#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Test for DSCP prioritization in the router. # # With ip_forward_update_priority disabled, the packets are expected to keep # their DSCP (which in this test uses only values 0..7) intact as they are # forwarded by the switch. That is verified at $h2. ICMP responses are formed # with the same DSCP as the requests, and likewise pass through the switch # intact, which is verified at $h1. # # With ip_forward_update_priority enabled, router reprioritizes the packets # according to the table in reprioritize(). Thus, say, DSCP 7 maps to priority # 4, which on egress maps back to DSCP 4. The response packet then gets # reprioritized to 6, getting DSCP 6 on egress. # # +----------------------+ +----------------------+ # | H1 | | H2 | # | + $h1 | | $h2 + | # | | | | | | # +----|-----------------+ +----------------|-----+ # | | # +----|----------------------------------------------------------------|-----+ # | SW | | | # | + $swp1 $swp2 + | # | | # | APP=0,5,0 .. 7,5,7 APP=0,5,0 .. 7,5,7 | # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALL_TESTS=" ping_ipv4 test_update test_no_update test_dscp_leftover " lib_dir=$(dirname $0)/../../../net/forwarding NUM_NETIFS=4 source $lib_dir/lib.sh reprioritize() { local in=$1; shift # This is based on rt_tos2priority in include/net/route.h. Assuming 1:1 # mapping between priorities and TOS, it yields a new priority for a # packet with ingress priority of $in. local -a reprio=(0 0 2 2 6 6 4 4) echo ${reprio[$in]} } zero() { echo 0 } h1_create() { simple_if_init $h1 tc qdisc add dev $h1 clsact dscp_capture_install $h1 0 ip route add vrf v$h1 via } h1_destroy() { ip route del vrf v$h1 via dscp_capture_uninstall $h1 0 tc qdisc del dev $h1 clsact simple_if_fini $h1 } h2_create() { simple_if_init $h2 tc qdisc add dev $h2 clsact dscp_capture_install $h2 0 ip route add vrf v$h2 via } h2_destroy() { ip route del vrf v$h2 via dscp_capture_uninstall $h2 0 tc qdisc del dev $h2 clsact simple_if_fini $h2 } dscp_map() { local base=$1; shift local prio for prio in {0..7}; do echo app=$prio,5,$((base + prio)) done } switch_create() { simple_if_init $swp1 __simple_if_init $swp2 v$swp1 lldptool -T -i $swp1 -V APP $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldptool -T -i $swp2 -V APP $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldpad_app_wait_set $swp1 lldpad_app_wait_set $swp2 } switch_destroy() { lldptool -T -i $swp2 -V APP -d $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldptool -T -i $swp1 -V APP -d $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldpad_app_wait_del __simple_if_fini $swp2 simple_if_fini $swp1 } setup_prepare() { h1=${NETIFS[p1]} swp1=${NETIFS[p2]} swp2=${NETIFS[p3]} h2=${NETIFS[p4]} vrf_prepare sysctl_set net.ipv4.ip_forward_update_priority 1 h1_create h2_create switch_create } cleanup() { pre_cleanup switch_destroy h2_destroy h1_destroy sysctl_restore net.ipv4.ip_forward_update_priority vrf_cleanup } ping_ipv4() { ping_test $h1 } dscp_ping_test() { local vrf_name=$1; shift local sip=$1; shift local dip=$1; shift local prio=$1; shift local reprio=$1; shift local dev1=$1; shift local dev2=$1; shift local i local prio2=$($reprio $prio) # ICMP Request egress prio local prio3=$($reprio $prio2) # ICMP Response egress prio local dscp=$((prio << 2)) # ICMP Request ingress DSCP local dscp2=$((prio2 << 2)) # ICMP Request egress DSCP local dscp3=$((prio3 << 2)) # ICMP Response egress DSCP RET=0 eval "local -A dev1_t0s=($(dscp_fetch_stats $dev1 0))" eval "local -A dev2_t0s=($(dscp_fetch_stats $dev2 0))" local ping_timeout=$((PING_TIMEOUT * 5)) ip vrf exec $vrf_name \ ${PING} -Q $dscp ${sip:+-I $sip} $dip \ -c 10 -i 0.5 -w $ping_timeout &> /dev/null eval "local -A dev1_t1s=($(dscp_fetch_stats $dev1 0))" eval "local -A dev2_t1s=($(dscp_fetch_stats $dev2 0))" for i in {0..7}; do local dscpi=$((i << 2)) local expect2=0 local expect3=0 if ((i == prio2)); then expect2=10 fi if ((i == prio3)); then expect3=10 fi local delta=$((dev2_t1s[$i] - dev2_t0s[$i])) ((expect2 == delta)) check_err $? "DSCP $dscpi@$dev2: Expected to capture $expect2 packets, got $delta." delta=$((dev1_t1s[$i] - dev1_t0s[$i])) ((expect3 == delta)) check_err $? "DSCP $dscpi@$dev1: Expected to capture $expect3 packets, got $delta." done log_test "DSCP rewrite: $dscp-(prio $prio2)-$dscp2-(prio $prio3)-$dscp3" } __test_update() { local update=$1; shift local reprio=$1; shift local prio sysctl_restore net.ipv4.ip_forward_update_priority sysctl_set net.ipv4.ip_forward_update_priority $update for prio in {0..7}; do dscp_ping_test v$h1 $prio $reprio $h1 $h2 done } test_update() { __test_update 1 reprioritize } test_no_update() { __test_update 0 echo } # Test that when the last APP rule is removed, the prio->DSCP map is properly # set to zeroes, and that the last APP rule does not stay active in the ASIC. test_dscp_leftover() { lldptool -T -i $swp2 -V APP -d $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldpad_app_wait_del __test_update 0 zero lldptool -T -i $swp2 -V APP $(dscp_map 0) >/dev/null lldpad_app_wait_set $swp2 } trap cleanup EXIT setup_prepare setup_wait tests_run exit $EXIT_STATUS