/* * linux/arch/arm/drivers/scsi/arxescsi.c * * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Russell King, Stefan Hanske * * This driver is based on experimentation. Hence, it may have made * assumptions about the particular card that I have available, and * may not be reliable! * * Changelog: * 30-08-1997 RMK 0.0.0 Created, READONLY version as cumana_2.c * 22-01-1998 RMK 0.0.1 Updated to 2.1.80 * 15-04-1998 RMK 0.0.1 Only do PIO if FAS216 will allow it. * 11-06-1998 SH 0.0.2 Changed to support ARXE 16-bit SCSI card * enabled writing * 01-01-2000 SH 0.1.0 Added *real* pseudo dma writing * (arxescsi_pseudo_dma_write) * 02-04-2000 RMK 0.1.1 Updated for new error handling code. * 22-10-2000 SH Updated for new registering scheme. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../scsi/sd.h" #include "../../scsi/hosts.h" #include "arxescsi.h" #include "fas216.h" /* Hmm - this should go somewhere else */ #define BUS_ADDR(x) ((((unsigned long)(x)) << 2) + IO_BASE) /* Configuration */ #define ARXESCSI_XTALFREQ 24 #define ARXESCSI_ASYNC_PERIOD 200 #define ARXESCSI_SYNC_DEPTH 0 /* * List of devices that the driver will recognise */ #define ARXESCSI_LIST { MANU_ARXE, PROD_ARXE_SCSI } /* * Version */ #define VER_MAJOR 0 #define VER_MINOR 1 #define VER_PATCH 1 static struct expansion_card *ecs[MAX_ECARDS]; /* * Function: int arxescsi_dma_setup(host, SCpnt, direction, min_type) * Purpose : initialises DMA/PIO * Params : host - host * SCpnt - command * direction - DMA on to/off of card * min_type - minimum DMA support that we must have for this transfer * Returns : 0 if we should not set CMD_WITHDMA for transfer info command */ static fasdmatype_t arxescsi_dma_setup(struct Scsi_Host *host, Scsi_Pointer *SCp, fasdmadir_t direction, fasdmatype_t min_type) { /* * We don't do real DMA */ return fasdma_pseudo; } /* Faster transfer routines, written by SH to speed up the loops */ static __inline__ unsigned char getb(unsigned int address, unsigned int reg) { unsigned char value; __asm__ __volatile__( "ldrb %0, [%1, %2, lsl #5]" : "=r" (value) : "r" (address), "r" (reg) ); return value; } static __inline__ unsigned int getw(unsigned int address, unsigned int reg) { unsigned int value; __asm__ __volatile__( "ldr %0, [%1, %2, lsl #5]\n\t" "mov %0, %0, lsl #16\n\t" "mov %0, %0, lsr #16" : "=r" (value) : "r" (address), "r" (reg) ); return value; } static __inline__ void putw(unsigned int address, unsigned int reg, unsigned long value) { __asm__ __volatile__( "mov %0, %0, lsl #16\n\t" "str %0, [%1, %2, lsl #5]" : : "r" (value), "r" (address), "r" (reg) ); } void arxescsi_pseudo_dma_write(unsigned char *addr, unsigned int io) { __asm__ __volatile__( " stmdb sp!, {r0-r12}\n" " mov r3, %0\n" " mov r1, %1\n" " add r2, r1, #512\n" " mov r4, #256\n" ".loop_1: ldmia r3!, {r6, r8, r10, r12}\n" " mov r5, r6, lsl #16\n" " mov r7, r8, lsl #16\n" ".loop_2: ldrb r0, [r1, #1536]\n" " tst r0, #1\n" " beq .loop_2\n" " stmia r2, {r5-r8}\n\t" " mov r9, r10, lsl #16\n" " mov r11, r12, lsl #16\n" ".loop_3: ldrb r0, [r1, #1536]\n" " tst r0, #1\n" " beq .loop_3\n" " stmia r2, {r9-r12}\n" " subs r4, r4, #16\n" " bne .loop_1\n" " ldmia sp!, {r0-r12}\n" : : "r" (addr), "r" (io) ); } /* * Function: int arxescsi_dma_pseudo(host, SCpnt, direction, transfer) * Purpose : handles pseudo DMA * Params : host - host * SCpnt - command * direction - DMA on to/off of card * transfer - minimum number of bytes we expect to transfer */ void arxescsi_dma_pseudo(struct Scsi_Host *host, Scsi_Pointer *SCp, fasdmadir_t direction, int transfer) { ARXEScsi_Info *info = (ARXEScsi_Info *)host->hostdata; unsigned int length, io, error=0; unsigned char *addr; length = SCp->this_residual; addr = SCp->ptr; io = __ioaddr(host->io_port); if (direction == DMA_OUT) { unsigned int word; while (length > 256) { if (getb(io, 4) & STAT_INT) { error=1; break; } arxescsi_pseudo_dma_write(addr, io); addr += 256; length -= 256; } if (!error) while (length > 0) { if (getb(io, 4) & STAT_INT) break; if (!(getb(io, 48) & CSTATUS_IRQ)) continue; word = *addr | *(addr + 1) << 8; putw(io, 16, word); if (length > 1) { addr += 2; length -= 2; } else { addr += 1; length -= 1; } } } else { if (transfer && (transfer & 255)) { while (length >= 256) { if (getb(io, 4) & STAT_INT) { error=1; break; } if (!(getb(io, 48) & CSTATUS_IRQ)) continue; insw(info->dmaarea, addr, 256 >> 1); addr += 256; length -= 256; } } if (!(error)) while (length > 0) { unsigned long word; if (getb(io, 4) & STAT_INT) break; if (!(getb(io, 48) & CSTATUS_IRQ)) continue; word = getw(io, 16); *addr++ = word; if (--length > 0) { *addr++ = word >> 8; length --; } } } } /* * Function: int arxescsi_dma_stop(host, SCpnt) * Purpose : stops DMA/PIO * Params : host - host * SCpnt - command */ static void arxescsi_dma_stop(struct Scsi_Host *host, Scsi_Pointer *SCp) { /* * no DMA to stop */ } /* * Function: int arxescsi_detect(Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt) * Purpose : initialises ARXE SCSI driver * Params : tpnt - template for this SCSI adapter * Returns : >0 if host found, 0 otherwise. */ int arxescsi_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *tpnt) { static const card_ids arxescsi_cids[] = { ARXESCSI_LIST, { 0xffff, 0xffff} }; int count = 0; struct Scsi_Host *host; tpnt->proc_name = "arxescsi"; memset(ecs, 0, sizeof (ecs)); ecard_startfind(); while (1) { ARXEScsi_Info *info; ecs[count] = ecard_find(0, arxescsi_cids); if (!ecs[count]) break; ecard_claim(ecs[count]); host = scsi_register(tpnt, sizeof (ARXEScsi_Info)); if (!host) { ecard_release(ecs[count]); break; } host->io_port = ecard_address(ecs[count], ECARD_MEMC, 0) + 0x0800; host->irq = NO_IRQ; host->dma_channel = NO_DMA; host->can_queue = 0; /* no command queueing */ info = (ARXEScsi_Info *)host->hostdata; info->info.scsi.io_port = host->io_port; info->info.scsi.irq = host->irq; info->info.scsi.io_shift = 3; info->info.ifcfg.clockrate = ARXESCSI_XTALFREQ; info->info.ifcfg.select_timeout = 255; info->info.ifcfg.asyncperiod = ARXESCSI_ASYNC_PERIOD; info->info.ifcfg.sync_max_depth = ARXESCSI_SYNC_DEPTH; info->info.ifcfg.cntl3 = CNTL3_FASTSCSI | CNTL3_FASTCLK; info->info.ifcfg.disconnect_ok = 0; info->info.ifcfg.wide_max_size = 0; info->info.dma.setup = arxescsi_dma_setup; info->info.dma.pseudo = arxescsi_dma_pseudo; info->info.dma.stop = arxescsi_dma_stop; info->dmaarea = host->io_port + 128; info->cstatus = host->io_port + 384; ecs[count]->irqaddr = (unsigned char *)BUS_ADDR(host->io_port); ecs[count]->irqmask = CSTATUS_IRQ; request_region(host->io_port , 120, "arxescsi-fas"); request_region(host->io_port + 128, 384, "arxescsi-dma"); printk("scsi%d: Has no interrupts - using polling mode\n", host->host_no); fas216_init(host); ++count; } return count; } /* * Function: int arxescsi_release(struct Scsi_Host * host) * Purpose : releases all resources used by this adapter * Params : host - driver host structure to return info for. * Returns : nothing */ int arxescsi_release(struct Scsi_Host *host) { int i; fas216_release(host); release_region(host->io_port, 120); release_region(host->io_port + 128, 384); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ECARDS; i++) if (ecs[i] && host->io_port == (ecard_address(ecs[i], ECARD_MEMC, 0) + 0x0800)) ecard_release(ecs[i]); return 0; } /* * Function: const char *arxescsi_info(struct Scsi_Host * host) * Purpose : returns a descriptive string about this interface, * Params : host - driver host structure to return info for. * Returns : pointer to a static buffer containing null terminated string. */ const char *arxescsi_info(struct Scsi_Host *host) { ARXEScsi_Info *info = (ARXEScsi_Info *)host->hostdata; static char string[100], *p; p = string; p += sprintf(p, "%s ", host->hostt->name); p += fas216_info(&info->info, p); p += sprintf(p, "v%d.%d.%d", VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_PATCH); return string; } /* * Function: int arxescsi_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, * int length, int host_no, int inout) * Purpose : Return information about the driver to a user process accessing * the /proc filesystem. * Params : buffer - a buffer to write information to * start - a pointer into this buffer set by this routine to the start * of the required information. * offset - offset into information that we have read upto. * length - length of buffer * host_no - host number to return information for * inout - 0 for reading, 1 for writing. * Returns : length of data written to buffer. */ int arxescsi_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int host_no, int inout) { int pos, begin; struct Scsi_Host *host = scsi_hostlist; ARXEScsi_Info *info; Scsi_Device *scd; while (host) { if (host->host_no == host_no) break; host = host->next; } if (!host) return 0; info = (ARXEScsi_Info *)host->hostdata; if (inout == 1) return -EINVAL; begin = 0; pos = sprintf(buffer, "ARXE 16-bit SCSI driver version %d.%d.%d\n", VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_PATCH); pos += fas216_print_host(&info->info, buffer + pos); pos += fas216_print_stats(&info->info, buffer + pos); pos += sprintf (buffer+pos, "\nAttached devices:\n"); for (scd = host->host_queue; scd; scd = scd->next) { pos += fas216_print_device(&info->info, scd, buffer + pos); if (pos + begin < offset) { begin += pos; pos = 0; } if (pos + begin > offset + length) break; } *start = buffer + (offset - begin); pos -= offset - begin; if (pos > length) pos = length; return pos; } static Scsi_Host_Template arxescsi_template = ARXEScsi; static int __init init_arxe_scsi_driver(void) { arxescsi_template.module = THIS_MODULE; scsi_register_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA, &arxescsi_template); if (arxescsi_template.present) return 0; scsi_unregister_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA, &arxescsi_template); return -ENODEV; } static void __exit exit_arxe_scsi_driver(void) { scsi_unregister_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA, &arxescsi_template); } module_init(init_arxe_scsi_driver); module_exit(exit_arxe_scsi_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Stefan Hanske"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ARXESCSI driver for Acorn machines"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); EXPORT_NO_SYMBOLS;