/* * Intel WAN XPCS PHY driver * * Copyright (C) 2018 Intel, Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* chiptop aon/pon config; this is platform specific */ #define CHIP_TOP_IFMUX_CFG 0x120 #define WAN_MUX_AON 0x1 #define WAN_MUX_MASK 0x1 #define TX_MAIN_CUR 0x4008 #define TX_MAIN_CUR_MASK 0x3F #define TX_MAIN_CUR_OFF 9 #define MAIN_CURSOR_OVRD 15 #define TX_PRE_CUR 0x400C #define TX_PRE_CUR_MASK 0x1F #define TX_PRE_CUR_OFF 0 #define POST_OVRD_EN 6 #define TX_POST_CUR 0x400C #define TX_POST_CUR_MASK 0x3F #define TX_POST_CUR_OFF 7 #define PRE_OVRD_EN 13 #define PHY_RXADAPT_POLL_CNT 5000 #define RAWLANEN_RX_OV_IN_3 0x3008 #define RX_ADAPT_REG (RAWLANEN_RX_OV_IN_3 << 2) #define RX_ADAPT_DONE 0xC178 enum { PHY_RST, WANSS_RST, MAX_RST }; static const char *rst_name[MAX_RST] = { "phy", "wanss" }; struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy { struct phy *phy; struct platform_device *pdev; struct device *dev; struct clk *clk; u32 clk_freq; struct regmap *syscfg; struct reset_control *resets[MAX_RST]; void __iomem *base; struct dentry *debugfs; }; static u32 intel_wan_xpcs_r32(void __iomem *base, u32 reg) { return readl(base + reg); } static void intel_wan_xpcs_w32(void __iomem *base, u32 val, u32 reg) { writel(val, base + reg); } static void intel_wan_xpcs_w32_off_mask(void __iomem *base, u32 off, u32 mask, u32 set, u32 reg) { u32 val; val = intel_wan_xpcs_r32(base, reg) & (~(mask << off)); val |= (set & mask) << off; intel_wan_xpcs_w32(base, val, reg); } static void intel_wan_xpcs_reg_bit_set(void __iomem *base, u32 off, u32 reg) { intel_wan_xpcs_w32_off_mask(base, off, 1, 1, reg); } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) static ssize_t intel_wan_xpcs_phy_serdes_write(struct file *s, const char __user *buffer, size_t count, loff_t *pos) { struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = file_inode(s)->i_private; u32 main_cur = 0, pre_cur = 0, post_cur = 0; char buf[32] = { 0 }; size_t buf_size; if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) return -EPERM; if (count > sizeof(buf) - 1) return -EINVAL; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf_size = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (copy_from_user(buf, buffer, buf_size)) return -EFAULT; if (strcmp(buf, "help") == 0) goto __write_help; if (sscanf(buf, "%u %u %u", &main_cur, &pre_cur, &post_cur) != 3) goto __write_help; /* Cursor */ intel_wan_xpcs_w32_off_mask(priv->base, TX_MAIN_CUR_OFF, TX_MAIN_CUR_MASK, main_cur, TX_MAIN_CUR); intel_wan_xpcs_w32_off_mask(priv->base, TX_PRE_CUR_OFF, TX_PRE_CUR_MASK, pre_cur, TX_PRE_CUR); intel_wan_xpcs_w32_off_mask(priv->base, TX_POST_CUR_OFF, TX_POST_CUR_MASK, post_cur, TX_POST_CUR); /* Override */ intel_wan_xpcs_reg_bit_set(priv->base, MAIN_CURSOR_OVRD, TX_MAIN_CUR); intel_wan_xpcs_reg_bit_set(priv->base, POST_OVRD_EN, TX_PRE_CUR); intel_wan_xpcs_reg_bit_set(priv->base, PRE_OVRD_EN, TX_POST_CUR); return count; __write_help: dev_info(priv->dev, "echo > /sys/kernel/debug/phy/wan_xpcs_serdes\n"); return count; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_seq_read(struct seq_file *s, void *v) { struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = s->private; if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) return -EPERM; dev_info(priv->dev, "TX_MAIN_CUR\t%u\n", ((intel_wan_xpcs_r32(priv->base, TX_MAIN_CUR) & (TX_MAIN_CUR_MASK << TX_MAIN_CUR_OFF)) >> TX_MAIN_CUR_OFF)); dev_info(priv->dev, "TX_PRE_CUR\t%u\n", ((intel_wan_xpcs_r32(priv->base, TX_PRE_CUR) & (TX_PRE_CUR_MASK << TX_PRE_CUR_OFF)) >> TX_PRE_CUR_OFF)); dev_info(priv->dev, "TX_POST_CUR\t%u\n", ((intel_wan_xpcs_r32(priv->base, TX_POST_CUR) & (TX_POST_CUR_MASK << TX_POST_CUR_OFF)) >> TX_POST_CUR_OFF)); return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, intel_wan_xpcs_phy_seq_read, inode->i_private); } static const struct file_operations intel_wan_xpcs_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_seq_open, .read = seq_read, .write = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_serdes_write, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_init(struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv) { char wan_xpcs_dir[64] = { 0 }; strlcpy(wan_xpcs_dir, priv->dev->of_node->name, sizeof(wan_xpcs_dir)); priv->debugfs = debugfs_create_dir(wan_xpcs_dir, NULL); if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(priv->debugfs)) return -ENOMEM; if (!debugfs_create_file("wan_xpcs_serdes", 0600, priv->debugfs, priv, &intel_wan_xpcs_fops)) goto __debugfs_err; return 0; __debugfs_err: debugfs_remove_recursive(priv->debugfs); return -ENOMEM; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_exit(struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv) { debugfs_remove_recursive(priv->debugfs); priv->debugfs = NULL; return 0; } #else static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_init(struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv) { return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_exit(struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv) { return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */ static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_init(struct phy *phy) { struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = phy_get_drvdata(phy); dev_dbg(priv->dev, "Initializing intel wan xpcs phy\n"); /* set WAN_MUX to AON mode */ regmap_update_bits(priv->syscfg, CHIP_TOP_IFMUX_CFG, WAN_MUX_MASK, WAN_MUX_AON); return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_power_on(struct phy *phy) { int ret; struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct device *dev = priv->dev; dev_dbg(priv->dev, "Power on intel wan xpcs phy\n"); ret = clk_prepare_enable(priv->clk); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to enable PHY gate clock\n"); return ret; } if (priv->clk_freq) clk_set_rate(priv->clk, priv->clk_freq); ret = reset_control_deassert(priv->resets[PHY_RST]); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to deassert phy reset\n"); return ret; } ret = reset_control_deassert(priv->resets[WANSS_RST]); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to deassert wanss reset\n"); return ret; } udelay(2); return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_power_off(struct phy *phy) { int ret; struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct device *dev = priv->dev; dev_dbg(priv->dev, "Power off intel xpcs phy\n"); ret = reset_control_assert(priv->resets[PHY_RST]); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to assert phy reset\n"); return ret; } ret = reset_control_assert(priv->resets[WANSS_RST]); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to assert WANSS reset\n"); return ret; } clk_disable_unprepare(priv->clk); return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_calibrate(struct phy *phy) { struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv = phy_get_drvdata(phy); int err, max_retry_cnt = 2; u32 val; /* if auto adapt fail, run auto adapt one more time */ while (max_retry_cnt--) { /* ADAPT_REQ Bit 11 and ADAPT_REQ_OVRD_EN Bit 12 */ val = intel_wan_xpcs_r32(priv->base, RX_ADAPT_REG); intel_wan_xpcs_w32(priv->base, val & ~(BIT(11) | BIT(12)), RX_ADAPT_REG); /* ADAPT_REQ and ADAPT_REQ_OVRD_EN set to '11' */ intel_wan_xpcs_w32(priv->base, val | (BIT(11) | BIT(12)), RX_ADAPT_REG); /* Check for RX Adaptation is done * RAWLANEN_DIG_AON_RX_ADAPT_DONE.RX_ADAPT_DONE[0] */ err = readl_poll_timeout(priv->base + RX_ADAPT_DONE, val, (!!(val & BIT(0))), 5, 5 * PHY_RXADAPT_POLL_CNT); if (!err) break; } /* Stop RX Adaptation */ intel_wan_xpcs_w32(priv->base, 0x0, RX_ADAPT_REG); if (err) { dev_warn(priv->dev, "RX Adaptation not done\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_dt_parse(struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv) { struct device *dev = priv->dev; struct device_node *np = dev->of_node; struct resource *res; int i; priv->clk = devm_clk_get(dev, NULL); if (IS_ERR(priv->clk)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to retrieve clk\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->clk); } if (device_property_read_u32(dev, "clock-frequency", &priv->clk_freq)) priv->clk_freq = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RST; i++) { priv->resets[i] = devm_reset_control_get(dev, rst_name[i]); if (IS_ERR(priv->resets[i])) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to retrieve rst controller\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->resets[i]); } } /* get chiptop regmap */ priv->syscfg = syscon_regmap_lookup_by_phandle(np, "intel,syscon"); if (IS_ERR(priv->syscfg)) { dev_err(dev, "No phandle specified for xpcs-phy syscon\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->syscfg); } res = platform_get_resource(priv->pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (!res) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to get wan_serdes iomem resource!\n"); return PTR_ERR(res); } priv->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, res); if (IS_ERR(priv->base)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to ioremap resource: %p\n", res); return PTR_ERR(priv->base); } return 0; } static const struct phy_ops ops = { .init = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_init, .power_on = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_power_on, .power_off = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_power_off, .calibrate = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_calibrate, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; struct intel_wan_xpcs_phy *priv; struct phy_provider *phy_provider; int ret; priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL); if (!priv) return -ENOMEM; priv->dev = dev; priv->pdev = pdev; platform_set_drvdata(pdev, priv); ret = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_dt_parse(priv); if (ret) return ret; priv->phy = devm_phy_create(dev, dev->of_node, &ops); if (IS_ERR(priv->phy)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to create PHY\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->phy); } phy_set_drvdata(priv->phy, priv); phy_provider = devm_of_phy_provider_register(dev, of_phy_simple_xlate); if (IS_ERR(phy_provider)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to register phy provider!\n"); return PTR_ERR(phy_provider); } if (intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_init(priv)) return -EINVAL; return 0; } static int intel_wan_xpcs_phy_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { return intel_wan_xpcs_phy_debugfs_exit(platform_get_drvdata(pdev)); } static const struct of_device_id of_intel_wan_xpcs_phy_match[] = { { .compatible = "intel,wanxpcsphy-prx300" }, {} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, of_intel_wan_xpcs_phy_match); static struct platform_driver intel_wan_xpcs_phy_driver = { .probe = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_probe, .remove = intel_wan_xpcs_phy_remove, .driver = { .name = "intel-wan-xpcs-phy", .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(of_intel_wan_xpcs_phy_match), } }; builtin_platform_driver(intel_wan_xpcs_phy_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Peter Harliman Liem "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Intel WAN XPCS PHY driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2");