/******************************************************************************* * * Module Name: dbinput - user front-end to the AML debugger * $Revision: $ * ******************************************************************************/ /* * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 R. Byron Moore * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "acpi.h" #include "acparser.h" #include "actables.h" #include "acnamesp.h" #include "acinterp.h" #include "acdebug.h" #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUGGER #define _COMPONENT ACPI_DEBUGGER MODULE_NAME ("dbinput") /* * Globals that are specific to the debugger */ NATIVE_CHAR acpi_gbl_db_line_buf[80]; NATIVE_CHAR acpi_gbl_db_parsed_buf[80]; NATIVE_CHAR acpi_gbl_db_scope_buf[40]; NATIVE_CHAR acpi_gbl_db_debug_filename[40]; NATIVE_CHAR *acpi_gbl_db_args[DB_MAX_ARGS]; NATIVE_CHAR *acpi_gbl_db_buffer = NULL; NATIVE_CHAR *acpi_gbl_db_filename = NULL; u8 acpi_gbl_db_output_to_file = FALSE; u32 acpi_gbl_db_debug_level = ACPI_LV_VERBOSITY2; u32 acpi_gbl_db_console_debug_level = NORMAL_DEFAULT | ACPI_LV_TABLES; u8 acpi_gbl_db_output_flags = DB_CONSOLE_OUTPUT; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_tables = FALSE; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_disasm = FALSE; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_stats = FALSE; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_parse_jit = FALSE; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_verbose = TRUE; u8 acpi_gbl_db_opt_ini_methods = TRUE; /* * Statistic globals */ u16 acpi_gbl_obj_type_count[INTERNAL_TYPE_NODE_MAX+1]; u16 acpi_gbl_node_type_count[INTERNAL_TYPE_NODE_MAX+1]; u16 acpi_gbl_obj_type_count_misc; u16 acpi_gbl_node_type_count_misc; u32 acpi_gbl_num_nodes; u32 acpi_gbl_num_objects; u32 acpi_gbl_size_of_parse_tree; u32 acpi_gbl_size_of_method_trees; u32 acpi_gbl_size_of_node_entries; u32 acpi_gbl_size_of_acpi_objects; /* * Top-level debugger commands. * * This list of commands must match the string table below it */ enum acpi_ex_debugger_commands { CMD_NOT_FOUND = 0, CMD_NULL, CMD_ALLOCATIONS, CMD_ARGS, CMD_ARGUMENTS, CMD_BREAKPOINT, CMD_CALL, CMD_CLOSE, CMD_DEBUG, CMD_DUMP, CMD_ENABLEACPI, CMD_EVENT, CMD_EXECUTE, CMD_EXIT, CMD_FIND, CMD_GO, CMD_HELP, CMD_HELP2, CMD_HISTORY, CMD_HISTORY_EXE, CMD_HISTORY_LAST, CMD_INFORMATION, CMD_INTO, CMD_LEVEL, CMD_LIST, CMD_LOAD, CMD_LOCALS, CMD_LOCKS, CMD_METHODS, CMD_NAMESPACE, CMD_NOTIFY, CMD_OBJECT, CMD_OPEN, CMD_OWNER, CMD_PREFIX, CMD_QUIT, CMD_REFERENCES, CMD_RESOURCES, CMD_RESULTS, CMD_SET, CMD_STATS, CMD_STOP, CMD_TABLES, CMD_TERMINATE, CMD_THREADS, CMD_TREE, CMD_UNLOAD }; #define CMD_FIRST_VALID 2 const COMMAND_INFO acpi_gbl_db_commands[] = { {"", 0}, {"", 0}, {"ALLOCATIONS", 0}, {"ARGS", 0}, {"ARGUMENTS", 0}, {"BREAKPOINT", 1}, {"CALL", 0}, {"CLOSE", 0}, {"DEBUG", 1}, {"DUMP", 1}, {"ENABLEACPI", 0}, {"EVENT", 1}, {"EXECUTE", 1}, {"EXIT", 0}, {"FIND", 1}, {"GO", 0}, {"HELP", 0}, {"?", 0}, {"HISTORY", 0}, {"!", 1}, {"!!", 0}, {"INFORMATION", 0}, {"INTO", 0}, {"LEVEL", 0}, {"LIST", 0}, {"LOAD", 1}, {"LOCALS", 0}, {"LOCKS", 0}, {"METHODS", 0}, {"NAMESPACE", 0}, {"NOTIFY", 2}, {"OBJECT", 1}, {"OPEN", 1}, {"OWNER", 1}, {"PREFIX", 0}, {"QUIT", 0}, {"REFERENCES", 1}, {"RESOURCES", 1}, {"RESULTS", 0}, {"SET", 3}, {"STATS", 0}, {"STOP", 0}, {"TABLES", 0}, {"TERMINATE", 0}, {"THREADS", 3}, {"TREE", 0}, {"UNLOAD", 1}, {NULL, 0} }; /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_display_help * * PARAMETERS: Help_type - Subcommand (optional) * * RETURN: None * * DESCRIPTION: Print a usage message. * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_db_display_help ( NATIVE_CHAR *help_type) { /* No parameter, just give the overview */ if (!help_type) { acpi_os_printf ("ACPI CA Debugger Commands\n\n"); acpi_os_printf ("The following classes of commands are available. Help is available for\n"); acpi_os_printf ("each class by entering \"Help \"\n\n"); acpi_os_printf (" [GENERAL] General-Purpose Commands\n"); acpi_os_printf (" [NAMESPACE] Namespace Access Commands\n"); acpi_os_printf (" [METHOD] Control Method Execution Commands\n"); acpi_os_printf (" [FILE] File I/O Commands\n"); return; } /* * Parameter is the command class * * The idea here is to keep each class of commands smaller than a screenful */ switch (help_type[0]) { case 'G': acpi_os_printf ("\n_general-Purpose Commands\n\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Allocations Display list of current memory allocations\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Dump
|\n"); acpi_os_printf (" [Byte|Word|Dword|Qword] Display ACPI objects or memory\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Enable_acpi Enable ACPI (hardware) mode\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Help This help screen\n"); acpi_os_printf ("History Display command history buffer\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Level [] [console] Get/Set debug level for file or console\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Locks Current status of internal mutexes\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Quit or Exit Exit this command\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Stats [Allocations|Memory|Misc\n"); acpi_os_printf (" |Objects|Tables] Display namespace and memory statistics\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Tables Display info about loaded ACPI tables\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Unload [Instance] Unload an ACPI table\n"); acpi_os_printf ("! Execute command from history buffer\n"); acpi_os_printf ("!! Execute last command again\n"); return; case 'N': acpi_os_printf ("\n_namespace Access Commands\n\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Debug [Arguments] Single Step a control method\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Event Generate Acpi_event (Fixed/GPE)\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Execute [Arguments] Execute control method\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Find (? is wildcard) Find ACPI name(s) with wildcards\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Method Display list of loaded control methods\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Namespace [|] [Depth] Display loaded namespace tree/subtree\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Notify Send a notification\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Objects Display all objects of the given type\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Owner [Depth] Display loaded namespace by object owner\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Prefix [] Set or Get current execution prefix\n"); acpi_os_printf ("References Find all references to object at addr\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Resources xxx Get and display resources\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Terminate Delete namespace and all internal objects\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Thread Spawn threads to execute method(s)\n"); return; case 'M': acpi_os_printf ("\n_control Method Execution Commands\n\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Arguments (or Args) Display method arguments\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Breakpoint Set an AML execution breakpoint\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Call Run to next control method invocation\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Go Allow method to run to completion\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Information Display info about the current method\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Into Step into (not over) a method call\n"); acpi_os_printf ("List [# of Aml Opcodes] Display method ASL statements\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Locals Display method local variables\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Results Display method result stack\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Set <#> Set method data (Arguments/Locals)\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Stop Terminate control method\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Tree Display control method calling tree\n"); acpi_os_printf (" Single step next AML opcode (over calls)\n"); return; case 'F': acpi_os_printf ("\n_file I/O Commands\n\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Close Close debug output file\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Open Open a file for debug output\n"); acpi_os_printf ("Load Load ACPI table from a file\n"); return; default: acpi_os_printf ("Unrecognized Command Class: %x\n", help_type); return; } } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_get_next_token * * PARAMETERS: String - Command buffer * Next - Return value, end of next token * * RETURN: Pointer to the start of the next token. * * DESCRIPTION: Command line parsing. Get the next token on the command line * ******************************************************************************/ NATIVE_CHAR * acpi_db_get_next_token ( NATIVE_CHAR *string, NATIVE_CHAR **next) { NATIVE_CHAR *start; /* At end of buffer? */ if (!string || !(*string)) { return (NULL); } /* Get rid of any spaces at the beginning */ if (*string == ' ') { while (*string && (*string == ' ')) { string++; } if (!(*string)) { return (NULL); } } start = string; /* Find end of token */ while (*string && (*string != ' ')) { string++; } if (!(*string)) { *next = NULL; } else { *string = 0; *next = string + 1; } return (start); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_get_line * * PARAMETERS: Input_buffer - Command line buffer * * RETURN: None * * DESCRIPTION: Get the next command line from the user. Gets entire line * up to the next newline * ******************************************************************************/ u32 acpi_db_get_line ( NATIVE_CHAR *input_buffer) { u32 i; u32 count; NATIVE_CHAR *next; NATIVE_CHAR *this; STRCPY (acpi_gbl_db_parsed_buf, input_buffer); STRUPR (acpi_gbl_db_parsed_buf); this = acpi_gbl_db_parsed_buf; for (i = 0; i < DB_MAX_ARGS; i++) { acpi_gbl_db_args[i] = acpi_db_get_next_token (this, &next); if (!acpi_gbl_db_args[i]) { break; } this = next; } /* Uppercase the actual command */ if (acpi_gbl_db_args[0]) { STRUPR (acpi_gbl_db_args[0]); } count = i; if (count) { count--; /* Number of args only */ } return (count); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_match_command * * PARAMETERS: User_command - User command line * * RETURN: Index into command array, -1 if not found * * DESCRIPTION: Search command array for a command match * ******************************************************************************/ u32 acpi_db_match_command ( NATIVE_CHAR *user_command) { u32 i; if (!user_command || user_command[0] == 0) { return (CMD_NULL); } for (i = CMD_FIRST_VALID; acpi_gbl_db_commands[i].name; i++) { if (STRSTR (acpi_gbl_db_commands[i].name, user_command) == acpi_gbl_db_commands[i].name) { return (i); } } /* Command not recognized */ return (CMD_NOT_FOUND); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_command_dispatch * * PARAMETERS: Input_buffer - Command line buffer * Walk_state - Current walk * Op - Current (executing) parse op * * RETURN: Status * * DESCRIPTION: Command dispatcher. Called from two places: * ******************************************************************************/ acpi_status acpi_db_command_dispatch ( NATIVE_CHAR *input_buffer, acpi_walk_state *walk_state, acpi_parse_object *op) { u32 temp; u32 command_index; u32 param_count; NATIVE_CHAR *command_line; acpi_status status = AE_CTRL_TRUE; /* If Acpi_terminate has been called, terminate this thread */ if (acpi_gbl_db_terminate_threads) { return (AE_CTRL_TERMINATE); } param_count = acpi_db_get_line (input_buffer); command_index = acpi_db_match_command (acpi_gbl_db_args[0]); temp = 0; /* Verify that we have the minimum number of params */ if (param_count < acpi_gbl_db_commands[command_index].min_args) { acpi_os_printf ("%d parameters entered, [%s] requires %d parameters\n", param_count, acpi_gbl_db_commands[command_index].name, acpi_gbl_db_commands[command_index].min_args); return (AE_CTRL_TRUE); } /* Decode and dispatch the command */ switch (command_index) { case CMD_NULL: if (op) { return (AE_OK); } break; case CMD_ALLOCATIONS: #ifdef ACPI_DBG_TRACK_ALLOCATIONS acpi_ut_dump_allocations ((u32) -1, NULL); #endif break; case CMD_ARGS: case CMD_ARGUMENTS: acpi_db_display_arguments (); break; case CMD_BREAKPOINT: acpi_db_set_method_breakpoint (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], walk_state, op); break; case CMD_CALL: acpi_db_set_method_call_breakpoint (op); status = AE_OK; break; case CMD_CLOSE: acpi_db_close_debug_file (); break; case CMD_DEBUG: acpi_db_execute (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], &acpi_gbl_db_args[2], EX_SINGLE_STEP); break; case CMD_DUMP: acpi_db_decode_and_display_object (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2]); break; case CMD_ENABLEACPI: status = acpi_enable(); if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) { acpi_os_printf("Acpi_enable failed (Status=%X)\n", status); return (status); } break; case CMD_EVENT: acpi_os_printf ("Event command not implemented\n"); break; case CMD_EXECUTE: acpi_db_execute (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], &acpi_gbl_db_args[2], EX_NO_SINGLE_STEP); break; case CMD_FIND: acpi_db_find_name_in_namespace (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_GO: acpi_gbl_cm_single_step = FALSE; return (AE_OK); case CMD_HELP: case CMD_HELP2: acpi_db_display_help (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_HISTORY: acpi_db_display_history (); break; case CMD_HISTORY_EXE: command_line = acpi_db_get_from_history (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); if (!command_line) { return (AE_CTRL_TRUE); } status = acpi_db_command_dispatch (command_line, walk_state, op); if (ACPI_SUCCESS (status)) { status = AE_CTRL_TRUE; } return (status); break; case CMD_HISTORY_LAST: command_line = acpi_db_get_from_history (NULL); if (!command_line) { return (AE_CTRL_TRUE); } status = acpi_db_command_dispatch (command_line, walk_state, op); if (ACPI_SUCCESS (status)) { status = AE_CTRL_TRUE; } return (status); case CMD_INFORMATION: acpi_db_display_method_info (op); break; case CMD_INTO: if (op) { acpi_gbl_cm_single_step = TRUE; /* TBD: Must get current walk state */ /* Acpi_gbl_Method_breakpoint = 0; */ return (AE_OK); } break; case CMD_LEVEL: if (param_count == 0) { acpi_os_printf ("Current debug level for file output is: %8.8lX\n", acpi_gbl_db_debug_level); acpi_os_printf ("Current debug level for console output is: %8.8lX\n", acpi_gbl_db_console_debug_level); } else if (param_count == 2) { temp = acpi_gbl_db_console_debug_level; acpi_gbl_db_console_debug_level = STRTOUL (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], NULL, 16); acpi_os_printf ("Debug Level for console output was %8.8lX, now %8.8lX\n", temp, acpi_gbl_db_console_debug_level); } else { temp = acpi_gbl_db_debug_level; acpi_gbl_db_debug_level = STRTOUL (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], NULL, 16); acpi_os_printf ("Debug Level for file output was %8.8lX, now %8.8lX\n", temp, acpi_gbl_db_debug_level); } break; case CMD_LIST: acpi_db_disassemble_aml (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], op); break; case CMD_LOAD: status = acpi_db_load_acpi_table (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) { return (status); } break; case CMD_LOCKS: acpi_db_display_locks (); break; case CMD_LOCALS: acpi_db_display_locals (); break; case CMD_METHODS: acpi_db_display_objects ("METHOD", acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_NAMESPACE: acpi_db_dump_namespace (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2]); break; case CMD_NOTIFY: temp = STRTOUL (acpi_gbl_db_args[2], NULL, 0); acpi_db_send_notify (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], temp); break; case CMD_OBJECT: acpi_db_display_objects (STRUPR (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]), acpi_gbl_db_args[2]); break; case CMD_OPEN: acpi_db_open_debug_file (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_OWNER: acpi_db_dump_namespace_by_owner (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2]); break; case CMD_PREFIX: acpi_db_set_scope (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_REFERENCES: acpi_db_find_references (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_RESOURCES: acpi_db_display_resources (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_RESULTS: acpi_db_display_results (); break; case CMD_SET: acpi_db_set_method_data (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2], acpi_gbl_db_args[3]); break; case CMD_STATS: acpi_db_display_statistics (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_STOP: return (AE_AML_ERROR); break; case CMD_TABLES: acpi_db_display_table_info (acpi_gbl_db_args[1]); break; case CMD_TERMINATE: acpi_db_set_output_destination (DB_REDIRECTABLE_OUTPUT); acpi_ut_subsystem_shutdown (); /* TBD: [Restructure] Need some way to re-initialize without re-creating the semaphores! */ /* Acpi_initialize (NULL); */ break; case CMD_THREADS: acpi_db_create_execution_threads (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2], acpi_gbl_db_args[3]); break; case CMD_TREE: acpi_db_display_calling_tree (); break; case CMD_UNLOAD: acpi_db_unload_acpi_table (acpi_gbl_db_args[1], acpi_gbl_db_args[2]); break; case CMD_EXIT: case CMD_QUIT: if (op) { acpi_os_printf ("Method execution terminated\n"); return (AE_CTRL_TERMINATE); } if (!acpi_gbl_db_output_to_file) { acpi_dbg_level = DEBUG_DEFAULT; } /* Shutdown */ /* Acpi_ut_subsystem_shutdown (); */ acpi_db_close_debug_file (); acpi_gbl_db_terminate_threads = TRUE; return (AE_CTRL_TERMINATE); case CMD_NOT_FOUND: acpi_os_printf ("Unknown Command\n"); return (AE_CTRL_TRUE); } /* Add all commands that come here to the history buffer */ acpi_db_add_to_history (input_buffer); return (status); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_execute_thread * * PARAMETERS: Context - Not used * * RETURN: None * * DESCRIPTION: Debugger execute thread. Waits for a command line, then * simply dispatches it. * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_db_execute_thread ( void *context) { acpi_status status = AE_OK; while (status != AE_CTRL_TERMINATE) { acpi_gbl_method_executing = FALSE; acpi_gbl_step_to_next_call = FALSE; acpi_ut_acquire_mutex (ACPI_MTX_DEBUG_CMD_READY); status = acpi_db_command_dispatch (acpi_gbl_db_line_buf, NULL, NULL); acpi_ut_release_mutex (ACPI_MTX_DEBUG_CMD_COMPLETE); } } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_single_thread * * PARAMETERS: None * * RETURN: None * * DESCRIPTION: Debugger execute thread. Waits for a command line, then * simply dispatches it. * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_db_single_thread ( void) { acpi_status status = AE_OK; acpi_gbl_method_executing = FALSE; acpi_gbl_step_to_next_call = FALSE; status = acpi_db_command_dispatch (acpi_gbl_db_line_buf, NULL, NULL); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_db_user_commands * * PARAMETERS: Prompt - User prompt (depends on mode) * Op - Current executing parse op * * RETURN: None * * DESCRIPTION: Command line execution for the AML debugger. Commands are * matched and dispatched here. * ******************************************************************************/ acpi_status acpi_db_user_commands ( NATIVE_CHAR prompt, acpi_parse_object *op) { acpi_status status = AE_OK; /* TBD: [Restructure] Need a separate command line buffer for step mode */ while (!acpi_gbl_db_terminate_threads) { /* Force output to console until a command is entered */ acpi_db_set_output_destination (DB_CONSOLE_OUTPUT); /* Different prompt if method is executing */ if (!acpi_gbl_method_executing) { acpi_os_printf ("%1c ", DB_COMMAND_PROMPT); } else { acpi_os_printf ("%1c ", DB_EXECUTE_PROMPT); } /* Get the user input line */ acpi_os_get_line (acpi_gbl_db_line_buf); /* Check for single or multithreaded debug */ if (acpi_gbl_debugger_configuration & DEBUGGER_MULTI_THREADED) { /* * Signal the debug thread that we have a command to execute, * and wait for the command to complete. */ acpi_ut_release_mutex (ACPI_MTX_DEBUG_CMD_READY); acpi_ut_acquire_mutex (ACPI_MTX_DEBUG_CMD_COMPLETE); } else { /* Just call to the command line interpreter */ acpi_db_single_thread (); } } /* * Only this thread (the original thread) should actually terminate the subsystem, * because all the semaphores are deleted during termination */ acpi_terminate (); return (status); } #endif /* ENABLE_DEBUGGER */