/* libppm2.c - ppm utility library part 2 ** ** Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "ppm.h" void ppm_writeppminit(FILE* const fileP, int const cols, int const rows, pixval const maxval, int const forceplain) { bool const plainFormat = forceplain || pm_plain_output; if (maxval > PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL && !plainFormat) pm_error("too-large maxval passed to ppm_writeppminit(): %d." "Maximum allowed by the PPM format is %d.", maxval, PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL); fprintf(fileP, "%c%c\n%d %d\n%d\n", PPM_MAGIC1, plainFormat || maxval >= 1<<16 ? PPM_MAGIC2 : RPPM_MAGIC2, cols, rows, maxval ); } #ifdef NETPBM_NOTDEF static void putus(unsigned short const n, FILE * const fileP) { if (n >= 10) putus(n / 10, fileP); putc('0' + n % 10, fileP); } static void format1bpsRow(const pixel * const pixelrow, unsigned int const cols, unsigned char * const rowBuffer) { /* single byte samples. */ unsigned int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = PPM_GETR(pixelrow[col]); rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = PPM_GETG(pixelrow[col]); rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = PPM_GETB(pixelrow[col]); } } static void format2bpsRow(const pixel * const pixelrow, unsigned int const cols, unsigned char * const rowBuffer) { /* two byte samples. */ unsigned int col; unsigned int bufferCursor; bufferCursor = 0; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { pixval const r = PPM_GETR(pixelrow[col]); pixval const g = PPM_GETG(pixelrow[col]); pixval const b = PPM_GETB(pixelrow[col]); rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = r >> 8; rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = (unsigned char)r; rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = g >> 8; rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = (unsigned char)g; rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = b >> 8; rowBuffer[bufferCursor++] = (unsigned char)b; } } static void ppm_writeppmrowraw(FILE * const fileP, const pixel * const pixelrow, unsigned int const cols, pixval const maxval ) { unsigned int const bytesPerSample = maxval < 256 ? 1 : 2; unsigned int const bytesPerRow = cols * 3 * bytesPerSample; unsigned char * rowBuffer; ssize_t rc; MALLOCARRAY(rowBuffer, bytesPerRow); if (rowBuffer == NULL) pm_error("Unable to allocate memory for row buffer " "for %u columns", cols); if (maxval < 256) format1bpsRow(pixelrow, cols, rowBuffer); else format2bpsRow(pixelrow, cols, rowBuffer); rc = fwrite(rowBuffer, 1, bytesPerRow, fileP); if (rc < 0) pm_error("Error writing row. fwrite() errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); else { size_t const bytesWritten = rc; if (bytesWritten != bytesPerRow) pm_error("Error writing row. Short write of %u bytes " "instead of %u", (unsigned)bytesWritten, bytesPerRow); } free(rowBuffer); } static void ppm_writeppmrowplain(FILE * const fileP, const pixel * const pixelrow, unsigned int const cols, pixval const maxval) { unsigned int col; unsigned int charcount; charcount = 0; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { if (charcount >= 65) { putc('\n', fileP); charcount = 0; } else if (charcount > 0) { putc(' ', fileP); putc(' ', fileP); charcount += 2; } putus(PPM_GETR(pixelrow[col]), fileP); putc(' ', fileP); putus(PPM_GETG(pixelrow[col]), fileP); putc(' ', fileP); putus(PPM_GETB(pixelrow[col]), fileP); charcount += 11; } if (charcount > 0) putc('\n', fileP); } void ppm_writeppmrow(FILE * const fileP, const pixel * const pixelrow, int const cols, pixval const maxval, int const forceplain) { if (forceplain || pm_plain_output || maxval >= 1<<16) ppm_writeppmrowplain(fileP, pixelrow, cols, maxval); else ppm_writeppmrowraw(fileP, pixelrow, cols, maxval); } void ppm_writeppm(FILE * const file, pixel** const pixels, int const cols, int const rows, pixval const maxval, int const forceplain) { int row; ppm_writeppminit(file, cols, rows, maxval, forceplain); for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) ppm_writeppmrow(file, pixels[row], cols, maxval, forceplain); } #endif