/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Intel Corporation * * * For licensing information, see the file 'LICENSE' in the root folder of * this software module. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void __iomem *base[2]; static irqreturn_t mac_isr(int irq, void *dev_id) { u32 devid = 0; struct adap_ops *adap_ops = gsw_get_adap_ops(devid); struct mac_ops *mac_ops; struct mac_prv_data *pdata; int i = 0, mac_int_sts = 0, lmac_int_sts = 0; u32 max_mac = gsw_get_mac_subifcnt(devid); int task_sched = 0; /* Handle all the MAC Interrupts */ for (i = 0; i < max_mac; i++) { task_sched = 0; mac_int_sts = gswss_get_int_stat(adap_ops, XGMAC); mac_ops = gsw_get_mac_ops(devid, (i + MAC_2)); if (!mac_ops) return IRQ_HANDLED; pdata = GET_MAC_PDATA(mac_ops); /* Check XGMAC i Interrupts */ if (mac_int_sts & (1 << (GSWIPSS_IER0_XGMAC2_POS + i))) { /* Disable the XGMAC 2/3/4 Interrupt First */ gswss_set_interrupt(adap_ops, XGMAC, pdata->mac_idx, 0); task_sched = 1; } lmac_int_sts = lmac_get_int(mac_ops); /* Check LMAC i Interrupts */ if (lmac_int_sts & (1 << (LMAC_ISR_MAC2_POS + i))) { /* Disable the LMAC 2/3/4 Interrupt First */ lmac_set_int(mac_ops, 0); task_sched = 1; } /* Schedule tasklet for this MAC */ if (task_sched) tasklet_schedule(&pdata->mac_tasklet); } return IRQ_HANDLED; } static void mac_irq_tasklet(unsigned long data) { int evnt = 0, j = 0; void *param; struct mac_prv_data *pdata = (struct mac_prv_data *)data; struct mac_ops *ops = &pdata->ops; /* Get all events available for this idx XGMAC and LMAC events */ evnt = ops->get_int_sts(ops); if (evnt) { /* Check all events for this MAC */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_IRQ_EVNT; j++) { if (evnt & (1 << j)) { /* Clear the MAC Interrupt status */ ops->clr_int_sts(ops, j); /* If callback is registered, return callback */ if (pdata->irq_hdl[j].cb) { param = pdata->irq_hdl[j].param; /* Call the Upper level callback */ pdata->irq_hdl[j].cb(param); } } } } /* Enable Corresponding XGMAC and LMAC Interrupts back */ ops->mac_int_en(ops); } static int mac_irq_init(struct mac_prv_data *pdata) { int ret = 0; pdata->irq_hdl = kzalloc(sizeof(*pdata->irq_hdl) * (MAX_IRQ_EVNT - 1), GFP_KERNEL); if (!pdata->irq_hdl) { mac_printf("IRQ handler alloc error\n"); return -1; } if (pdata->mac_idx == MAC_2) { ret = request_irq(pdata->irq_num, mac_isr, 0, "gsw_mac", NULL); if (ret) { mac_printf("request_irq Error for MAC - %d", ret); return ret; } } tasklet_init(&pdata->mac_tasklet, mac_irq_tasklet, (unsigned long)pdata); return ret; } static int mac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { int i = 0; struct resource *res[2]; struct gswss *gswdev = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent); struct adap_prv_data *adap_pdata = GET_ADAP_PDATA(gswdev->adap_ops); struct mac_prv_data *pdata = GET_MAC_PDATA(platform_get_drvdata(pdev)); struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; int linksts = 0, duplex = 0, speed = 0; char *load, *ls, *dp; int ret; gswdev->mac_dev[pdev->id] = pdev; /* Initialize MAC Spin lock */ spin_lock_init(&pdata->mac_lock); /* Initialize Spin lock for Indirect read/write */ spin_lock_init(&pdata->rw_lock); /* load the memory ranges */ for (i = 0; i < pdev->num_resources; i++) { res[i] = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, i); if (!res[i]) { pr_info("failed to get resources %d\n", i); return -1; } if (pdata->mac_idx == MAC_2) base[i] = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res[i]); } /* Update Adaption layer pointer and Lmac base address per Mac private * data.This is needed since all MAC api's have Private data as argument */ pdata->ss_addr_base = base[0]; adap_pdata->ss_addr_base = base[0]; pdata->lmac_addr_base = base[1]; pdata->max_mac = gsw_get_mac_subifcnt(0); if (device_property_present(dev, "board_type")) { pdata->haps = 1; } else { pdata->haps = 0; } ret = of_property_read_u32(dev->of_node, "clock-frequency", &pdata->ptp_clk); if (ret < 0) { pdata->ptp_clk = 500000000; dev_info(dev, "using default %u Hz PTP clock frequency\n", pdata->ptp_clk); } pdata->ker_ptp_clk = devm_clk_get(dev, "ptp_clk"); if (IS_ERR(pdata->ker_ptp_clk)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to get MAC %d ptp clock!\n", pdata->mac_idx); return PTR_ERR(pdata->ker_ptp_clk); } pdata->dev = dev; /* Init function fointers */ mac_init_fn_ptrs(&pdata->ops); /* Disable unused MAC */ if (pdata->mac_en == MAC_DIS) { mac_reset(&pdata->ops, RESET_OFF); return 0; } ret = clk_set_rate(pdata->ker_ptp_clk, pdata->ptp_clk); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to ptp clock to %i Hz: err: %i\n", pdata->ptp_clk, ret); return ret; } ret = clk_get_rate(pdata->ker_ptp_clk); if (ret != pdata->ptp_clk) { dev_err(dev, "Expected PTP clock rate unsupported, will use %i Hz instead\n", ret); pdata->ptp_clk = ret; } ret = clk_prepare_enable(pdata->ker_ptp_clk); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to enable MAC %i ptp clock\n", pdata->mac_idx); return ret; } /* Request IRQ for MAC */ mac_irq_init(pdata); pdata->ops.init(&pdata->ops); linksts = pdata->ops.get_link_sts(&pdata->ops); duplex = pdata->ops.get_duplex(&pdata->ops); speed = pdata->ops.get_speed(&pdata->ops); if (speed == GSW_PORT_SPEED_10) load = "10 Mbps"; else if (speed == GSW_PORT_SPEED_100) load = "100 Mbps"; else if (speed == GSW_PORT_SPEED_1000) load = "1 Gbps"; else if (speed == GSW_PORT_SPEED_100000) load = "10 Gbps"; else if (speed == GSW_PORT_SPEED_25000) load = "2.5 Gbps"; else load = "AUTO"; if (linksts == GSW_PORT_LINK_UP) ls = "UP"; else if (linksts == GSW_PORT_LINK_DOWN) ls = "DOWN"; else ls = "AUTO"; if (duplex == GSW_DUPLEX_FULL) dp = "Full"; else if (duplex == GSW_DUPLEX_HALF) dp = "Half"; else dp = "AUTO"; pr_debug("XGMAC Init %d: Speed: %s Link: %s Duplex: %s\n", pdata->mac_idx, load, ls, dp); return 0; } static int mac_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct mac_prv_data *pdata = GET_MAC_PDATA(platform_get_drvdata(pdev)); clk_disable_unprepare(pdata->ker_ptp_clk); return 0; } static const struct of_device_id gsw_mac_match[] = { { .compatible = "intel,gsw_mac" }, {}, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, gsw_mac_match); static struct platform_driver gsw_mac_driver = { .probe = mac_probe, .remove = mac_remove, .driver = { .name = MAC_DEV_NAME, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .of_match_table = gsw_mac_match, }, }; module_platform_driver(gsw_mac_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Joby Thampan"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Intel GSW_MAC Device driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");