/* * drivers/pcmcia/sa1100_stork.c * Copyright 2001 (C) Ken Gordon This is derived from pre-existing drivers/pcmcia/sa1100_?????.c This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * PCMCIA implementation routines for stork * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int debug = 0; static struct pcmcia_init sa1100_stork_pcmcia_init; static int stork_pcmcia_init(struct pcmcia_init *init) { int irq, res; printk("in stork_pcmcia_init\n"); sa1100_stork_pcmcia_init = *init; /* Enable CF bus: */ storkSetLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_PULL_UPS_POWER_ON); /* Set transition detect */ set_GPIO_IRQ_edge( GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_CARD_DETECT | GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_CARD_DETECT, GPIO_BOTH_EDGES ); set_GPIO_IRQ_edge( GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_RDY| GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_RDY, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE ); /* Register interrupts */ irq = IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_CARD_DETECT; res = request_irq( irq, init->handler, SA_INTERRUPT, "PCMCIA_CD0", NULL ); if( res < 0 ) goto irq_err; irq = IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_CARD_DETECT; res = request_irq( irq, init->handler, SA_INTERRUPT, "PCMCIA_CD1", NULL ); if( res < 0 ) goto irq_err; return 2; irq_err: printk( KERN_ERR __FUNCTION__ ": Request for IRQ %u failed\n", irq ); return -1; } static int stork_pcmcia_shutdown(void) { printk(__FUNCTION__ "\n"); /* disable IRQs */ free_irq( IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_CARD_DETECT, NULL ); free_irq( IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_CARD_DETECT, NULL ); /* Disable CF bus: */ storkClearLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_PULL_UPS_POWER_ON); storkClearLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_A_POWER_ON); storkClearLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_B_POWER_ON); return 0; } static int stork_pcmcia_socket_state(struct pcmcia_state_array *state_array) { unsigned long levels; if(state_array->size<2) return -1; memset(state_array->state, 0, (state_array->size)*sizeof(struct pcmcia_state)); levels=GPLR; if (debug > 1) printk(__FUNCTION__ " GPLR=%x IRQ[1:0]=%x\n", GPLR, (GPLR & (GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_RDY|GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_RDY))); state_array->state[0].detect=((levels & GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_CARD_DETECT)==0)?1:0; state_array->state[0].ready=(levels & GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_RDY)?1:0; state_array->state[0].bvd1= 1; state_array->state[0].bvd2= 1; state_array->state[0].wrprot=0; state_array->state[0].vs_3v=1; state_array->state[0].vs_Xv=0; state_array->state[1].detect=((levels & GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_CARD_DETECT)==0)?1:0; state_array->state[1].ready=(levels & GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_RDY)?1:0; state_array->state[1].bvd1=1; state_array->state[1].bvd2=1; state_array->state[1].wrprot=0; state_array->state[1].vs_3v=1; state_array->state[1].vs_Xv=0; return 1; } static int stork_pcmcia_get_irq_info(struct pcmcia_irq_info *info) { switch (info->sock) { case 0: info->irq=IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_RDY; break; case 1: info->irq=IRQ_GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_RDY; break; default: return -1; } return 0; } static int stork_pcmcia_configure_socket(const struct pcmcia_configure *configure) { int card = configure->sock; unsigned long flags; int DETECT, RDY, POWER, RESET; if (card > 1) return -1; printk(__FUNCTION__ ": socket=%d vcc=%d vpp=%d reset=%d\n", card, configure->vcc, configure->vpp, configure->reset); save_flags_cli(flags); if (card == 0) { DETECT = GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_CARD_DETECT; RDY = GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_A_RDY; POWER = STORK_PCMCIA_A_POWER_ON; RESET = STORK_PCMCIA_A_RESET; } else { DETECT = GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_CARD_DETECT; RDY = GPIO_STORK_PCMCIA_B_RDY; POWER = STORK_PCMCIA_B_POWER_ON; RESET = STORK_PCMCIA_B_RESET; } /* if (storkTestGPIO(DETECT)) { printk("no card detected - but resetting anyway\r\n"); } */ switch (configure->vcc) { case 0: /* storkClearLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_PULL_UPS_POWER_ON); */ storkClearLatchA(POWER); break; case 50: case 33: storkSetLatchA(STORK_PCMCIA_PULL_UPS_POWER_ON); storkSetLatchA(POWER); break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): unrecognized Vcc %u\n", __FUNCTION__, configure->vcc); restore_flags(flags); return -1; } if (configure->reset) storkSetLatchB(RESET); else storkClearLatchB(RESET); restore_flags(flags); /* silently ignore vpp and speaker enables. */ printk(__FUNCTION__ ": finished\n"); return 0; } struct pcmcia_low_level stork_pcmcia_ops = { stork_pcmcia_init, stork_pcmcia_shutdown, stork_pcmcia_socket_state, stork_pcmcia_get_irq_info, stork_pcmcia_configure_socket };