/****************************************************************************** * FILE PURPOSE: - LED kernel Header ****************************************************************************** * FILE NAME: led_hal.h * * DESCRIPTION: Header file defining HAL types and functions. * * * (C) Copyright 2006, Texas Instruments, Inc *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LED_HAL_H_ #define _LED_HAL_H_ #include "_tistdtypes.h" #define MAX_STATES_PER_MOD 25 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Configuration Support. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct led_cfg { Uint32 domain; Uint32 pos_map[2]; /* Indicates the position of LED bit; index 0 -> range of 0 - 31, index 1 -> range of 32 - 63 */ } LED_CFG_T; typedef struct state_cfg { Uint32 id; Uint32 mode; Uint32 param1; Uint32 param2; Uint32 led_val[2]; LED_CFG_T led_cfg; } STATE_CFG_T; typedef struct mod_cfg { Int8 name[50]; Uint32 instance; STATE_CFG_T state_cfg; } MOD_CFG_T; typedef struct led_funcs { Uint32 domain; Uint32 pos_map[2]; /* Indicates the position of LED bit; index 0 -> range of 0 - 31, index 1 -> range of 32 - 63 */ Uint32 off_val[2]; /* Init values to be reflected on the LED(s). */ Int32 (*outVal)(Uint32 led_val, Uint32 pos_map, Uint32 index); } LED_FUNCS_T; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Public API(s) *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef void MOD_OBJ_HND; typedef void LED_OBJ_HND; MOD_OBJ_HND* led_hal_register(Int8 *name, Uint32 instance); void led_hal_unregister(MOD_OBJ_HND *mod); Int32 led_hal_action(MOD_OBJ_HND *mod, Uint32 state_id); LED_OBJ_HND* led_hal_install_callbacks(LED_FUNCS_T *led_funcs); Int32 led_hal_uninstall_callbacks(LED_OBJ_HND *led); Int32 led_hal_configure_mod(MOD_CFG_T *cfg); Int32 led_hal_dump_cfg_info(Int8 *buf, Int32 size); Int32 led_hal_init( void ); Int32 led_hal_exit( void ); #endif