/******************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates This software file (the "File") is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following alternative licensing terms. 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They are also refered as "targets" */ /* this enumeratoe order is determined by the content of : PCI_BASE_ADDR_ENABLE_REG */ /* registers offsetes defines */ /*************************/ /* PCI control registers */ /*************************/ /* maen : should add new registers */ #define PCI_CMD_REG(pciIf) (0x30c00 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_MODE_REG(pciIf) (0x30d00 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_RETRY_REG(pciIf) (0x30c04 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_DISCARD_TIMER_REG(pciIf) (0x30d04 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_ARBITER_CTRL_REG(pciIf) (0x31d00 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_P2P_CONFIG_REG(pciIf) (0x31d14 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) #define PCI_ACCESS_CTRL_BASEL_REG(pciIf, targetWin) \ (0x31e00 + ((pciIf) * 0x80) + ((targetWin) * 0x10)) #define PCI_ACCESS_CTRL_BASEH_REG(pciIf, targetWin) \ (0x31e04 + ((pciIf) * 0x80) + ((targetWin) * 0x10)) #define PCI_ACCESS_CTRL_SIZE_REG(pciIf, targetWin) \ (0x31e08 + ((pciIf) * 0x80) + ((targetWin) * 0x10)) #define PCI_DLL_CTRL_REG(pciIf) (0x31d20 + ((pciIf) * 0x80)) /* PCI Dll Control (PDC)*/ #define PDC_DLL_EN BIT0 /* PCI Command Register (PCR) */ #define PCR_MASTER_BYTE_SWAP_EN BIT0 #define PCR_MASTER_WR_COMBINE_EN BIT4 #define PCR_MASTER_RD_COMBINE_EN BIT5 #define PCR_MASTER_WR_TRIG_WHOLE BIT6 #define PCR_MASTER_RD_TRIG_WHOLE BIT7 #define PCR_MASTER_MEM_RD_LINE_EN BIT8 #define PCR_MASTER_MEM_RD_MULT_EN BIT9 #define PCR_MASTER_WORD_SWAP_EN BIT10 #define PCR_SLAVE_WORD_SWAP_EN BIT11 #define PCR_NS_ACCORDING_RCV_TRANS BIT14 #define PCR_MASTER_PCIX_REQ64N_EN BIT15 #define PCR_SLAVE_BYTE_SWAP_EN BIT16 #define PCR_MASTER_DAC_EN BIT17 #define PCR_MASTER_M64_ALLIGN BIT18 #define PCR_ERRORS_PROPAGATION_EN BIT19 #define PCR_SLAVE_SWAP_ENABLE BIT20 #define PCR_MASTER_SWAP_ENABLE BIT21 #define PCR_MASTER_INT_SWAP_EN BIT22 #define PCR_LOOP_BACK_ENABLE BIT23 #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_SWAP_OFFS 24 #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_SWAP_MASK 0x3 #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_BYTE_SWAP \ (MV_BYTE_SWAP << PCR_SLAVE_INT_REG_SWAP_MASK) #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_NO_SWAP \ (MV_NO_SWAP << PCR_SLAVE_INT_REG_SWAP_MASK) #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_BYTE_WORD \ (MV_BYTE_WORD_SWAP << PCR_SLAVE_INT_REG_SWAP_MASK) #define PCR_SLAVE_INTREG_WORD_SWAP \ (MV_WORD_SWAP << PCR_SLAVE_INT_REG_SWAP_MASK) #define PCR_RESET_REASSERTION_EN BIT26 #define PCR_PCI_TO_CPU_REG_ORDER_EN BIT28 #define PCR_CPU_TO_PCI_ORDER_EN BIT29 #define PCR_PCI_TO_CPU_ORDER_EN BIT30 /* PCI Mode Register (PMR) */ #define PMR_PCI_ID_OFFS 0 /* PCI Interface ID */ #define PMR_PCI_ID_MASK (0x1 << PMR_PCI_ID_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_ID_PCI(pciNum) ((pciNum) << PCI_MODE_PCIID_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_64_OFFS 2 /* 64-bit PCI Interface */ #define PMR_PCI_64_MASK (0x1 << PMR_PCI_64_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_64_64BIT (0x1 << PMR_PCI_64_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_64_32BIT (0x0 << PMR_PCI_64_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS 4 /* PCI interface mode of operation */ #define PMR_PCI_MODE_MASK (0x3 << PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_MODE_CONV (0x0 << PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_MODE_PCIX_66MHZ (0x1 << PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_MODE_PCIX_100MHZ (0x2 << PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_MODE_PCIX_133MHZ (0x3 << PMR_PCI_MODE_OFFS) #define PMR_EXP_ROM_SUPPORT BIT8 /* Expansion ROM Active */ #define PMR_PCI_RESET_OFFS 31 /* PCI Interface Reset Indication */ #define PMR_PCI_RESET_MASK (0x1 << PMR_PCI_RESET_OFFS) #define PMR_PCI_RESET_PCIXRST (0x0 << PMR_PCI_RESET_OFFS) /* PCI Retry Register (PRR) */ #define PRR_RETRY_CNTR_OFFS 16 /* Retry Counter */ #define PRR_RETRY_CNTR_MAX 0xff #define PRR_RETRY_CNTR_MASK (PRR_RETRY_CNTR_MAX << PRR_RETRY_CNTR_OFFS) /* PCI Discard Timer Register (PDTR) */ #define PDTR_TIMER_OFFS 0 /* Timer */ #define PDTR_TIMER_MAX 0xffff #define PDTR_TIMER_MIN 0x7F #define PDTR_TIMER_MASK (PDTR_TIMER_MAX << PDTR_TIMER_OFFS) /* PCI Arbiter Control Register (PACR) */ #define PACR_BROKEN_DETECT_EN BIT1 /* Broken Detection Enable */ #define PACR_BROKEN_VAL_OFFS 3 /* Broken Value */ #define PACR_BROKEN_VAL_MASK (0xf << PACR_BROKEN_VAL_OFFS) #define PACR_BROKEN_VAL_CONV_MIN 0x2 #define PACR_BROKEN_VAL_PCIX_MIN 0x6 #define PACR_PARK_DIS_OFFS 14 /* Parking Disable */ #define PACR_PARK_DIS_MAX_AGENT 0x3f #define PACR_PARK_DIS_MASK (PACR_PARK_DIS_MAX_AGENT<