_PTR(pRxDesc, pQueueCtrl); } pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr = pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr = pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; /* Update RX Command register */ pPortCtrl->portRxQueueCmdReg |= (1 << queue); /* update HW */ MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_RX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue), (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr) ); } else { /* Update RX Command register */ pPortCtrl->portRxQueueCmdReg &= ~(1 << queue); /* update HW */ MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_RX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue), 0); } } /******************************************************************************* * etherInitTxDescRing - Curve a Tx chain desc list and buffer in memory. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function prepares a Tx chained list of descriptors and packet * buffers in a form of a ring. The routine must be called after port * initialization routine and before port start routine. * The Ethernet SDMA engine uses CPU bus addresses to access the various * devices in the system (i.e. DRAM). This function uses the ethernet * struct 'virtual to physical' routine (set by the user) to set the ring * with physical addresses. * * INPUT: * ETH_PORT_CTRL *pEthPortCtrl Ethernet Port Control srtuct. * int txQueue Number of Tx queue. * int txDescNum Number of Tx descriptors * int txBuffSize Size of Tx buffer * MV_U8* pTxDescBase Tx descriptors memory area base addr. * * OUTPUT: * The routine updates the Ethernet port control struct with information * regarding the Tx descriptors and buffers. * * RETURN: None. * *******************************************************************************/ static void ethInitTxDescRing(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, int queue) { ETH_TX_DESC *pTxDescBase, *pTxDesc, *pTxPrevDesc; int ix, txDescNum = pPortCtrl->txQueueConfig[queue].descrNum; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL *pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue]; /* Make sure descriptor address is cache line size aligned */ pTxDescBase = (ETH_TX_DESC*)MV_ALIGN_UP((MV_ULONG)pQueueCtrl->descBuf.bufVirtPtr, CPU_D_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); pTxDesc = (ETH_TX_DESC*)pTxDescBase; pTxPrevDesc = pTxDesc; /* initialize the Tx descriptors ring */ for (ix=0; ixbyteCnt = 0x0000; pTxDesc->L4iChk = 0x0000; pTxDesc->cmdSts = ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_HOST; pTxDesc->bufPtr = 0x0; pTxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; pTxPrevDesc = pTxDesc; if(ix == (txDescNum-1)) { /* Closing Tx descriptors ring */ pTxPrevDesc->nextDescPtr = (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, (void*)pTxDescBase); } else { pTxDesc = (ETH_TX_DESC*)((MV_ULONG)pTxDesc + ETH_TX_DESC_ALIGNED_SIZE); pTxPrevDesc->nextDescPtr = (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, (void*)pTxDesc); } ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pTxPrevDesc); } pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr = pTxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr = pTxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr = pTxDescBase; pQueueCtrl->pLastDescr = pTxDesc; /* Leave one TX descriptor out of use */ pQueueCtrl->resource = txDescNum - 1; } void ethResetTxDescRing(void* pPortHndl, int queue) { ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl = (ETH_PORT_CTRL*)pPortHndl; ETH_QUEUE_CTRL* pQueueCtrl = &pPortCtrl->txQueue[queue]; ETH_TX_DESC* pTxDesc = (ETH_TX_DESC*)pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; pQueueCtrl->resource = 0; if(pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr != NULL) { while(MV_TRUE) { pTxDesc->byteCnt = 0x0000; pTxDesc->L4iChk = 0x0000; pTxDesc->cmdSts = ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_HOST; pTxDesc->bufPtr = 0x0; pTxDesc->returnInfo = 0x0; ETH_DESCR_FLUSH_INV(pPortCtrl, pTxDesc); pQueueCtrl->resource++; if( (void*)pTxDesc == pQueueCtrl->pLastDescr) break; pTxDesc = TX_NEXT_DESC_PTR(pTxDesc, pQueueCtrl); } /* Leave one TX descriptor out of use */ pQueueCtrl->resource--; pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr = pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; pQueueCtrl->pUsedDescr = pQueueCtrl->pFirstDescr; /* Update TX Command register */ pPortCtrl->portTxQueueCmdReg |= MV_32BIT_LE_FAST(1 << queue); /* update HW */ MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_TX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue), (MV_U32)ethDescVirtToPhy(pQueueCtrl, pQueueCtrl->pCurrentDescr) ); } else { /* Update TX Command register */ pPortCtrl->portTxQueueCmdReg &= MV_32BIT_LE_FAST(~(1 << queue)); /* update HW */ MV_REG_WRITE( ETH_TX_CUR_DESC_PTR_REG(pPortCtrl->portNo, queue), 0 ); } } /******************************************************************************* * ethAllocDescrMemory - Free memory allocated for RX and TX descriptors. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function allocates memory for RX and TX descriptors. * - If ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM defined, allocate memory from SRAM. * - If ETH_DESCR_IN_SDRAM defined, allocate memory in SDRAM. * * INPUT: * int size - size of memory should be allocated. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ static MV_U8* ethAllocDescrMemory(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, int descSize, MV_ULONG* pPhysAddr, MV_U32 *memHandle) { MV_U8* pVirt; #if defined(ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM) if(ethDescInSram == MV_TRUE) pVirt = (char*)mvSramMalloc(descSize, pPhysAddr); else #endif /* ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM */ { #ifdef ETH_DESCR_UNCACHED pVirt = (MV_U8*)mvOsIoUncachedMalloc(pPortCtrl->osHandle, descSize, pPhysAddr,memHandle); #else pVirt = (MV_U8*)mvOsIoCachedMalloc(pPortCtrl->osHandle, descSize, pPhysAddr, memHandle); #endif /* ETH_DESCR_UNCACHED */ } memset(pVirt, 0, descSize); return pVirt; } /******************************************************************************* * ethFreeDescrMemory - Free memory allocated for RX and TX descriptors. * * DESCRIPTION: * This function frees memory allocated for RX and TX descriptors. * - If ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM defined, free memory using gtSramFree() function. * - If ETH_DESCR_IN_SDRAM defined, free memory using mvOsFree() function. * * INPUT: * void* pVirtAddr - virtual pointer to memory allocated for RX and TX * desriptors. * * RETURN: None * *******************************************************************************/ void ethFreeDescrMemory(ETH_PORT_CTRL* pPortCtrl, MV_BUF_INFO* pDescBuf) { if( (pDescBuf == NULL) || (pDescBuf->bufVirtPtr == NULL) ) return; #if defined(ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM) if( ethDescInSram ) { mvSramFree(pDescBuf->bufSize, pDescBuf->bufPhysAddr, pDescBuf->bufVirtPtr); return; } #endif /* ETH_DESCR_IN_SRAM */ #ifdef ETH_DESCR_UNCACHED mvOsIoUncachedFree(pPortCtrl->osHandle, pDescBuf->bufSize, pDescBuf->bufPhysAddr, pDescBuf->bufVirtPtr,pDescBuf->memHandle); #else mvOsIoCachedFree(pPortCtrl->osHandle, pDescBuf->bufSize, pDescBuf->bufPhysAddr, pDescBuf->bufVirtPtr,pDescBuf->memHandle); #endif /* ETH_DESCR_UNCACHED */ } /******************************************************************************/ /* Other Functions */ /******************************************************************************/ void mvEthPortPowerUp(int port) { MV_U32 regVal; /* MAC Cause register should be cleared */ MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_UNIT_INTR_CAUSE_REG(port), 0); if (mvBoardIsPortInSgmii(port)) mvEthPortSgmiiConfig(port); /* Cancel Port Reset */ regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port)); regVal &= (~ETH_PORT_RESET_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port), regVal); while( (MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port)) & ETH_PORT_RESET_MASK) != 0); } void mvEthPortPowerDown(int port) { MV_U32 regVal; /* Port must be DISABLED */ regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_REG(port)); if( (regVal & ETH_PORT_ENABLE_MASK) != 0) { mvOsPrintf("ethPort #%d: PowerDown - port must be Disabled (PSC=0x%x)\n", port, regVal); return; } /* Port Reset (Read after write the register as a precaution) */ regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port)); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port), regVal | ETH_PORT_RESET_MASK); while((MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port)) & ETH_PORT_RESET_MASK) == 0); } static void mvEthPortSgmiiConfig(int port) { MV_U32 regVal; regVal = MV_REG_READ(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port)); regVal |= (ETH_SGMII_MODE_MASK /*| ETH_INBAND_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE_MASK */); regVal &= (~ETH_INBAND_AUTO_NEG_BYPASS_MASK); MV_REG_WRITE(ETH_PORT_SERIAL_CTRL_1_REG(port), regVal); }