/* * Description: PP Session Information module * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "[PP_SI]:%s:%d: " fmt, __func__, __LINE__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pp_si.h" #include "pp_fv.h" #include "checker.h" #include "infra.h" #include "pp_common.h" #include "pp_regs.h" #include "pp_port_mgr.h" /** * @brief Shortcut macro to initialize SI field info with all * parameters */ #define SI_FLD_INIT(flds, id) \ BUF_FLD_INIT(flds, id, NULL, __##id##_IS_VALID, __##id##_TO_SI, \ __##id##_FROM_SI, NULL) /** * @brief Shortcut macro to initialize dynamic SI dpu field info */ #define SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(flds, id) \ BUF_DFLD_INIT_SIMPLE(flds, id, __si_fld_dpu_start_bit_get) /** * @brief Shortcut macro to initialize dynamic SI sce field info */ #define SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT(flds, id) \ BUF_DFLD_INIT_SIMPLE(flds, id, __si_fld_sce_start_bit_get) /** * @brief Same as SI_DFLD_INIT but with the addition of to and from * conversions */ #define SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(flds, id) \ BUF_DFLD_INIT(flds, id, NULL, NULL, __si_fld_to_le16, \ __si_fld_from_le16, __si_fld_sce_start_bit_get) /** * @brief SI fields encoding/decoding info */ static struct buf_fld_info si_flds[SI_FLDS_NUM]; /** * @brief Dynamic SI fields encoding/decoding info */ static struct buf_fld_info dsi_flds[DSI_FLDS_NUM]; static const char *const si_chck_flags_str[] = { "SEND2FW", "DROP", "DYNAMIC", "L3_OPTS", "TTL_EXP", "TCP_CTRL", "FRAG", "MTU_OVFL", "TCP_ACK", "MCAST", "EXCP", "UPDATE", "INVALID", }; const char *const pp_si_fld2str(enum pp_si_fld fld) { if (pp_si_field_id_is_valid(fld)) return si_flds[fld].name; return NULL; } s32 pp_si_str2fld(const char *const name, enum pp_si_fld *fld) { u32 idx; for (idx = 0; idx < SI_FLDS_NUM; idx++) { if (!strcmp(si_flds[idx].name, name)) { *fld = idx; return 0; } } return -EINVAL; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI SCE l4 checksum delta * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __si_fld_to_le16(s64 val) { return (s64)cpu_to_le16((s16)val); } /** * @brief Convert back SI SCE l4 checksum delta hw value * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __si_fld_from_le16(s64 val) { return (s64)le16_to_cpu((s16)val); } /** * @brief Get an SI field from an SI hardware buffer * @note for internal use only, doesn't verify input parameters * @param si hw SI to get the field from * @param id field id * @return s32 the field value */ static inline s32 __si_fld_get(const struct pp_hw_si *si, enum pp_si_fld id) { return buf_fld_get(&si_flds[id], si->word); } /** * @brief Set an SI field into an SI hardware buffer * @note for internal use only, doesn't verify input parameters * @param si hw SI to set the field to * @param id field id * @return s32 0 on success, error code otherwise */ static inline s32 __si_fld_set(struct pp_hw_si *si, enum pp_si_fld id, s32 val) { return buf_fld_set(&si_flds[id], si->word, val); } /** * @brief Get an DSI field from an DSI hardware buffer * @note for internal use only, doesn't verify input parameters * @param si hw DSI to get the field from * @param id field id * @return s32 the field value */ static inline s64 __dsi_fld_get(const struct pp_hw_dsi *dsi, enum pp_dsi_fld id) { return buf_fld_get(&dsi_flds[id], dsi->word); } /** * @brief Set an DSI field into an DSI hardware buffer * @note for internal use only, doesn't verify input parameters * @param si hw DSI to set the field to * @param id field id * @return s32 0 on success, error code otherwise */ static inline s32 __dsi_fld_set(struct pp_hw_dsi *dsi, enum pp_dsi_fld id, s32 val) { return buf_fld_set(&dsi_flds[id], dsi->word, val); } const char *const pp_si_chck_flag_to_str(u32 flag) { if (unlikely(flag >= SI_CHCK_FLAGS_NUM)) { pr_err("invalid si checker flag %d\n", flag); return si_chck_flags_str[SI_CHCK_FLAGS_NUM]; } return si_chck_flags_str[flag]; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* Fields convert and valid APIs */ /* ========================================================================== */ /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI dpu start * offset or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_DPU_START_IS_VALID(s64 val) { switch (val) { case 0x20: case 0x30: case 0x40: return true; default: break; } return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI dpu start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_DPU_START_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4) - 1; } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI dpu start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_DPU_START_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return ((val + 1) << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI sce start * offset or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_SCE_START_IS_VALID(s64 val) { switch (val) { case 0x20: case 0x30: case 0x40: case 0x50: case 0x60: case 0x70: case 0x80: return true; default: break; } return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI sce start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_SCE_START_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4) - 1; } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI sce start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_SCE_START_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return ((val + 1) << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI field vector * or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_FV_SZ_IS_VALID(s64 val) { if (val >= SI_MIN_FV_SZ && val <= sizeof(struct pp_fv)) return true; return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI field vector size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_FV_SZ_TO_SI(s64 val) { /* field vactor */ return (val >> 4) - 1; } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI field vector size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_FV_SZ_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return ((val + 1) << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI bce start * offset or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_BCE_START_IS_VALID(s64 val) { switch (val) { case 0x20: case 0x30: case 0x40: case 0x50: case 0x60: case 0x70: case 0x80: case 0x90: case 0xa0: return true; default: break; } return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI bce start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_BCE_START_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4); } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI bce start granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_BCE_START_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return (val << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI bce region * size or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_BCE_SZ_IS_VALID(s64 val) { if (val <= PP_SI_BCE_REGION_SZ) return true; return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI bce region size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_BCE_SZ_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4); } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI bce region size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_BCE_SZ_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return (val << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI UD region * size or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ_IS_VALID(s64 val) { if (val <= PP_UD_REGION_SZ) return true; return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI UD region size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4); } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI UD region size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return (val << 4); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI color or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_COLOR_IS_VALID(s64 val) { return __pp_is_color_valid((u8)val); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI template UD * size or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ static bool __SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ_IS_VALID(s64 val) { if (val <= PP_SI_TMPL_UD_SZ) return true; return false; } /** * @brief Convert value to SI template UD size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ_TO_SI(s64 val) { return (val >> 4); } /** * @brief Convert back value from SI template UD size granularity * @param val value to convert * @return s64 converted value */ static s64 __SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ_FROM_SI(s64 val) { return (val == 3 ? 0 : val << 4); } /** * @brief Convert SI packet length diff from 2's complement 9 bit * number to 2's complement 32 bit number */ static s64 __SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF_FROM_SI(s64 val) { /* extend val from 9bit sign to 64 bits sign */ return sign_extend64(val, 8); } /** * @brief Convert SI packet length diff from 2's complement 32 bit * number to 2's complement 9 bit number */ static s64 __SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF_TO_SI(s64 val) { struct buf_fld_info *fld = &si_flds[SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF]; ulong mask = GENMASK(fld->msb - fld->lsb + 1, 0); /* conversion means just mask the MSB bits */ return PP_FIELD_GET(mask, val); } /** * @brief Test whether the specified value is a valid SI packet len * diff value or not * @param mask * @param val value to test * @return bool true in case 'val' is valid, false otherwise */ bool __SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF_IS_VALID(s64 val) { if (((s32)S8_MIN <= (s32)val) && ((s32)val <= (s32)U8_MAX)) return true; return false; } /** * @brief Get dpu start bit * @param word hw si * @return u32 dpu start bit */ static inline u32 __si_fld_dpu_start_bit_get(const u32 *word) { const struct pp_hw_si *si; si = (const struct pp_hw_si *)container_of(&word[0], struct pp_hw_si, word[0]); return __si_fld_get(si, SI_FLD_DPU_START) * BITS_PER_BYTE; } /** * @brief Get sce start bit * @param word hw si * @return u32 sce start bit */ static inline u32 __si_fld_sce_start_bit_get(const u32 *word) { const struct pp_hw_si *si; si = (const struct pp_hw_si *)container_of(&word[0], struct pp_hw_si, word[0]); return __si_fld_get(si, SI_FLD_SCE_START) * BITS_PER_BYTE; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* Getters */ /* ========================================================================== */ s32 pp_si_fld_get(const struct pp_hw_si *si, enum pp_si_fld id, s32 *val) { if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(si) && !ptr_is_null(val)))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!pp_si_field_id_is_valid(id))) return -EINVAL; *val = __si_fld_get(si, id); return 0; } s32 pp_dsi_fld_get(const struct pp_hw_dsi *dsi, enum pp_dsi_fld id, s64 *val) { if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(dsi) && !ptr_is_null(val)))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!pp_dsi_field_id_is_valid(id))) return -EINVAL; *val = __dsi_fld_get(dsi, id); return 0; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* Setters */ /* ========================================================================== */ s32 pp_si_fld_set(struct pp_hw_si *si, enum pp_si_fld id, s32 val) { if (unlikely(ptr_is_null(si))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!pp_si_field_id_is_valid(id))) return -EINVAL; return __si_fld_set(si, id, val); } s32 pp_dsi_fld_set(struct pp_hw_dsi *dsi, enum pp_dsi_fld id, s32 val) { if (unlikely(ptr_is_null(dsi))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!pp_dsi_field_id_is_valid(id))) return -EINVAL; return __dsi_fld_set(dsi, id, val); } /* ========================================================================== */ /* Encoding */ /* ========================================================================== */ /** * @brief Encode SGC indexes into hw SI buffer */ static s32 __pp_si_sgc_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; u32 i; /* encode sgc IDs */ for_each_set_bit (i, &si->sgc_en_map, PP_SI_SGC_MAX) ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SGC1 + i, si->sgc[i]); /* encode sgc bitmap */ ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SGC_BITMAP, si->sgc_en_map); return ret; } /** * @brief Encode TBM indexes into hw SI buffer */ static s32 __pp_si_tbm_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; u32 i; /* encode tbm IDs */ for_each_set_bit (i, &si->tbm_en_map, PP_SI_TBM_MAX) ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_TBM1 + i, si->tbm[i]); /* encode tbm bitmap */ ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_TBM_BITMAP, si->tbm_en_map); return ret; } /** * @brief Encode SI UD into hw SI buffer */ static s32 __pp_si_ud_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { u8 *dst = (u8 *)hw_si + PP_SI_UD_OFFSET; s32 ret = 0; if (!si->si_ud_sz && !si->si_ps_sz) return ret; /* SI UD Size (if UD present it is already includes the PS) */ si->si_ud_sz = roundup(si->si_ud_sz, 16); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ, si->si_ud_sz); memcpy(dst, si->ud, max_t(u8, si->si_ps_sz, si->si_ud_sz)); pr_debug("ps_sz %u. ud_sz %u\n", si->si_ps_sz, si->si_ud_sz); return ret; } /** * @brief Encode SI dpu region into hw SI buffer */ static s32 __pp_si_dpu_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; if (!SI_IS_DPU_EXIST(si)) return ret; si->dpu_start = PP_SI_UD_OFFSET + roundup(max_t(u8, si->si_ud_sz, si->si_ps_sz), 16); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_START, si->dpu_start); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NAT_SZ, si->dpu.nat_sz); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_PPPOE_OFF, si->dpu.pppoe_off); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_SZ, si->dpu.nhdr_sz); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_L3_OFF, si->dpu.nhdr_l3_off); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_LYR_FLD_OFF, si->dpu.lyr_fld_off); return ret; } static s32 __pp_si_sce_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { struct pp_si_sce *sce = &si->sce; s32 ret = 0; if (!SI_IS_SCE_EXIST(si)) return ret; if (SI_IS_DPU_EXIST(si)) /* if dpu exist, set the sce to include the dpu so * the modifier will have access to the dpu fields as well */ si->sce_start = si->dpu_start; else si->sce_start = PP_SI_UD_OFFSET + roundup(max_t(u8, si->si_ud_sz, si->si_ps_sz), 16); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_START, si->sce_start); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM_ZERO, sce->l4_csum_zero); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM, sce->l4_csum_delta); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L3_CSUM, sce->l3_csum_delta); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_IP_LEN_DIFF, sce->tot_len_diff); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_DSCP, sce->dscp); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_NHDR_CSUM, sce->nhdr_csum); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_SRC_PORT, sce->new_src_port); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_DST_PORT, sce->new_dst_port); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_TTL_DIFF, sce->ttl_diff); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_PPPOE_DIFF, sce->pppoe_diff); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L2_ORG_VAL, sce->l2_org_val); return ret; } /** * @brief Encode SI bce region into hw SI buffer */ static s32 __pp_si_bce_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; u8 nat_sz; u8 *dst; if (!SI_IS_BCE_EXIST(si)) return ret; /* bce always start after the dpu */ si->bce_start = si->dpu_start + PP_SI_DPU_REGION_SZ; /* if sce exist, the bce should follow */ if (SI_IS_SCE_EXIST(si)) si->bce_start += PP_SI_SCE_REGION_SZ; dst = (u8 *)hw_si + si->bce_start; nat_sz = roundup(si->dpu.nat_sz, 16); si->bce_sz = roundup(nat_sz + si->dpu.nhdr_sz, 16); /* copy NAT */ if (si->dpu.nat_sz) memcpy(dst, &si->bce.nat, si->dpu.nat_sz); /* copy new header after the nat */ if (si->dpu.nhdr_sz) memcpy(dst + nat_sz, si->bce.nhdr, si->dpu.nhdr_sz); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_START, si->bce_start); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_SZ, si->bce_sz); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_EXT, si->bce_ext); return ret; } /** * @brief Encode PP field vector into hw SI buffer * Classifier HW expect fv to be written at the end of the si * and reversed, meaning, the fv byte 0 (LSB) is written to the * last byte of the si, byte 1 is written to the last byte - 1 * of the si and so on */ static s32 __pp_si_fv_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { si->fv_sz = roundup(si->fv_sz, 16); /* make sure fv doesn't overlap bce */ if ((sizeof(*hw_si) - si->fv_sz) < (si->bce_start + si->bce_sz)) { pr_err("FV overlap bce region, fv sz %u, bce start %u, bce sz %u", si->fv_sz, si->bce_start, si->bce_sz); return -EINVAL; } __buf_swap((char *)hw_si + sizeof(*hw_si) - si->fv_sz, si->fv_sz, &si->fv, si->fv_sz); return __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_FV_SZ, si->fv_sz); } s32 pp_si_encode_top(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { u8 df_mask; s32 ret = 0; df_mask = SI_DF_MASK_BUILD(si->ext_df_mask, si->int_df_mask); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_RECIPE_ID, si->recipe_idx); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SESS_ID, si->sess_id); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PS_OFF, si->ps_off); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PLCY_BASE, si->base_policy); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_COLOR, si->color); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_TDOX_FLOW, si->tdox_flow); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DST_QUEUE, si->dst_q); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_EGRS_PORT, si->eg_port); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_TRIM_L3_OFF_ID, si->trim_l3_id); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_CHKR_FLAGS, si->chck_flags); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PL2P, si->pl2p); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_EXT_REASSEMBLY, si->ext_reassembly); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_INT_REASSEMBLY, si->int_reassembly); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PS_COPY, si->ps_copy); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_SEG_EN, si->seg_en); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_BSL_PRIO, si->fsqm_prio); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PLICIES_BITMAP, si->policies_map); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_DF_MASK, df_mask); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF, si->pkt_len_diff); ret |= __si_fld_set(hw_si, SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ, si->tmpl_ud_sz); ret |= __pp_si_sgc_encode(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_tbm_encode(hw_si, si); return ret; } s32 pp_si_encode(struct pp_hw_si *hw_si, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(si) && !ptr_is_null(hw_si)))) return -EINVAL; ret |= pp_si_encode_top(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_ud_encode(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_dpu_encode(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_sce_encode(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_bce_encode(hw_si, si); ret |= __pp_si_fv_encode(hw_si, si); if (unlikely(ret)) pr_err("Failed to encode si\n"); return ret; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* Decoding */ /* ========================================================================== */ /** * @brief Decode SI SGC indexes from hw SI buffer */ static void __pp_si_sgc_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { u32 i; /* decode sgc bitmap */ si->sgc_en_map = (ulong)__si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SGC_BITMAP); /* decode sgc IDs */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(si->sgc); i++) { if (test_bit(i, &si->sgc_en_map)) si->sgc[i] = (u16)__si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SGC1 + i); else si->sgc[i] = PP_SGC_INVALID; } } /** * @brief Decode SI TBM indexes from hw SI buffer */ static void __pp_si_tbm_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { u32 i; /* decode tbm bitmap */ si->tbm_en_map = (ulong)__si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_TBM_BITMAP); /* decode tbm IDs */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(si->tbm); i++) { if (test_bit(i, &si->tbm_en_map)) si->tbm[i] = (u16)__si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_TBM1 + i); else si->tbm[i] = PP_TBM_INVALID; } } /** * @brief Decode SI UD region from hw SI buffer */ void __pp_si_ud_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { const u8 *src = (const u8 *)hw_si + PP_SI_UD_OFFSET; if (!si->si_ud_sz && (si->ps_off == PP_INVALID_PS_OFF)) return; if (si->ps_off != PP_INVALID_PS_OFF) si->si_ps_sz = PP_PS_REGION_SZ - si->ps_off; memcpy(si->ud, src, max_t(u8, si->si_ps_sz, si->si_ud_sz)); } /** * @brief Decode SI dpu region from hw SI buffer */ void __pp_si_dpu_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { u8 dpu_start = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_START); if (dpu_start == SI_INVALID_DPU_START) return; si->dpu_start = dpu_start; si->dpu.nat_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NAT_SZ); si->dpu.pppoe_off = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_PPPOE_OFF); si->dpu.nhdr_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_SZ); si->dpu.nhdr_l3_off = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_L3_OFF); si->dpu.lyr_fld_off = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DPU_LYR_FLD_OFF); } /** * @brief Decode SI sce region from hw SI buffer */ void __pp_si_sce_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { u8 sce_start = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_START); si->sce.valid = (sce_start != SI_INVALID_SCE_START); if (!SI_IS_SCE_EXIST(si)) return; si->sce_start = sce_start; si->sce.l4_csum_zero = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM_ZERO); si->sce.l4_csum_delta = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM); si->sce.l3_csum_delta = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L3_CSUM); si->sce.tot_len_diff = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_IP_LEN_DIFF); si->sce.dscp = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_DSCP); si->sce.nhdr_csum = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_NHDR_CSUM); si->sce.new_src_port = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_SRC_PORT); si->sce.new_dst_port = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_DST_PORT); si->sce.ttl_diff = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_TTL_DIFF); si->sce.pppoe_diff = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_PPPOE_DIFF); si->sce.l2_org_val = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SCE_L2_ORG_VAL); } /** * @brief Decode SI bce region from hw SI buffer */ void __pp_si_bce_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { const char *src; u8 nat_sz; si->bce_start = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_START); si->bce_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_SZ); si->bce_ext = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_BCE_EXT); src = (const char *)hw_si + si->bce_start; nat_sz = roundup(si->dpu.nat_sz, 16); /* copy NAT */ if (si->dpu.nat_sz) memcpy(&si->bce.nat, src, si->dpu.nat_sz); /* copy new header */ if (si->dpu.nhdr_sz) memcpy(si->bce.nhdr, src + nat_sz, si->dpu.nhdr_sz); } /** * @brief Decode field vector from hw SI buffer */ void __pp_si_fv_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { si->fv_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_FV_SZ); __buf_swap(&si->fv, sizeof(si->fv), (const char *)hw_si + sizeof(*hw_si) - si->fv_sz, si->fv_sz); } s32 pp_si_decode_top(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { u8 df_mask; si->recipe_idx = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_RECIPE_ID); si->sess_id = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SESS_ID); si->si_ud_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ); si->ps_off = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PS_OFF); si->base_policy = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PLCY_BASE); si->color = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_COLOR); si->tdox_flow = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_TDOX_FLOW); si->dst_q = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DST_QUEUE); si->eg_port = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_EGRS_PORT); si->trim_l3_id = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_TRIM_L3_OFF_ID); si->chck_flags = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_CHKR_FLAGS); si->pl2p = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PL2P); si->tmpl_ud_sz = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ); si->ext_reassembly = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_EXT_REASSEMBLY); si->int_reassembly = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_INT_REASSEMBLY); si->ps_copy = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PS_COPY); si->seg_en = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_SEG_EN); si->fsqm_prio = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_BSL_PRIO); si->policies_map = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PLICIES_BITMAP); df_mask = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_DF_MASK); si->pkt_len_diff = __si_fld_get(hw_si, SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF); __pp_si_sgc_decode(si, hw_si); __pp_si_tbm_decode(si, hw_si); si->ext_df_mask = SI_DF_MASK_GET_EXT(df_mask); si->int_df_mask = SI_DF_MASK_GET_INT(df_mask); return 0; } s32 pp_si_decode(struct pp_si *si, const struct pp_hw_si *hw_si) { if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(si) && !ptr_is_null(hw_si)))) return -EINVAL; pp_si_decode_top(si, hw_si); __pp_si_ud_decode(si, hw_si); __pp_si_dpu_decode(si, hw_si); __pp_si_sce_decode(si, hw_si); __pp_si_bce_decode(si, hw_si); __pp_si_fv_decode(si, hw_si); return 0; } s32 pp_dsi_decode(struct pp_dsi *dsi, const struct pp_hw_dsi *hw_dsi) { if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(dsi) && !ptr_is_null(hw_dsi)))) return -EINVAL; dsi->bytes_cnt = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_BYTES_CNT); dsi->pkts_cnt = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_PKTS_CNT); dsi->dst_q = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_DST_Q); dsi->divert = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_DVRT); dsi->stale = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_STALE); dsi->active = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_ACTIVE); dsi->valid = __dsi_fld_get(hw_dsi, DSI_FLD_VALID); return 0; } s32 pp_si_port_info_set(u16 in_port, u16 eg_port, struct pp_si *si) { s32 ret = 0; u8 tx_map = 0; u8 rx_map = 0; u8 mask = 0; if (unlikely(ptr_is_null(si))) return -EINVAL; si->eg_port = eg_port; ret = pp_port_tx_policy_info_get(eg_port, &si->base_policy, &tx_map); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get port %u tx policy info\n", eg_port); return ret; } ret = pp_port_seg_en_get(eg_port, &si->seg_en); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get port %u seg enable\n", eg_port); return ret; } ret = pp_port_prel2_en_get(eg_port, &si->pl2p); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get port %u prel2 enable\n", eg_port); return ret; } /* For exception session there is no ingress port */ if (likely(PP_IS_PORT_VALID(in_port))) { ret = pp_port_rx_policy_info_get(in_port, &rx_map); if (unlikely(ret)) { pr_err("failed to get port %u rx policy info\n", in_port); return ret; } } pr_debug("port_rx_map %#x, port_tx_map %#x, port_tx_base_policy %u\n", rx_map, tx_map, si->base_policy); /* build the session policies bitmap, the bitmap it built from rx & tx * common policies and from all policies of the tx that are higher * than the lowest common policy, this is only true in case rx policies * exist or rx and tx has common policies, if they don't we just use * the tx policies, from rx_dma perspective, it means that all packets * received on the port will be copied to a buffer from one of * the tx policies * for example: tx policies = 0b1110, rx policies: 0b0100 * ==> session policies: 0b1100 */ if (!rx_map || !(rx_map & tx_map)) { si->policies_map = tx_map; goto done; } si->policies_map = rx_map & tx_map; mask = ~((u8)GENMASK(__ffs(si->policies_map) - 1, 0)); si->policies_map |= tx_map & mask; si->base_policy += __ffs(si->policies_map) - __ffs(tx_map); done: pr_debug("si->base_policy %u, si->policies_map %#x\n", si->base_policy, si->policies_map); return ret; } s32 pp_si_sgc_info_set(u16 *sgc, u16 n_sgc, struct pp_si *si) { u32 grp; if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(si) && !ptr_is_null(sgc)))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!(n_sgc <= PP_SI_SGC_MAX))) { pr_info("Too much sgc entries %u, max allowed %u\n", n_sgc, PP_SI_SGC_MAX); return -EINVAL; } si->sgc_en_map = 0; for (grp = 0; grp < n_sgc; grp++) { /* ignore invalid entries */ if (sgc[grp] == PP_SGC_INVALID) continue; if (unlikely(chk_sgc_session_attach(grp, sgc[grp]))) { pr_err("Failed to attach sgc [%u][%04u]\n", grp, sgc[grp]); goto sgc_err; } si->sgc[grp] = sgc[grp]; set_bit(grp, &si->sgc_en_map); } return 0; sgc_err: while (grp--) { if (sgc[grp] == PP_SGC_INVALID) continue; chk_sgc_session_detach(grp, sgc[grp]); } return -EINVAL; } s32 pp_si_tbm_info_set(u16 *tbm, u16 n_tbm, struct pp_si *si) { u32 i; if (unlikely(!(!ptr_is_null(si) && !ptr_is_null(tbm)))) return -EINVAL; if (unlikely(!(n_tbm <= PP_SI_TBM_MAX))) { pr_info("Too much tbm entries %u, max allowed %u\n", n_tbm, PP_SI_TBM_MAX); return -EINVAL; } si->tbm_en_map = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_tbm; i++) { if (tbm[i] == PP_TBM_INVALID) continue; if (unlikely(chk_dual_tbm_session_attach(tbm[i]))) { pr_err("Failed to attach dual tbm %u\n", tbm[i]); goto tbm_err; } si->tbm[i] = tbm[i]; set_bit(i, &si->tbm_en_map); } return 0; tbm_err: /* clean up all the tbms that we attached */ while (i--) { if (tbm[i] == PP_TBM_INVALID) continue; chk_dual_tbm_session_detach(tbm[i]); } return -EINVAL; } void pp_si_init(void) { u32 idx; u32 newlen; char prefix[] = "SI_FLD_"; u32 prefix_len = strlen(prefix); /* Init all SI simple static fields that doesn't require any * validity check or any special conversions */ BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_RECIPE_ID); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SESS_ID); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_PLCY_BASE); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_DF_MASK); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_PS_OFF); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_BCE_EXT); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_EGRS_PORT); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_DST_QUEUE); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TDOX_FLOW); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_EXT_REASSEMBLY); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_INT_REASSEMBLY); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_PS_COPY); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_PL2P); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_CHKR_FLAGS); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TRIM_L3_OFF_ID); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC_BITMAP); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC1); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC2); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC3); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC4); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC5); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC6); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC7); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SGC8); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM_BITMAP); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM1); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM2); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM3); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM4); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_TBM5); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_PLICIES_BITMAP); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_BSL_PRIO); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(si_flds, SI_FLD_SEG_EN); /* Init all SI static fields that requires only special * validity check */ BUF_FLD_INIT_VALID(si_flds, SI_FLD_COLOR, __SI_FLD_COLOR_IS_VALID); /* Init all SI static fields that requires special validity * check and granularity conversion */ SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SI_UD_SZ); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_START); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_START); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_FV_SZ); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_BCE_SZ); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_BCE_START); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_TMPL_UD_SZ); SI_FLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_PKT_LEN_DIFF); /* Init all dpu fields */ SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_PPPOE_OFF); SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_NAT_SZ); SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_SZ); SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_NHDR_L3_OFF); SI_DPU_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_DPU_LYR_FLD_OFF); /* Init all simple sce fields */ SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_IP_LEN_DIFF); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_DSCP); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_TTL_DIFF); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_PPPOE_DIFF); /* Init all sce fields which also need le16 conversion */ SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_SRC_PORT); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_DST_PORT); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM_ZERO); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_L4_CSUM); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_L3_CSUM); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_NHDR_CSUM); SI_SCE_DFLD_INIT_LE16(si_flds, SI_FLD_SCE_L2_ORG_VAL); /* Init dynamic SI fields */ if (pp_silicon_step_get() == PP_SSTEP_A) { BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_BYTES_CNT, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_PKTS_CNT, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_DST_Q, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_DVRT, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_STALE, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_ACTIVE, DDR_); BUF_FLD_INIT_PREFIX(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_VALID, DDR_); } else { BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_BYTES_CNT); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_PKTS_CNT); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_DST_Q); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_DVRT); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_STALE); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_ACTIVE); BUF_FLD_INIT_SIMPLE(dsi_flds, DSI_FLD_VALID); } /* Save fields names as lower case and without the SI_FLD_ prefix */ for (idx = SI_FLD_FIRST; idx < SI_FLDS_NUM; idx++) { if (strlen(si_flds[idx].name) > prefix_len && strstr(si_flds[idx].name, prefix)) { newlen = strlen(si_flds[idx].name) - prefix_len; memmove(si_flds[idx].name, &si_flds[idx].name[prefix_len], newlen); si_flds[idx].name[newlen] = '\0'; str_tolower(si_flds[idx].name); } } }