/* * Description: Packet Processor Checker Debug FS Interface * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "[CHK_DBG]:%s:%d: " fmt, __func__, __LINE__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pp_debugfs_common.h" #include "checker.h" #include "checker_internal.h" #include "pp_misc.h" /** * @brief main checker debugfs dir */ static struct dentry *dbgfs; void sq_enable_help(struct seq_file *f) { seq_puts(f, " \n"); } void sq_enable_set(char *cmd_buf, void *data) { u32 sess_id; u16 queue; u8 ent_id; if (sscanf(cmd_buf, "%hhu %u %hu", &ent_id, &sess_id, &queue) != 3) { pr_err("sscanf err\n"); return; } if (chk_sq_entry_enable(ent_id, sess_id, queue)) pr_err("chk_sq_entry_enable failed\n"); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(sq_enable, sq_enable_help, sq_enable_set); void sq_disable_help(struct seq_file *f) { seq_puts(f, "\n"); } void sq_disable_set(char *cmd_buf, void *data) { u8 ent_id; if (sscanf(cmd_buf, "%hhu", &ent_id) != 1) { pr_err("sscanf err\n"); return; } if (chk_sq_entry_disable(ent_id)) pr_err("chk_sq_entry_disable failed\n"); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(sq_disable, sq_disable_help, sq_disable_set); void exception_map_set_help(struct seq_file *f) { seq_puts(f, " \n"); } void exception_map_set(char *cmd_buf, void *data) { u16 port; u8 tc, hoh, id; if (sscanf(cmd_buf, "%hu %hhu %hhu %hhu", &port, &tc, &hoh, &id) != 4) { pr_err("sscanf err\n"); return; } if (chk_exception_session_map_set(port, tc, hoh, id)) { pr_err("chk_exception_session_map_set failed\n"); return; } } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(map_set, exception_map_set_help, exception_map_set); void exception_map_get_help(struct seq_file *f) { seq_puts(f, " \n"); } void exception_map_get(char *cmd_buf, void *data) { u16 port; u8 tc, hoh, id; if (sscanf(cmd_buf, "%hu %hhu %hhu", &port, &tc, &hoh) != 3) { pr_err("sscanf err\n"); return; } if (chk_exception_session_map_get(port, tc, hoh, &id)) { pr_err("chk_exception_session_map_get failed\n"); return; } pr_info("Exception Id: %d\n", id); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(map_get, exception_map_get_help, exception_map_get); void exception_set_help(struct seq_file *f) { seq_puts(f, " \n"); } void exception_set(char *cmd_buf, void *data) { struct exception_session_cfg chk_cfg; u16 sgc[PP_SI_SGC_MAX]; u16 tbm[PP_SI_TBM_MAX]; u32 idx; if (sscanf(cmd_buf, "%hhu %hu %hu %hhu", &chk_cfg.id, &chk_cfg.port, &chk_cfg.queue, &chk_cfg.color) != 4) { pr_err("sscanf err\n"); return; } for (idx = 0; idx < PP_SI_SGC_MAX; idx++) sgc[idx] = PP_SGC_INVALID; for (idx = 0; idx < PP_SI_TBM_MAX; idx++) tbm[idx] = PP_TBM_INVALID; chk_cfg.sgc = sgc; chk_cfg.tbm = tbm; if (chk_exception_session_set(&chk_cfg)) { pr_err("chk_exception_session_set failed\n"); return; } } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(excep_set, exception_set_help, exception_set); /** * @brief print exception configuration * * @param data unused * @param val value from user (exception id) * * @return int 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise */ static int exception_get(void *data, u64 val) { struct exception_session_cfg chk_cfg; u16 sgc[PP_SI_SGC_MAX]; u16 tbm[PP_SI_TBM_MAX]; u32 idx; for (idx = 0; idx < PP_SI_SGC_MAX; idx++) sgc[idx] = PP_SGC_INVALID; for (idx = 0; idx < PP_SI_TBM_MAX; idx++) tbm[idx] = PP_TBM_INVALID; chk_cfg.sgc = sgc; chk_cfg.tbm = tbm; chk_cfg.id = (u8)val; if (chk_exception_session_get(&chk_cfg)) { pr_err("chk_exception_session_get failed\n"); return 0; } pr_info("Exception %d Cfg:\n", chk_cfg.id); pr_info("* Eg Port: %d\n", chk_cfg.port); pr_info("* Queue: %d\n", chk_cfg.queue); pr_info("* Color: %s\n", chk_cfg.color == 0 ? "N/A" : chk_cfg.color == 1 ? "Green" : chk_cfg.color == 2 ? "Yellow" : chk_cfg.color == 3 ? "Red" : "N/A"); pr_info("* SGC: %x %x %x %x\n", chk_cfg.sgc[0], chk_cfg.sgc[1], chk_cfg.sgc[2], chk_cfg.sgc[3]); pr_info("* TBM: %x %x %x %x\n", chk_cfg.tbm[0], chk_cfg.tbm[1], chk_cfg.tbm[2], chk_cfg.tbm[3]); return 0; } PP_DEFINE_DBGFS_ATT(exception_get, NULL, exception_get); /** * @brief print exception configuration * * @param data unused * @param val value from user (exception id) * * @return int 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise */ static int stats_get(void *data, u64 val) { struct pp_stats stats; u8 id; id = (u8)val; if (chk_exception_stats_get(id, &stats)) { pr_err("chk_exception_stats_get failed\n"); return 0; } pr_info("Exception %d Stats:\n", id); pr_info("* Packets: %llu\n", stats.packets); pr_info("* Bytes: %llu\n", stats.bytes); return 0; } PP_DEFINE_DBGFS_ATT(stats, NULL, stats_get); enum tbm_opts { tbm_opt_help = 1, tbm_opt_get, tbm_opt_set, tbm_opt_idx, tbm_opt_coupling, tbm_opt_enable, tbm_opt_credits, tbm_opt_timestamp, tbm_opt_max_burst, tbm_opt_exponent, tbm_opt_mantissa, tbm_opt_mode, tbm_opt_len_type, }; enum tbm_action { TBM_ACT_GET, TBM_ACT_SET, TBM_NUM_ACTIONS }; static const match_table_t tbm_tokens = { { tbm_opt_help, "help" }, { tbm_opt_get, "get" }, { tbm_opt_set, "set" }, { tbm_opt_idx, "idx=%u" }, { tbm_opt_coupling, "cp=%u" }, { tbm_opt_enable, "en=%u" }, { tbm_opt_credits, "credits=%u" }, { tbm_opt_timestamp, "ts=%x" }, { tbm_opt_max_burst, "burst=%u" }, { tbm_opt_exponent, "exponent=%u" }, { tbm_opt_mantissa, "mantissa=%u" }, { tbm_opt_mode, "mode=%u" }, { tbm_opt_len_type, "type=%u" }, }; /** * @brief TBM file help */ static void __chk_dbg_tbm_help(void) { u32 i; pr_info("\n"); pr_info(" Brief: set/get TBMs configurations\n"); pr_info(" Usage: echo [option=value] ... > tbm\n"); pr_info(" Print all enabled TBMs:\n"); pr_info(" cat tbm\n"); pr_info(" Actions:\n"); pr_info(" help - print this help\n"); pr_info(" get - print tbm configuration\n"); pr_info(" set - set tbm configuration\n"); pr_info(" Options:\n"); pr_info(" idx - tbm index\n"); pr_info(" en - toggle enable/disable tbm\n"); pr_info(" cp - toggle coupling\n"); pr_info(" credits - credits\n"); pr_info(" ts - last timestamp\n"); pr_info(" burst - maximum number of credits, 1 credit = 16 bytes\n"); pr_info(" exponent - exponent\n"); pr_info(" mantissa - mantisa\n"); pr_info(" mode - color aware/blind mode\n"); for (i = 0; i < PP_TBM_MODES_NUM; i++) pr_info(" %u - RFC %s\n", i, chk_tbm_mode_str(i)); pr_info(" type - packet length type to use\n"); for (i = 0; i < PP_TBM_LEN_TYPES_NUM; i++) pr_info(" %u - %s length\n", i, chk_tbm_len_type_str(i)); pr_info(" Examples:\n"); } /** * @brief TBM get/set/alloc/free */ static void __chk_dbg_tbm(char *args, void *data) { substring_t substr[MAX_OPT_ARGS]; enum tbm_opts opt; char *tok; int val, ret = 0; u16 idx; enum tbm_action action; struct tbm_cfg cfg = { 0 }; idx = CHK_TBM_NUM; action = TBM_NUM_ACTIONS; args = strim(args); /* iterate over user arguments */ while ((tok = strsep(&args, " \t\n")) != NULL) { if (!*tok) continue; opt = match_token(tok, tbm_tokens, substr); switch (opt) { case tbm_opt_help: __chk_dbg_tbm_help(); return; case tbm_opt_get: action = TBM_ACT_GET; break; case tbm_opt_set: action = TBM_ACT_SET; break; case tbm_opt_idx: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; idx = (u16)val; if (action == TBM_ACT_SET) { ret = chk_tbm_get(idx, &cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get tbm %u config\n", idx); return; } } break; case tbm_opt_coupling: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.coupling = !!val; break; case tbm_opt_enable: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.enable = !!val; break; case tbm_opt_credits: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.credits = (u32)val; break; case tbm_opt_timestamp: if (match_hex(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.timestamp = (u32)val; break; case tbm_opt_max_burst: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.max_burst = (u32)val; break; case tbm_opt_exponent: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.exponent = (u8)val; break; case tbm_opt_mantissa: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.mantissa = (u16)val; break; case tbm_opt_mode: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.mode = val; break; case tbm_opt_len_type: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.len_type = val; break; default: pr_info("Error: Invalid option '%s'\n", tok); return; } } switch (action) { case TBM_ACT_SET: ret = chk_tbm_set(idx, &cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) pr_info("failed to set tbm %u hw config\n", idx); else pr_info("tbm %u hw config set\n", idx); break; case TBM_ACT_GET: ret = chk_tbm_get(idx, &cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_info("failed to get tbm %u hw config\n", idx); } else { pr_info("tbm %03u: enable %s, coupled %s, credits %u, ts %#x, max_burst %u\n", idx, BOOL2STR(cfg.enable), BOOL2STR(cfg.coupling), cfg.credits, cfg.timestamp, cfg.max_burst); pr_info(" exponent %u, mantisa %u, mode %u, len_type %u\n", cfg.exponent, cfg.mantissa, cfg.mode, cfg.len_type); } break; default: break; } if (unlikely(ret)) pr_err("operation failed, ret = %d\n", ret); return; opt_parse_err: pr_err("Failed to parse input\n"); } static inline void __pr_tbm(struct seq_file *f, u32 idx, struct tbm_cfg *tbm) { seq_printf(f, " | %-3u | %-6s", idx, BOOL2STR(tbm->enable)); seq_printf(f, " | %-8s", BOOL2STR(tbm->coupling)); seq_printf(f, " | %-10u", tbm->credits); seq_printf(f, " | %#-10x", tbm->timestamp); seq_printf(f, " | %-10u | %-8u", tbm->max_burst, tbm->exponent); seq_printf(f, " | %-7u", tbm->mantissa); seq_printf(f, " | %-16s", chk_tbm_mode_str(tbm->mode)); seq_printf(f, " | %-17s", chk_tbm_len_type_str(tbm->len_type)); seq_puts(f, " |\n"); } void __chk_dbg_tbm_show_all(struct seq_file *f) { struct dual_tbm_db_info dtbm = { 0 }; struct tbm_cfg ctbm = { 0 }; struct tbm_cfg ptbm = { 0 }; s32 ret; u16 i; seq_puts(f, "\n"); seq_puts(f, " +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"); seq_printf(f, " | %-3s | %-6s | %-8s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-8s | %-7s | %-16s | %-17s |\n", "Idx", "Enable", "Coupling", "Credits", "Timestamp", "Max Burst", "Exponent", "Mantisa", "Mode", "Len Type"); seq_puts(f, " +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"); for (i = 0; i < CHK_DUAL_TBM_NUM; i++) { ret = chk_dual_tbm_db_info_get(i, &dtbm); if (unlikely(ret)) return; ret = chk_tbm_get(dtbm.ctbm_idx, &ctbm); if (unlikely(ret)) return; ret = chk_tbm_get(dtbm.ptbm_idx, &ptbm); if (unlikely(ret)) return; /* print both committed and peak tbms if the * committed is enable */ if (!ctbm.enable) continue; __pr_tbm(f, dtbm.ctbm_idx, &ctbm); __pr_tbm(f, dtbm.ptbm_idx, &ptbm); seq_puts(f, " +-----+--------+----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+---------+------------------+-------------------+\n"); } seq_puts(f, "\n"); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(tbm, __chk_dbg_tbm_show_all, __chk_dbg_tbm); enum crawler_opts { crawler_opt_help = 1, crawler_opt_timer_pace, crawler_opt_ddr_mode, crawler_opt_reset, crawler_opt_timer_init_val, }; static const match_table_t crawler_tokens = { { crawler_opt_help, "help" }, { crawler_opt_timer_pace, "timer_pace=%u" }, { crawler_opt_ddr_mode, "ddr_mode=%u" }, { crawler_opt_reset, "reset=%u" }, { crawler_opt_timer_init_val, "timer_val=%u" }, }; /** * @brief Crawler file help */ static void chk_dbg_crawler_help(void) { pr_info("\n"); pr_info(" Brief: set/get Crawler configurations\n"); pr_info(" Usage: echo [option=value] ... > crawler\n"); pr_info(" For Printing entire Crawler configuration :\n"); pr_info(" cat crawler\n\n"); pr_info(" Options:\n"); pr_info(" timer_pace - Mailbox Crawler Timer pace. Decrement value for Crawler internal Timer\n"); pr_info(" ddr_mode - 0 : No Limitation\n"); pr_info(" 1 : Stale bitmap area Limited to 8K sessions and wraps around.\n"); pr_info(" reset - Mailbox Crawler Soft Reset\n"); pr_info(" timer_val - last timestamp\n"); pr_info(" cmd_counter (RO) - Command Counter\n"); pr_info(" idle (RO) - Crawler is Idle\n"); pr_info(" wait (RO) - Crawler in Wait State (Timer)\n"); pr_info(" wait_for_final (RO) - Crawler in Waiting for Final Stale State\n"); pr_info(" sync_loss_error (RO) - Crawler DSI Sync Loss Error (sticky)\n"); } /** * @brief Crawler configuration get/set */ static void chk_dbg_crawler(char *args, void *data) { substring_t substr[MAX_OPT_ARGS]; enum crawler_opts opt; char *tok; int val, ret = 0; struct crawler_cfg cfg = { 0 }; args = strim(args); ret = chk_crawler_get(&cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get crawler config\n"); return; } /* iterate over user arguments */ while ((tok = strsep(&args, " \t\n")) != NULL) { if (!*tok) continue; opt = match_token(tok, crawler_tokens, substr); switch (opt) { case crawler_opt_help: chk_dbg_crawler_help(); return; case crawler_opt_timer_pace: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.timer_pace = (u16)val; break; case crawler_opt_ddr_mode: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.ddr_mode = !!val; break; case crawler_opt_reset: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.reset = !!val; break; case crawler_opt_timer_init_val: if (match_int(&substr[0], &val)) goto opt_parse_err; cfg.timer_init_val = (u32)val; break; default: pr_info("Error: Invalid option '%s'\n", tok); return; } } ret = chk_crawler_set(&cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) pr_info("failed to set crawler hw config\n"); else pr_info("crawler hw config set\n"); return; opt_parse_err: pr_err("Failed to parse input\n"); } void crawler_show_all(struct seq_file *f) { struct crawler_cfg cfg; s32 ret; ret = chk_crawler_get(&cfg); if (unlikely(ret)) return; seq_puts(f, "\n"); seq_puts(f, " Crawler Configuration:\n"); seq_puts(f, " ----------------------\n"); seq_printf(f, " Idle : %s\n", cfg.idle_status ? "True" : "False"); seq_printf(f, " Wait : %s\n", cfg.wait_status ? "True" : "False"); seq_printf(f, " Wait For Final : %s\n", cfg.wait_for_final_status ? "True" : "False"); seq_printf(f, " DSI Sync Error : %s\n", cfg.dsi_sync_loss_error ? "True" : "False"); seq_printf(f, " Timer Init Val : %u\n", cfg.timer_init_val); seq_printf(f, " Timer Pace : %u\n", cfg.timer_pace); seq_printf(f, " Cmd Counter : %u\n", cfg.command_counter); seq_printf(f, " DDR Mode : %s\n", cfg.ddr_mode ? "True" : "False"); seq_printf(f, " Reset : %s\n", cfg.reset ? "True" : "False"); seq_puts(f, "\n"); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(crawler, crawler_show_all, chk_dbg_crawler); /** * @brief Set checker driver hw clock frequency */ static int __chk_dbg_clk_set(void *data, u64 val) { return chk_clock_set((u32)val); } /** * @brief Get checker driver hw clock frequency */ static int __chk_dbg_clk_get(void *data, u64 *val) { u32 clk = 0; s32 ret; ret = chk_clock_get(&clk); *val = (u64)clk; return ret; } PP_DEFINE_DBGFS_ATT(clock, __chk_dbg_clk_get, __chk_dbg_clk_set); /** * @brief Debugfs session cache stats show API */ static void chk_dbg_cntr_cache_stats_show(struct seq_file *f) { u64 trans, hits; if (unlikely(chk_cntr_cache_stats_get(&trans, &hits))) { pr_err("failed to get session cache stats\n"); return; } seq_puts(f, "\n"); seq_puts(f, " Counters Cache Stats\n"); seq_puts(f, " +----------------------+\n"); seq_printf(f, " Transactions: %llu\n", trans); seq_printf(f, " Hits : %llu\n", hits); seq_puts(f, "\n"); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(cntr_cache_stats_show, chk_dbg_cntr_cache_stats_show, NULL); static s32 __chk_cntr_cache_bypass_get(void *data, u64 *val) { bool en; en = chk_cntr_cache_bypass_get(); *val = (u64)en; return 0; } static s32 __chk_cntr_cache_bypass_set(void *data, u64 val) { chk_cntr_cache_bypass_set(!!val); return 0; } PP_DEFINE_DBGFS_ATT(cntr_cache_bypass, __chk_cntr_cache_bypass_get, __chk_cntr_cache_bypass_set); /** * @brief Debugfs stats show API, prints module statistics */ void __chk_exceptions_stats_show(struct seq_file *f) { pp_stats_show_seq(f, sizeof(struct pp_stats), CHK_NUM_EXCEPTION_SESSIONS, chk_exceptions_stats_get, chk_exceptions_stats_show, NULL); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(exceptions_stats, __chk_exceptions_stats_show, NULL); void __chk_exceptions_pps_show(struct seq_file *f) { pp_pps_show_seq(f, sizeof(struct pp_stats), CHK_NUM_EXCEPTION_SESSIONS, chk_exceptions_stats_get, chk_exceptions_stats_diff, chk_exceptions_stats_show, NULL); } PP_DEFINE_DEBUGFS(exceptions_pps, __chk_exceptions_pps_show, NULL); static struct debugfs_file chk_dbg_files[] = { { "crawler", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(crawler) }, { "exceptions_pps", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(exceptions_pps) }, { "exceptions_stats", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(exceptions_stats) }, { "exception_set", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(excep_set) }, { "exception_get", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(exception_get) }, { "exception_map_set", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(map_set) }, { "exception_map_get", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(map_get) }, { "stats", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(stats) }, { "syncq_enable", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(sq_enable) }, { "syncq_disable", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(sq_disable) }, { "tbm", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(tbm) }, { "clock", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(clock) }, { "cache_stats", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(cntr_cache_stats_show) }, { "cache_bypass", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(cntr_cache_bypass) }, }; static struct debugfs_file drv_dbg_files[] = { { "exceptions_pps", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(exceptions_pps) }, { "exceptions_stats", &PP_DEBUGFS_FOPS(exceptions_stats) }, }; s32 chk_dbg_init(struct pp_chk_init_param *init_param) { s32 ret; if (unlikely(!debugfs_initialized())) { pr_err("Debugfs not initialized yet\n"); return -EPERM; } ret = pp_debugfs_create(init_param->dbgfs, "checker", &dbgfs, chk_dbg_files, ARRAY_SIZE(chk_dbg_files), NULL); if (unlikely(ret)) return ret; return pp_debugfs_create(init_param->root_dbgfs, NULL, NULL, drv_dbg_files, ARRAY_SIZE(drv_dbg_files), NULL); } void chk_dbg_clean(void) { debugfs_remove_recursive(dbgfs); dbgfs = NULL; }