/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Nagaraj Suresh */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "ngi: " fmt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include "ngi_reg.h" #include "ngi.h" #include "ngi_map.h" /* * WW: to make the IRQ work as intended * until a decent conversion to irq domain * controller driver */ #define BOOTCORE_LEGACY_IRQ #include #include #include #define NGI_MAX_TA 25 #define NGI_MAX_IA 25 #define NGI_MAX_GROUP_VALUE 64 #define NGI_DEF_WAIT_CYCLES 100000 #define NGI_REGION_SIZE 0x20 #define NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE 0x400 #define NGI_REGION(x) ((x)*NGI_REGION_SIZE) #define NGI_F_IA 1 #define NGI_F_TA 2 #define NGI_F_CORE 4 /* Helper macros to build permission register values */ #define PM_FROM_KB(x) ((x) << 10) #define PM_TO_KB(x) ((x) >> 10) #define PM_SIZE_TO_KB(x) (x == 0 ? 0 : ilog2(PM_TO_KB(x)) + 1) #define PM_SIZE_FROM_KB(x) (x == 0 ? 0 : PM_FROM_KB(1 << ((x)-1))) #define PM_MASK(x) ((1 << (x)) - 1) #define PM_SHIFT_MATCH_ADDR_SPACE 0 #define PM_SIZE_MATCH_ADDR_SPACE 3 #define PM_MASK_MATCH_ADDR_SPACE (PM_MASK(PM_SIZE_MATCH_ADDR_SPACE)) #define PM_SHIFT_MATCH_SIZE 3 #define PM_SIZE_MATCH_SIZE 5 #define PM_MASK_MATCH_SIZE (PM_MASK(PM_SIZE_MATCH_SIZE)) #define PM_SHIFT_MATCH_LEVEL 9 #define PM_SIZE_MATCH_LEVEL 1 #define PM_MASK_MATCH_LEVEL (PM_MASK(PM_SIZE_MATCH_LEVEL)) #define PM_SHIFT_MATCH_BASE_ADDR 10 static struct proc_dir_entry *g_ngi_root_proc; static int g_ngi_root_proc_once; /* Error handling */ struct ngi_err_info { char *agent_name; u32 offset; }; static const char *const ngi_name[LTQ_NUM_NGI_INSTANCES] = { "SSX0", "SSX1", "SSX2", "SSX3", "SSX4", "SSX5", "SSX6", "SSX7", "SSX8", }; /* Initiator Agent */ struct ngi_ia { char *name; u32 offset; unsigned short rev_code; unsigned short core_code; unsigned short vendor_code; struct proc_dir_entry *proc; }; struct ngi_inst; /* Target Agent */ struct ngi_ta { struct ngi_inst *pinst; /* Back pointer to the instance */ u32 offset; u32 pm_match_offset; u32 pm_read_offset; u32 pm_write_offset; char *name; unsigned short rev_code; unsigned short core_code; unsigned short vendor_code; u32 num_pr; struct ngi_acl_pr acl_pr[LTQ_NGI_MAX_PR_REGIONS]; struct proc_dir_entry *proc; }; /* Register Target*/ struct ngi_rt { struct ngi_inst *pinst; /* Back pointer to the instance */ u32 pm_read_offset; u32 pm_write_offset; char *name; u32 num_pr; struct ngi_acl_pr rt_pr[LTQ_NGI_MAX_RT_PR_REGIONS]; struct proc_dir_entry *proc; }; /* Generic stuff for all the Instances */ struct ngi_props { u32 network_rev; u32 network_id; u8 initid; u8 timeout_base; u8 clk_gate_disable; u8 si_ctrl_clk_gate_disable; u32 num_ta; u32 num_ia; struct ngi_ta target_agents[NGI_MAX_TA]; struct ngi_ia init_agents[NGI_MAX_IA]; struct ngi_rt rt_agent; }; struct ngi_inst { int inst_id; const char *name; struct device *dev; void __iomem *membase; struct proc_dir_entry *proc; struct proc_dir_entry *ta_proc; struct proc_dir_entry *ia_proc; struct proc_dir_entry *rt_proc; struct ngi_props props; }; struct ngi_agent_core { u32 ngi_inst_id; u32 core_code; }; struct ngi_addr_match { u32 low; u32 high; }; static struct ngi_inst ltq_ngi_instance[LTQ_NUM_NGI_INSTANCES]; /* * handy ngi register accessor */ static inline unsigned int ltq_ngi_r32(struct ngi_inst *pinst, u32 offset) { return ltq_r32(pinst->membase + offset); } static inline void ltq_ngi_w32(struct ngi_inst *pinst, u32 value, u32 offset) { return ltq_w32(value, pinst->membase + offset); } static inline void ltq_ngi_w32_mask(struct ngi_inst *pinst, u32 clear, u32 set, u32 offset) { return ltq_w32_mask(clear, set, pinst->membase + (offset)); } static char *ltq_lookup_ia_code(u32 core_code) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LTQ_NUM_INIT_AGENTS; i++) { if (ngi_ia_core_table[i].core_code == core_code) break; } if (i < LTQ_NUM_INIT_AGENTS) return ngi_ia_core_table[i].core_name; else return NULL; } static int ltq_lookup_ta_index(u32 core_code) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LTQ_NUM_TARGET_AGENTS; i++) { if (ngi_ta_core_table[i].core_code == core_code) break; } if (i < LTQ_NUM_TARGET_AGENTS) return i; else return -1; } static int ltq_lookup_rt_index(u32 inst_id) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LTQ_NUM_NGI_INSTANCES; i++) { if (ngi_rt_core_table[i].inst_id == inst_id) break; } if (i < LTQ_NUM_NGI_INSTANCES) return i; else return -1; } static struct ngi_addr_match ngi_build_match_value(const struct ngi_acl_pr *pr) { u64 tmp; struct ngi_addr_match result; if (pr->pr_id == 0) panic("Region 0 has no match register\n"); if (pr->base & (~PAGE_MASK)) panic("Matching base addresses must be page aligned\n"); if (pr->size != 0 && !is_power_of_2(pr->size)) panic("Matching region size must be zero or power of 2"); if (PM_SIZE_TO_KB(pr->size) > PM_MASK_MATCH_SIZE) panic("Matching region size is too large"); if (pr->level > PM_MASK_MATCH_LEVEL) panic("Matching region level is too large"); /* addr space must be 1. We do not know why. */ tmp = (((u64)(PM_TO_KB(pr->base))) << PM_SHIFT_MATCH_BASE_ADDR) | (PM_SIZE_TO_KB(pr->size) << PM_SHIFT_MATCH_SIZE) | (pr->level << PM_SHIFT_MATCH_LEVEL) | (1 << PM_SHIFT_MATCH_ADDR_SPACE); result.low = (u32)tmp; result.high = (u32)(tmp >> 32); return result; } static void ngi_print_protection_regions(struct seq_file *s, const struct ngi_acl_pr *acl_list, unsigned int num, bool is_reg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const struct ngi_acl_pr *acl = &acl_list[i]; seq_printf(s, "\nProtection Region: %s (%u)\n", acl->pr_name, acl->pr_id); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); if (!is_reg && acl->pr_id > 0) { seq_printf(s, "Match = [0x%08x, 0x%08x)\n", acl->base, acl->base + acl->size); seq_printf(s, "Match Size = 0x%08x (%u KiB = %u MiB)\n", acl->size, acl->size >> 10, acl->size >> 20); seq_printf(s, "Level = %u\n", acl->level); } seq_printf(s, "Readers = 0x%08x\n", acl->group_read_pr); seq_printf(s, "Writers = 0x%08x\n", acl->group_write_pr); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); } } static int ngi_inst_enum_read_proc(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct ngi_inst *pinst = s->private; struct ngi_props *pprops = &(pinst->props); seq_puts(s, "\nEnumeration Info\n"); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); seq_printf(s, "Instance ID = %d\n", pinst->inst_id); seq_printf(s, "Name = %s\n", pinst->name); seq_printf(s, "Memory base = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pinst->membase)); seq_printf(s, "Number or TAs = %d\n", pprops->num_ta); seq_printf(s, "Number of IAs = %d\n", pprops->num_ia); seq_printf(s, "Network Rev = 0x%08x\n", pprops->network_rev); seq_printf(s, "Network Id = 0x%08x\n", pprops->network_id); seq_printf(s, "InitId = 0x%08x\n", pprops->initid); seq_printf(s, "Timeout Base = 0x%08x\n", pprops->timeout_base); seq_printf(s, "Clk Gate Disable = 0x%08x\n", pprops->clk_gate_disable); seq_printf(s, "SI Control clk gate disable = 0x%08x\n", pprops->si_ctrl_clk_gate_disable); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } static int ngi_inst_enum_read_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ngi_inst_enum_read_proc, PDE_DATA(inode)); } static const struct file_operations ngi_inst_enum_proc_fops = { .open = ngi_inst_enum_read_proc_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; /* Target Agent related info proc fs */ static int ngi_ta_info_read_proc(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct ngi_ta *pta = s->private; seq_puts(s, "\nTransfer Agent Info\n"); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); seq_printf(s, "Name = %s\n", pta->name); seq_printf(s, "Rev code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pta->rev_code)); seq_printf(s, "Core code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pta->core_code)); seq_printf(s, "Vendor code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pta->vendor_code)); seq_printf(s, "Reg. Offset = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pta->offset)); seq_printf(s, "Number of Protection Regions = %d\n", pta->num_pr); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } static int ngi_ta_info_read_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ngi_ta_info_read_proc, PDE_DATA(inode)); } static const struct file_operations ngi_ta_info_proc_fops = { .open = ngi_ta_info_read_proc_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; /* Init Agent related info proc fs */ static int ngi_ia_info_read_proc(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct ngi_ia *pia = s->private; seq_puts(s, "\nInitiator Agent Info\n"); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); seq_printf(s, "Name = %s\n", pia->name); seq_printf(s, "Rev code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pia->rev_code)); seq_printf(s, "Core code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pia->core_code)); seq_printf(s, "Vendor code = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pia->vendor_code)); seq_printf(s, "Reg. Offset = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(pia->offset)); seq_puts(s, "-----------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } static int ngi_ia_info_read_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ngi_ia_info_read_proc, PDE_DATA(inode)); } static const struct file_operations ngi_ia_info_proc_fops = { .open = ngi_ia_info_read_proc_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; static int ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_read(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct ngi_ta *pta = s->private; ngi_print_protection_regions(s, pta->acl_pr, pta->num_pr, false); return 0; } static int ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_read, PDE_DATA(inode)); } static const struct file_operations ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_fops = { .open = ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; static int ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_read(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct ngi_rt *prt = s->private; ngi_print_protection_regions(s, prt->rt_pr, prt->num_pr, true); return 0; } static int ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_read, PDE_DATA(inode)); } static const struct file_operations ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_fops = { .open = ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; static int ngi_proc_init(struct ngi_inst *pinst) { char proc_name[64] = { 0 }; struct proc_dir_entry *entry; struct ngi_props *pprops = &pinst->props; struct ngi_ta *pta; struct ngi_ia *pia; struct ngi_rt *prt; int i; if (!g_ngi_root_proc_once) { strcpy(proc_name, "driver/ngi"); g_ngi_root_proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, NULL); if (!g_ngi_root_proc) return -ENOMEM; g_ngi_root_proc_once++; } strcpy(proc_name, pinst->name); pinst->proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, g_ngi_root_proc); if (!pinst->proc) return -ENOMEM; entry = proc_create_data("enumeration_info", 0, pinst->proc, &ngi_inst_enum_proc_fops, pinst); if (!entry) goto err1; strcpy(proc_name, "target_agents"); pinst->ta_proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->proc); if (!pinst->ta_proc) return -ENOMEM; /* Create the Target Agents proc */ for (i = 0; i < pprops->num_ta; i++) { pta = &(pprops->target_agents[i]); strcpy(proc_name, pta->name); pta->proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->ta_proc); if (!pta->proc) return -ENOMEM; entry = proc_create_data("info", 0, pta->proc, &ngi_ta_info_proc_fops, pta); if (!entry) goto err1; entry = proc_create_data("protection_info", 0, pta->proc, &ngi_ta_pm_info_proc_fops, pta); if (!entry) goto err1; } pr_debug("created ngi ta proc success ..\n"); /* Create the Init Agents related proc */ strcpy(proc_name, "init_agents"); pinst->ia_proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->proc); if (!pinst->ia_proc) return -ENOMEM; for (i = 0; i < pinst->props.num_ia; i++) { pia = &(pprops->init_agents[i]); strcpy(proc_name, pia->name); pia->proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->ia_proc); if (!pia->proc) return -ENOMEM; entry = proc_create_data("info", 0, pia->proc, &ngi_ia_info_proc_fops, pia); if (!entry) goto err1; } pr_debug("created ngi ia proc success ..\n"); /* Create the Register Target related proc */ strcpy(proc_name, "reg_target"); pinst->rt_proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->proc); if (!pinst->rt_proc) return -ENOMEM; prt = &(pprops->rt_agent); strcpy(proc_name, prt->name); prt->proc = proc_mkdir(proc_name, pinst->rt_proc); if (!prt->proc) return -ENOMEM; entry = proc_create_data("protection_info", 0, prt->proc, &ngi_rt_pm_info_proc_fops, prt); if (!entry) goto err1; return 0; err1: remove_proc_entry(proc_name, NULL); return -ENOMEM; } static void ltq_write_ta_protection(const struct ngi_ta *ta) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < ta->num_pr; i++) { const struct ngi_acl_pr *acl = &ta->acl_pr[i]; struct ngi_inst *pinst = ta->pinst; /* Program the registers with the above values */ ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, acl->group_read_pr, (ta->pm_read_offset + NGI_REGION(i))); ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, acl->group_write_pr, (ta->pm_write_offset + NGI_REGION(i))); /* Region 0 has no match register */ if (acl->pr_id > 0) { struct ngi_addr_match reg_val = ngi_build_match_value(acl); u32 reg_addr = ta->pm_match_offset + NGI_REGION(i); ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, reg_val.low, reg_addr); ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, reg_val.high, reg_addr + 4); } } } static void ltq_write_rt_protection(const struct ngi_rt *rt) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < rt->num_pr; i++) { const struct ngi_acl_pr *acl = &rt->rt_pr[i]; struct ngi_inst *pinst = rt->pinst; /* Program the registers with the above values */ ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, acl->group_read_pr, (rt->pm_read_offset + NGI_REGION(i))); ltq_ngi_w32(pinst, acl->group_write_pr, (rt->pm_write_offset + NGI_REGION(i))); } } static int ltq_ngi_enumerate(struct ngi_inst *pinst) { int ia_count = 0, ta_count = 0, ngi_ta_count = 0, ngi_ia_count = 0; u32 initial_comp_addr; u32 initial_read_pm_addr; u32 initial_write_pm_addr; u32 initial_addr_match_addr; u32 initial_rt_read_pm_addr; u32 initial_rt_write_pm_addr; u32 comp_code; int i, table_index, rt_table_index; const struct ngi_rt_core *rt_table = NULL; int temp_count; pr_debug("%s called..\n", __func__); /* Read the RT.component register */ if (((ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_COMPONENT) & TREG0_RT_COMPONENT_CODE_MASK) >> TREG0_RT_COMPONENT_CODE_POS) != 0x6200) panic("not an NGI segment !!\n"); /* Read the Network, Initid, Network Control */ pinst->props.network_rev = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK + 4) & 0xFFFF; /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ pinst->props.network_id = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK + 4) >> 16) & 0xFFFF; /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ pinst->props.initid = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_INITID_READBACK) & TREG0_RT_INITID_READBACK_INITID_MASK; pinst->props.timeout_base = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL) & TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL_TIMEOUT_BASE_MASK) >> TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL_TIMEOUT_BASE_POS; pinst->props.clk_gate_disable = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL + 4) & (TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL_CLOCK_GATE_DISABLE_MASK >> 32) >> (TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL_CLOCK_GATE_DISABLE_POS - 32)); /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ pinst->props.si_ctrl_clk_gate_disable = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_SI_CONTROL + 4) & (TREG0_SI_CONTROL_CLOCK_GATE_DISABLE_MASK >> 32) >> (TREG0_SI_CONTROL_CLOCK_GATE_DISABLE_POS - 32)); /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Enumerate the Target Agents */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ initial_comp_addr = TSSB_TA_COMPONENT; initial_read_pm_addr = TSSB_PM_READ_PERMISSION_0; initial_write_pm_addr = TSSB_PM_WRITE_PERMISSION_0; initial_addr_match_addr = TSSB_PM_ADDR_MATCH_1 - NGI_REGION_SIZE; if (pinst->inst_id == 0) ngi_ta_count = 15; else if (pinst->inst_id == 1) ngi_ta_count = 4; else if (pinst->inst_id == 2) ngi_ta_count = 8; else if (pinst->inst_id == 3) ngi_ta_count = 13; else if (pinst->inst_id == 4) ngi_ta_count = 16; else if (pinst->inst_id == 6) ngi_ta_count = 5; for (temp_count = 0; temp_count < ngi_ta_count; temp_count++) { pr_debug("reading from offset: %x \n", (unsigned int)initial_comp_addr); /* Read the component register */ comp_code = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr) & TSSB_TA_COMPONENT_CODE_MASK) >> TSSB_TA_COMPONENT_CODE_POS; if (comp_code == 0x6020) { struct ngi_ta *ta = &pinst->props.target_agents[ta_count]; const struct ngi_ta_core *table = NULL; /* Read the TA.Core */ ta->rev_code = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18) & TSSB_TA_CORE_REV_CODE_MASK; ta->core_code = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18) & TSSB_TA_CORE_CORE_CODE_MASK) >> TSSB_TA_CORE_CORE_CODE_POS; ta->vendor_code = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18 + 4) & (TSSB_TA_CORE_VENDOR_CODE_MASK >> 32); /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ /* Get the default table index based on the vendor code */ table_index = ltq_lookup_ta_index(ta->core_code); table = &ngi_ta_core_table[table_index]; pr_debug("table_index = %d and core_code = %x\n", table_index, (unsigned int)(ta->core_code)); if (table_index < 0) { pr_err("%s: couldn't find the TA info from the table\n", __func__); continue; } /* Store the name and other info */ ta->name = table->core_name; ta->offset = initial_comp_addr; ta->pm_match_offset = initial_addr_match_addr; ta->pm_read_offset = initial_read_pm_addr; ta->pm_write_offset = initial_write_pm_addr; ta->pinst = pinst; /* Store all the properties of Protection Region from the table */ ta->num_pr = table->num_pr; memcpy(ta->acl_pr, table->acl_pr, sizeof(struct ngi_acl_pr) * ta->num_pr); for (i = 0; i < ta->num_pr; i++) { ta->acl_pr[i].pr_id = i; } ltq_write_ta_protection(ta); /* Set the default REQ_TIMEOUT to be 4 */ pr_debug("request timeout for TA: %s BEFORE is : %x \n", ta->name, ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + NGI_REGION_SIZE)); ltq_ngi_w32_mask(pinst, 0, 4 << TSSB_TA_AGENT_CONTROL_REQ_TIMEOUT_POS, (initial_comp_addr + NGI_REGION_SIZE)); pr_debug("request timeout for TA: %s AFTER is : %x \n", ta->name, ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + NGI_REGION_SIZE)); ta_count++; } initial_comp_addr += NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE; initial_read_pm_addr += NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE; initial_write_pm_addr += NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE; initial_addr_match_addr += NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE; } pinst->props.num_ta = ta_count; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Enumerate the Initiator Agents */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ initial_comp_addr = IE97W_IA_COMPONENT; if (pinst->inst_id == 0) ngi_ia_count = 13; else if (pinst->inst_id == 1) ngi_ia_count = 7; else if (pinst->inst_id == 2) ngi_ia_count = 8; else if (pinst->inst_id == 3) ngi_ia_count = 7; else if (pinst->inst_id == 4) ngi_ia_count = 1; else if (pinst->inst_id == 6) ngi_ia_count = 3; for (temp_count = 0; temp_count < ngi_ia_count; temp_count++) { /* Read the component register */ comp_code = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr) & IE97W_IA_COMPONENT_CODE_MASK) >> IE97W_IA_COMPONENT_CODE_POS; if (comp_code == 0x6010) { struct ngi_ia *ia = &pinst->props.init_agents[ia_count]; /* Read the IA.Core */ ia->rev_code = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18) & IE97W_IA_CORE_REV_CODE_MASK; ia->core_code = (ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18) & IE97W_IA_CORE_CORE_CODE_MASK) >> IE97W_IA_CORE_CORE_CODE_POS; ia->vendor_code = ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, initial_comp_addr + 0x18 + 4) & (IE97W_IA_CORE_VENDOR_CODE_MASK >> 32); /* upper 32-bits (bit 32~63) */ /* Lookup the core code and get the name and store */ ia->name = ltq_lookup_ia_code(ia->core_code); ia->offset = initial_comp_addr; pr_debug("core name = %s and core_code = %x\n", ia->name, (unsigned int)(ia->core_code)); ia_count++; initial_comp_addr += NGI_COMPONENT_SIZE; } } pinst->props.num_ia = ia_count; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Enumerate the Register Target protection region */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ initial_rt_read_pm_addr = TREG0_PM_READ_PERMISSION_0; initial_rt_write_pm_addr = TREG0_PM_WRITE_PERMISSION_0; /* Register target related stuff */ rt_table_index = ltq_lookup_rt_index(pinst->inst_id); rt_table = &ngi_rt_core_table[rt_table_index]; pr_debug("table_index of RT = %d\n", rt_table_index); if (rt_table_index < 0) { pr_err("%s: couldn't find the RT info from the table\n", __func__); return -ENODEV; } /* Change the RT NETWORK Control timeout base to 4 */ pr_debug("timeout base for TREG: %s BEFORE is : %x\n", pinst->props.rt_agent.name, ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL)); ltq_ngi_w32_mask(pinst, 0, 4 << TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL_TIMEOUT_BASE_POS, TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL); pr_debug("timeout base for TREG: %s AFTER is : %x\n", pinst->props.rt_agent.name, ltq_ngi_r32(pinst, TREG0_RT_NETWORK_CONTROL)); /* Store the name and other info */ pinst->props.rt_agent.name = rt_table->name; pinst->props.rt_agent.pm_read_offset = initial_rt_read_pm_addr; pinst->props.rt_agent.pm_write_offset = initial_rt_write_pm_addr; pinst->props.rt_agent.pinst = pinst; pinst->props.rt_agent.num_pr = rt_table->num_pr; memcpy(pinst->props.rt_agent.rt_pr, rt_table->rt_pr, sizeof(struct ngi_rt) * pinst->props.rt_agent.num_pr); ltq_write_rt_protection(&pinst->props.rt_agent); return 0; } static int ltq_ngi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node; struct resource *memres; static u32 inst_id; struct ngi_inst *pinstance; pr_debug("%s called..\n", __func__); /* DMA controller idx */ if (!of_property_read_u32(node, "lantiq,ngi-inst-id", &inst_id)) pdev->id = inst_id; else panic("Failed to get NGI instance id\n"); if (pdev->id < 0 || pdev->id >= LTQ_NUM_NGI_INSTANCES) return -EINVAL; pinstance = <q_ngi_instance[pdev->id]; memset(pinstance, 0, sizeof(*pinstance)); pinstance->inst_id = pdev->id; pinstance->name = ngi_name[pinstance->inst_id]; /* Link controller to platform device */ pinstance->dev = &pdev->dev; memres = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (!memres) panic("Failed to get NGI resource"); /* remap dma register range */ pinstance->membase = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, memres); if (IS_ERR(pinstance->membase)) panic("Failed to remap NGI resource"); pr_debug("NGI membase: %x \n", (unsigned int)(pinstance->membase)); /* Enumerate the bus */ ltq_ngi_enumerate(pinstance); /* Init the procfs for this instance */ ngi_proc_init(pinstance); return 0; } static const struct of_device_id ltq_ngi_match[] = { { .compatible = "lantiq,ngi-xrx500" }, {}, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ltq_xrx500_match); static struct platform_driver ltq_ngi_driver = { .probe = ltq_ngi_probe, .driver = { .name = "ngi-xrx500", .owner = THIS_MODULE, .of_match_table = ltq_ngi_match, }, }; static int find_ta_pr(const char *ta_name, const char *pr_name, struct ngi_ta **o_ta, struct ngi_acl_pr **o_acl) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ltq_ngi_instance); ++i) { struct ngi_props *props = <q_ngi_instance[i].props; u32 j; for (j = 0; j < props->num_ta; ++j) { struct ngi_ta *ta = &props->target_agents[j]; u32 v; if (strcmp(ta_name, ta->name)) continue; for (v = 0; v < ta->num_pr; ++v) { struct ngi_acl_pr *acl = &ta->acl_pr[v]; if (strcmp(pr_name, acl->pr_name)) continue; *o_ta = ta; *o_acl = acl; return 0; } } } return -ENOENT; } static void seal_protection(void) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ltq_ngi_instance); ++i) { struct ngi_rt *rt = <q_ngi_instance[i].props.rt_agent; rt->rt_pr[1].group_read_pr = 0; rt->rt_pr[1].group_write_pr = 0; ltq_write_rt_protection(rt); } } void ngi_surrender_eip123(void) { struct ngi_ta *ta_ddr, *ta_eip123; struct ngi_acl_pr *acl_bootcore, *acl_eip123; BUG_ON(find_ta_pr("TA_DDR", "Bootcore", &ta_ddr, &acl_bootcore)); BUG_ON(find_ta_pr("TA_EIP123", "PR0", &ta_eip123, &acl_eip123)); /* lockout eip123 from bootcore mem */ acl_bootcore->group_read_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_BOOTCORE; acl_bootcore->group_write_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_BOOTCORE; ltq_write_ta_protection(ta_ddr); /* switch eip123 access to interaptive */ acl_eip123->group_read_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_INTERAPTIVE; acl_eip123->group_write_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_INTERAPTIVE; ltq_write_ta_protection(ta_eip123); /* prevent ourself from changing the config back */ seal_protection(); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ngi_surrender_eip123); static int __init read_dts_cfg(struct ngi_dts_cfg *cfg) { struct device_node *node; struct property *prop; int prop_len; const __be32 *iter; int ret = -EINVAL; node = of_find_node_by_path("/avm,ngi-protection"); if (!node) goto out; prop = of_find_property(node, "ram-size", &prop_len); if (!prop) goto put_node; iter = of_prop_next_u32(prop, NULL, &cfg->memory_size); if (!iter) goto put_node; prop = of_find_property(node, "bootcore", &prop_len); if (!prop) goto put_node; iter = of_prop_next_u32(prop, NULL, &cfg->bootcore_start); if (!iter) goto put_node; iter = of_prop_next_u32(prop, iter, &cfg->bootcore_size); if (!iter) goto put_node; ret = 0; put_node: of_node_put(node); out: return ret; } static int __init find_pr(const char *name, struct ngi_ta_core **ddr, u32 *idx) { unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < LTQ_NUM_TARGET_AGENTS; ++i) { struct ngi_ta_core *core = &ngi_ta_core_table[i]; if (core->core_code != TA_DDR_CORE_CODE) continue; for (j = 0; j < core->num_pr; ++j) { struct ngi_acl_pr *acl = &core->acl_pr[j]; if (strcmp(acl->pr_name, name) != 0) continue; *ddr = core; *idx = j; return 0; } } return -ENOENT; } static int __init protect_bootcore(const struct ngi_dts_cfg *cfg) { struct ngi_ta_core *ddr; u32 idx; int ret; ret = find_pr(BOOTCORE, &ddr, &idx); if (ret) return ret; pr_info("Protecting Bootcore: [0x%08x, 0x%08x]\n", cfg->bootcore_start, cfg->bootcore_start - 1 + cfg->bootcore_size); ddr->acl_pr[idx].base = cfg->bootcore_start; ddr->acl_pr[idx].size = cfg->bootcore_size; return 0; } #define NGI_RAM_START 0x20000000 #define NGI_RAM_END 0x9fffffff #define NGI_RAM_MAX_SIZE_MB ((NGI_RAM_END - NGI_RAM_START + 1) >> 20) static int __init protect_unattached(const struct ngi_dts_cfg *cfg) { const u32 memory_size = cfg->memory_size << 20; struct ngi_ta_core *ddr; u32 base, size, idx; int ret; if (!cfg->memory_size || cfg->memory_size > NGI_RAM_MAX_SIZE_MB) return -EINVAL; base = NGI_RAM_START + memory_size; size = NGI_RAM_END - base + 1; ret = find_pr(UNATTACHED_MEMORY, &ddr, &idx); if (ret) return ret; pr_info("%uMB attached. Protecting: [0x%08x, 0x%08x]\n", cfg->memory_size, base, base - 1 + size); while (idx < ddr->num_pr && size) { struct ngi_acl_pr *pr = &ddr->acl_pr[idx]; unsigned long max_align = base ? __ffs(base) : 31; pr->pr_name = UNATTACHED_MEMORY; pr->level = PM_LEVEL_HIGH; pr->group_read_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_NONE; pr->group_write_pr = PM_DDR_GROUP_NONE; pr->base = base; pr->size = min(rounddown_pow_of_two(size), 1ul << max_align); pr_info("Unattached: [0x%08x, 0x%08x]\n", pr->base, pr->base - 1 + pr->size); base += pr->size; size -= pr->size; ++idx; } return size == 0 ? 0 : -EINVAL; } static int __init ltq_ngi_init(void) { struct ngi_dts_cfg cfg; if (read_dts_cfg(&cfg)) panic("ngi: Failed to read dts node\n"); if (protect_bootcore(&cfg)) panic("ngi: Failed to protect bootcore\n"); if (protect_unattached(&cfg)) panic("ngi: Failed to protect unattached memory\n"); if (platform_driver_register(<q_ngi_driver)) panic("ngi-xrx500: Error registering platform driver!\n"); return 0; } core_initcall(ltq_ngi_init);