/****************************************************************************** * * Module Name: nsdump - table dumping routines for debug * $Revision: $ * *****************************************************************************/ /* * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 R. Byron Moore * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "acpi.h" #include "acinterp.h" #include "acnamesp.h" #include "actables.h" #include "acparser.h" #define _COMPONENT ACPI_NAMESPACE MODULE_NAME ("nsdump") #if defined(ACPI_DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_DEBUGGER) /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_pathname * * PARAMETERS: Handle - Object * Msg - Prefix message * Level - Desired debug level * Component - Caller's component ID * * DESCRIPTION: Print an object's full namespace pathname * Manages allocation/freeing of a pathname buffer * ******************************************************************************/ acpi_status acpi_ns_dump_pathname ( acpi_handle handle, NATIVE_CHAR *msg, u32 level, u32 component) { NATIVE_CHAR *buffer; u32 length; FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ns_dump_pathname"); /* Do this only if the requested debug level and component are enabled */ if (!(acpi_dbg_level & level) || !(acpi_dbg_layer & component)) { return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK); } buffer = ACPI_MEM_ALLOCATE (PATHNAME_MAX); if (!buffer) { return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY); } /* Convert handle to a full pathname and print it (with supplied message) */ length = PATHNAME_MAX; if (ACPI_SUCCESS (acpi_ns_handle_to_pathname (handle, &length, buffer))) { acpi_os_printf ("%s %s (%p)\n", msg, buffer, handle); } ACPI_MEM_FREE (buffer); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_one_object * * PARAMETERS: Handle - Node to be dumped * Level - Nesting level of the handle * Context - Passed into Walk_namespace * * DESCRIPTION: Dump a single Node * This procedure is a User_function called by Acpi_ns_walk_namespace. * ******************************************************************************/ acpi_status acpi_ns_dump_one_object ( acpi_handle obj_handle, u32 level, void *context, void **return_value) { acpi_walk_info *info = (acpi_walk_info *) context; acpi_namespace_node *this_node; acpi_operand_object *obj_desc = NULL; acpi_object_type8 obj_type; acpi_object_type8 type; u32 bytes_to_dump; u32 downstream_sibling_mask = 0; u32 level_tmp; u32 which_bit; u32 i; PROC_NAME ("Ns_dump_one_object"); this_node = acpi_ns_map_handle_to_node (obj_handle); level_tmp = level; type = this_node->type; which_bit = 1; if (!(acpi_dbg_level & info->debug_level)) { return (AE_OK); } if (!obj_handle) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO, "Null object handle\n")); return (AE_OK); } /* Check if the owner matches */ if ((info->owner_id != ACPI_UINT32_MAX) && (info->owner_id != this_node->owner_id)) { return (AE_OK); } /* Indent the object according to the level */ while (level_tmp--) { /* Print appropriate characters to form tree structure */ if (level_tmp) { if (downstream_sibling_mask & which_bit) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "|")); } else { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " ")); } which_bit <<= 1; } else { if (acpi_ns_exist_downstream_sibling (this_node + 1)) { downstream_sibling_mask |= (1 << (level - 1)); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "+")); } else { downstream_sibling_mask &= ACPI_UINT32_MAX ^ (1 << (level - 1)); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "+")); } if (this_node->child == NULL) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "-")); } else if (acpi_ns_exist_downstream_sibling (this_node->child)) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "+")); } else { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "-")); } } } /* Check the integrity of our data */ if (type > INTERNAL_TYPE_MAX) { type = INTERNAL_TYPE_DEF_ANY; /* prints as *ERROR* */ } if (!acpi_ut_valid_acpi_name (this_node->name)) { REPORT_WARNING (("Invalid ACPI Name %08X\n", this_node->name)); } /* * Now we can print out the pertinent information */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " %4.4s %-12s %p", (char*)&this_node->name, acpi_ut_get_type_name (type), this_node)); obj_desc = this_node->object; switch (info->display_type) { case ACPI_DISPLAY_SUMMARY: if (!obj_desc) { /* No attached object, we are done */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); return (AE_OK); } switch (type) { case ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " ID %d Addr %.4X Len %.4X\n", obj_desc->processor.proc_id, obj_desc->processor.address, obj_desc->processor.length)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Notification object: %p", obj_desc)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_METHOD: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Args %d Len %.4X Aml %p \n", obj_desc->method.param_count, obj_desc->method.aml_length, obj_desc->method.aml_start)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " = %8.8X%8.8X\n", HIDWORD (obj_desc->integer.value), LODWORD (obj_desc->integer.value))); break; case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Elements %.2X\n", obj_desc->package.count)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Len %.2X", obj_desc->buffer.length)); /* Dump some of the buffer */ if (obj_desc->buffer.length > 0) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " =")); for (i = 0; (i < obj_desc->buffer.length && i < 12); i++) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " %.2X", obj_desc->buffer.pointer[i])); } } ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); break; case ACPI_TYPE_STRING: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Len %.2X", obj_desc->string.length)); if (obj_desc->string.length > 0) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " = \"%.32s\"...", obj_desc->string.pointer)); } ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); break; case ACPI_TYPE_REGION: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " [%s]", acpi_ut_get_region_name (obj_desc->region.space_id))); if (obj_desc->region.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Addr %8.8X%8.8X Len %.4X\n", HIDWORD(obj_desc->region.address), LODWORD(obj_desc->region.address), obj_desc->region.length)); } else { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " [Address/Length not evaluated]\n")); } break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_REFERENCE: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " [%s]\n", acpi_ps_get_opcode_name (obj_desc->reference.opcode))); break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD: /* TBD: print Buffer name when we can easily get it */ break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_REGION_FIELD: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Rgn [%4.4s]", (char *) &obj_desc->common_field.region_obj->region.node->name)); break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_BANK_FIELD: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Rgn [%4.4s]", (char *) &obj_desc->common_field.region_obj->region.node->name)); break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_INDEX_FIELD: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Rgn [%4.4s]", (char *) &obj_desc->index_field.index_obj->common_field.region_obj->region.node->name)); break; default: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Object %p\n", obj_desc)); break; } /* Common field handling */ switch (type) { case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD: case INTERNAL_TYPE_REGION_FIELD: case INTERNAL_TYPE_BANK_FIELD: case INTERNAL_TYPE_INDEX_FIELD: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Off %.2X Len %.2X Acc %.2d\n", (obj_desc->common_field.base_byte_offset * 8) + obj_desc->common_field.start_field_bit_offset, obj_desc->common_field.bit_length, obj_desc->common_field.access_bit_width)); break; } break; case ACPI_DISPLAY_OBJECTS: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "%p O:%p", this_node, obj_desc)); if (!obj_desc) { /* No attached object, we are done */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); return (AE_OK); } ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "(R%d)", obj_desc->common.reference_count)); switch (type) { case ACPI_TYPE_METHOD: /* Name is a Method and its AML offset/length are set */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " M:%p-%X\n", obj_desc->method.aml_start, obj_desc->method.aml_length)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " N:%X%X\n", HIDWORD(obj_desc->integer.value), LODWORD(obj_desc->integer.value))); break; case ACPI_TYPE_STRING: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " S:%p-%X\n", obj_desc->string.pointer, obj_desc->string.length)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " B:%p-%X\n", obj_desc->buffer.pointer, obj_desc->buffer.length)); break; default: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); break; } break; } /* If debug turned off, done */ if (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_VALUES)) { return (AE_OK); } /* If there is an attached object, display it */ obj_desc = this_node->object; /* Dump attached objects */ while (obj_desc) { obj_type = INTERNAL_TYPE_INVALID; /* Decode the type of attached object and dump the contents */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " Attached Object %p: ", obj_desc)); if (VALID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (obj_desc, ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED)) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "(Ptr to Node)\n")); bytes_to_dump = sizeof (acpi_namespace_node); } else if (VALID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (obj_desc, ACPI_DESC_TYPE_INTERNAL)) { obj_type = obj_desc->common.type; if (obj_type > INTERNAL_TYPE_MAX) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "(Ptr to ACPI Object type %X [UNKNOWN])\n", obj_type)); bytes_to_dump = 32; } else { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "(Ptr to ACPI Object type %2.2X [%s])\n", obj_type, acpi_ut_get_type_name (obj_type))); bytes_to_dump = sizeof (acpi_operand_object); } } else { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "(String or Buffer - not descriptor)\n")); bytes_to_dump = 16; } DUMP_BUFFER (obj_desc, bytes_to_dump); /* If value is NOT an internal object, we are done */ if (VALID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (obj_desc, ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED)) { goto cleanup; } /* * Valid object, get the pointer to next level, if any */ switch (obj_type) { case ACPI_TYPE_STRING: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->string.pointer; break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->buffer.pointer; break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->buffer_field.buffer_obj; break; case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->package.elements; break; case ACPI_TYPE_METHOD: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->method.aml_start; break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_REGION_FIELD: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->field.region_obj; break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_BANK_FIELD: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->bank_field.region_obj; break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_INDEX_FIELD: obj_desc = (acpi_operand_object *) obj_desc->index_field.index_obj; break; default: goto cleanup; } obj_type = INTERNAL_TYPE_INVALID; /* Terminate loop after next pass */ } cleanup: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\n")); return (AE_OK); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_objects * * PARAMETERS: Type - Object type to be dumped * Max_depth - Maximum depth of dump. Use ACPI_UINT32_MAX * for an effectively unlimited depth. * Owner_id - Dump only objects owned by this ID. Use * ACPI_UINT32_MAX to match all owners. * Start_handle - Where in namespace to start/end search * * DESCRIPTION: Dump typed objects within the loaded namespace. * Uses Acpi_ns_walk_namespace in conjunction with Acpi_ns_dump_one_object. * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_ns_dump_objects ( acpi_object_type8 type, u8 display_type, u32 max_depth, u32 owner_id, acpi_handle start_handle) { acpi_walk_info info; FUNCTION_ENTRY (); info.debug_level = ACPI_LV_TABLES; info.owner_id = owner_id; info.display_type = display_type; acpi_ns_walk_namespace (type, start_handle, max_depth, NS_WALK_NO_UNLOCK, acpi_ns_dump_one_object, (void *) &info, NULL); } #ifndef _ACPI_ASL_COMPILER /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_one_device * * PARAMETERS: Handle - Node to be dumped * Level - Nesting level of the handle * Context - Passed into Walk_namespace * * DESCRIPTION: Dump a single Node that represents a device * This procedure is a User_function called by Acpi_ns_walk_namespace. * ******************************************************************************/ acpi_status acpi_ns_dump_one_device ( acpi_handle obj_handle, u32 level, void *context, void **return_value) { acpi_device_info info; acpi_status status; u32 i; PROC_NAME ("Ns_dump_one_device"); status = acpi_ns_dump_one_object (obj_handle, level, context, return_value); status = acpi_get_object_info (obj_handle, &info); if (ACPI_SUCCESS (status)) { for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " ")); } ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, " HID: %s, ADR: %8.8X%8.8X, Status: %x\n", info.hardware_id, HIDWORD(info.address), LODWORD(info.address), info.current_status)); } return (status); } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_root_devices * * PARAMETERS: None * * DESCRIPTION: Dump all objects of type "device" * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_ns_dump_root_devices (void) { acpi_handle sys_bus_handle; PROC_NAME ("Ns_dump_root_devices"); /* Only dump the table if tracing is enabled */ if (!(ACPI_LV_TABLES & acpi_dbg_level)) { return; } acpi_get_handle (0, NS_SYSTEM_BUS, &sys_bus_handle); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "Display of all devices in the namespace:\n")); acpi_ns_walk_namespace (ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE, sys_bus_handle, ACPI_UINT32_MAX, NS_WALK_NO_UNLOCK, acpi_ns_dump_one_device, NULL, NULL); } #endif /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_tables * * PARAMETERS: Search_base - Root of subtree to be dumped, or * NS_ALL to dump the entire namespace * Max_depth - Maximum depth of dump. Use INT_MAX * for an effectively unlimited depth. * * DESCRIPTION: Dump the name space, or a portion of it. * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_ns_dump_tables ( acpi_handle search_base, u32 max_depth) { acpi_handle search_handle = search_base; FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ns_dump_tables"); if (!acpi_gbl_root_node) { /* * If the name space has not been initialized, * there is nothing to dump. */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "name space not initialized!\n")); return_VOID; } if (NS_ALL == search_base) { /* entire namespace */ search_handle = acpi_gbl_root_node; ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "\\\n")); } acpi_ns_dump_objects (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_DISPLAY_OBJECTS, max_depth, ACPI_UINT32_MAX, search_handle); return_VOID; } /******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: Acpi_ns_dump_entry * * PARAMETERS: Handle - Node to be dumped * Debug_level - Output level * * DESCRIPTION: Dump a single Node * ******************************************************************************/ void acpi_ns_dump_entry ( acpi_handle handle, u32 debug_level) { acpi_walk_info info; FUNCTION_ENTRY (); info.debug_level = debug_level; info.owner_id = ACPI_UINT32_MAX; acpi_ns_dump_one_object (handle, 1, &info, NULL); } #endif